EIOHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT WILL STUDY OREGON HOP8 THE INDEPENDENCE ENTER PRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. SIGN QF SINCERITY SINCERITY IS THE KEY STONE OF SUCCESSFUL. ADVER TISING. WITHOUT IT THE STRUCTURE COLLAPSES. WHAT. EVER A MERCHANT WRITES ON HIS ELECTRIC SIGN HE BE LIEVES IMPLICITLY. THEREFORE, ELECTRICt ADVERTISING IS SINCERE AND STRAIGHTFORWARD. , EXTRAVAGANT CLAIMS and FLAMBOYANT PROMISES FIND NO PLACE ON ELECTRIC SIGNS. LET OUR SIGN EXPERT ORIGINATE A SPECIAL DESIGN FOR YOU THAT WILL ETCH ITSELF INTO THE PUBLIC MIND. The Electric Sign is the Sign of Sincerity. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone: Bell 41. Mutual 5010. J. L. WHITE, Manager. Our Fall Lines of DRESS GOODS Clothing, Shoes, Hosiery and Underwear Are now complete. It is our aim to sell a better quulity of goods for the money than "credit" stores can afford to offer. While you have cash to spend trade at BARNES' CASH STORE SALEM, OREGON REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAl BANK Charter No. 3979 at Independence in the state of Oregon, at the close of business. Sept 1, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $150,252.54 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 3,944.46 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500.00 Bonds, Securities, etc 57,860.02 Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures . 19,632.21 Other Real Estate owned 12,500.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 11,810.23 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Com panies, and Savings Banks 10,409.42 Due from approved Reserve Agents Checks and other Cash Items .... Notes of other National Banks " " lrraptinnal Panw P.urrencv. Nickels and cents LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK, VIZ. Specie, $23,727.70 "L"eglal-tender notes 23,797.70 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer per cent of circulation) ..625.00 TOTAL 401,799.33 LIABILITIES ,, Capital stock paid in 50,000.00 Surplus fund , 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid .... 9,804.61 National Bank Notes outstanding , 12,600.001 Individual deposits subject to chec' .... 252,309.70 3,180.22 455.00 107.24 0, A. C, Corvall s, Or., Sept. 1! Samples of hops which me "ow belli colloi't-d b.v Prof. 11. V. Tar- i tar' of the chetnlHtry lirt uint, of : the Oregon AsnoulUirnl t'olU'go in I the various hoi districts ot the state 1 urj t bo studied by the chemlntry st-idontj this wmt.r. Jie.'eut ' teat by irof. Taiti.r have shown the Tr ifle Cat ho.is tuual to and In the world, especially in the bitter ton fnt. lie hns announced his HUen thn of pUvlng the jinlnltiK of hops for comimrolal purposes iiion H strict ly scientific basis. FOR SALE CHEAP Good sprues boat. Clinker build. 16 feat long. Been built two month. Sea E. Ewing of call Horns 3713. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH , The pastor was sorry that on sc. count of Illness In his borne, he could not keep his appointment on 1 st Sunday nljht; but neU Sundy he wt'l preach both morning ami in the evenlnsr, bringing some message from God's Word. And now t"t hop pick ng is over, or almost over, he will hope to see familiar faces back again in the pews, and he cordially Invites all others to attend the serv ices. Sunday School Is at 10:00. Preach ing at 11:00 B. Y. P. U. at 6:30, and evening gosuel s?rvlces at 7:30. nr.nur r. sunuong, Parstor. CHURCH OF CHRIST NOTES Look at ouV subjects for next Lord's Day, and come to hear them presented. The morning subject is, "What we Stand For," and the evening, "Mui tum in Parvo'' We expect to use a .Uew way in presenting these. Rouse un, careless sinners, and sleeping Christians, of Independence. Your souls are going to destruction and you are causing others to go also. Can one be a Christian and not go to church? Not a very good one, but Satan likes that kind. H. Campbell Clark, Minister. RAILWAY CHANGES TIME Tha Inlependence and Mo:imouth railway has changed 1 s schedule as to some of its trains as follows: INDE PENDENCE TO AIRLIE "STATION No 61 No. 73 A. M. P. M. Independence 7:30 2:10 Monmouth 7:45 2:50 St-a'.s 7:40 2:55 Ir?hnd 7:50 3:00 Elkns 8:00 3:05 Slmpsoi.... 