EIGHT PAOEl THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE nve j "-.Iit.a tan""- y I IN FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTION IS KNOWN TO YOUR PHY SICIAN. THAT'S WHY HE SENDS YOU TO THIS STORE. HE KNOWS THAT ONLY THE PUREST AND FRESHE8T DRUGS WILL ASSIST IN MAKING THAT CURE. HELP THE DOCTOR BY BRINGING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS HERE TO A 8KILLED DRUGCI8T WITH THE BE8T EQUIPPED PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY IN TOWN. Courteiy, promptness and care have built ui a large and suc cessful concern both In our compounding department and in our general business. ' THESE ARE SOME OF OUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK: Hiiblicr (IihkIb. I. ihIIi-h' Hand l;nv,n, KiiHHii'rm Hark JIohm Squirrel 1'oIkoh WILLIAMS DRUG CO. I .4.4 t t Dr. Allln. Dentist, Cooper Bldg. LOCAL W PERSONAL 1 i lint HUlfi :' It! tl.-f An.'Vln with hi'nijnr h. Ir. 111. will ln, It. Dr. Lowe Friday. i , M ,'ill I'.lll fill for Krlntli'tt. Dr. Walton, Osteopathic physician Im. 14, Breyman block. Salem. Ore. .Mrs. U. T. Ilonkle of OrvalliB, win n the c'ty over Sunday. Mrs Job1o Skinner was in I)filli.n It. Bridges mow! his family out to ( Snt irdiiy and Sunday. th Lu' klnmuM valley Inst week. Wni. McAdams was in Sidem Moti- Dr. Duganns, Dentist, over I nde. day and Tuesday, pendence National Bank. Both Phones Hon. J.S. Cooper was in Portland The MUara Marl Jo and Kon S-'rlilfy. " Browne visited in Salem Saturday. i j, Montgomery was In Salem on Mr. White of the Oregon Power Co., business Monday. wi in the city Tuesday, . F. S. Wilson transited business in O. A. Sperling came up from Port- Sale;m the fore part of, the week. I Children with constipation should bs I given Dr. Miles' Laxntlv Tablets. J. Doriislfe hag bean engaged tfl conductor on the early train land Tuesday. Dr. Hewitt made a trip to Sfleiu in his auto Monday. D. A. Sears of Portland, was in the city the fore pant of the week looking after his interests. Dr. L. W. Horn, Veterinary Sur geon, Crowley Bros. Livery Barn, In dependence, Ore. Both Phones. Turtles needing hop trellis poles should see nie Fri Johnson, Air lie, Oregon. Mutual phone 2452. 62. Miss Mrry Foster camo home from to Alrlle. Country roads are drying out fast Eid automobiles and motor cyclesare much in evidence. O. W. Irvine of the Corvallls Ga-sette-Tlmes, was a guest of J. K. Johnson Saturday. VV. H. Craven expects to remodel his house In the spring and make at Corvallls Sat: rtluy and remained over modem bui.galow of It Sunday. FOR SALE CHEAP A fourhorge power gasoline wood saw. Good run ulna; order. S e Frank HUke 37-p-41. Some of the young people of Inde pendence gae a dance in the opera house Saturday evening. The 1. & M. R lroid Co. Is putting in a lnrge. gnsollne tank Kid turn, ta i ble near the depot I Al Whitney, Wm. Walker, C. W. Illenkle, J. Fenton, and August Sper 1 ng made an auto trip to Salem i Monday. A few flakes of snow Friday re- n. Wilson and wife returned from minded ua that Mtwch came in like California the fore pnrt of the week a I : where they have beon: for severed District Deputy lloldlintm of Salem,' months. visited the W. O. W. comp here Fri- f. A. Patterson purchased the first day evening. ticket from Independence to Eo The W. O. W. boys hi'.e purchased 'and went there Monday to visit his new unlTorius and organized a drill team. Thry will be "doing things" from now on. FOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs, per settling 75c. M. R. Black, R. .1, Independence, One, Bell phone1 74X1. t Mrs. Jasperscm nnd children, who hnve been in California for severed months, returned Friday evening, she expects to ranko a visit in the east In the near future. Ray Tctybor, who worked In .the Enterprise offlc lost fall, ia now en Joying the; sunny south, according to letter received from him this week, written at Los Angeles Let us make your abstract of title for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brown & Sibley, Attorneys and Ab son. I J. S. Cooper expects to move his jold house to some other lot In the I near future and erect e new house on the corner of Third and C streets. E. K. Tripp reports the sale of the F. VV. Cola residence located on Main slreet, North Independence, to L. Mattison. ' Colonel Hofer of Salem, seems to have the! distinction of publishing the only pra:er In the Pacific Northwest that advocates Colonel Roosevelt for the Presidency. What can he expect to aocomplaih? Hon. aind Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Mr. an Mrs. Wm. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mcintosh and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bice expect to go to San Frame imco wl h the Governor's party to holp afracters, 61,. gon. Mill Street, Dallas, Ore 'select a s!te for ts.e Exposition in 41-tf. SCtrfelanifa Piarmarg WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON ALL SPONGES, CHAMOIS, RAZORS, RAZOR STROPS, TOILET PREPA RATIONS, WALL PAPER, ELEC TRICAL SUPPUES AND ON PRE SCRIPTIONS WILL SAVE MONEY AND YOUR LIFE. YOU P. n. KIRKMND THE DRUGGIST Mrs. MolHe Mwwin was it Salera visitor the fore purt of this week. As you iu- ' 'ituuta use Xr. MIW Luxatlvu 'ialilut. Missrs. liuys a .d MorrUou were in r,uL;iu Sunday, W. L. Illce transacted business In Por.luid the latter part of last week. For 8fiK Oood driving now n"d b igM, Inquire of Katliryn JoiieS- ., l-oriiirli'e lias lieo.i Imjinnliiig lilH Ikjuhu mi Moiiino ..th utim I- II. Kowe has moved Into the New ton prop.-rty on Hxih struct. (I, li. T.a Is Mid wife visited la I'or.bnd this week. Mrs. Frai k Sr kianer of Kalem, vis ited rw'.utlveg here the latter part of lust week. Clever Ilobii so'i has disposed of his Int.mt in the Robinson & Norton t. trber shop. IL rry D. Wt has named his farm "S. uny L-.K." Mr. lllff has one of the aovtral l eaut ful homes near this city S. C. Vvhltj Lfg'iorn egB for sale at 50 I'd li p -r 8'fting. liKiuire of II. C. Hal lo i. B'.-ll Phone 42. EGGS FOR HATCHING 8. C. It I. Reds, deep re!, best of buyers, scor Ing as high as 94; $2.00 per setting of 15 eggs. Phone 54 Antloeh. C Nelson, Dallas, Ore. P. O. Box. 269. MIhb Virginia Marcher of Sllvurton, who is a tei-dl. g thf O. A- C, was l t city Saturday aid Suiid: y In co-maiiy v,-it:i Miss Grace Wallace at wlioa;- home Khe wis cntrrtained wh'l here. A man hnvlrg h-.d considerable exiierieiice with earpe''tfcr tools, and who Is willling to work at anything tn wl'.l yield a Uvlihood, desires a posit'on at once. Inquire of The Enterprifse office. Wal er L. Tooze, Jr., of Dallas, bts pxpreKSf-d his desire to attend the legislature next term as a representa tive from Polk county. Mid will try to be elected to that office on the re publican ticket. Blce & Oalbreath, the local house furnishers, will furnish the new hotel for M. VV. Walker, aid the furniture selected for this new en terprise Is the best that money can buy to any market. McBeth & Wilkshire have finish ed Installing an or pressure system for J. R. Loy at his farm home near Buena Vista. They connected the house and barn with the wcter sys tem and made wonderful improve ments in that valuable homef place. Any one desiring instructions in home dress making please make ap plies ion to Mrs. Wm. McKinney, at the home, of Mrs. Geo. Conkey, Fifth street, Wednesday afternoon of each week. Terms 50 cents per lesson. 45. C. B. Mlnerc, a representative of the Covty Motor" Csr Co., of protiand, wag In tho city the latter part of Uut week with a demonstrating car. It was eqi'ipped with the electric start at d elce rlc lights and was about as handsome a car cm has ever . been Bhown in InJiejpendfin.ce. The series of tectures that are be ing delivered at the presbyterim ch urch each Sunday evening on metro politan London, pertaining to its beauty, picturesqueness historical and manifold greatness, are being re ceived with attention rid apprecia tion. , . , I : The new motor car did not make the regular trip to Solem Sunday norning m eocpected, but President Hirshberg provided other