Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, April 26, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Farmers and Merchants
Writ us for our cash o.Ter on your
Farm and Dairy Produce. If we
don't handle it will refer you to re
liable buyer. rEAUSON.PACE CO.
Portland, Oregon,
J J f. .... Benonn-Hand Much In.
Machinery -
tmllere, eawmllla, , Hi J. K. Martin Co,, 70 lat
bU. Portland. Bend fur Stock Llat md prices.
Will furnish von any kind of help you want, mala
or female, eallled in- unaklllml, farm, win 1 1 1, In-.
! or any mierallanruua labor, ('all, writ or
I'huna. No bn of any kind chnrxwl In thin ofllrs.
Honea A MM Mala UU, idlS SkmI k, ferlaiis, Or.
Wl Wiat Al Tm Kin. WrIW far arton nl efclrtief bat.
lA-ftjB Krunl Hi. I'orlland, Or.
Spring Humors
Come to moit people and cause many
trouble, pimple, bol' and ether
eruption, beside Iom of appetite, that
tired feellnf, biliousness, indigestion
and headache.
The sooner you get rid of them the
better, and the wny to get rid of thm
and to build up the system Is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Bprlnir Medicine par excellence
how :i by uneiiuuled, radical and
permanent our.
Out It tortiiy In usual liquid form or
chocolated tubleta known a Karsatubs.
When Colt Reachea Market Age High
Price Paid ae Service Fee la
More Than Saved to Owner.
A a tmntneeg proposition It pars t
breed tnarea to pure bred stallions, al
though the aervlce fee of auch horse
are higher than thoce of the grade or
mongrel and acrub. The fee of the
latter are 5 and $10 les at the time
of aenrlce, but when the colt reachea
market age the earing Is loat There
la at that time a difference of at leait
1100 In value In favor of the colt from
Had Ita Origin In the Belief In
Witches Steedi of the Greek
and Roman Were Not 8 hod
Japaneae Uae Sandal.
It ! not difficult to understand why
lover of horse came to adopt the
Tailor' Cutting Retort.
A Dewly elocted Australian labor M.
P. return hie occupation a "tailor
cutter" an avocation rarely repre
sented in parliament. Some time ago, , . A ,n,
ear. the London Chronicle. Australia 1 8ni,h"re U Uttle U draond t0t
- . - u: none.
mu a iQiiininaui viuu.ut?.:fc aim will
tailor, who became not only an M. 1'
the pure-bred sire, o that the higher , horgeoboe a a talisman against mis-
service fee has proved a profitable fortune. Horses were considered toi
Investment Then. too. there I . be especially liable to the machlna-
ready, appreciative outside market for tiong of witches. This fact stands out,
the good grade colt, while the scrub ( In all the records of the Lancashire!
goes to the local buyer at low figures wltche and other evil hags.
If precaution were not taken these
but a mlnlnter of the crown. To blm
We are fast Improving our cattle,
heep and bogs. Our grain and fod-
, 1U uim ' . .. , .... , f
a new governar made this maladroit l" ual V w
homes, however, are away behind the
I'eatroys Hag Kala, Hulrrela, Gophers and
l'tslrle l)o)c. Hrulrri no mixing or prepare
tlou Always reedy for use. Iallleal of alL
Your money bark If not as claimed.
CIA., WoouwAaii DaUO Co., Portland, Or.
"-The rreat akin rejuvenator, If you hava aa'low
kin, wrinkles, pimplea or riHifrhuemi iif tha fai-e
or arma, th application of KIICHI will brinsr buck
tha k!ow and frenhneaa of youth. Ir pnrknir. II.
(Drench) Kurhl i.alMratrM. Hull . 142 1-2 Wa.h
Incton HU, Portland. Ore,
A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. Tha
beat rrmcly for Kiilnrya, I.lver and Bowala.
Kradlratra I'iniplr., liiuptlona and Diaonlria
of the hkln. ftirifira Hie Hluod and Rlvta
Tone, Blrcuifth aud Vigor to the cntlia ayatciu.
We Make Yon Competent to Earn
$25 lo $50 per neek
tn B wwIir. H' give
'tHinw In drlvlna. n.palrlntf.