8:10 3:15 A'rlis 8:20 3:25 AIRLIE TO INDEPENDENCE STATION A. M. Airlie r '.9:00 Simpson 9:10 E'kins 9 20 Ireland ..9:25 Stiats 9:30 Monmouth ' 9:35 Independence ....9:45 4 : 50 This schedule is now in ef'ect and th? t a'ns will follow it hereafter. P. M Tor, 4:15 4:25 4:30 4:35 4:40 Demand certificates of deposit 5,086.02 Time certificates of deposit " 56,813.30 Cashier's checks outstanding 5,285.50 TOTAL 401,799.33 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF POLK, is: I, C. W. Irvine, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that' the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. W. IRVINE, Cashiere. Subscribed and sworn to" before me this 1st day of September 1911. J. W. KTRKLAND, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: H. HIRSCHBERG J O. D. Butler, W. H. Walker, Directors SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE IN FORECLOSURE Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the coun ty of Polk, on the 5th day of Septem ber 1911, and to me directed, upon a Judgment and decree duly rendered by said court on the 2nd day of Sep tember 1911, . and which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the of fice of the clerk of said court on the 5th day of September 1911. in a cer tain suit then pending in said court wherein S. H. McElmurry, pallntiff, recovered judgment and decree again s Ella M. Irvine-Hart and Tom Hart, defendants, and by which execution and order of sale I am commanded to sell the real property in said ex ecution and hereinafter described to satisfy plaintiff's Judgment herein, to-wit: The sura of $650.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 15th day of Nov ember 1910, and the further sum of $21.50 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 5th day of September Ull, and the further sum of $65.00 as attor ney's fee, together with the costs and disbursements taxed and allowed at $18.20, and accruing costs and expen ses upon said execution. I will on Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1911, at the hour of t o'clock, p. m. of said day at. the front door of the court house in Dallas, Polk Countl, Oregon, sell at public auctnlo to the highest bidder for cash in hand on ,the day of Bale, all the right, title, Interest and esate wtolch. Bald def endants, Ella M. Irvine- Hart and Tom Hart, of either of them, or all persons claiming under said defend- m Ready for Ik Vialer We are now prepared to show the largest and . most complete line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Shoes in the history of our business.- Owing to the increase in our trade we have doubled the capacity of our floor space. Our Mr. C. P. Bishop was in New York this season buying for our three large stores. This has enabled us to give the best values in suits and overcoats to be had in the country. It will be a surprise to you to e the immense stock we are showing and the low prices you can eecure. The new tnings: Overcoats $10.00 to $35.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store Agents for the famous "Just Wright Shoe" SALEM, - - - OREGON ants, or either of them, subsequent to the execution of thq mortgage here In, to-wlt: The 15th day of June, 1909, in, of and to said mortgaged premises and every part and parcel thereof;, the said real property hereinbefore men tioned is described In said execution as follows, to-wit: Lot No. one (1) and the north half of lot No. 2, In Block No 29, In Hen ry Hill's Town of Independence, Polk County, State of Oregon, the same be ing part of the Henry Hill and wife I D. L. C. Said sale being made subject to re demption la the manner provided by law. Dated this 6th day of September, 1911 J. M. GRANT, Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon Booster Sale Continued This has been an unprecedented value giving event and we have decided tocontinue itthisweek. To the extreme offerings that we have already advertised we add the following: Booster Sale of Outing Flannels 122c values 10c 10c values. 8J2c An extra special, 5c yd. 35c Gingham Aprons 25c , These are large bib apron,wlth pockets, bound wtlh plain ging ham only 25o Booster Sale of Table Linens $3.00 values $2.25 a yard $2.00 values $1.69 a yard $1.50 values $1.19 a yard $1.25 values $1.04 a yard $1.15 values 99c a yard $1.00 values 84c a yard ) 75c values 59c a yard 60c values 45c a yard "40c values 32c a yard. New Tailored SUITS - for Women FROM. . . . $9.00 to $50.00 WE CAN SHOW YOU PLAIN TAILORED ALL WOOL SUIT8 AT $9.00 AND WE HAVE GAINED THE REPUTATION OF HAVING the Snappiest PLAIN OR NOVELTY 8UIT3 ON THE COAST IN PRICES RANGING FROM $9.00 to $50.00 OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE MOST REASONABLE. New Dress Goods 16 2-3, 25, 35, 50, 75, 1.00, 1.50 up to $4.50 WE CARRY , THE VERY BEST IN QUALITY AND HAVE A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM CHILDRENS' RAIN CAPES GRAY. STRIPED RUBBER COATS, WITH PLAID LINED HOOKS $1.39 Childrens' Percale and Gingham DRESSES AGES TO 14 years..., .... 89c AGES TO 6 yars .,. ..59c Knit Shawls $2.00 values, $1-79 1.50 values .... 1.34 1.35 values .... .. 1-09 1.00 values ..86c 75c values ., ....69c 60c values.,.. 39c 35c values 29c BOOTIES 35c values ......24c 60c values .. 39c 60c values... 49c STOCKTON SALEM, OREGON1 I