Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 17, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Cbe Owl Construction Company
D. D. Darren, mansaer,
Salem, Oregon
I5t$. Commerclal St
Pbonet main 204.
There are two classes of peopls In ths world employers and employ
eee. Generally th employers are without good help end often, the
deserving worker lacks suitable employment. ;
Kit Aim to Bring Cbcse two Classes Coflctber
THE OWL EMPLOYMENT CO. le prepared to furnish at a moment's
notice, male and female help, both ekllled and unskilled, without
cost to the employer. V '
We have a thoroughly competent staff of civil engineer and are pre
pared to undertake any piece of surveying,' large or small; stand
Ing behind any work executed by us. Our facilities for locating pur.
chares and tenants for farming properties are unsurpassed. .
... . ' 1
We invite the Ladies of, Independence and vicinity
to inspect the Price and Quality of our large line
of Spring and Summer Dress Goods.
We have never had a better assortment of colors;
also newest weaves in black goods, all prices, but
great values.
Our Grocery Department is always in the lead
Call in and see us; we assure you courteous treat
ment and fair. dealing. , .
Drexler & Alexander
From Independence to Dallas
Train No. 64 leaves Independence
daily at G :00 a. m. and Monmouth at
6:15 a. m. and arrives at Dallas at
AO a. m.
Train No. 68 leaves Independence
daily at 10:50 a. m. and Monmouth at
11:05 a. m., and arrives at Dallas at
11:30 a. m.
Train No. 70 leaves Independence
daily at 6 :15 p. m. and Monmouth at
(6:80 p.m., and arrives at Dallas at
6 : p. m.
From Independence to Airlie.
Train No. 61 leaves Independence
daily at 7:30 a. m. and Monmouth at
I 7:45 a. m., and arrives at Airlis at
18:20 a.m.
Train No. 73 leaves Independence
daily at 2 :20 p. m. and Monmouth
2:50 p. m., and arrives at Airlie at
3 :25 p. m.
' From Dtllaa to Independence.
Train No. 65 leaves Dallas daily at
8:30 a. m. and Monmouth at 8:58 a,
m., and arrives at Independence at
9:15 a. ml
Train No. 69 leaves Dallas daily at
1:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 1:35 p.
m. and arrives at independence at
1:40 p.m. (This train connects at
Monmouth for Airlie.) :
Train No. 71 leaves Dallas daily at
8:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:25 p.
m., and arrives at Independence at
8:40 p. m.
From Airlie to Independence
Train No. 62 leaves Airlie daily at
9:00 a.m. and Monmouth at 9:10 a.
m., and arrives at Independence at
9:45 a. m.
Train No. 72 leaves Airlie dally at
4:05 p. m. and Monmouth at 4 :40 p.
m., ana arrives at independence at
4:60 p. m.
or tne
Launch Independence leaves the la
dependence dock for Salem at 1:3
a. m. dally.
Leaves Salem dock at 4:00 p. m.
Fare 50 cents each Way.
Leaving Independence at 7:30 a.
m. arrives at the AlcNary crossing in
time to catch the east bound train.
Leaving Independence in the even
ing at 3 :30 p. m. and arriving at the
crossing in time to make connection
with trains going both ways, and re
turn at 4 :49.
Fare 50 cents for each trip.
Tale Is tbe title of a beautiful 64-page book, which
win ssow any oojr or girl now to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal in the mall TODAY and It will be lent FREE.
Tbe aim of tbe College la to dignify and popularlte
the Industries, and to serve ALL tbe people. It off en
couriei In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Domeetlo- Sclence and Art, Com
merce, Pharmacy and Muilc, Tbe College opens
September 2 2d. CtJog free.
COLLEGE, Corrallii, Oregon.
Scran ton, Pa.
H. V. REED, - , Representative
233 Alder Street.
Portland, Oregon.
Will be in Independence every month.
Is to provide such goods as will meet
the test under all circumstances.
This is what we have endeavored to
do, and the result is an increased .
trade, rapid sales, and a clean, fresh
stock on hand at all times. If you
have not tried our grocery depart
ment, do so and become one of our
many satisfied customers.
L. G. REEVES, The Grocer
Funeral Director and Licenced
", Embalnur.
Lady assistant if desired.
Calls attended day or night.
Independence, Oregon.
W. R. ALLIN, D.D. S.
Both phones.
Cooper Bldg. Independence, Oregon.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public
Will practice in all courts of the
State. Probate matters and collec
tions given prompt attention.
Office, Cooper Bldg.
independence, Oregon.
H. HIRSCHBERG, President A. NELSON, Vice President
C. W. IRVINE, Cashier
The Independence
National Bank
Transacts a General Banking Business
Interest Paid on, Time Deposits
Attorney-at-Law -
Practices in all courts except Justices
ot the reace.
Bush Bank Building Salem, Or.