Ut. all klmUof iiUinnt,llw
Kvirf Rluitvnt gnu irMtnni
ittrntlmt anl aotnal rtiMil
tsiirliitr. Writa for tvrn-a
Btknal Ato Sdail 1 Carm,
t. B.I .ti.l .M..rrlM.n bu..
rortlaad, Ora.
remark: "I boar, Mr. Jones, you were
once a tailor?"- "Yes, my lord, I
was." "And how are you engaged
now?" "Taking your excellency'
The troublesome problem of whhIi
dny solved by ItniJ CKOS8 BALL
I! LUC. Tha blue that la all blue.
Solid pnckHKo; no liquid to leak or
spin. No adulteration. Made for 20
yours and used everywhere.
A lurKO package only 10 cents.
Makes the clothes now wnlte. Less
bt.ther, lens wnr-te. More aatlHfactory gorvlce fee ,g of ,lttle momenL
ri-BiuiB ana pmc-ccai economy, aoiv
OUll GitOCKIl.
iL'J JJJ'i
lit !'!'
Ask your dealer for It. If he doe
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furniah you the name of
a dealer who does
1 1
8esk the Best.
Noblenee springs to our eyes wher
ever we look, rich store of poetic In
iplratlon, if one ha recepttvHy large
enough to take It In and reveal it
touched with emotion, the magic light
of the imagination. Bravery, good
ness and truth lie on every aide. We
need not seek the exceptional for
themes, the usual affords more than
enough. Look closely with under
standing Into the common; you will
find everwhere the uncommon, the
woiiderful. The Christian Register.
Free to Oar Headers
Write Murine ty Remedy Co.. Cbleairo, for
vpaK! iimatratra Kye Hook Free. Wrlleo.ll
about Your Ky Trouble anil thry will adrlne
aa to the Proper Application of the Murine
kye Keinedlea In Your Keclal Caae Your
Drugtflat will tell you that Murine Kelleree
Bore Kye, HtreuRtUeua Weak Kyee Doe ant
Smart, Kootbea Kye Pain, and arlle for 60c.
Try It In Your Kyeaand In Baby'a Eyes fur
Scaly Eyellda aud Granulation.
procession. The use of grade, scrub
and mongrel stallions keeps them
there and their production is profit
less. It Is high time to put our horses on
a plane with our other animals In
point of breeding and qsallty, and It
enn only be done by owners of mares
absolutely refusing to patronise stal
lions other than those of pure breed
ing, soundness, prepotency and high
Individual character and quality.
When such aires can be found the
mischievous witches would ride the.
horses at dead of night ove- the bill,
and when the owner came to the sta
bles in the morning he would find hi
animals In lather and utterly exhaust
ed, A horseshoe fastened over the
stable door was believed to ward off
such evil.
There Is no superstition more deep
ly Ingrained in all clashes of society
than that which is attached to the
horseshoe. As an embrom of good
fortune It holds pride of place. Nel
son did not disdain to nail a horse
shoe to the mast of the Victory. In
the early part of the nineteenth cen
tury the horseshoe was very highly
prized, and there were few mansions
where It was not displayed, while
humbler folks were at great pains to
colt will fay for the fees and return fasten it over their doors.
fine profits whon sold. The conttau- Horses were not shod either by the
ous use of pure-bred sires, intelligent-1 Greeks or Romans. The ancients were
ly employed, will also quickly fill the content with wrapping , fiber cloth
tate witn nign graae mares in piace
of the sorry aggregation of mongrels
and misfits sow disgracing many
round the feet of their horses In cold
weather, or when It was necessary to
pass through miry districts. Instead
of troubling about horseshoes they de
voted their attention to hardening the
hoofs of their mounts.
Nero, who ever strove to outdis
tance hla cnntemnnrarlpR. cminprt his
horse to be shod with silver, while hisJf118? been obtained.
wife's were resplendent with gold, but
In no case were nails driven Into the
hoofs. The practice of shoeing
horses by driving nails into the hoofs
For Fourteen Years. Restored wag introduced into England by wii-
nam me conqueror, nut sucn pracuco
i i!
- 4 v
Painless Dentistry
la our pride oar bobhy-mr etndy for yoare and
now ourauooeaa, and oure la the beat palnleia work
to be fnond anywhere, no matter bow maoh 700
pay. Compare our frloea.
rWII'aieyaCTW n annuo niaie ana
?; . .. brlilwe wort for out
i . . - of town patrona la
t - i one day ft dneired.
