Or, Site 2f INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1911. NUMBER 8 VOLUME 28. WOMEN AS 'Let the Women Do the Work" Say Men of the Com Cob State. "8end Ui Women" It Cry From Dli trlctt In Nebraska Omuhti This week wheat nti out to trAo a rido. Ho reluctantly did bo ut b rapid trot, for two miles. Ho was thoon informed that the Bnnio kind of n ride would lie given every night until he found a Job and that If tho rail not too hard for him, ooft fea thers would bo stuck on with tar. Strntigo to Buy, ho found u Job the very nuxt duy find held It down. PICNIC AT ANTIOCH A few dayH uo tho Antloch 8un d iy 8-dio 1 hud a iiiohI delightful plo nl in a homitiful grove, tho use of which was kindly donated by Mr. Iio by. A good progruui whb rendered. and recitation SOMETHING DOING AT THE COUNCIL Sidewalks to be Widened-Spec-ial Inspector to See that Paving is Done Right. Railroad Will be Required to Put Itt Bed on Grade of Streeti. .. ...Ill l....,l I., tin. efillllt eB1 C)llB:ilU"K l nw..o along the south lino ot tho state, and, and u ap.-.w h by Mr. b. II. Ilkle th before tho cud of auotlur week It will Buperintendmt of tho Sunday school. b in full swing through tho South Tho women and KM furnished a Platte country, good basket dinner, and the men In other years tho cry "Bond us' and hoy., n t to be outdone. furnHh- .,. i,.mr,l fr and wide ed a bo:ntif ul supply ot Ice civnin. from tho fiwmerH, but thin year tho at- Iho Sunday school Ib progressing nl'tlv, owing to tho good will und la bor of tho largo numbers who tend. Another thing, of of Antloch aro proad, In their BPlen app ml has been chunged. The farm ers uro exclaiming: "Send b wom en." During harvest, Blacking nid threshing, Ncbrimku farm wugeg for years have hem around $2 CO and JlOO a day. There wtw an advance of 50 cents a day lust year. The biHt year prices will rule this season, .....I ,1 ...i,,., (h. 1i,lf..r twirl nf June. "" ' . . .. ........ ir,.w.tol ara f sic, noin voem mm imbuuiv..,, . ' tun It rnnlered. On Monday eveuing there was a BP clal council meeting, which was call ed lo receive the report of the street committee, of which coun'Hruen Mix, Moora und Hubbard are members Tho committee found the side walks, on the streets that are to be paved, ranging In width from seven and one half to t.n f .set. H was mov ed by councilman Williams and sec ond! d bv couneolinan Hubbard OREGON'8 PROSPERITY IS EVI- DENCED BY GAINS IN BANK DEP08ITS And In Many Other Ways IS VERY ACTIVE sion in Council Chambers Tuesday Evening. Bi'iiks of the stats show good gains Holds Interesting Business Ses In deposits and-jeoarcf s as compar with similar figures compiled last year. State Bank Examiner Wright finds deposits have grown over two million five hundred thousand dollars. and In pra-tically all departments of Report of Secretary and Treasurer the banking bnslnesB there Is good' ghow, Cub , Good condition, advance. The latest report sets forth' conditions as they exist at the close, of business on. July, 3. j j A very Important, Interesting and i enthusiastic meeting of the commer j clal dub was held Monday night. and new members, was the order of busl- R1IVFO Mr. Walter Kerr, an enthusiastic 'Good peaches, wise planning. young citizen of Suver, paid this of fice a visit last Tuesday and reports neS8- 1 crop conditions in that part of the' The commercial club was bom this Valley as never better. ' jtlme to live- 0n Tuesday night one The Bijou Musical comedy was of thelr be8t stings was held, pliyed at Suver Monday night, to a There wa a Sood ae"dince. Many tn' small hut annrflclatlvA ndtnc.who matters of moment to me city were WILL FORM LEAGUE FOR MUTUAL HELP Union and Wallowa counties will probably form a two-county develop ment league for mutual help. It is be lieved that greater benefit will come to the northeast corner of the state with organization and that greater gains will be made in Immigration. A NEW BANK ... L-n im anH rtai4 In h various u ,wnin'have the sidewalks al made ten feet returned Dome to tell of an excellent -f - - - which the people, anA a. ,it im..! committee, for future working out. A Aide. This widening will the was d'splayed and a larger crowd at- number of new members were added the wiiolo of July nnd a portion ( August the dally farm wae will be from t'i to $:t.nu for a 10-hour day. I'ntil last yi.