Established 1896
: WM. McGILCHRIST & SONS, Proprietors
Best and Most Popular Eating Place in the Willamette Valley
Telephone 196 SALEM, OREGON 362 State Street
J. w.
meets every Monday
evening in their castle
hall; Independence, Ore.
Visiting Knights wel
come. 7:30 is the hour.
Ul. Ul. newion $ Son
Successors to Geo. F. Heck. '
Under New Management.
- Having purchased the meat market
formerly owned by Geo. F. Heck, we
are in a position to supply, the trade
with a good clean stock of fresh and
cured meats. We are always in the
market for good beef cattle, veal and
KW YORK. - Rich material,
beautiful color and superb
trimmings characterlxe the sea
son's modes as a whole; but
It Is In 'the province of tbe
evening frock that toe quali
ties are most Impressively In evi
dence. There the srtlat In dress la
least hampered by limitations, can
giv hia fancy freest rein.
Women will take longer chances on
n evening frock tuan upon a cos
tume for daytime wear. Artificial
light la kind. One can w?ar the try
ing, the gorgeous, tho audacious more
successfully under Its friendly raya
than In the glare of day and, too,- It
brings out effects of color, of luster,
of brilliancy which do not respond to
Afternoon toilettes will bo hand
some enough In all conscience, but a
study ot the evening frocks and
cloaks brought over by the Importers
sets the feminine mind adrift among
vague reminiscences of old Egyptian
splendor, of Arabian Nights tales, of
Venetian and Genoese glories. And
yet Cleopatra or Scheherazade or any
one of the Venetian or Genoese ladles
would find this season's growm m sur
prising aa do modern women, for tbl
Is a very fin de slecle Orientalism
Polret has produced and the Egyptian
mummy silhouette Isn't the real thing.
and the Genoose velvet and Venetian
brocade effects are wedded to that sil
houette In a fashion that1 would amaze
any Titian great lady
At their extreme the new modes are
weird to tho point of wild fantasy, but
even at their weirdest they are Inter
estlng and If one can divest oneself of
conservative and accidental preju
dices, they have elements of beauty.
And then the extremes are after all
tbe exceptions. The average woman
is extravagant, has perhaps an over
developed love of the vanities, but Is
conservative rather than daring in
matters of dress.
She will be as superb as she can af
ford to me, but she will not attempt
the original, and this conservatism In
fluencing and chastening the vaulting
fancy of the Parisian designer has
brought about a satisfactory state of
things in tbe matter of smart evening
clothes. To be sure, there Is Polret.
No agreement of feminine opinion or
prejudice can put bit and bridle upon
his hourly haunted brain, but Polret
models are for the few and though he
has Influenced all the world of fashion
few there be with money and convle
tlon to follow unhesitatingly where he
It Is Interesting, this Polret cult It
"Jl be treated at some other time
now for a discussion of evening
tne oodles, ncyond that, color scheme
and material furnish originality and
charm and the completed whole Is ex
tremely likeable If not daullng or
There are lovely things In white as
well aa In color more attrnctlve while
evening frocks than people have been
accustomd to set In recent seasons,
There) are quantities of white and black
or black and white, too. though black
and allver seems to have bnen substi
tuted largely for the more hackneyed
black and white.
Of this last combination one finds
Innumerable examples, not all success.
ful to bs sure, but In the main ad
mirable, Two of tbe frocks In the
large sketch are Illustrative ot the
possibilities In this line, and both are
really artistic and admirable gowns
ot pronounced distinction without
blare of trumpeting color.
On has for Its foundation a aupple
cloth of silver which gleams softly
through a veiling of net embroidered
exquisitely all over In line silver
touched lightly with Jet one of the
marvelous cobwebby embroidered nets
which are among the wonders of the
new materials. This net falls smooth
ly over the stiver cloth In . straight.
narrow, unbroken lines; but over It
Is a drapery of exquisite black Chan-
Wedding Ring Lightning's Mark.
During a violent thunderstorm at
Berwick; England, an extraordinary
Incident occurred. Mrs. Mason or
Castles-ate was In bed with hur hand
resting on the counterpane when a
fUah of lightning enUred anil struck
her wedding ring, taking a small plsae
clean out of It. Ilr hand was unin
jured. ' .
Hits Himself In Head With Hammer.
It Is just as reasonable to bit your
self in the head with hammer to
eure a headache as It Is to try to cure
rheumatism with alcohol. Halgrene
contains absolutely no alcohol. Pro
curable at all druggists.
Ready for the Summons.
"Suppose you, knew'yow wsre. to die
tonight at It clock," asked a lady
ot Wesley, "how would you spend tbe
intervening tune?" "How, madam T"
be replied. "Why, Just as I Intend to
spend It w. I should go through
wttk my business, go to my room and
to sleep at 10 o'clock, and wake up In
If a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil tak-
en at n ght will prevent your having a
had coldln the morning, inn't It a good'
ida to have it ready to take the me
merit you feel the colli coming?
An Ideal.