V Palnloae eitraollon
, " X 1 rr" when pletee or
. T ' bridge work la order
v.. t j-mtK t ,-..4 CaniulUticn In.
tffjffj ' nm.. SS.fiO
4 . ' l??kBrMTlfc4.60
, t - ; i
Gold nillnrt , 1.UU
Cntmil FUllnti 1.00
m. W. A. will, r.iiumi in Muiua Plnlen Eitr'llon .50
ft run ufutuam m rwruaa a laT MVTHODa
AH work fully rnaranteed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
f (flint Building. Third and Washington PORTLAND, 0R
OIUuliuu SO. at. Uir.H. aaaaa.lteA
Elephant Lived for Centuries,
When Alexander the Great con
quered Porus, kins; of India, he took
a great elephant that had fought gal
lantly for the defeated - king, named
him Ainx, dedicated him to the son,
placed upon him a metal band with
the Inscription, "Alexander, the son
of Jupiter, dedicated AJax to the sun."
The elephant was found alive 8S0
rears later.
Te Ureal: in New Shoes.
Alwayaihake tn Allen's Foot-Kaae, apowder.
It euros hut, sweating, aching, swollen foet
Uiree conn. Ingrowing o&ilr and bunions. A
.11 iiriiggmin ana ihnosleres, VAc. Dont sccept
my au Li.tiHile. ham Me mailed FltKK. Addraaa
MWtt a. Olmatod, Lekoy. N. Y.
One Little Sin.
It Is astonishing how soon the whole
conscience begins to unravel if a
single stitch drops; one little sin In
dulged makes a hole you could put
your head through. Charles Buxton.
To Health by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
did not make any headway for cen
turies. The Indians, who bad no superiors
as horsemen, never thought of shoe
ing their mounts in any way, and yet
Elrin, III" After fourteen years of, they were capable of performing re-
Bnffering- everything from female com- markable journeys over most difficult
plaints, 1 am at last country. The Sandown derby was
restored to health. won by a horse running in a natural
" I employed the 6t.te. The race was run twice owing
best doctors and to the fact that three horses made a
even went to the dead heat on the first occasion. Prior
hospital for treat-1 to the second attempt the owner of
ment and was told Marden gave orders for the light
there was no help for plates to be removed from the hoofs
me. But while tak- J of his nominee, with the result that
ing- Lydia E: Pink- Marden gained a comfortable victory
ham s Vegetable by three lengths.
Compound I began Even at the present day In Japan
to improve and I the modern horseshoe finds a strong
continued its use until I was made well."! competitor in the old-fashioned san-
Mrs. henry L.eiseberg,7m Adams bt.' dais made of straw which are fastened
Kearneysville, W. Vo "I feel it my to the horse's hoofs after the manner
duty to write and say what Lydia E. or equine "cricket shoes.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bat
Central African Explorer Well
Equipped to Make Lasting Rec
ord of His Journey.
To make an accurate description of
the route taken through an unknown
country requires an amount of hard
and incessant labor of which few per-
ions have any conception. An Instance
In point may be taken from the ex
plorations of William Junker in Cen
tral Africa.
This man, a Russian by birth, spent
Ave years endeavoring to trace the
course of the River Welle, which lies
between the headwaters of the Nile
and the Congo, with a view to deter
mine the position of the watershed
between the two rivers.
When actually on the march he
wore a coat designed by himself, hav
ing numerous large and small pock
ets especially arranged for the handy
use of his watch, compass, aneroid,
thermometer and note books. From
one of its buttons hung three pencils;
one red for marking his route, another
blue for noting the rivers and streams,
the third black for recording the times
of starting and halting, together with
all the more notable Incidents of the
day's march.
In a little notebook, ruled for the
purpose, the exact time of starting
was put down, thereafter, at the end
of every five minutes the direction in
which he was proceeding was deter
mined by a glance at the compass
and carefully noted, while occasional
ly the readings of the aneroid and
the thermometer were taken.
A brook crosses the path. With the
blue pencil it is Instantly designated,
as well as the direction of Its current
and its estimated breadth and depth.
Every change in the character of the
country is entered, as from wooded to
grass lands, or from desert to fertile
soil. The prominent objects encoun
tered on the way, with their apparent
height and distance, are all indicated.