- the men had the absolute rinht ofway, but now they nro being crowded out, and to quite mi extent, nr0 being replaced by young women. i Yes, we have nuked much of women In th') development of the we und now we are going to nsk her to go lmk to primitive conditions and do tho awful drudgery of harvesting the h iiry grain under a sortchiig sun. JSniiuio on mo men: i nt-y i booming a race of weaklings and, moro nnd more, are shunning hard work. They howl about the bringing In of Chinese, Jimn'se, Italians and ti..i 1. 1.. iirt Ihnl did literary society, which Is held in. , ' flrrAW4, .-'tended the next thre night.. After 9y Wed by their presence, as thi sidewa k is e&"1) performance a dance was given ana worn that the In the hall. The people of Suver are ,ne far becoming famous for their good cheer "cretary enowea tne cud m B . , . fln,l A;rr-a iCOnailien .manually a'iu iiuiiisiiv.iij. as it surpassed the price of the pave- and d,mce8. Three delegate, were appointed ment. The eiUewalka, as they are at ( B - . i i u ........ ..f.iv Uiitiirntiv niiMiL u.o s '-';" :.;"" " tho same amount as tho sidewa'k Ib and miny qU'Buona oi i"i'-r.i ..... . ............ , .,..,kor and widen-d; It wo. understood recitations together with good mu- city would bear the expense In so LOTS OF HOPS THIS YEAR Krebs Urothers, of Independence, w:sro at Iho Cherry Fair on Saturday and came back on tho boat with the the present time, are lnadtquate to accomodate the people that have to usa them, and it Is a good and wise thing which t'ie council did. In hav ing them widened. In paving it is Impossible to se- CROPS ARE THREATENED Crops throughout the Mississippi Valley and In the middle states, are seriously threatened by the long drouth and Intense heat. A committee of five was appointed to meet similar committees from oth er cluhs. at Dallaa on Wednesday to western' . . arrange ior a yrvvcr e"iuii at vw. coming State Fair. H. F. Mclnturff was requested to write a special ar- ! . i i . . i . tUm Ye ' .. ..... . . '. editor of t'ie Enterprise. They report-, cm u a D J...lo v- M ue BOUm lae aay crop 18 Bim08(. Oregonian, giving pho- thelr hop. hiking fine. They have! work will last for any PeHo a total failure. 'togmph. and letting the people know 740 acres In hop., and expect to "i i ""-- -"" - - w e'cn. wiimeiii m iuc . 1 j . V. . .,,. Ili.il !1 will h .. j wuai ha vo $1500 bait s this Fall. They have i recoguicu iu3 -1 corn pit as a rssuit, prices auvanc- tcn hop yards and it took more than ' n-scessary to have a man on the .e(1 4 to 5 cent8, Eacn dajr of the works all the time anu "e win dro',:th Is costing the country millions million feetof lumber to build their ho :ses, They expect to pay out, t'lia ( that the work Is done right ana tuai of do!Ia . . ... . .1. .....v.Anl lyenr for work in caring for their crop, tha material put into uie v, I I is ot the standard required by the There are 4000 acres of hops with-! city in the Plans and specifications. In a radliiB of six miles of inuepenu-i io mi ib oui. b m v.,,, - - rs. we have here. Interest in, the i club la not only good hut is increas ing. While this is a matter of which to be proud, yet we miss some oi Though well supplied with banks Eugene is to have another, The Bank of Commerce, which is soon to be opened with a capital of $50000, and Is said to be planning on equipment equal to any in the land. We con gratulate Eugene. LARGEST BALLOON ON EARTH. Th? largest hot air balloon In the world hag just been completed In Corvallis, Tinder the direction of Mr. Arnold, the great show-man. We have been expecting the hot air business to do some wonderful things over there. Let her go, boya. STILL CLIMBING The Mazamas, the mountain-climbing club of Portland, will scale Gla cier Peak, in the Chelan country, Washington, this year. The annual outinj is scheduled for August 2nd to 20th. Mountaineers of Seattle will jo'n the expedition and a large party will attempt the assent. BUSINESS MEN SEEK ALLIANCE Medford business men will make a four days excursion through south ern Oregon some time this month, visiting Lakevlew and Klamath Falls as well as many other points. Closer the good men who are members and business relations with this terltory EASTERN OREGON FINE PLACE After visiting 45 towns of Eastern .. v.i,.i. ...in ..,ii,10 .tiia v,.nrJ Insnect' r It whb moved by councilman' osrom. J.J. Saver, field secretarv of . j 1 11 I , nun.. II Will .ir-.vt wio j . -,( - . fl reeks nnd yet it becomes mole a")Jf a gwe w.