EIOHT PAGES THE INDEPENDENCE ENTER PRI8E, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE PIVI AP2INTER FOR ALL WHO BUY MEDICINES. BE CAUTIOUS OF THE MEDI CINE THAT'S ADVERTI8ED TO CURE EVERYTHING. THAT'S NOT THE WAY WITH Rexall Remedies EACH ONE IS PREPARED AS A DOCTOR PREPARES A PRE SCRIPTIONA SPECIAL ONE FOR EACH HUMAN ILL. THEY ARE REMEDIES YOU CAN DEPEND ON TO DO , WHAT YOU EXPECT OF THEM, AND THEY ALWAYS DO. YET SHOULD YOU IN THE LEAST WAY BE DI88ATI8FIED, WE PROMPTLY REFUND YOUR MONEY. NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN OUR 8TORE GET A COPY OF REXALL HEALTH NEWS DESCRIBING AND PRICING THEM ALL. IT'S A HANDY AND U8EFUL BOOK TO HAVE ABOUT THE HOUSE AT ANY TIME AND IT'S FREE. t WILLIAMS DRUG CO. The Rexall Store Fred Iluber, wife and family were In town Suturduy, on business, ' JIarlwy E. Prattler of Buena Vista, was In the city on bimlneas Saturday. Mr, counc pendeiice Tuislay. Miss Molilora Ja kson Ornce McNcal, both teacher In the Monmouth lllch Schools, wire doing business In the city Monday. Allim Clark und wife of Monmouth, were doing biisiniss In the city last week, Mia I)avln, one of the faculty of tbe normal school at Monmouth, wa a v' tor In Independence Sunday. A. N. I'oole and wire of Monmouth, were business v In It org In Independ ence Mondny. CtwiH TOWN FLOODED WITH MELONS I U t Monday carload of melon from Southern Oregon wa :de-track-jed In Indeptn lence. None of the dealers knew it was coming hut all HUGO V. LOEWI . HOPS Geo. W. Lewi, Manager. Office 158 8. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon. Correspondence Solicited. PERSONAL AND .LOCAL Bell phone 79 on farmer line. Dr. Allln, Dtntlet, Cooper Bldg. School Book at Crave and Moore's. Mr. It. II. Davl of Monmouth, wu In the city on Tuoaday. The way thut Ouy Walker handed out tlioao melon wasn't Blow. A. J. Richardson was In the city on business Tuesday. School Book and supplies at Cra ven and Moore'. ; Tom Fennel wan In the city on business last Tueaday. Buy your vetch and oat from L. E. Stapleton. Mr. E. T. White one of t'he pro prietor of the Monmouth Bakery, wn In Independence Tuoaday. II. II. Cook of CYook County, waa In the city thl week buying fruit to ship home. ' U II. Pollttlo of Lebanon, visited nt the home of II. E. Browne over Sunday. L. Damon has finished picking hi nops. He cleaned p the last Tues day. See Tripp for trade for town prop erty for farm, farm for city prop erty, city property for city property or fanr for farm. Carl Perclval waa In the city on Tuesday, He reports all his hop picked and will finish baling thl week. Hop-picking has about come to an end for thl season and people are moving out of the yards at a rapid rate. C- L. McNary, Dean of law at the Willamette University at Salem, and a prominent lawyer of the Capitol City, was In the city with his family Sunday. Dr. Walton, Osteopathia physician Rm. 14, Breyman block, Salem, Ore. Buy your School Supplies at Craven and Moore'. Krebs' Bros, will finish all of their Upp yards this week Mr. Chas. Ilutaon of McMlniivlll, waa 1" town Sundny. Mr. R. K. L. Drown of Wells vis ited Independ"iice Sunday. Vila Reaney of CorvalllB was do ing business In the city Monday. Mr. Hugh Wa'lace of WUlamlna wa In the city Sunday. Mr. Jesse Windham of Monmouth, was In town Saturday. Mr. T. V. Morgan of Lebanon, made a trip to thl city Saturday. Mrs. Roy Crawford of Albany, waa an Independence visitor Friday. Mr. Frenm and daughter, Ruby, were in the city Tueaday. Geo. Elsln, a Corvalll reaiestate man waa here on Monday. 8chool Book, Tablets, Pencils, Per Erasers, Note Books t Craven and Moore'. ICul Thrasher, a Corvalll insur ance man. was a" Joy rider In this part of the country Monday. Mr. John Sursen a reaiestate man of CorvalllB, was In the city on ! business Sunday I Mrs. R. h. Collins of Salem, visit ed her parents, Mr.and Mr. Jim HI1 lard, in this city, Monday. Ml Lera A. Brown, a student at the Normal, was In the city on Men day, Let u make your abstract of title for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Drown ft Sibley, Attornuya and Ab traders, 610 Mill Street, Dallas, Ore White a member of the city amitag, of the opp0rtunlfy Ml Monmouth, wa, in I.ft t inamat Uhe ant.'