EIGHT PAGES THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE FlVfi H , 9 V --r. f li SJ R ii v i i i n 1 -r-n-n in ''.9 IS VOW CASE WELL if 7 Jvrr'11'1' c SUPPOSE YOU OR ONE POISON, WHAT WOULD DOCTOR? If YOU HAVE IS EASY THE REMEDY 8HOULD BE WITHOUT A You never know what will emergencies. Delays are medical nceeteiltcs you need Cotton, Bandages, peroxide, ca. They can all be had at OF YOUR FAMILY 8WALLOWED YOU DO WHILE WAITING FOR A A MEDICINE CASE THE ANSWER WOULD BE AT HAND. NO HOUSE WELL 8UPPLIED MEDICINE CASE. happen next. Be prepared for all dangerous. Thee are a few of the today tomorrow may be too late. Carbolic Acid, Orderlies, Wne Ipe- HW'IIM Kill 'y IjlXMllvtl 'i u 1,1. 'I, WILLIAMS DRUG CO. j mi'ii ii'n nrnonim Z Al Whitney transuded buHmess in t. VonM the latt.r pnrt of 1;i8l week Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inden pendence National Bank. Both Phones ""Ik Hen" ulartu docks at Rowes , Ji'Wflry , Store, ph0ne 78H Cleve Robinson linn a portion In w 1 l)(ub,.r hoi) lit imiliis. ' I Mrs Frei1 I'Iht was in Salem 4 j Saturday. Will II. Hl(Kh was In Portland 0n business Friday. ' Mrs. Clyde Wllllaing end daughter, , Thehim, were In Suleui Monday. Interest pi,ld on tlmo deposits at tin ,.,, ,,., , vallis this week. - J.IUllbbs is liavV-ig his houBe new- Ririni'rs State I'a'ik. Walter llow,.n of Sllv'rton, visited In the t:lty Sunday. Dure I)ove narrowly averted a seri ous rnnawny laBt Friilay while driv ing to the city with a load of wood. Claude Skinner lias Improved the Interior of hlt launch, Independence, with ti coat of paint. Will South hug been visiting relatives mini, friends In the ity for a f.w days. I. W. Gill la publisher of a live and newsy appearing pis.ier which has Just beim launched at Toledo. ly painted and otherwlne improved in appeiicanoe. W. II. Park Is having a wood shed built at the rear of his store building and nuttMng other Improvements. Several from here are attending the Iiose Carnival at Portland thiw week. Verd 1II1I Is looking after Cunpaipii matters In the north part of the county. Dr.T. R. Mrlntire of Salem, arrived In the city this week a-nd has opened hi office Iri the Campbell building Harold Herren and "Hr0wne" visit- over Craven & Moore's store where ed Sllverton, Salem, Woodbuni rfid ; he will establish a medical practice other points In Marlon county Sunday i by way of motorcycle. j WANTED AH your old gold, will ;glve full value in trade, bring in We ara Informed that C. A. Mc- your old rings, pins, nuggets etc.soiid Laughltn expects to erect a modern Kold only Rowe's Jewelry Shop, dwelling on his lots In this city dur- Phone 7811. Ing the suminar. Dr. Heisley will be at the J. N. Mi C. Williams and O. W. Henkle Jones residence on Kaiiroad street, spent a few days last week flshimg on In the at ni., Manday, Wednesday and the Al8ea. They report rather poor j Friday of each week. Phone 7912. success. Treatment canbe had wt the home 'of the patient If preferred. Dr. Hels- A, Tupper went to Lebanon thfl ley Is a graduate of the A. T. Still Dr. Allln, Dentist, Cooper Bldg. Jlowcs Jewelry Rhop phony 7811 Mr. aii'l Mrs, Htierman Iluys arc : vHIHng in Portland. Mi'Hi Wrn, pcrclval vlPcd In port hind lat Friday. t C. (i. Long inn do a trip to Staytou -Tuysday. Mrs. J. . W. Hall was In fjalein Tli THdny. . OAK WOOD FOR SALE. 8. Muhle man, Phone 665. . Verd Hill and hla n0phrw, We'idi-H Uoiillnger.'tttoiiiled t' Hose Curnivul at Portland, this week. , Don't forget that Tuesday, June 18, Is opening di at the people's Variety Store. When-l,n need of anything jn the liardwHr line, visit the Keen Kutter Store. 1 Dr. L. W. Horn, Veterinary 8ur geon, Crowley Bros. Livery Barn, In dependence. Ore. Both Phones. ' Misses Kora and Vlvla,n lirowne a tiiiled the Strawberry Carnival 1 L.'banoii Friday and Saturdn. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Itrowne went to Jefferson Saturday and closed the deii on their hotel property there. We are now taking orders for slab wood at $3.00 per cord delivered In city limits Ths C'has. K. Spacing Logg'ng Co. Crw.en & Huff Hardware Cb- will have some attractive prices In g''ay granite wwre for Saturday, the loth. Watch the show window. latter part of last week to attend the fiintral of his nelce. Johrn FeBgles acted as marshal and night watch, being on duty night and diy. during the absence of Mr. Tupper. 