EIQQHT PAGES THK INDf PENOINCI INTERPRISI, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. PAGI PIVI YOU'LL BE DEAD A LONG TIME 80 YOU HAD BETTER KEEP ALIVE AND WELL A8 LONG AS YOU CAN. THAT MEAN 8 YOU WANT TO GET RID OF THAT COUOH OR COLD THAT'8 BEEN HANGING ON FOR WEEKS AND GET RID 0Pf IT RIGHT AWAY. WE 8ELL A GOOD MANY ' COUGH REMEDIES. REXALL Cherry Bark COUGH SYRUP WILL RELIEVE THE MOST STUBBORN COUGH, H0AR8E NE88 OR SORE THROAT. HAS A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR, 18 MOST PALATABLE, AND GIVE8 PROMPT RELIEF. IT DOES NOT DERANGE THE STOMACH LIKE MOST OTHER COUGH SYRUPS. SOLD WITH THE REXALL GUARANTEE. ( 26c AND SOo. WILLIAMS DRUG CO. The Rexall Store HUGO V. LOEWI HOPS Geo. W. Lwli, Manager. Offlca 156 8. Commercial Stree Salem, Oregon. Correspondence Solicited. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Dr. Allln. Dentist, Coopar Bldg. A. I., Spi'i'lliiK wiih'Iii Salem hmilni'HH Friday, Frank llohleii tlii- hop M'yer, wb in lln Hy Tm-H'lny. ,1. V.. , 1 liillji"M triil'Biicli'il tlH 1 iii'Hg in SupMii sutunliiy, .1. C. Smith mid finiilly of Halcin, were n t ln d'y Sunday. .MrH. i. (i. Walker mil! MIh Stark with Salem vIhHoib Saturday. W. II. I au'i y of Salem, wns I" the iy (in liuHin8 one day l'int wpi'k- I,. Hanion Ih lmvltiK a new hni hiillt nt the rear oil li 1m r'ileii'e lot. Mr. niKl Mf. V, N. Matlock (if Sa lem, unci Mra. Win. Ivle of Sliver Jon, vlMitcd In the city Moiuluy. K. K. raililock, who Ih engaged 1" the hardware IiiihIuchb nt FailH City, h vIhIIIiir at hlH homo t this city. Sun, Irvine Ih In Harney comity HiIh week loeliltiR after his land in tercHtB. W. S. Knrre Ih as8lHtl"B In the C K. SpaiiMIng Losing Co.'b office for a few (Iii.vh. Clautle Ovlatt huts moved his family Into rooniH la the skating rnK build in g. W. M. Putnam hag started the I j jr. Simmons of Mt. Angol, visit auto stage between here "I'd MP- ed at the home of Tklr. and Mrs. H. Nary. . F. Swope a few days last week. Go to Mfllcth & Wlltshires for J (;eo. Kizer dt Salem, wa8 visiting tinning, plumbing, grinding, rubber I nt tho Collins home In this city the tires re-set and new tires put on- t Tomorrow, Nov. 4, is "Tag Day" for the Independence public Library. De ready with the dimes and dollars, for the ladles will surely tag you. Oren McIOIniurry, who has been in Cnllfornin for some t':ie, returned Thursday of last wek a:rl Is ''on fined to his bed with pneumonia. , L, H. Fischer of SHvertoa, wa in the city Sunday on hig way to Stiv er, He and Mrs. Fischer vlaltcd in Albany that day. The ladles aft the M. E. church nerved dinner to a largo company of people in the church parlors yesterdaj afternoon. Al Whitney purchased tho housee which stood south of tho Spaulding Logging: (Company's office, and moved the same last Week to his lot on Third street. Wood for Sale HO cords of maple and If tr wood for salo at $2. 00 per cord on the ground. 1 also have some young brude sows to soli. ; O. T. Murphy, Home Phone. 22n23. LIGHT MORE SUBJECT A New Department Recently Installed t1piI$ Pliar macy Is Electric Supplies Consisting of Stoves Irons, Fixtures and all kinds of Light Globes : : : j A. H," Taylor of Salm, was la Ui city Saturday. .1. Jf. Mitf'nrty trammeled huainess In Salem Saturday, J. h. Whit- came over from DalluH In IiIh auto Saturday evening. W. K. ('rav(.ii and wife tiuide a brief vlitlt. at DalliiH Saturday. Mr. A. M. I'.rowii wan an over Sun day viKltor nt Urowriuvlllo. 1 l..'l:. FivnHi left for Portland on biinliicKS niiitii'fH Monday. .Mr. KlliliiH Ih reported to he very fclck at thin writing. Leo Whitcom TlleNdn. v. wan in Salem on Mr. H. M. Ihmdy iR visiting her nun, (has. Slicneflejd. Dr. Walton, Osteopathic physician tm. 14, Breyman block. Salem, Ore. II. C. ItoumlH of North Yamhill. whs In the city on btiHlncKB yctiterday. V, ('. Hoots of Monmouth, w"a 1" the city Monday, Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inde pendence National Bank. Both Phone Mrs. Hoy CoiiliiH of Salem, is visit ing fi lotidH in tho city. Hay Williams returned from the east Tuesday. Maurice Hut(r was In the t'ity Sunday visiting his parents. Mrs. II. I- SwoPe Is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. II. Simmons, near .Ml. Angel, this week. I John Ilaima has moved his family , to the city and his brother, Hugh, ' Is now governor of tho farm. first of the week. Wood for Sale. Leave orders for !onk fence posts ami oak cord wood at Conkoy, Walker it Lehman's. Mrs. E. K. Trtpp returned from Al bany Sunday, where she has been visiting her brother. Mrs. It. K. Ferguson and Wm. Dawes and family made a trip to Sa lem Saturday In the latter's car- Dr. L. W. Horn, Veterinary Sur geon, Crowley Bros. Livery Barn, In dependence, Ore. Both Phones. We have a quantity of four inch drain tile in stock. Parties wishing tile fwlll do well Ho call and Bee s- C. K.Spaulding Logging Co. For sale or rjnt. 40 acres of land, an under cultivation, 4 miles south west of Independence. Inquire of J. J. Williams or M. II. lllchardg. 