-o season, up to the present and Ml tlmu. melons have ben scillnir for from 35 to f,0 cents b'lt when the !cr was unleaded slgna appeared to the effect that melons were worth no more than 20 cent. C'onkey, Wal ker and Lehman took a wagon-load ami Reeves, Drexier & Alexander, Cok and Knox handled about te anie amount. It seemed at first that melons would be on hand for the rest of the sraon uiiKhs a neijro minstrel troup should appear, but the next morn .lug the melons left would not hav attracted much attention. ) During the summer Mr. Winter Una ben buying melon in Salem and In this way the lo:el .market has been aupplled. This season Mr Win ters' ban'lbd fifty thousand pounds of them but will not bring in any more this year. Some A No. 1 vetch ond oat seed for sale. Buy now while I have It In the field. Dell phone 7C9 on farmer line. L. E. Stapleton. gon. 41-tf. Mrs. W. Pntteraon and aon, H. Patterson, have been visiting Carl Perclval and wife nt their hop fatm during the past week. They return ed to their home In Portland accom a lied by Mr. Perclval. Before You Reach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition 1 till curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive reaulta will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism. and all kidney, bladder and urinary tro'ible. Irvine, brother of C. W. Ir vine of t ils city, has been here from M.iry's Klver vls'.ting his brother for tho past week. -. ' Miss Hazel and Mahle Lorence of Monmouth were In the city Sunday. Mis Mable was on tur ways to Eu- gen where she will attend the Un vt rsltv. J. It. N. Bell of Corvalll who is widely known In this city has been visiting the Holy Land for the Past few months and will return on the 27th of hi month. Tbe high steps on the crossing of the different paved streets have been fixed to a certain extent by the aprcachea that have been lnstal led during the past week. Itoy E. Barker of Salem, has been In the city visiting relative ana returned Wednesday. He was ac e.ompnnled by hi cousin, Cyril B. Richardson who will visit In Salem until Sunday. Mr. E. Ewlng made a trip to Sio ner Brothers' hon yard during the past week. All of his fo'ks are pick In hops there and Ernie says he zu zu The Best 5c CIGAR on the Market. Your Dealer has it, or Can Get it from H.S.GILE GROCERY COMPANY Distributors. Notice of Meeting of Board of Equal ization Not fee Is hereby given that on Mon day, the lflth day of 'October, 191 the Board of Equalization will meet at fie County Courthouse in the ci ty of Dallas, in -the county of Polk, Stite of Oregon, to examine and cor rect all assessment rolls, to correct all errors in valuation, lots or other property, or Incorrectly assessed as to description or quantity, or where assessed in the name of a person not the owner thereo' or asssed under or beyond the actual cash, val ue thereof, and to assess all lands, lots and other property appearing to have been omitted or that was not assessed, Petitions or application for the reduction of a particular assessment was forced to go out there in order I shall be made in writing, verified by to get a square meal Www Mast "jj j l YOUR LADY FRIENDS You will make a favorable impression If you are wearing one of our tailored suits. They are rlgh up to the minute In tyle and fin ish and fabric, and they hold their chape and look good until they are worn out. Our price are no higher than a ready-to-wear suit of the same quality. We have a beautiful line of sample to select from. Price ranging from $14.0 to $40.00. We have the ready to wear suits from $14.00 to $18.00 every suit guaranteed to be wool. Your Truly , 4 O. A. KREAMER Jeweler and Gent' Furnisher. Independence, Oregon. Mrs. W. S. Kurre has returned from Wel'hes, Oregon, at the foot of Mount Hood, where she and her husband have been spending the summer. Mr. Kurre will return about October 1st ' J. S. Bohannon has purchased a ten acre piece of land from Saul C.nx Mr. Bohannon already has a thirty-six acre piece of fine bottom land and has purchased thl adjoin ing plecec to square fhls up. It has been reportel that a man the oath of the applicant or his at torney and he filed with the board during the first week 'It la by law required to be In