1 f-m In a position to do p11 kinds well drilling. Can make a 3-inch 1-ole In dirt, gravel or rock and also have a machine to make a hole from 30 to 32 Inches in d'rt or gravel. Any .one wishing work done In my line will save money by calling on F. M. "Russell Phone 2221. School of Osteopathy. Consultation and examination free. '. Neskowln, that delightful 'summer rssort Is better than ever this year. Three store buildings are n0w under construction, water system and other betterments. Summer visitors will be able to get everything they want at lowest prices and will be af forded more conveniences than ever. Tents, cots, etc., for rent atid every thing that the heart could deeire. De cide now to come to Neskowln. Craven & Huff Hardware Co. sold a New Osborne binder ,a new Osbonne mower it id three Cold Storage refrlge rators on their opening da S. II. Edwards is putting a perti- Uttti In the garage, making a room 5 fe't wide and full length of the building which he will rent. One of the old boilers which has stood on the rlv-ertnik wh;r the Spauldlng Mill burned some time ago, was removed to Sal"m Friday. ""he'piay la the opera ho6 '. Tuei d:iy evening, staged 1 y the National Stock Co., was not very largelr attend ed, but the einterta'ning features were first-class. The Odd Fellows and Rebeccas amended the 'Presbyterian church in a body Sunday evening to hew Dr. Dunsmore's I. O. 0. F. memorial ad dress, which was received with much appreciation. Residents of the city are making some Improvements In the appearance of properties by removing the old fences and cutting down the tall grass In front Miss LavIIlw Dickson, who has been attending school here during the win ter. Bind who was one of the High School graduates, went to her home In Toledo after the graduating ex ercises, j" J. A. llorzog of Dallas, was In the city Saturday. J. I. Lansing of Kaletn, visited in the city Sundjuy. fr it. L. f!nlri. exPe t to bf,glii) work soon on his new house. . ', Hon. ,r S. Cooper was In Portland the fore part of the week. , B. T, lliwhiifll of Kugeiie, wi bere on a bU'!ieM miBlon Saturday. Mr.K id .Mr, carter' of Washington, ! ara visiting at the II. J. Taylor borne. J.W. South of Uiartiiotid, Wash., was in the city on b"HneH Monday. R. hi. Thompson of Haiem, visited the city Monday in a business way. MIsh Maude Roberts of Salem, vis ited In the city a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. U- G. Smith of Albany visited in the city a day or two ths week. A. T. Porter of Falls City, was in the city on business the latter part of last week. . Dr. AUln will spend his vwatjon vis lting his parents In Spokane, Wash., this week. Dr. Duinsmore is in Portland this week W tending Masonic Grand Lodge mee'ti)ng. The Independence Band hso been engaged to furnish the music for the races next week- Wm. Sholes of Dallas, was in the city yesterday in the interest of the Oregon Power Co. ' R. V. Swlnk of Dundee, wao in the city a. few days this wek In the in terest of the Oregonian. W. E. Barnes of Daytom, Ohio.was looking over this pan of the country the fore part of the week. Asa Taylor Is erecting a new house on Sixth street. The giris of Indepen dence are curious to know what it aCl means. A. W. Russell moved his family here last week from Mollalla. He will soon open a garage In d G. Long's building on Main street. to PA IF YOU ARE GOING TO PAINT THAT HOUSE, REMEM BER THAT WE WAVE THE PHOENIX PAINT GUARANTEED 100 PER CENT PURE. THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AF FORDS. WE ALSO CARRY EVERYTHING IN JOHNSON'S WOOD FINISHES, WOOD DYE, UNDERLAE, AND KLEEN FLOOR. TRY A FREE SAMPLE OF THE PREPARED WAX ON YOUR FURNITURE, AND BE CONVINCED OF ITS MER IT. FOR INTERIOR WORK WE HAVE DECORET IN ALU SIZE J. D. HIBBS & CO. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON (utint AAAAi.iAAlAAAilititit.iii.itAlAititiliA 4 F T v T TttTTtTTTTTTtTTTTtTTTTTTTT t I A DRUGGIST'S WORD i A druggist's word sould be at good as his bond. In recommend ing a medicine or drug sundry he should not be influenced to rec ommend an, Impure article because his profit is largtr on It than one he knows to be actually better for hi customer. A druggist who will do such an act Is not worthy of hla profession, nor of the confidence and patronage of the public. IT IS ONLY NATUHAL that the general public la not In a position to know the merits and lemerits of the various artic les found In drug stores. Consequentlyyou, as one person of expert, c0ncentous advice when you buy a drugstore! article, about which you know very little and which can be of great ben efit or the opposite, according to its actual value- We want you to feel that you can, put absolute confidence M what we say about anything in our line, and that when we rec ommend a hair brush, a face cream or a family remedy as being a meritou article we are not doing so for our own, profit gain, but Ibecause our KNOWLEDGE and experience have led us to say .-only that what we believe to be true. We do as we would be don by. ! Considerable interset Is being a wakened in the annual school pic nic to be held at Rlckreall tomorrow, the 15th, and from present indica tions ther,a will be a large attend ance. Among the recent hop contracts filed In the office of the county clerk at Dwllas are W. W. Perclvai t0 T. Rosenwald & Co., 30,000 pounds at 25 cents and Didson and Hedges to the same flrm,30,00o pounds at 25 cents. FOR SALE. Summer home In New port, Oregon, on Yaquina Bay. One of the best and moBt beautifully situ ated summer homes at Newport, Ore gon, For farther Information address Valley Real Estate Company, Carl ton, Oregon. l-4wks. ' The opening of the Craen & Huff Hardware store occurred last Satur day. While the new firm has been transacting business for n week or more, the general opening did mot take place until Saturday. Their place of business presents at very neat and prjsperous appearance. Prof.Chute the inewly elected princi pal of the Independence schools, has been in the city this week making arra:)gements to move his family here Let us make your abstract of title for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brown & Sibley, Attorm.-ys and Ab racters. 6U Mill Street. Dallas, Ore gon. . , 41-tf. The Hopewell team failed to mKce It interesting for the Independence boys in a game of ball last Sunday. The score was 6 to nothing in favor of IndePendnece. ' ' FOR SALE. 37 acres located close In. Good improvenifmta and all kinds of fruit, 8 room hou3e, ta and other buildings. A bargain at $9000, which includes farm lmpie- j mants. I P. H. Drexler and wife were in Portland a few days this week. Thayer eod WiUard have Just put in a vacuum water system 'for A. V. Cooper, on his farm south of the city. 4. . Several of the G. A. R. afid Relief Corps members fr0m this city will at- ead the encampment at Salem next week. Chiropractic Treatment given at 25 cents Per treatment. Osteopathic treatment $2.00. &ee Dr. Heisley at J. N. Jones on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Capt. Claude Skinner will abandon the boat route between here and Sa- W. B. Cobb of Falls City, transacted fcm the first of next month aind run business In Independence Friday. only between here and East IndePen- I lence, m&LcIng the trips frequent HenrySerr of Fortlemd, transited enough to meet every train on the business in the city Friday. Oregon Electric. Wm. Roberts transacted, business in Salem Tuesday. f Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Mcintosh visited in Saiem one day this week- Miss Grace Wallace is" home from CorvaClls. Miss Milly Addison is spending the week at Newport. Miss Wilcox of Cornelius, visiting in the city. " Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe visited Portland a few days this week. A. L. Rames of CorvaClis, was the city Friday of last week- is in in J. W. Sears of Portland, was the city Friday. Notice To Painters Notice is hereby