tlOHT PACtt THI INDEPENDENCE ENTEHMIIE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. MCE PIVC PERSONAL AND LOCAL Dr. Allln, Dentist, Cooper Bidg. Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inde pendenee National Bank. Both Phones The work of bulletin the aewer lll t)tt flnlahrd In a abort tlina. I Conilah organ, Kood condition, fur !0.i 0 at A. M. Urown'a, The ) limn ha been busy during the pnut week. Dr. V. C. HUat ti fiunday ta ilor In town, ibla week. Arthur Orooina of Fal'e Cty, bore Monday enroute to I'orUand. Mr. and Mra. J. (I. Mciuth wre In Jlni'iia Vlma Sunday. Attorney I. I Kwan of Albany, waa In the city Wndnosday. h. Baldwin la making mirovmi)iila on lila city home. Pearl Flahbark of Monmouth, waa lu I ho city Wedneaday, Mc-sara. Johnson and llarr'a of Ba loin, r In the city Saturday. J, H. Cooper transacted tualnc-es In Por land tbe fore part of Ibla week. C'baa. Haeue of Oregon Cty, In lb city Hunday, Itrhard Oi'ni'a of 1'ortlaod, buuie over Bund, waa C. O. Long waa In Hl'iu ytrday.l Now l tb tlroa to uae laud plSlhe aid estate ara hrby not fled tp I'lir. , rA..m .ltk k ....... V u W4i in m city wDQiuaaay (Jeo. Kuij mod wa f rat of tl.a wt-k. to Carlton the J. It. Collins la having a n'r f e OK iit walk put In at bla rcaldenre. D. A. Hodge of Balctrn, waa In the city tba f .re jart of Iba wm-k. Patera) from her will attend the Artlaan plmlc at Itl'krc-aJl Saturday. a. K. Bpau:dlng Lotting Co. Jobn R. Flynn of All any, waa te city on bulna Wednesday. lo After July lat tba poatofflra at Walter Iialton of 8lmpoirs logging Dallas will be rated aa second claaa. cuuip. waa In (own Monday. I'o'i Roberts made liiat week. it tr p to Ba hi tl. WIInoii waa u Holciu on business tbla week. At HeiHlcy will ko t tli iiioiintaliia tbla week where he will l kly bonk eonio fine speck l Lea it'ea I.ravo orders for a'ab wond at tba C. K. Bpauldlng Lagging Company's kifflce. tf. Prank Kelley la haullui; gtae fur bla new hotine rood to bo erected be tween hero and Monmouth. ('. V. ih iikle ri'turni'd home from 1'til otnnth Monday, after a brief via- f. .., KOIt HAM: A f nt J ra.y cow, 3 yenra old. giving milk. .Mum bn aold th'a work. ( Nil at tliU office. Mr, Mlllir iinmldviit of tlio And rilirn I.viikuc, ini't tlx off.clul board of tbii M. V. hiinb In tbo church build hk Tiicudtiy cvon'ni;. Ouk, Aali, Kir cord ood. Leave ortii-r &c llantia uroa. jioiivery nn n di'alrod at present prlcea. 8. W Leonurd. tf. Kr-nk day. Wllaon waa In 8am Tu- wna In I'ort and over K. K. Tripp Stinduy, Willi., Btuata of Alrllu, city Mondiy. Watt Bl.lpp of Ba'em, waa In tba Goo. Dunham of Ralein. waa In the cl'r the fore tart of ttm wirh. rtlw MimflMw An lila w tn Tlllamnnk I ' I Moaa Walker and Mr, and Mra. Will If. Dlccb aere in Salein Sunday. NOTICE TO CREDITOR! Not lie la hereby Riven that tba uru dTiigned baa tf'-n du y appo nted ad tu n atraior of tba eatata of Wlllard Cooper, deceaaad, by tba County Court of tba a'ata of Oregon, for Polk Cojuty, and baa quallfiel aa aucb. All pertona having calir.i againat to pranent tba aama du:y venfird. togfther with tba proper vouch ara J bra for, to tba undenlgnei admin latrator at bla raaldrnra nar Alrlla la folk County, Oregon, within al tuoutha from tba data of tbia cotK o Dated and flrat publlahed May it mi. CHARLES 8. COOPER,' Admlnlitrator of tba eatata of WlJan Cooper, deceaaad. B. K. Swot a, Attorney. Mra (1 )clTiongh of Salem, tlalted ber huaband In the city over 8unday, Kr-tb Jta y milk delivered at 7 cen'a cr quart. Iloma phona 722. L. I Denlnou of C')rvala, waa In the rlty Weclneiday, wda In tej Thn Cotuni-r la Club nieeta I Tui'adi'y even ng. Ronrin Btaata and M. liljilor fioip Cree k, were In town Monday. of MIm Zultli'u rutnniu la vlxltlng her later, Mra. II. 8. Edwnrda at May. vllle, Oregon and eipectn to be there all auiniiier. I Flier ff (Jrant, lr. I'afaraon and IrugKlat l uller of l.a lun, wcr In tbo dty Monday i.lght. Inalee llro'heri, Jiivc rilln come liana, fntertnlned the pooplo of Independen c at ttio HUir t'treu ulghta tbla week. (. W. Roberta of Portland, waa a gueat at tbo J. It. Colllna borne Sun day. MIn Ilenklc, wl o baa be(n In Kant ern Or.