So also are the names of the tribes,
and any local Information that may
-not tea
-not coffee
It's the most de
lightful Breakfast
Drink you ever tasted
and the most whole' ome and
invigorating. You cannot but
like its rich "grainy" flavor and
spicy aroma. Ask your grocer tor
Three G's
If he hasn't got It h will get U for
you. It't good for you 3 lima a day.
And rmembir that Inert
is no substitute for 3 G's.
Aerate Your Boiled Water.
Drinking water that has been boiled
la usually so flat and tasteless that
people are apt to dislike it exceeding
ly, and even though the health au
thorities order its use, many people
will run the risk of contracting ty
phoid fever rather than take this pre
caution. If boiled water is thoroughly
cooled and shaken up well in a bottle
half filled, it will become aerated and
have the sparkle and taste of freshly
drawn well water. Housekeeper.
Life In Town.
One nice thing about loafing in a
big town is that if a man has money
enough he can get shaved twice
day without exciting comment Gal
veston News.
done for me. I suffered from female
weakness and at times felt so miserable
I could hardly endure being on my feet
Shrinking Eve's Apple.
curious tradition of the Talmud
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow Boothia
Byrup the bfat rmnedr to use for their cblidrej
during tv. toethiug period.
P. N. U,
No IT-'ll
WHKN writlna- to adTertiaers, pie
" tlon thia paper.
"Interests" In 1830.
A power has risen up in the govern
ment greater than the people them
selves, consisting of many and vari
ous and powerful Interests, combined
into one mass, and held together by
the cohesive power of the vast sur
plus In the banks. John C. Calhoun.
Wood poisoning is o(ten caused by slight
cuts' or waunds. i)entb may result. Ham
lin's Wizard Oil will draw o'ut the poison,
heal the wound and prevent serious trou
ble. i , i , j Fault.
Nothing can work me damage e
cept myself; the harm that I sustain
I carry about with me, and never am
a real sufferer by my own fault
SL Bernard, i i i '
Onn be nnndlod vary enn My. The alck are cured, and All others In
tttue table, no mnttttr tow4,ninoail," ktvt from hnvins the din
etue, by mlng Kl'O.IN'H LIQIUO DlSTLMPEli CUKK. Give on
the tonrnie or in food. Aats on the blood and exrwlt gonna of all
lormti or diatemper, nest roinerty ever known for mnree in roai.
. uno nam
I S10 dozen,
"After taking Lydia E. Pinkham'i relates that the "apple" of which Eve
VAcr-fnM,, rn, iwi ,., ate was reaiiy a Kernel oi wneai,
sner-ml r!,a mw hv.nhi. i , which in those days grew on a won
Words fail to express my thankfulness. ide,r5ul K whos1 trunk glow, ue
I recommend your medicine to all my goId- whose br,a,lche8 gleamed like sil
friends." Mrs. G. B. Whittington. vfr- whos? twIgs- "splendent as pre
rp. t , - .. I clous coral, were covered with emerald
iTLiT,. V"? v - v UIOU" leaves, and bore globes of ivory the
:r.irtSI: and shape of the egg of an os-
Medicine Company of Lynn,Mass.,whicli ,
show clearly what great things Lydia E. '
The story goes on to state that the
Italian Winters.
One bottle atinranteed to cure one rime. 60c and $1 a bottle; $6 nnd
. ordruuiilfita and hnrnARadon em. orient exDrepn na d by
manufnotnrara. (Hit showi how to ponltlre throat. Our Frea
Booklet. rIvob everything. I.ocftl Ofwnti wanted. iAfgeatjMllln
none remedy in
owe remedy In existence twelve year.
CKamtiti and Bact.rioloiriata. GOSHEN, IND,
U, S. A
2.25 $2.50 3.00 $3.50 MOO & $5.00
You can save money because they are
more economical and satisfactory in
style, fit and wear than any other makes.