given that seaiedl ' S. P. Decker of Dallao, was In the bids to paint the public school build- city on business Friday. lag will be received up to the 24th of June, 1912 at 8:00 p. m. Specification F. E. Bodenhammer hafl a neat new can be seen at Bice and Claibreath's sign on each of the frontwindows in the bakery. Mrs. Wm. Bloch will retunn to the hospital in Ashland the fore part of next week where she will receive medical treatment. Jasper Kennedy, who has . been in California for some time, ' returned to his home in this city last Thursday. . Rpcriilflr aprvlppfl wilt Ka holri f r5i1 I vary Presbyterian church next Sun- He are cordially invited, to worship vith us. Miss Grace Laliberte returned Wed- Kirkland's Pharmacy J i..M"ti'H''lt'fr We vr'e Icr sale one of the best hop f mis in Folk county, consisting e o 202 acr:s, 1 1-4 miles from Inde- P3ndpnce. Excellent land and good Imrrovenierts. Cheap at $150 per acr. Hop crop fron the plrce sold for nearly $6000 list year. Price $!00 rer a:re with all crc:s except th hops, or w ll soil hors and all for $125 per acre if taken soon. Half cash Inquire of H. E. Browme at Enter prise office. Helped To Keep Down, Expenses. Mrs. J, E. Henry, Akron, Mich-.tells how she did so: "I was bothered with mv kitlnoVR and finri in crn nnprlv Hon. ble. I tried a sample of Foley Kidney mornlnS evening. The pub- Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle, and feel that they saved me a doctor's bill Will iatrns Drug Store. This is bargadn week at the Enterprise- Until further notice we will send the paper to any address for only $1.00 per year. Call now and take advantage 0f the low rates. In addition to this we will funnlsh the Semi-weekly Journal, Portland, Ore gon, for 75 cents per year, making both papers only $1.75 per year. Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living near Covena Ga., says "I have tafiierti Foley Kidney Pills and find them to be all you claim for ther They gave almost instant relief when my kidneys were sluggish and inact ive! cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles.'' Williams Drug Store. store. The board reserves the right i to reject any or all bids. 2 wks. E. L. Ketchum, Clerk- BEAUTY PARLORS MISS ORA POAGE Scalp and skin specialist; hair dressing, marcel wav ing, manicuring, chiropody; super fluous haiir, warts and moles perma nently removed; combings bought and. j made Up. We make a specialty of 1 hair dvolnc 318-31Q TT a PanV Phone 190. Salem, Oregon. , DON'T BREATHE DUST Ue Bweep'nc Cnyoufid, "Cdiaa for floors and lin0Heum, "No Dusf'for carpets and ruga. Manufactured by nesday night from McMlnnville, where Creseat Chemical Cb., Portland, Ore she hp3 recently completed a course ) gon. For sale by Bicey & Caibreath. In the Commercial Department of mc- j Independence, Oregon. Try a few Minnville College. ' pounds. It is not expensive. ENDS HUNT FOR RICH GIRL Often a hunt for a rbb wife ends when the ii:ri nieeu a woiium who uses Electric Blttu-s.ri 1 rons nevvi-3 ti ll in a bight brain and even temper.Her ruby lips and peachbloom complexion result from pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; elastic step from firm, free muscles, all telling of the health and strength Electric Bit ters give a woman,and the freedom from indigestion, backache, headache, tainting and dizzy spells they promote Everywhere they are woman's faivorite remedy. If weak or ailing try them. 50 cents at all druggists. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m . . There can be only one best the Tip Top of excellence. We both aim to get it. You the clever an successful housewife, want the Groceries that give the greatest results In your food that please your family and visitors. WE SELL ONLY TIP TOP QUALITY IN GROCERIES SO THAT WE MAY GET YOUR TRADE AND RETAIN IT. EVERY ITEM WE SEND OUT IS AN ADVERTISEMENT, of the quality of the othertwe possess. If we did not maintain tip top value always, our business would not continue to grow as rapidly as It does. Inspect our extensive stock or tel ephone a trial order. m B m m m B m m m m m m- 0 FLUKE& JOHNSON