22-2p Geo. Wiltshire, a brother of Fred Wiltshire, has been appointed as professor df plumbing at the 0. A. C at Corvallls. Mr. Wiltshire was a resident of Independence for about one year, having come here with his brother from London, ' ! ' ' !'! ON . THE Mrs. Ernest Kemlngton w In tho city Monday, Mrs. Fred Boworsox of Monmouth, was lii' tbe city Tuesday. II, A. Hush, a hop man of AMle, was in the city Wednesday. New crop wullauts at Craven & Moore'a. W. L. Ilins trammeled business in Balem the torn part of the week. Mrs. J. Dornsife and Mrt, Marctim re visiting at I'lennant Hill, Oregon, tin! other Houtherii OreKO" points. Mrs. N. D. MeluturfT of Balem, vis ited with br son, If. F. Mclnturff, a few days this week. !', K. Alexander lias moved into the bonne recently vacated by Mn, C. C. K. Hicks, MIsb Nola Owen has vacated her position at Conkoy, Walker & Leh man's store. No bills charged to M. C. Russell without a written order from him .Signed: M. C. Itussell. Have you subscribed for the En terprise yet? If not why not? Hurry up and help nwell the list, and b on the Popular side. Site? Kd Haggcrty of Wyoming, an old friend of Dr. I mnsniore, visited the Presbyterian niiJiise Thursday, spend ing a abort liiiie 1 ir t'"3'' Ctuven & Moore have received their first limtiilinieiit 'if .Xlnas goods consisting of thirteen cases of toys, dolls, toilet Ht'tH, -'tc. H. T. Leonards, who has been in liidi'pondeiice since the latter part of August, moved bis fin'riy t0 Eugene the first of the week. Homer Woods is building a fine , new bungalow on the tract of land which he recently Purchased from Mr Ferguson. The Indepcndcnc High School Foot HUl team went to Silvertori Satur day and defeated the high school bojs at that Place. WA.N'TKD. To trade good inc0me propert out of town for a house and lot in Independence. Fine proposi tion for the right party. Address P O. Box ; or inquire at this office. Communion services will be held In the M. E. church next Sunday morning. Topic for evening: "Our Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire." A cordial welcome Is extended to alb- Claude Skinner is expected h0me from Portland . this week with the launch. Independence, which he has had there for a couple of weeks for repairs. The boat is in excellent condition now. Prof. C. W. Boetticher, superin tendent of the Albany schools, in company with his wife and family and Miss Kora E. Browne, drove down from Albany Sunday in the former's new Maxweu and visited at the home of Miss Browne's parents in the city. I Tripp & Furgiison. sold Clhristian Anderson some vacant lots in the city this week. Mr. Anderson is a new-comer In Independence and in tends to build a fine residence in the near futur.e. Mr. Anderson has purchased the Dr. Butler property 0n C St., where he will conduct the machine shop which he purchased from his son, A. Anderson. We have just received a shipment of reprint copyright books, such as Emmy Lou, The Dragon painter, Told in the Hills, The Man in Lower Ten, 54-40 or Fight, The Way of a Man, The Garden of Allah, etc. We are re tailing these books for only 65c. Call and look them over. Craven & Moore. Iva Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper, graduated from who graduated from the Good Samari tan Hospital in Portland last June, returned home Saturday evening and Is visiting at the home of her par ents. Miss Cooper studied in the hospital for three ywars and has had considerable experience in the profession, which she will follow in this city in tbe future. Goes to Eugene. Miss Grace Jones, who haa been engaged as head clerk In the dry goods department of lOonkey, Walker & Lnhuian's store for several years, has secured a position with the lead ing business firm of Eugene, L. F. Chambers & Co, and went there on Tuesday to commence work. Miss Jones will be greatly missed In Independence as she was hold In very high esteem by all who know her and know 'of her