THI IMDIfENOIHCi ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDCNCC, OBEOOM. U-W.fcWKiSK- ' f ' " tMT PAGES Ni i ViiS Vi -tiri 'i S Ni- Sii Vi Ni 01 AGENTS JOHN B. STETSON HATS, HA WES $3 HATS, PLYMOUTH SHIRTS Shaw Knit Half-Hose, Standard Underwear and Crawford Shoes. OSCAR . tapir , i ))) r ("k' Salem's Leading Clothier Slate and Liberty Sis. State and Liberty Sts. US' ID TGH ON )) 1 3 m f W '.111 ".-' v November Special on Men's OVERCOATS No ve m be r S h owi n g of the Famous RACSO System Clothes. WE HAVE BUT RECENTLY -RECEIVED THE LAST SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS RACSO SYSTEM SUITS AND OVERCOATS, THOSE UNIQUE MADE IN NEW YORK GARMENTS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. $10 and Upward If M. I 7 & vV 5 1 ." SHIRT 'SPECIALS WE ARF OVERSTOCKED 125 DOZEN GOLF SHIRTS, SIZES nfn FROM 15 to 1.' CONSISTING . OF BLUES, TANS, BLACK AND XH W V V 1 -rj . ft. 5 WHITE STRIPE?, PTC. YOUR CHOICE. K i V Sole Aocnts ' For i .HAW 1 ' $3.00 Hats. New, Fall Blocks Now at your Approval. . A f . I; VP $12.50 EVERY MODEL 13 DISTINCTIVE IN DESIGN AND FROM FAERIC OF RARE BEAUTY AND "UNQUESTION ABLE STRENGTH. OTHER MODELS $15.00 and Up J J 'if ' Vi' - ''V $ it I CI r M I " -I i fr ! L MX -J r a i U V THE WORKING MAN WILL FIND A HOME IN OUR STORE. VE ARE AGENTS FOR CARHARTTS WORK GLOVES AND OVERALLS, ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF MERCHANDISE FOR THE LABORING MAN. Benjamin -Glecnes ' v1' V' ' j .fe For men. We wish to call your "atten- MADE IN NEW YORK, TAILORED WITH THAT DEGREE OF EX ' CELLENCY USUALLY FOUND ONLY IN HIGH PRICED ; CUSTOM MADE GARMENTS. , . ' ; , ' . " tion to the word "Crawford," which ! means best Quality Shoes;.... :,W'V $20.00 and Up , m; tlj viV:L?;-;; -t...y 'v.:,,,: N '.Jl? V; .11 --.--wr-o C ' feSi:if - fell V ; Fly front Overcoat , CD v I f fzszzx fs) cnrp ' pq- If you want to make brother, father, sweet-heart, son, relative or friend happy and proud of his present and see him dressed to suit you, select one of our handsome wool ens and have us take his measure for clothes tailored to . order bV; - : ; , Ed. This is the sure way to secure clothes that are right- The style and fit.are guaranteed absolutely correct' and ihe workmanship unsurpassed, but the price is much less than you'd have to, pav for ordinary tailoring. . ' ' Reserve Your Pattern Today. .A . Vi'' When a bit 'if f-unshine bits ye, After ptidtfiiiy; of :v .cloud, JVhen a lit i,l' l.mlitor git ye And yc'r npi no isfwlin' proml, Don't foin'it to up ihhI fling it At a souHlmt'a fsolinj? bluo, . For tiie-minit- tlmt ye sling it It'H iv boojui'ttinK to yoVi. ' " Cupt. .luck Ciiuvford, Neyer bear more than one; kind of trouble at a time. ; . Some, people bear three-all they have now, all they ever'had, and all They expect to have. 'Avoid all manner of trouble by wear ing perfect fitting - garments. ' WE ;MARE'M :TO:FIT ' ; Have, just received a new shipment of Ladies' patterns for ml m 1 II w v lis ,sl i AND r: . - -: : : " . . ra :A ' . : w f ia . '5aawi n u W u V '13 l lw u -tiaas ..." n If , 'ifa See them on display in our of fice window. See my styles be- fore ordering elsewhere. "" 'NoW a is tlie time to order holiday suits. ki jtk rii A-nt Si. ID Q 1 JO!