-gon, arrived homo the fore part of the preceding week. Itayinc nd Wllllan a departed for tii ent 8: n tny. He will via t at Cbca. go for eome time. Keraey Kldrldite, who Is attendlna school at Portland, wn8 home last Sunday. FOR SALE A good I'lanoa piano player with 110.00 worth of mualc t a bargain If taken anon It. II Kaltz. Inquire of Dr. Allln. E. 1). Lockhnrt and family of Salem visited ot the homo of the writer Sund'iy. Mr. Lockbnrt la c'ty edlcci of the Statesman. C. W. Hinkle went to Corvallls lgt Thursday where lie hnd chargo of the burial of m. P. Newton, a pioneer of Ilenton c'liutty. Irterment was made In Mt. I'nlon cemetery Saturday. Now Ih I lie t'n e to order berry cra tes. 'o lire jre;ire(i to furu:ah thcucj at rea cnaf ! rl- e. Call and aeo tg The ('bus. K. Spauldlng Log. g:ng Company. Tho iM iils cr al AHaorlalion Ih In m on In the city and the place la flooded with em'nent speakers who part'clpBte In th exorcises at the M K. chixch. Thcs creamery Is now equipped to make Ice cream and the first supply was turnod out Wednesday. Dealers of Independence will a'l ubo the home undo cream. Do You want to nitikw moro money? We want emrget'c salesmen In your territory. Expense money advanced. For particulars address Alliuny Nurs' ery, (Inc.), Albany, Oregon. t4. 1 lie present condition of the wea ther Is pleasing to the farnior and hop fcian. A prominent grower said the pther day that the hop crop in Ore gon was going to bo very light, but Independence crops are looking well. FOR SALIC One good as new rub ber tiro buggy, also sot of new sin- ThD racei at Suver Saturday attract ed tho attention of many people from independent, and all report a very good enti rtarumcut FOR bALK (.lie 2-horse power Falrbunka Morse gasoline engine chp; less than a year old. Inquire at Sperlings Meat Market. tf. For Sale. Three horse lower Fair- tanks Morse gasoline c ni;lne, at a re- narkablo barga'n if taken at once. Oregon Power Co., Pallas. Oregon. A steam merry-go-rdund has been entertaining some of the big and 1 ttlo kids In the city for a few days past. teams are at work, hauling gravel from this city to Monmouth to bo used In tho construd'on of the! new schi'ol huild'ng. W. A. Mesi-ner, wife, and daughter, Lucllli! and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. John- son. camo up from Mc.Mlnnvllle Sun day in Mr. Muvsner'a automobile. Chfts. Tooze of Oregon City, was In tbo city Saturday and made u a brief call. Mr. Tooze was looking1 around for a piece of land. (J o. llenHhaw of Dallas, was In the city Welncuday. Geo. M. lirowhor of Mt. Vernon, was In the city yenterday. K. ('. M n on of Salem, was in the city Sunday. F. J. Goo (enough transacted bus! nmt In Salem yesterday. T. W. Cnrft of Corva'lls, was In tho city Sunday. A. L. Ralmater of Philomath, here on buslnehs Wednesday. Fred Moxeman waa In Sherman co unty on busluoHs last week. , Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Ho:man of Mor- rw, were In the city this week. W. W. Wbltseth. of Grants Tags, waa In town on buslne-s th's week. Peter Cook tia frjnt of bis store. a new awning In Cllbert M. McDonald cf Sclo, In town one day this week. Several from here attended the Socialist Picnic at Dallas last Sat urday. Chas. O. Welker of Elkton, Ohio, was looking over this aectlon of the country this week. Delbert Hannon and Ernest Cody, of Jefferson, were In the city one day this week. ' FOR SALE. A house and two lots a cow and separator. Inquire at this office. The picnic whUfaj was to be beld at Suer laat Saturday, has been post poned until the 15:h of June. The Independence Real Estate Com pany sold tight lots In old town last week to J. C. M Corny of Lebanon. No school was held Tuesday- and business was suspended In the fore- neon on account of Memorial services. M. Fowla of Alrlle, waa la tbe city , Wtdneaday. j Wins Kora iirowne axpocts to go next to Salem Saturday where aha will at tend tba Bummer Normal. Tbe orchestra will go to Monmouth this evening to play for an entertain ment. Tbe Independent Pickery has Just put in a new cookie machine and a peanut roaUi r I. W. D cklnson was In philomath Saturday where he went with Mr. Illnkle'a funeral car Meaars. Popleton and Huston of Portland, were In tbe city yester day enroute home from Eugene. C. W. Shannon of Toledo, a former resident of Independence, Is In the ci'y on business. A Salem autotruck