PAGE SIX THI INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. EIGHT PAGE Ths Independence Enterprise H. F. MclNTURFF, Publisher. Entered at the postotflce at Inde pendence, Oregon, as second class matter. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Address all communication and make all bills parable to The Enter prise, SUBSCRIPTION KATES On TMr la advance tl.M Six months la advance Thr mnntha in advance .SO National Progressive Republicans In answer to many inquiries as to the progress of the popular govern mnt movement. Senator Jonathan Bourne. Jr., President of the Nation al Progressive Republican League, hag compiled the following informa tion: Initiative and referendum amend xnents have been adopted in south Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, Colorado, "Nevada, Missouri, Montana, Arkan sas, Maine and California. Initiative and referendum amend ments foave been endorsed by legis latures for submission to a vote of the people In Washington, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, Florida, Ida bo and Wisconsin. The Oregon plan of popular elec tion of United States Senators has been adopted In Oregon, Nebraska, Nevada, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio Kansas, California and Wisconsin. The states which have adopted the Oregon plan of popular vote for can didates for party nomination for President and Vice President, with the dates on which the primary votes will he had, are: North Dakota, Wis consin, Nebraska, Oregon, and New Jersey. Their election dates are as fol with their respective dates as fol lows: March 19, April 2, April 17. April 19 and May 28. Great Boys' Conference at Corvallls On December 1st, the Friday follow lng Thanksgiving Day, there will as semble at Corvanis between a hun dred and fifty and two hundred of the picked boys of Oregon for a con ference to last three days. This con ference will be the sixth Annual Boys' Conference held under the aus pices of the Oregon-Idaho Y. M. C A. and is open to any boy over I representing any Boys' Bible Study Club or Sunday School Class In the state. The good people of Corvallig are those actively engaged In the dairy Industry, but to Che whole state. A larare attendance at the sessions of the convention Is expected. But- . . .... . i- w. in I Portland at about the same time. Church of Christ Announcements Next Lord's Day we have preaching services) twice. Our morning subject will be. "Move Forward" luid our eve nine subject. "The Witness of the Holy Spirit There is much rant bosh and erro neous views taught on the latter sub ject, and we invite your presence to hear the scriptures, alone- Some pro fessed Christians are afraid to hear the gospel because it disproves their belief. Are you one? If not, come Such a one will never reach their Heavenly Hotne- H. Campbell Clark, Minister. A Household Medicine That stops coughs quickly and cures colds is Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jef ferson street, So. Omaha, Neb., says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a bad cold and my neigh bor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks highly of it. Williams Drug Co. Annual Sunday School Convention DALLAS, ORE., NOV. 16 The An nual Sunday School Convention will convene at Dallas, Nov. 20, 21. and 22 1911. This is the seventh annual af fair of its kind and promises to be largely attended. The program will be as follows: Monday Evening, 7:30 p. m. Praise Service Rev Metzger. In The Saviors' Footsteps, Dr. H. C. Dunsmore- Indications that Indicate, Rev PhlPPs Special Music, Willis Slmonton. Tuesday Morning, 10:00 a. m. Devotional, M. M. Jones Welcome for Churches, Rev Miles. Welcome for Town, Rev Winters. Response. W. C- Williams. Round Table, Rev. C- A. Phlpps. Appointments and Adjournment Tuesday Aternoon, 1:30 p. m. Praise Service, Rey. L L- Myers The Graded Bible, H- C- Seyinore. Discussion, Cradle Roll Methods, Mrs. Wilkin8. Spcelal Music, Primary Children. Roll Call of Officers. Round Table, Rev. C A. Phlpps. Tuesday Evening, 7:30. Praise Service, Rev M- B. Young. throwing open their homes to the boys and entertainment will be provid primary pan,f Mr. x w. wnkms- I Golden Gate Convention, Rev. Phtpp Special Music, Pr0f. Wm. Caldwell. ed for all bona fide delegates. The Oregon Agricultural College Y. M. C A. men are planning to assist in entertaining the boys and will give them a banquet in their building on Saturday evening. The College men will also serve as guides taking the boys over the campus and through all the buildings. Agriculture in the Far East O. A. C., CORVALLIS, ORE-, Nov.l6. At the November meeting of the Agricultural dub of the Oregon Ag ricultural College, Dr. J. R. N. Bell, formerly of Independence, described the agriculture of the Far East as he noted it In his recent trip abroad. The program also included a talk by Moichi Kawashlma df Tokyo, Japan, on "Seattle Markets;" a discussion of horticulture by Paul Mehl of Chica go, and a musical selection by C- L. teorge of Portland and Luther MCGln nis of Corvallls. In his address Dr. Bell dwelt par ticularly on the great opportunities ior agricultural development in Rus sia and Siberia. In 1881 only 260 pec pie applied to go to Siberia, while last year about 6,000,000 applied to the government for supplies for that purpose. Eacn person is given, by the government, 151.50 in cash and a like amount In supplies. The Po Valley, Dr. Bell said, is about the same area as the Willam ette Valley, but has not the same diversity of Farming, the river water is muddy, and every time the river overflows it leaves a deposit of mud which acts as a fertilizer. Intensive