means of trnnsportatlon for those who wanted to go. The niw car wco placed in service Tuesday. The new service is certainly meeting with favor all over the county. L. W. Lr.ting, deputy head consul of the Modern Woodmen of America, will visit the local camp on Seurday evening, March 16. It is desired that re many members be present as possible. At this meeting we will get some idea as to what the new reites will be and it is a question that In terests many people at this time. Father Morisant, recently from Chi cago conducted services In the Catho lic church Sunday morning and went on to Fai'ls ICity where he performed a II ke mission. He will have charge of thie work here indefinitely Father Morisaint is at brilliant young man, an eminent speaker and will a:ld ma terially o the church's interests. J. D. Mlckle, candidate for re publican nomination for State Dairy atrid Food Commissioner, was in the city a few days last week looking tafher his political interests arad found great, "nc 'iragenient after making the r uivV. Mr. Mickleis a dairyman of i lif' l i5v; experience and probably no otu) cmil.l iiil that office better than !.e. R. G. Ooillns, Postmaster, Bam egant, N. J., was troubled with a se vere la grippe cough. He says: "I would be completely exhausted af ter each fit of violent coughing. I bought a bottle of Foley's Honey aiud Tar Compound and before1 1 had take it all thif coughing spells had en tirely ceased. It caw't be beat For sale by Williams Drug Co. . Mm. J38le Sklrmer has uicepted a posithn with L. Rice, as clerk. J. 0. Page has accepted a position at the Ncron Litkt shop. Freh cow for sale. Inquire of M H. Hichards. tf Mr. Wlneer of South Dakota, Is visiting at the home of bis sister, Mrs. Wallace. U. H. Loughry, candidate for re piiWli'M.i noiiii'iatioiu for County Jud KO, w;i in the city yesterday. Mr. a;.U Mis. Lrexl.r expect U Join thfj (v mora iuty in a trip to Cal f rnla. Mrs. W. A. Patton Mid daughter went to Corvallls fcaturday, being tn vlt d g' eats at the airiual "Shack" piity given at Cauthorn Hall. 8. K. Bush was in thet city this week, Mr. Bush retired the first of the month from the Cook grocery t. 3:ilem and hi located In Portland vh re he expects to sell real estate- i. H. Vlck of the firm of Vick DroB., of Salem, agents for the Hud son, Elmore and HupmoMIe i-s, was im town with the New Hudson, 33 Self Starter, last Tuesday. Dr. J. T. Abbott, distrj-t Superin terul"iit of the Eugene district, will preah ia the M. K. church Sunday evening tt 7:30. Sacramental services .vlll follow. Everyone invited. Mm. J. W. Kl hardson, Jr., was t'-nd' red a very pleasant surprine on Monday evening, when several of her frl'Tiflu tjt'hd at her home on Mon nioirh strut, t'-ie occasion being her 37th birthdry. Music and games were the iK'Ktime. Mrs- Ric hardson receiv ed many beautiful birthday cr-ds. The brwkct ball game Played last Friday between the Young Men's Club of t':ls city and the philomath Athletic Club resulted in a victory for Independence. Score 32 to 19 Wedn'siay evening the Independence girls were defeated by the Monmouth ?lrlg and th Independence High School tecra was defeated by the Monmouth High School team. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS You are hereby notified that the pity Council hce passed an ordinance Mo. 156, requlrinmg all owners of dogs In Independence, Oregon, to pty fr nd take out a license for each dog fcwned or kept wlthimn srd City; est A license must be paid for and taken out by the 1st day of April, 1912. All dogs found within srld city after said date, without a license hew ing been issued therefore as provid ed ,in said ordinance, will be im oounded by the city marshal, and sold or killed. The ordinance further provides the any person kfeepg a dog within said city without having ixen out a license as therein pro vided shall be subject to ft fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $50.00, or imprisonment in the city Jail not less thro 5 nor more than 25 days. Said license will be issued I by the city recorder. Don't fail to call and get said license by the 1st if April, 1912. A J. Tupper, , ; City Marshal. ILJ iJ IL1L Jink Mi PUMPS HOSE MUZZLES CONNECTIONS ETC. Plumbing Shears and Nippers ... LET US MAKE YOU A PRICE ON YOUR OUTFIT. J. D. HIBBS & CO. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON FOR SALE. Large Poland China boar from Bronk stock; cheap if ta ken soon. H. Lalberty. tf. SNYDER'S POULTRY PARKS lie and guarantee . that all will have a fair and resoonatle consideration so far e it is within my power U reader such. G. A. WELLS, Buena Vista, Or. Paid Etdvertisement Independence Oregon 6. C. W. LEGHORNS and BARRED PLYMOTH ROCKS Pure Bred Eggs $1.00 per 13 or $6.00 Per 100 P. O. Box 181. To the Republican Voters Notice is hereby given that I am a candidate before the republican pri mary for the office of county com missioner. If I am elected to that office I will exercise my greatest eif-orts in behalf of the general pub- C. A. Glossner, 24 Ontario St., Roch i ester, N. Y., has recovered ffrom a long severe attack of kidney trouble, his cure being due to Foley Kidney j Pills. After detailing his case, he says Home Phone 7521.'"! am only sorry I did not learn soon- 'er of Foley Kidney Pills. In a few days time my backache completely left me and I felt greatly improved. My kidneys became stronger, dizzy spells left me and I was no longer tn noyed at night. I feel 100 per cent better since using Foley Kidney PiUs. For sale by Williams Drug Co. GLORIOUS NEWS comefl from Dr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes : "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema In my Pa' tients with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by them of the setme disease. I feel sure they will benefit any case of eczetna." This shows that thousands hare proved that Electric Bitters is a most effective blood puri fier. Its an excellent remedy for ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls and running sores. It stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poi sons helps, digsetion, builds up the strength. Price 50 cents. Satisfaction guaraneed by all druggists. Geo. A. Wells of Buena Vista, has filed the necessetry papers declaring himself a candidate on the republican ticket for the office of county com missioner. It is und-erstood thrtt Petr Kurre who was to run on the dTaocrptic ticket, and Wm. percival, named a possible candidate on thq repullicrn ticket, havej given up to Mr. We'ls and will throw their support In his direction. The high taxation this year has led Mr. Wells to belietve that conditions need looking after, and his friends have decided that he is about the ma for that office. To the Republican voters of Polk county, Oregon: I am a candidatte for the republican nomination for Superintendent of Schools of Polk co unty, Oregon and solicit your sup port at the nominating primacy, April 19th, 1912. James E. Dunton. Paid Advertisement Buy New Harness SPRING 13 NOW AT HAND AND SO IS A BRAND NEW STOCK Harness, Robes, Whips and Gloves COLLARS, STRAP WORK AND ALL KINDS OF HARNESS SUPPLIES. A LARGE STOCK OF WHIPS DIRECT FROM THE- EASTERN MANUFACTURERS. A NEW STOCK OF GLOVES FOR MEN AT THE RIGHT PRICES. COME IN AND LOOK THE GOODS OVER WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY OR NOT. HERE FOR BUSINESS. D. D. GOOD Hanna Block. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON I good Coffee? m m m B B B Crown Patent Hard Wheat Flour B Ranks as one of the best In the Northwest. We Have It. m m m WE ARE. AGENTS FOR M. J. B. COFFEE. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED. m m m m m m m T?1 for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregula Foley Kidney Pilla are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse sub WILLIAM DRUG COMPANY. J Our Teas and Spices will please you. We desire a share of your valued patronage and believe the treatment you will receive at our place will be our best recommendation. FLUKE-& JOHNSON 0 B B B B B m I C-. t I; A m