parsed through tbe city Wednesday with a monster load of household furniture enroute to Monmouth. The ladies of the M. E. church cle- ared $'36.45 from the dinner served last week Thursday in the church par-lors. waa Beautiful new Jewelry for Graduation Gifts "GOODS OF qUALITY- I Iiave just received irom the msnufucturera a nice line of PracelctU, ilat Pins, LockeU, Chains, Hbirt Waut Sets, Cuff Link. Souvenir SKK)tn, Eto in Solid Golil Front and Gold Fille.l, "guaranteed" goods, with the ti.imo of the manufacturer stamped on each piece, which means the Ucto guarantee; them to ma and in turn I guar antee thetn to you, which does away with all riak in buying Jewelr and insure atiafaction. I aUo have a small selection of so' d g piece. Engraving free on all goods sold. " ROWE'8 JEWELRY SHOP, Prompt Service. Will Wood, Leigh Whltcom and Floyd Rrowna went over near Albany Sunday to fix up an automobile, whlib had been sllght'y wrecked. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooker went to Dallas Sunday to hear the evangelist Olson, who Is attracting wide atten tion there. Wm. Dawes departed Tuesday for Montana, where he will spend some time. I Jim Hl'liard returned from Portland last Thursday where he spent a week receiving me ileal treatment in the hospital. If you want to buy one of the best farms in this vicinity for a little mon ey, call on the Polk County Real Es tate Co., Enterprise building. Mrs. O. C. Letter of Portland, who spent several days In the city with Mrs. Will liloch, returned to her hom Wednesday. A representative of the Holton Music House in Portland, was in the city Monday and sold several new ln Siruments to the local band for which tbey paid J 06.00 each. Miss Edith Halvorson went to Port land Wednesday to meet her sister. Miss Florence Dow, and will remain there on a visit with the latter for several days. Look for the Yellow Box When Buying Your Sox Holeproof Hosiery comes only in yellow boset. Imitations of the guarantee re numerous, bnt loaist on getting tbe genuine "Holeproof "look for tbe yellow box. There is real worth in "Holeproof." The makers pay 63 cents a pound for tbe finest Egyptian and Sea Island Cotton, but they could get ordinary cotton at 12 cents a pound. Tba body is 3 ply and tbe beels.toef and knee are 6-ply in "Holeproof." Common hosiery is only 2-ply throughout. Both sell for the same price, bat tbe com mon hose wear only one-sixth as long as "Holeproof." This hosiery is as soft and smooth as silk, yet we guarantee to replace any pair that needs darning within sis months. Men's bosa come in eleven colors and women's In six tbe price Is 11.50 to (3 a box of six pairs. Children's bose, in black and tan only, at 12 a box. Come la and see this hosiery for yourself learn what it is like today. It as r-M. fiolcpraoniosienj fOfl MEN WOMEN AHQ CHILDREN O. A. KREAMER, Independence, Or. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTICE Mr. White, superintendent of the Oregon Power Co.. at Dallas, was in Roberts and the city on business the latter part of the preceding week. Let us make your abstract of title for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brown & Sibley, Attorneys and Ab stracters, 610 Mill Street, Dallas, Ore gon. 41-tf. W. S. Jones of Alrlle, wps in the city Tuesday. Mr. Jones has so!d his .arm near Alrllo and will bold an aAr- glo harness. Inquire at this office, tf tion sale of his personal property next Agents wanted to se'.I concentrated; Friday. Ha has some Idea of moving flavoring extracts and toilet articles. Inquire of Mrs. Jas. Morgan. in to New Mexico. S. C. Baker and wife and Mrs. Wm. Baker of Portland, were here Decora- J. E. Anderson of Illinois, was the city Monday. Mr. Anderson Is j tion day. Mr. Baker has erected a looking for a business location and he 'monument over the graves of his par- Is so well pleased with the appear- ents and otherwise improved ance of Independence that he may cemetery lots which mark the conclude to locate here. I resting place of the good couple) Having opened a Bicycle Repair Shop on C street, Independence, I am prepared to do all kinds of repair work and furnish bicycles and bicycle sundries Anderson Bicycle Shop. tf. Miss Nettle Snyder went to Hub bard and Canby Saturday, where she was Invited to sing at Memorial ser vices, at Hubbard in tfio forenoon and Canby in the evening, Sunday. Beeson Bros, big tent show will be g'ven in this city next Tuesday eve ning when they will present the "Cow boy Girl." A grand street parade is promised at 4 o'clock p. m. on the date of the show, Tuesday, June 6. t Sunday school 10, Morning worship 1. Sermon will be on the fifth chap ter of Revelation. B. Y. P. .U at 7 p. nx. Evening ser- nice, 8. The subject for the evening Is the "Second Coming of Jesus." You will be Interested. Come! Arthur R. Blackstone. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES Next Lordsday our morning subject will be "A Very Peculiar People," and our eveninng subject Is "The Great Example.' Will you not come and hear these subjects? Don't forget our Bible School at 10 a. ni. v It is for everytody. We want to be yours. A cordial welcome will be given to all. Yours Truly. H. Campbell Clark, Minister. THESE HIGH GRADE HOSE ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE. , LADIES' MENS' AND CHILDREN'S, FOUR PAIR FOR $1.00, FULLY GUARANTEED FOR FOUR MONTHS. The C. I. K. Store PETER COOK, Proprietor. Independence, Ore. S. Price moved his bankrupt stock of goods, which he has had on sale the here for three weeks, to Falls City. last He made good here, and is well pleas- fed with the result of his efforts in this city. $55.00 ON TIME, $50.00 ... CASH... i ,s Don't pay an exhorbltant price for a Cream Separator when you can get the best machine In the world, aVi The New Elgin; t a reasonable price. We buy di rect 'from the manufacturer In the East, In quantities, pay the cash and cut out the middlemen, Is why we can sell at these prices. For particulars write or call on INDEPENDENCE CREAMERY These are busy times for the mer chnnts. Goods of all kinds are mov ing out-of the different stores at a ra'e never before noticed in Indepen dence, and yet you will find a few men In the commimity whof are afraid that hard times are coming on. The buildings back of Conkey, Wal ker & Lehman's store were moved this week to make rcom for the new brick building to be erected by the Odd Fellows. J. L. Hanna purchased the building occupied by the millinery store and this was moved to the cor er of First and C. streets, oppostte the hotel. The warehouse was mov ed to the south part of the city. F. S. Rexford, 615 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., says: "I had a severe attack of a cold which set tled in my back and kidneys1 and I wa in great pain from my trouble. A friend recommended Foley's Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have done me a world of good." For sale by Williams Drug Co. !;:'.: rOLEYRlDNEYPl FOR RHEUMATISM KIONf.S AND ' As Our Business DEPENDS ON YOUR HEALTH, FOR OUR OWN SUCCESS, IT IS INCUMBENT ON US TO SEE THAT YOUR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ARE ACCU RATELY FILLED BY COMPE TENT PHARMACISTS, WITH PURE AND FRESH DRUGS; TO SUPPLY THE SICK-ROOM WITH FEVER THERMOME TERS, HOT-WATER BOTTLES, BED-PANS, ETC.; AND TO PLACE AT YOUR DISPOSAL A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF PATENT AND PROPRIE TARY MEDICINES. For the Lady of the House, We Have Stationery, Perfumes, Toi let Articles, Combs, Brushes, Etc. For the Farmer and Orchardist, Formaldehyde, Blue Vltrol, Lime Sulphur and Lead Arsenate, and Lastly We Carry A Careful ly Chosen, Stock of Bay State Paints, Oil, Lead, Varnish and Turpentine. THE WILLIAMS DRUG CO. Independence, Oregon. Independence Meat Market THE DETERMINED TO KEEP UP THE REPUTATION OF THE HOUSE. OF OUR MANY SATISFIED CUS FAULT. , WILL BLOCH, Oregon. HAS LONG SINCE BEEN NOTED FOR QUALITY, AND NEW MANAGEMENT IS LONG ESTABLISHED IF YOU ARE, NOT ONE TOMERS IT'S YOUR Independence, , fi31EWKII5NETiPlLlS For backaow Kidmbys and Slaoos COMES QUICK TO The Electric Power User IF YOU SUSPECT THAT ELECTRIC POWER CAN BE MADE USEFUL TO YOU, CALL IN OUR NEW BUSI NESS DEPARTMENT REPRE SENTATIVES AND EXPLAIN YOUR NEEDS. OUR MEN WILL BE GLAD TO TAKE ALL THE TIME NECES SARY TO MAKE AN INVESTIGA TION, GO OVER THE PROPOSI TION WITH YOU CAREFULLY AND TO SUBMIT AUTHORITATIVE AD VICE, PLANS AND ESTIMATES. Ask our new Business Department. Telephone: Bell 41; Mutual 5010. OREGON POWER COMPANY, J. L. WHITE, Mgr. y