I will strive to raise tnjr own body
and soul dally Into higher powers ot
duty and happlDeis; not In rlvalshtp
or contention with others, but for tbe
help, delight, honor of others, and
for the Joy and poucs of my own lite.
John Ruakln.
About Twenty Per Capita.
It is said that tbe people of Chicago
I consume .40,000,000 pigs reel every
year. Perhaps that accounts for a
whole lot of Chicago's peculiarities.
Do You
Liver Needs
Chiffon on Velvet
ttlly lace held at the bust by a great
bow of black tulle and drawn loosely
back at each side to fall In a gradu
ally narrowing pointed train at tbe
back. The short sleeves, too, are of
the black lace.
Only a skillful artist can handle
drapery successfully and many of the
evening models that have a simple air
owe their cachet to unerring certainly
In the management of drapery. One
tunic la perhaps superposed upon an
other and another upon that, yet the
lines and tones are blended Into a
harmonious whole, with no effect of
patchwork. The disastrous results of
an attempt at such effects, by a bun
gling band may be . seen wherever
cheap, pretentious models are gath
ered together, but the great French
men are reveling in an opportunity of
handling such wonderful fubrlcs as
this generation has not before known.
Silver lace of all kinds, silver era
broideries of all kinds are used in the
black and silver combinations. For
Instanoe tbe breadth of silver . lace
swathing tunic fashion a black satin
frock from a great Parisian house Is
curious open design of silver net and
cording ot silver cloth, dull In tone,
superb In workmanship, extraordinar
ily effective, bordered on one edge by
deep fringe. It forms or covers the
entire left side of tbe decollette
it has a toning and
invigorating effect on
the liver, stomach and
Road to Something Better.
Everything we endure patiently la
a key to something boautlful we could
never enter otherwise. By the toll
some road of study a scholar learns
to get Joy out of books and stones and
trees. By the bard road of discipline
a man learns to gei joy oui oi every
day living. '
bodice and the right side of the bodice Finally Cured by Lydia E. Pink
Is entirely of pale pink chiffon draped . . , , . .
Charming Simplicity,
frocks of the possible, sort frocks
that are enormously chic, yet far
enough from the extremes to please
tbe woman of conservative fastidious-.
ness. The models sketched for this
page are all of this class, all turned
out by master artists, all charming;
yet even in the most elegant of the
frocks there Is nothing of tbe bizarre
or the spectacular.
Many of the new evening frocks are
exceedingly simple In line.. A straight
falling or slightly draped ' tunlo sur
mounts a clinging: narrow ' underrobe
and some sort of fichu drapery softens
flchuwlse over the shoulder and bor
dered by very narrow fringe corre
sponding with tho wldo fringo of tho
All of the famous makers have a lik
ing for a touch of pale pink chiffon or
tulle about the bodice of the black
evening frock and Indeed with bodices
other than black. Frequently this
chair, or flesh pink, Is so used that it
gives from a distance a rather start
ling effect of extreme decolletage to a
frock -which Is In reality discreetly
high; but this Is not always the' case
and there Is no denying that the soft
delicate pink softens the pronounced
color tone of the frock where It nears
the face more subtly and quite as be
comingly as the white or cream to
which women have been more accus
There was exhibited the other day
a Worth evening frock In black vel
vet of exquisite quality, which despite
the fact that the model was not more
than five minutes out of the packing
case showed not a sign of crushing or
wrinkling, so supple and beautiful was
it, Success In this case was largely a
matter of material and" line, for the
clinging velvet Skirt waa devoid of
trimming save where it, rose td meet
the flesh tint tulle of tbe bodice Just
below the bust line. There it was
handsomely embroidered In large bril
liants and brilliants gleamed in single
lines along the edges of the decollet
age' and sleeve draperies.
The train of this frock toward the
bottom fell quite separate from the
frock, as Is so often the case this sea
son, and was square and rather nar
row, the edge being softened by a full
ruche-like frill of what looked like silk
mousselinf . , . ,.. ,.
Erie, Ta. "I suffered for five years
from female troubles and at last was
almost helpless. I
went to threo doc
tors and tliey did
me no Rood, so my
si.ster advised me to
try Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
when I had taken
only two bottles I
could see a big
change, so I took ;
six bottles and I am
now Btrontr and well
again. I don't know how to express
my thanks for the good it has done me
ana J. 'hope an sutiering1. women will
give Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vetretabla
Comnbund a trial. It was worth it.
weight in gold." Mrs. J. P. Endlicii,
It. F. D. No. 7, Erie, Pa.
l,yaia JS. I'lnkham's vetrctable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousands of voluntary testimonials
are on file in the Pinkham laboratory
at Lynn, Mass., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, such, as inflamma- -i
tion, ulceration, displacements; fibroid '
tumors, irregularities, periodic pains,
backache, indigestion and nervous "
prostration. Every suffering woman
pwes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial.
If yon want special art vice write
Mrs.Pinkham, L.ynn, Mass., for ik
It is free and always Iielpf ul.
eg cd