W. L. Douglas name and price stamped
on the bottom guarantees full value and
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insistuponhavingthe
: wr i n i. k- f
genuine ff s-m iuujjiod biioo, Bmbatltui
If onr dealer cannot aunnlr W. I DoiiBlai ihoea, write W. L
MMI- ior eaiaini?. Rnwi lenc eTerywnpra
PollRlna, Brnnkton,
dullrery ouargei prepaid.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does J?ple" pair h,a,V,ng. 6ered more
for those who suffer from woman's ills. hathey co,u Id ed
. , , . . by the angel Gabriel beyond the
j.ulv wlbh!pealia1Tlc?-,,T,tei0 boundaries of Paradise, and given the
VT1!.a E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (eonfl. vi.
dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will ""-""a w MF-. .u.
be opened, read and answered hr instructions as to the proper methods
woman and lield la strict confldence. of cultivating and using it. The para
disaical iruit nas, nowever, never
thriven since Its banishment from
Eden, and in the davs of the later
The people of Florence, Italy, hava patriarchs had shrunken to the size of
a dislike tor heating devices In their flI1 egg( jn Moses time to the dlmen
nouses, aitnougn tne weatner in win- Bions of a plum, and at the fall of the
ter, especially when the tramontane Jewish sovereignty to the size of a
is mowing, is uncomfortably cold, small grape, thereby practically as
None of the houses have fireplaces, serting that the race has been eating
and the man who warms himself by ' the veritable fruit of the "tree of
means of the "scaldlno," a pan of knowledge of good and evil" ever'
glowing ashes, Is considered effemln- since. Charles Winslow Hall, in Na-
OVER 100
tlonal Magazine.
Electrlo Sparks In Cancer Treatment
Nothing to Worry About LR?,cen"y at en(!h 8PeciaHst, Dr. De
JAre you not afraid that some 0f . Kfn Hart, has been demonstrating
your children will fall Into that open ! 10 u"wu lu isurauon
cistern r asked the nervous boarder, ' treatment of cancer, effectually pre
looking over the picket fence in the ' Te; nt,a the recurrence of this otherwise
back yard. "Oh, no, mum," came the ' fata disfefe, e theorf, of e
mmninnt ,niw in.hw it ain't treatment is that after a malignant tu-
.. "w " ll ,V,nl ,.,.J tl J - V
Hampton's Magazine.
Making Recovery an Object.
TtiA TTclr1m va. i I a Anfxtnn m faa
as soon as ne comes. If the patient
recovers, it is kept; if not, It is re
Place ef the Sublime In Art.
The beautiful Is the most useful In
art; but the sublime in art Is the mosl
helpful to mortals, for It elevates th
mind. Joubert.
One of Life's Best Pleasures Missed
Of all the things that make lift
worth living friendship comes neai
the top. But friends are rare, be
cause we are too busy. .
nin, mnrm mi v,Hrhtr anrl fanter colors than tnv other dve. Oris 10c cackasre colors silk, wool and cotton eauallw .
well and is guaranteed to give perfect results. As It dealer, or we will send postpaid at 10c a package. Write for fro car before the treatment is applied.
Booklet now 10 aye. meacn ana mix coiora. nawnnvsi tnvw wmix-aii 1, uumcy, uuaoia.
sparks of extremely high static elec
trlcity incapable of ever again being
able to harbor and promulgate can
cerous germs. At a recent demonstra
tion Doctor Hart stood with the con
ductor of his machine in his hand, and
as each tumor was removed he ap
plied his treatment, sparks of great
fineness but extreme brilliancy shoot
ing from the instrument into, the cav
ity made by the surgeon's knife. He
explained that it had been discovered
that these sparks were able so to
change the healthy cells upon which
the cancer had grown as to render
their nature entirely different. This
fact has been demonstrated by a mi
croscopic examination, but, curiously
enough, the sparks appear to have no
effect whatever , upon the diseased
cells themselves. The greatest care
has therefore to be taken to insure
the complete extirpation of the can
ine time and duration of every
halt is carefully- kept, as it Is neces
sary to know the actual marching
time In order to calculate the distance
gone. Doctor Junker's uniform rate
was a little over three miles an hour.
When the night camp was reached
the first duty of the explorer, after
supper, was to copy all the notes
made during the day into a large
book; one page , generally, though
sometimes two, being used to record
a day's march. If the night were
clear the traveler's work would end
with an observation for determining
the position of the camp. This done,
he felt that he had earned his right
to rest. .
In this manner Junker traveled on
foot 4,000 miles through a country a!
large part of which had never before
been visited by a white man. Har
per's Weekly.
