JT "4 . EIGHT PAOES THt INDEPENDENCE ENTEHPRUE. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE 6IX - PREPARE FOR HARVEST MCCORMICK BINDERS nJ MOWERS ARE RECOGNIZED THE WORLD OVER AS THE SUPERIOR ARTICLE ON THE FARM. CcCORM.CK MA CHINES ENABLE THE FARMER TO HARVEST HIS CROP QUICKLY AND CONSEQUENTLY A LARGE AREA CAN BE DEVOTED TO GRAIN. WE W.LL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE SUPERS ,TY OF MCCORMICK CONSTRUCTION.. AND GIVE YOU ANY INFOR MATION YOU MAY DESIRE RELATIVE TO THE MACHINE iiYSXsi. :5SZ1I i.-f:z I. 2 f i iW MCCORMICK BINDER 5i 6 AND 7 FOOT CUT. BEST ON EARTH. McCORMl CK MOWER-4'i and 5 FOOT CUT. McCORMICK NEW BIG 4 MOWER 6 and 7 FOOT CUT. ASK US ABOUT THEM. THE McCORMICK HAY RAKES THE TEETH ON McCO RMICK RAKES ARE MADE OF SELECT SPRING STEEL HAVING r re AT STRENGTH AND RESILIENCY. THE POINT OF THE TEETH ARE 80 SHAPED THAT THEY WMX 6E T THE HAY WITHOUT Dl GGIN G INTO THE GROUND OR PICKING UP STONES. BOTH THE SELF-DUMP AND HAND DUM ? RAKES CAN BE OPERATED WITH ONE OR TWO HORSES BY SIMPLY ADJUSTING THE SHAFT. HANNA BROS., Agents. WE HAVE THE SWEL LEST LINE OF HARNESS GOODS IN POLK COUNTY AND INVITE YOU TO CALL AND LOOK OVER OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT. THIS IS THE MONEY SAVING FEATURE FOR HARNESS USERS. WE HANDLE NONE BUT THE BEST. 3 .smu, tat. nuLismu. jMFfiiuii.i, inn , mill it' 1 1 n LAWN MOWERS 'NUF SAID. The Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator GETS ALL THE CREAM FROM TH MILK, LESSENS AND LIGHTENS ALL DAIRY WORK, IS THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT IN , CREAM SEPARATORS. THE TUBULAR IS THE BETTER BY ALL THE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THAT HAVE COME AND GONE SINCE CENTRI FUGAL SEPARATING BEGAN. IS DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS WITH THE KIND OF DIFFERENCE THAT ARE IMPROVEMENTS AD VANTAGES TO THE DAIRYWOMAr WHO USES IT. THE TUBULAR IN ITSELF AND IN ITS SERVICE IS AS FAR IN ADVANCE OF OTHERS AS YOU CAN IMAGINE. THESE ARE WORDS, BUT YOU CAN HAVE PROOF FOR THE ASKING. CALL AND SEE THEM. , HANNA BROS. Ribbon Designs r --' v - ; SV'I'' l it, it- ' m - , .;; Jr "-) WE ieera to be deTloplm iuor nd more. Uacf for Howr form made of ribbon, for all occasion! where ribbon U an acree Bory of drortlon. We may bave borrowed the ordinal Idea from the French, but America boaata the moat original and proline delKnr of rib bon garniture Ora l.ue. of New York, haa rri ntly dlncovered for the holes8P off that opuh-nt city, a new world In the possibilities of rlbbona and for d.'corntlve purpoB.-a. Dinner tables and drawing rooms of the coming s. ason promise to blos som with unfading flower forms that charm both by their beauty and In genuity. TheHe forms. usd In con Junction with asparagus ferns, smllax and other mating foliage, make the hostess think tlce. when choosing decorations for any social function. The same ribbon serves for many oc Cf slona and forms and it Is aald even Us color may be changed. Four designs are given here to be used at a June wedding wnere iue GOOD IDEAS IN ETON SUIT In Heavy Blue Serge. Costume for Young Girl Called Fonn muCn Admiration. o,h . nrettv little Eton ult for a young girl was seen the other day. It waa a heavy blue serge, In the dark relation shade. The skirt was made quite plain, com ing slightly higher than the nor mal waist line to give the contin uous line so becoming to the fem inine figure. It waa the little Jacket, however, which was novel and unusual. It had a deep sailor collar In back, In point ed revers In the front. Thla collar was of