work. Our good wishes follow her into her new posi tion and we trust she may lfind as great favor am0ng the people of Eu gene as those here. Land For Sale Good wheat farm, acreage on elec tric line, or town lots to trade for property in Independence. IC. E. Carlos 22-n. GREAT -66INS WE ARE ALMOST GIVING GUNS AWAY We have Twenty-One Dollar Hammerless Guns For $15 J. INDEPENDENCE, Calvary Presbyterian Chur&h. Lr. 1'unsmore, pantor of Calvary j Vnurcn. Having rummeu , , ,. , ,. , t. Vl reuiimod tended Orlent-i rip, has regun cd the regular Bervice of the church. The Sunday School has been re - or - ganlzed. and the system of graded leg sons introduced, and the increased interest and attendant speaks most favorably for the change. Sunday School servleo held at ten o'clock uooi srrM'e is iieiu tir. un o'iimv every Sunday morning to which all, ' J ' both. large and small, are cordially in vited. At eleven o'clock the regular morniiig worship is held, the pastor preaching next Sunday morning on the subject, "The Oospel of Christ. ItB. Power and Influence," with ret ference and comparison to some of the religions of the Far East. In the evening Dr. Duiismore will speak 011 some features of his trav els in the East, which service begins at 7:30 o'clock. These Sunday ev-, ening "travel lectures" will be contjn tinued every Sunday evening dur ing the winter, treating of the peoote, their customes and habits and condi tions in Palestine, Egypt, Greece, It aly, France, and England. Special music will be rendered at each even ing service by some of Independ ence's vocalists. The general public are cordially Invited to an these ser vices. ( Rickets Entertainment Co. The Rickets Entertainment ICompany consisting of five people, all musician will entertain the people of this city at the opera house on the evening- of November 15. This entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Independence High School and should be well attended. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS "urply Just the Ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore J the natural action of the kidneys , and bladder. Specially prepared for backache, headache, nervousness, rhe niatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary Irregularities. For sale by Williams Drug Co. Marble and Granite MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, ETC. ALL CEMETERY WORK. G. L. HAWKINS, Dallas, Oregon BAKERY TESTING BY TASTE THIS BAKERY'S ICAKES is the only real way of finding out how delicious they are. H is true they look very tempting, but their looks are nothing compared with THEIR EXQUISITE TASTE. Try some next time you have com pany and have no time or Inclina tion to bake. We don't think you'll bother much thereafter with cake baking. You'll let us do It. CITY BAKERY INDEPENDENCE, OREGON life for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. FIFTEEN DOLLARS All Other Prices In Comparison D. HIBBS & COMPANY Commercial Club Rally. A general invitation is extended : ih ,,.i. f lnflnni1n. ywe -c....c lu )n tfae eVeIl,ng mfem . b commercial' club, to bear f. , a' . PortIari(J discusg the Locks and Ca- na, quef,tlon Th!s ,g of v,tB, ,m. .,,..,.,, , in,i,.ner.Hf.ruo it., I , , tiav a otJ ra .. a large delegation' . ; will orrii n Ki.u.. .tnt ' 1 ..u cuu w..K- : c"'"13 i ua zu The Best 5c CIGAR on the Market. Your Dealer has it, or Can Get it from H. S. GILE GROCERY COMPANY Distributors. GO TO NORTON , & Fot a First Class Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Masage, Electric Masage or Anything Else in the Tonsrial Line. We Are Here For Business And Will Exert Every Effort And Extend Every Courtesy In Order To Gain And Hold Your Patronage. 1 Samples now on display to prices. o A K $15 OREGON Eaton-Crane Wedding Mrs. L. C. Eaton and L. Crane, of .. - - - .. lnl8 cny were married in me rresoy- , parsonage at Dalla8 October I 'ft . rrI v rTta A f. After a short trip to Portland the , . . ' tnake their home here- Mrs. Eaton is the daughter of Mr. an1 JIr j R Cooper and Mr. Crane , . . t, is a prominent farmer of this section, , - ....... . naving been loreman on his fatner s I in-law farm for some time past. zu ROBINSON'S International Clothes Are The Finest In America. r"jjiJ.'o siatement vyi ! 13 based on l!ie fact that they clct'ie more men than ary tailor :n the Cj T h e y weld not h a v e the largest trade if their clothes were not the finest. measure only, and at popular J H"&kl WILLIAMS DRUB CUMrAIMTi j