agriculture Is practiced, every ayail able foot of ground being under cul tivation. The fruits raised are of inferior size, however, compared to those of .this country. Oregon Dairyman's Association The program for the twentieth an nual meeting of the Oregon Dairy man's Association, to be held in Portland December 7-8. has been Issu ed and it contains a great deal that will be df much interest to the keep ers of cows. Addresses by practical experts and exhibits showing improv ed methods will be seen. Nothing can be of greater value, not only to Wednesday Mornlng,9;30 Devotional, Rev. W. A. Wood. Round Table, Rev. C- A. phlpps. What Shall the Harvest be. Rev Cher- ter Gates Why Teach Temperance Jn the Sun day School? Rev. D. L- Fields. Music by M. E- Primaries, Mias Anna May Longnecker. Wednesday Afternoon, 1:33. Praise Service, Rev Fred H. Wehlte. Individual Work With Sunday School Children, Mrs. Blanche Fauj. Report of Committees and Delegates BoyB' Clubs, Rev. C. A. phlpps. Hand Work. Mrs. J. W. Wilkin Special Music, Prof. Dunkelberrer. Each school is entitled to three del egates but any that may come will be entertained. BAPTIST CHURCH It was a great disappointment to the pastor to be absent from here last Sunday. It will not happen in the future from the same cause, if It "please providence." Bible School at 10:00 Morning Worship at 11:00 B. Y. P. U. Bible Class at 6:30 Evening Services at 7:30 You are invited to come and - wor ship with us. Arthur R. Blackstone. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed Administratrix of the estate of Herman Sperling, Deceased, by the County Court of the State ot Ore gon for Polk County, and has quali fied as such. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with the prop er vouchers therefor, to the under signed administratrix at her resid ence in the city of Independence, in said county, within Six months from date of first publication of this no tice, ft Dated and first published October 13th, 1911. B. F. Swope, attorney, Julia R. Sperling, Administratrix of the estate of Her man Sperling, Deceased. 20-n-25 im Wmm lit $ and owcoafc All Wool materials. We are showing all that's cor rect in style all that's superior in Fabricsall that's best in workmanship. The best values are always here. New Outing Flannels 12 cent values 10 cent values Extra Special lOo 6c 35 cent Bib Gingham Aprons Cotton Challies Calico - 25 cent pillow Cases 2&0 4o yd 5c yd 12 Jo each Table Linens Special Priced 3.00 values per yard 2.00 " " " 1.50 " 1.25 ' .15 " " " 1.00 ". " " .75 " " " .60 " " .40 " " " $2.25 1.69 1.19 1.04 .9tt .84 .54 .46 .32 10c TOILET 80AP 3 CAKES FOR 10 This Is all of the standard makes "ef toilet soap regularly sold at 10 eta. a cake. Our Price 3 cakes for 10 cent. Regular 25c Talcum Powder 19c per can 15c Hose for Women per pair 15c hose for Children per pair 5c Handkerchiefs 2 for 9 cents. 9 cents. 5 cents. 3 a 3 org n CO S cn . CO r-r i$3 Umbrellas $1.98 Rsmsrfcably Nsat Appearing Umbrellas that would sell at 13.00, epeo Isl fl.98. Guaranteed fast blaok rainproof aev.rlnga of Union Taffeta. Handles In wide variety of pretty styles. If you want a good, practical umbrella for ev.ry day uee, oh.o.e one of ths $3.00 grade at the lew pries of $1.98 Smart New Tailored Suits and Coats for Women All the new snappy fabrics as well cs the vary latest models In Suite and Costs, are being shown In our suit d.partmsnt. New suits and coats are arriving dally and we keep strictly In touch with the latest little up-to-date details or touches thst dam. fashion now and then adds to her already attractive fall styles. Prices 18-50 to 50.00. ' Try The Gordon Hat the best $3.00 Hat in America. STOCKTON Cbis Beautiful Suit made to measure Will be given away to the lady receiving the second highest number of votes in the Enterprise Piano Contest. The piano on exhibition at our office is Che Grand Prize and will be given to the one receiving the highest number of votes. SMOKE zu zu THE BEST FIVE CENT C-IGAR ON ANY MARKET. YOUR DEAL ER SHOULD HAVE IT. DISTRIBUTED BY H. S. GILE. GROCERY CO. Portland and . Salem. KIO end of d&intv ifiwelrv - j j NQ limit to our willingness to show it NO question as to the fairness of my prices N O previous approach to beauty of design NO doubt as to my guarantee N O charge for engraving on sales N O repairing bsyond my skill NO "hop worn goods N O it 8 not t0 early to look for Xmas NOvember 1911 ROWE'S HOME PHONE T81 1 -: Gathering Friends :- A LITTLE GIRL CAN ALWAY8 GET SOMEBODY TO , PLAY WITH BY USING THE BELL TELEPHONE. IT 18 JUST AS USEFUL TO HER A8 IT IS TO HER ELDERS. There Is no need to be lonesom with a telephone In the house be cause you can at least talk with your frlsnds, even though they are far away. BELL SERVICE IS UNIVER8AL. THE PACIFIE TELEPHONE & TELEGHAPH COMPANY Ok Sign of Popularity The secret of popularity lies in meeting people often and leaving them FAVORABLY IMPRESSED. The popular merchant meets the people OFTEN always yith a eheerful menage. the Electric Slgi can welcome a thousand people an hour and bid them coma to your store. Its cordial and contestant service safeguards the merchant's popularity. Insist that our new Business Department originate a spec lal design for you one that's different 0n you will like. Telephone: j 6010 OREGON POWER CO. The Electric Sign is the Sign of Popularity. Well Drilling We are equipped with the latest machinery or well drilling and can do first class work on short notice. Wells drilled for Irrigation and pump ing plants installed. 20-p-24. Sloper Brothers. WEI HIE ELuLS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. 22ato&3a . . . William pnut company