natural colored pongee, edged ... -,i.k nulnt line of brilliant coral liroi. " v , , , . silk and below that with a wide black silk braid. Two huge buttons fastened It at the side, while the almost long sleeves were finished wltn lurn ratr ..... ..it. rrirt out the same trimming W1I1V.U v. Idea expressed on the collar. Tiniest Ptarls Liked. n .,.,oria with taascled ends were much seen a few seasons ago, but It was thought the fashion would be fleeting. It has, however, proved permanent so far, and has brought along with it the revival of an old plan for making use oi m pearls. There Is a fashionable de--i m k.oioi nnarl bracelets and nana ior y other Jewelry of strung pearls, de- vised after tne rasuiou m w... .. i t l Tka offnet IS llKht dren tnreaa obhub. and graceful and the ornaments are popular among young w...... Douglas Graham, fiancee of Jay Gould, haa many of the trinkets In her wed ding outfit for the hair, throat, wrist and corsage. Immense Wrist Bags. . . i.. nf hlack velvet car- INw wubi ""n- ried at Nice, by smart women are of an immense size reany ii"is" " k nrt over seen before. anyiuiug ui . - . , WalkinK. they would seem a real bur- den; sitting in ones the lap, they are highly ornamental. Flat and mounted with velvet-covered fittings, tney are Buuyeu"" " -chain of fine cut steel; so slender, it seems quite inadequate to their size; i 4. it,. nAlvflf In a ut steel is woven inio mo - i I... olfl flothlc designs, deep uuiuvi m.u trimming both sides alike. Vogue. Starching Linens. ttthla linen. dreBS- er scarfs, or sheer linen waists add a to two Kal- L01BjVJtJali Ul W. fc" Ions water, and tbey will iron with a stiffness like uew; remember always to iron linen on wrong side first. Wash starch vessel in not suas, nevi .... ... nlAxm n1l underwear with a few' buttons on to save finger nalla color scheme Is white and green Th. roelt. made of white messa line. Is shown mounted with smtlat tiH .nuriimii fern. The effect Is de llghtful. Narrow ribbons are used as well wide ones and Innumerable ,,.rl fnii em to lie asleep in ! hraln of this Ingonlnus man. It a whisper reach thi-m that th-y are n.t ttn-v riiKh to his nn.T Miip.v iirofttHHlonal women, mil liners and other, are taking up this work of ribbon for decoration and it m.v trnve a new profitable acrom ,.n.hm..nt for them. Hibbons will not supplant natural flowers etitlrely. but they will bring about a new order o things. Fewer blossoms will be used and greater effectiveness given to those that so appear. We shall be spared the little hurt that lurks in the drooping fading flow er beraUK those that are used will be placed In vases while ribbons and fo liage will mnke a marvelous back ground for them. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. v.u;n you T-i iimn.AMV mtup AT THK NKW HOTEL FOSTER Taut! ut Davil Stirctt, Nor Drpot MO t,..a with ILK "I ' " M swl TiWIwm. Kim Itailn. Rates 50c, 75c md $1.00 per Day Sptcul rates In Room tni Bond, free au'e bus owrl verttaln or boe Joan of Arc's SvKord. a i. ika ittlnn museum baa Just b0 Identified a that uaed by Joan of Aro and presented to her by .. . vtt f rraaoa. On on aid l ! . Of tho hilt U oniraved a flguro koeel- it. I....lnl AH tug before a eros ana me iu...r.... K..iM Vlt while tha other sldo bears tha nam "Vaucouleura." Tbo word also bears trio arms oi and of tha town of urieaas data Hit. KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES! Writ. Iter niiUm ' lliwir D.iiln km tlnlix MH 'm pron.pl atMnUua Portland fholo vipply Co. U mint HtrMt l ofelLaNU. OK. FREE TO YOU. A .m.l. "f t lur lf Cirrti Rml, the ,..r diu.l for . fr -H.pU .l If h. MM i.. will mtihI H fr-. Hki Uf illdr.,!...!., prlri U rIHB. r-lr---M) w, BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL I ! M m p". tim kt. .1 fM mt toM H M ttlMM M M HOP" M. UMMt tirre vnnotl uun uri. (l ZM M BtrrlM, fnM. ft. ALCOHOL OPIUM-TOBACCO lUhlw PHI.lr t"ry. Oulr .tlMirirl K Mly l tiiui ! Oriio. wriie fi. il.lrll rlK-.lr. iinrv imntun. n 1. 