Found Bones of Soldiers.
During the recent excavations in
the historic ground of Abbey lane,
Athlone, Ireland, for the commonplace
purpose of constructing a sewer, some
remarkable finds were made by the
excavating party. Not far beneath i
the soil they came in contact with a
large quantity of human remains.
There were no symptoms of coffins,
but several skulls and bones' were
thrown up. Evidences of a very sub
stantial foundation which were also
unearthed, four feet under the surface,
and the human remains burled appar
ently in a trench in the Immediate vi
cinity, gave rise to the supposition
that the skeletons were those of the
Irish soldiers who fought in the sieges
near the famous old bridge of Athlone.
The Abbey was founded by Cistercian
monks the same year that the site of
the castle was taken over by King
John, with other lands adjoining,
which belonged to the monks; and
in exchange the king gave to the
monastery the lands known today as
Monksland, on the borders of the town.
a noiy water lount was also un
Then don't wonder at
your rundown condition.
Your food is not being
properly digested, thus
causing Heartburn, Gas
on Stomach, Belching,
Indigestion and Costive
ness. You should try a
bottle of
It makes weak stomachs
strong and maintains
health. At all Druggists
Three Burled by Snowsllde.
In the course of a violent storm at
Grenoble, near. Par is, recently, an iso
lated mountain chalet, situated at s
height of over 6,000 feet above the
sea, was buried in an avalanche o
snow and completely disappeared. Its
three occupants have undoubtedly pern
Hogs Loose and on Rampage.
The sleeping citizens on a certain
street In Kochester, N. Y., were awak
ened the other morning before . day
light by an unusual noise. What the
awakened people saw was a 3trange
siRht when they shivered their ways
to the windows' and looked into the
street The roadway was filled with
a drove of hogs, whose gruntlngs and
squeallngs had Joined to cause the
disturbance. A short time before they
had been snugly packed in live stock
cars on the railroad. But there had
been a wreck and thousands of hogs
were released from their prisons. They
invaded the town and started imme
diately on the chief business of their
existence, the acquirement and dis
posal of food. Some householders
sought the morning paper only to find
a disconsolate hog sitting on the door
step, but many others were startled
from time to time by noisy visits to
the garbage pails in the alley. And
the garbage collectors' wagons were
the leaders of processions. It was
well Into the day before the swine had
been rounded up and again put into
strong captivity. ,
maiailiiaa mmj mwiiwwa mm l luai mummmtnmmmmmm
jir 11 urn 1 a.iiai.,i nii m mi. ii.mi.iii i
For Sprains and Bruises.
B. Street. CedarviOe, Call., wrilea 1
"Have used Mustanp Liniment a nnmbrr
of years on stock for cuts, sprains, bruises,
etc., with best results. The boys on the
ranch here use it tow rheumatism, himbaro.
apraJna, cut. and burns with the most sat
isfactory results. In fact we use it on man
or beast as the best remedy we know of."
25c 50c S 1 a bottle at Drus A Cen'l Stores f
' Woman as Worshiper. ,
Women are born worshipers; In
their good little hearts ea the ,most
craving relish for greatness; it la
even said each chooses her husband
on the hypothesis of his being a great
man in his way. The good crea
tures, yet the foolish! Thomas Car
lyle. ... .: -
Here Is a Real Wit.
The town council held a big ban
quet. One of the councilors came ar
rayed in a tartan waistcoat. - He was
subjected to a great number of curi
ous looks. At length one of his broth
er councilors, unable to restrain his
curiosity, remarked;
"I say, what . possessed you to
come in a tartan waistcoat?"
Are you easily tired, lack your
usual vigor and strength?
Then your digestion must be
poor, your blood must be
thin, your nerves must be
weak. You need a strong
tonic. You need Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsa
parilla entirely free from alco
hol. We believe your doctor
will endorse these state
ments. Ask and find out
If you think constipation is of trifling
consequence, just asK your doctor. He
iixrii 11 - u , , ... iit.
f iiv- . "uawel- m j will disabuse you of that notion in short
not like some of you. Always whea;order "Correct it at once!" he wilk
1 uine i uae 10 aeep a cnecu over my tay. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills,
stomach." A mild liver pill, all veeetable.
I Had tj ta i. Q. Alia CO.. Iwel