(,n 23O00 to 30l)00 bales Mix and seconded by councilman El- the Oregon Development League, is more dirfh uit to get our American. tho ri.HIMlt indications, ' drldge, to employ J. M. Hal', the man back: ot tho Portland office, much im mcn to do hard work on tho farm. J f about $1701,000. There' who superintended the work of build-1 pressed by his trip through the inter- do not attend the meetings. Let ev ery one be there and the way to vic tory will be easier. We will either back to tho farm on starve. Tho time Is rnpHly coming can support n family will bo paid o.it $100000, to the army hero for help of workers. Ing the sewer, to inspect ALL of the lor IIe Ia enthusiastic about the pos- HILL WILL BE INVITED Th9 Central Oregon Development w.rk which will be done by the pav- BiDllitles and the future In store for ague is exceedingly acme, even Mr. Mall's salary was ,otorn rrPn Mr Silver starts Uiougu a ver juuus .6..-uU-. GOOD RACES AT SALEM Win n no man " iim'"i. hj . ng company. with a Hillary. Twn Mll FR nF canal DONE f'x-d at $".oi per day. l int yt!r in th:t Yakima Valley , ho t.,jep,0ne !m(i el -ctric l'pht hiiidrnlH ot tons of fine fruit rotted) .,. (h. V,.,.H. ,.,, tMe I rnmI111-ll(,s wln move their poles In the fields hecm.Ho men would rath-. Ctdilo Canal Just insida of t. '-urbs aid there wi 1 er hang wound the saloon than 'rk-' ,,ftVe b(pn completed by the construe- , be but three poi "0 the block. The Our trunp army la riot for lack of . havng the cuntract. This Home Telephone ompany s Poles The best list of gocd employment nt hind, but has ,nc, 1(,(g th9 mH,r OIUl of the cnunl ;ire in thj alifys aid will not have ; trir8 pver made for the races sched itu origin in old fashioned laziness. anJ h ( Ce1o I o k (. la expected, to be moved. The Bell Telephone Co. j uied for the gtate Fair next Septem A good, wllo m-vnke government, tU; nnotller t-irt,e y(,.ir8 tho ca-jand the Light and Power Co. will berj has been secured and the meet under proper conditions, would find navigation. The. use the same poles in orler to havej wU1 b full of ntre8t to all who like this week for a similar trip through Having been formed about one week O crr If a QlrOQXr TTlQlilTlO TllflMfl TCV the next meeting of the organization early in the Fall and J. J. Hill will be invited to attend. The date of the early closing en-, meeting will be arranged to suit Mr. mil s convenience. STILL MAKES GOOD tho c.niBO of I'lb news nnd produce, ikt once, the cure. Thre nevir has- there fln(J wh, never will be a litter law tnan unit tin In tho Iilhl , "He that will not work neither shall ho emt " In tho mountains of eaat Tennes see lived n man, vho found It easier to have his wife tike In washing and support hiin.'thnn to work himself. When nuked why ho did not work he would always say, "I enn't get a Job " This went on for some time. One evening 2" husky fellows called on him. Mo was glad to see them. The Umatilla Couunty will have a great fM In ran.il In on tho Columbia river, as few as posmme on un-oa uuim . to see spirited contests ot t'ns khiu. finished will m:ike that Vi I d streets. ' While many favorite races are listed, wheat crop of about 6,000,000 busneis. navlcabln for nuite a dis-i Councilman Bohannan insisted that!(he,e are more new entries this This county grows about 1 the railroad be compelled 10 c0m year than ever before . 1 down to the grade as esi.iuiibuuu VJ the charter which the city gave the waterway tanre above Lcwiston, Idaho. per cent j of all the wheat grown in the States. Is the object sought by Medford. DR. WALTON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OF SALEM, OREGON, will be in town Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1 to 5 P. M., begin ning Friday, July 21. Dr. Walton will have his of He 1 at the home of Mrs. L. L. Whiteaker, at Third and C. streets. . CONSULTATION , FREE! MUST PREACH WITHOUT S WEARING WHEKLINC, W. Va.,.Iuly The city council lias ra-38d an ordinance Imposing u fine upon any person who UHcs vllo or vulgar Inngunge In a pub lie address. Councilman P. F. llaber- stlck, who offered the ordinance, said question of why he did not help his that lt wns tone the intent of curbing tho vorabulnry of ' Hilly'' poor wife to make a living for lm se family, wns brought up. Ho Sunday, the evangelist, who has been a ...i. it r-iinio here. Jt Is not lU'U V IA" 11 known exactly what this grade is, bu it is known that it is about eight in ches lower than the grade that the roid is on at the present time ev ery little bit. hell's and eight inches is better than nothing. It wns decided that, as the paving company will be on the ground this week, it would be wise to have them start work at the steel bridge. In or; gave the old answer. One of his rn" ongnged by Wheeling churches to'd?r that t"afie across this bridge may era seized him. A sharp rail wns lirt- QI)on R renRj0UB campaign in this ci ed from the fenco nnd he wnS invited ( (a.y ncxt year STATEMENT Of the Independence National Bank, of Independence, County of Polk, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every de positor July 1, 1911, who has not made a deposit, or who has not with drawn any part, principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years Immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or post office address of such depositor, and the fact of his death, If known. G. W. Hitchlns, Independence, Or. dead ' $10.00. C. E. Brown, Independence, Or., dead . $7.87. Gnolh Larson, Independence, Or., , $2.00. . Mr.. R. M. Prlchett, Independence Or., $1.40. W. K. Wlthrow, Independence, Or. . $5.00. Chas. L. Howe, Independence, Or., $1-15. Margaret Mason, Independence, Or., $6.03. Mr.. K, G. Drewsey, Independence, Or., $2.00. i STATE OF OREGON, . I I !("'' ' County of Polk ) ? " . 1 i 1 I, C. W. Irvine, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the Cashier of the Independence National Bank, of Indepen dence, County of Polk, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement i. a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known, residence or postoffice ad ress, fact of death, If known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor a. required by tl'.e provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregon 1907. I C. W. Irvine. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of June, A. D. 1911. B. Wilson, Notary Public for Oregon. not be stopped it will be necessary to pave one half of this Btreet at a time and thus allow traflc to ?o on on the other side. Aftecr the work is completed on Main Street as far as "C" St., "C St. will be paved, then Main St. will be paved for another block nnd after this Monmouth St will be finished. In this way trafic will not be blocked in the city at any time. The mntteer of having the railroad Co. refrain from hauling 'manure from Portland nnd leaving the ears for so long a time, was brought up and it wns d?cided to insist upon thee was decided to insist upon the rail road Co's. moving the cars as soon ns they were emptied, and to insist thit the Co. provide sidetracks out side of the city, for tne purpose handling this PortlPnd product. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE The Western Realty Co. of 'Mon mouth, sells all kinds of realestate, looks well after the interests of both buyer and seller. They have a large l'st cf real bargains in both city and farm property which no one can af ford to miss seeine. P. E. CHASE IS THE PROPRrETOR. on all our Summer Wash Goods, both plain and figured Lawns and Demities. Also all our Men's $4.00 Walk Over Shoes; to close them out we are selling at $2.95 per pair. We have a good line of Men's Summer Suits which we will close out at from $3.00 up to $5.00. Five dozen pairs Ladies' $3.50 St. Cecelia Shoes, Special $2.95. Also some Childrens' and Misses' Shoes at the same low reductions. These goods will be sold just as advertised. All genuine bar gains. Come quick, for they will not last long Conkey, The Two Walker & Lehman Leading Stores of Independence.