1 1 ts a. BLOUSE. BOYNTON FURNACES Ml Mmoml.-! m .ffwilv. for Nw" im1 Khool b-un. J. C. BAYER f URNACC CO. Tront and Market Sts. Portlend, Or. BEND POR CATAI-OiiUE. Tonic, Altrliv aod Kmoi. im lr.llil-. I'lmpl", Kmptwnssn.1 mjotans of the hkin. f.m IUO.-1 sua Xooe, Blisuglb sud Vlul l Ut tulii y.uw HOTEL NETHERLANDS PORTLAND, OREGON S. E. Cor. 13th and Washington Sis. CENTRAL, MODERN, QUIET. RATES 75c PER DAY UP A dressv little blouse Is this, that mi-ht. h made In any soft material Lace is used for the yoke, edged with a band of silk, to which the ma terial Is irathered; two tucks are taken over each shoulder. The sleeves are small puffs set to lace cuffs, hpndod bv bands of silk. Materials requl.ed: 1 yard t Inches wide, 14 yard 22 lnohel, wide, yard lace, -14 doien buttons. Practical Novelties. a nnnvunlnnl collar box COV- Iii'ni. - . ered with cretonne Is of octagonal shape and has a groove in a nine in side flap for holding the elusive but tons, which can be easily sua in buu out. imnm thii most useful and attrac tive of tho numerous bags shown are those of tapestry woven in piciurea. Soma of these are for carrying slip pers, fan or opera glojises. One par ticularly well adapted to the latter purpose Is made of a three-Inch wide Interlined with stiff ening. This continuous strip forms the sides and bottom of the Dag, me ironi and back of which are of plain fabrlo which Is gathered at the top with a cord. A new voluminous darning bag or cretonne has applied pockets and a needle case on the outside. A particu larly dainty and unique fancy bag Is In the form of a Chinese lantern. rnrrrn TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RMillT H17'"llM.'UIS run i la fiu. utii. j Old Novelty Revived. Some of the shops are displaying black overseam kid gloves having the Btltchlng, Paris points and welts In white. These goods are an old nov elty revived and are selling to some extent. qui. .int are beclnnlng to occupy a prominent place In the fashion, the demand for suns openui8 up ...n than usual. As with the leath er goods, black and white form the NEUROLOGY Nurol)y to th chronic u(Tnr' ur l wy to p.rmnr)i.t helth. l'nrlyi. tlh.unmtl.m. Hittmnch. llowel, Llv- and KWn.y TroiiU"! ni hronlc nnrou ml .y dl..w. yt.ld rrxllly In thto Twin twth Onlury m.thod. No lniir. opera tlonii or fad. Trfalm.nt at olHr. or my nrlvat. aanlurlum. 8nd for new bookl.t Nuroloiiy. lha Wy to Haalth. and st wall. DR. H. W. FREEZE Merchants' Trust Bldg., Portland, Or PACIFIC COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC 409 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or. i.' Inf.Mn.llnn. Op.n and prlvat. Clinic, rnomlna. "rnoo' i and .ynln. Invalid, and oth.r. d.lr ins aki II M at- tandanc hould wrlia ior room. Greiner's Chiropractic Health Home MATILDA M. G REINED, 0, C, Supnninoiu. 775 J Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon Trained narwi. .killed operator and tha beat Chlropractlo advlca In conulution In every oaae. Mens Elk Skin SHOES Chrome iMther bot- to i2, aala price. ROYAL SHOE CO. 129 ItrTtwi St.. kct. Fun ui S., fartUaa, Or. bulk of the auk giove saies. Oregon from bruise. T Independence,