session, and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be con sidered or acted upon by the board. Dated September 20, A. D. 1911. C. S. Graves, Assessor of Polk County. ANOTHER BIG CUCUMBER There is another tig Independ ence cucumber on exhibition at the by the name of Irvine purchased Ella KTrlpp Reaiestate Of'lce In th's city. flart. one of W. W. Percival's fast horses. The consideration 1b unknown Mr. Irvine is a restunrant keeper of Salem. Rube Dickinson and Alva Boving- ton have purchaaed Supelveda, the race lnrsa that competed auccess- fully w'th Carl P. during the ra"es here 1 st summer. They have shipp ed the horse to Baker City where he wll' run In the n?ar future. It is four inches in diameter, thir- teen inohes long and weighs three pounds and two ounces. It was rais ed by Mr. Henry Mo t, who lives in the new green bunga'ow near the schorlhouse. It Is certainly a fine specimen and is almost as large and smoothe as the one tvat V. L. Plce raised and which won the first prize at the fa!r palpi Apoqitoo XOKXVHOIT 'S 'f Korcvci 'i 9 BJiSSLpjQ 909Id 9 ailOXS 8.HM001V v x:iArru) h:iao a a o 'a 3 k a (i s 3 j 3 (i k i tivh snnadwvD LOST A huckskln bae containlnsr a 10 dollar gold biece, a 10 dollar bill and a 1 dollar Ml: also a water opal-aew- ed in the inside of the purse. Find er nlease return to this office and receive reward. Bice and Calbreath have jut secur ed a large stock df ALLUMINUM U TINSELS. They are warranted to be of the highest quality, will not rust or tarnish and are twice as long ureal as any other kind of kitchenware. A should see them. The price Is rlgrvt. Marble and Granite MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. i ETC ALL CEMETERY WORK. : 1 G. L. HAWKINS, Dallas, Oregon GATHERING .FRIENDS A LITTLE GIRL CAN ALWAYS GET SOMEBODY TO PLAY WITH BY USING THE BELL 'PHONE. IT IS JUST AS USEFUL TO HER 'AS IT IS TO HER ELDERS. THERE IS NO NEED TO BE LONESOME WITH A TELEPHONE IN THE HOUSE, BECAUSE YOU CAN AT LEAST TALK WITH YOUR FRIENDS, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FAR AWAY. THE BELL SERVICE IS UNIVERSAL. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. C. I. K. STORE Foley' Kidney Remedy (Liquid), I a great medicine of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It 1b sepecially recommended to elderly people for Its wonderful tonic and reconstruc tive qualities, and the permanent re lief and comfort it gives them. For Sale by Williams Drug Co HE NOW KNOWS HE IS A FOOL Last Saturday evening Billy M - Adams was driving toward where hop-pickers were located, his horse became frightened at another horse in a nearby field and threw himself, buggy and Billy off into the ditch. It jW Juan eoBjS nSm onl no panaddun IjRall'y Cooper's place adjacent to this city. "Yes sir, horse, buggy nad every thing went into the ditch," said Bil ly to a friend, "and the funniest part of it was that nobody was hnrt and not even as much as a snoke wns broken out of the bug gy. The water was quit9 deep too, and I had to hold the horse's head up out of the water until we could get him unhitched from the vehicle, then we pulled the buggy out and led the horse back onto the road, hitch ed and away we went-" A bystander stnrted to speak a piece that ran, "A fool for luck, "etc "Well, now I know I'm a fool" re turned Billy in his good-natured way, and there was a laugh all around. "A. ti m FOR LIGHT LUNCHES. you Will find this bakery full of good things. Our bread and cake are dsliciors and wholesome. WHEN YOU GO FOR A JAUNT in the summer, let our bread and cakes be the larger part of the lunch; for they are nourishing and more satisfying than the variety of needless food-stuffs that are frequently taken along. CITY BAKERY INDEPENDENCE, OREGON SEEING IS BELIEVING Come in and examine our stock and get our prices before purchasing eliewhere. For the next ten days we will continue to sell a great many articles at cost. Examine our fall and winter line of SUITS and OVERCOATS Prices $10.00 to $25.00 PETER COOK Both Phones Main Street, Independence, Orerjon J NEW STORE See the new store just opened on Commercial Street, across the bridge in Salem. Every thing in Clothing and Gent's Furnishings. J. JAMES. X HH"H'H"M ' for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY J