PAGE, SIX SMsssisssjssjsaWsMaMWa TMt INOEPtNDENCl ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. EIGHT PAGES PREPARE FOR HARVEST MCCORMICK B NDERS. MOWER, ARE RECOGNIZED THE WORUO OVER AS THE SUPERIOR ARTICLE ON THE PARM. CcCORM.CK MA. CNES ENABLE THE PARMER TO HARVEST HIS CROP OU.CKLV AND CONSEQUENTLY A LARGE AREA CAN BE DEVOTED TO GRAIN. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW , YOU THE SUPERIOR ITY OF MCCORMICK CONSTRUCTION.. AND GIVE YOU ANY INrOR- . - . . a uiuiMC MATION YOU MAY DESIRE RELATIVE TO T rv-.. Vv; " " , ' rilK.'.L M.CORM.CK B'NDER 5. 6 AND 7 FOOT CUT. BEST ON EARTH. MCCORMICK MOWER-4-i.ndS FOOT CUT. McCORM.CK NEW BIG 4 MOWER 6 and 7 FOOT CUT. ASK US ABOUT THEM. the Mccormick hay rakes THE TEETH ON M.iORM.CK RAKES ARE MADE OF SELECT SPRING STEEL HAVING EATT -VW'r'!- "nT0TTHTEHCR0"n0 S WBOTHGETTHETHSEl"oVUP ANOHANOOUM, RAKES C.N EE OPERATED WITH ONE OR TWO HORSES BY SIMPLY ADJUSTING THE SHAFT. HANNA BROS., Agents. PLANNING FLOWER GARDEN REQUIRES CAREFUL Slum aBSBlSSSBWBSSSSBBBSSSSSesSSBSS JariHt lWddlniT Plan,. Ar. Only Effective When Certain Kind, Ot ffU4IH r w wwv. . . . . JusUat of All to Make. iiiv r.vrx k m tnmi'i rT.m-lt I '"'i m,"'h ,f " .lmlnT of rvt or itbb.ui tie.i.inu or .I.k!kh" hlch the Ksllo amateur gardener fieiuentlv hi t,.mU, tmt In pie ty sur t abandon lHtwr lit tlio season, be -aime ' ill''" er tinii ao K' "1 --- factotlly lit annual. Tli rurt I. carpet bedding Hnla are only fflffcths ' ret tain kind lf follHgO 'Utlt in ued be.'MUKe .hey can b tt-l'l within their proper limit by shearing and pruning. hil the wiiiumIh have too much ' sprawl'.' to be tractable nl very few lilml give sufficient tiiHBH of bloom to produce tli desired effect. V hiv likely to think that a plant lui yi'llow. red or bluu N fr. tliat It lll irov rITwtlvu Iit ever lb rolori i dnlrfil. but i,.m. nuiit of tii fft ttit tii Ho- cr IU b o fow lit inimbor tl o iir mnit thut tlu're l Uloin n)' golM color iff-t u. h I n.x-1-xsiry hi i rtii ly mnikliK out I'MUTim. TliU boliijc tlie inn, only the nl'ii ntur d-Klttim nhoiiM b ultfiiiotJ with rmti a Til an 1 oul much -ffi't ulnif l ti iuii be DiOilinel by contrnul In which hitriu.uiy fbiy liuixirtant nart. Kibbon boU lire mint of ll t mtike. Very iil.ln oii cmi b ,.,,..iu !th olnk. phIb yellow, nJ hlt khlo. plunt'il In row. If larker colorn nre preforreil. the erar- let unil iTliimon can lie ui. !.' omblnliiK them with whlto to Rive he neci'.ry contram na rrin-i. Ho not line the eoft, delicate color WE HAVE THE SWEL LEST LINE OF HARNESS OOOD. .N POLK COUNTY, AND INVITE YOU TO CALL AND LOOK OVER OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT THIS THE SAVING FEATURE FOR HARNESS USERS. WE HANDLE NONE BUT THE BEST. LAWN MOWERS 'NUF SAID. The Sharpies Tubular . . . Gream Separator GETS ALL THE CREAM FROM TH M LK, LESSENS AND LIGHTENS ALL DAIRY WORK, IS THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT IN , CREAM SEPARATORS. THE TUBULAR IS THE BETTER BY ALL THE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THAT HAVE COME AND GONE SINCE CENTRI FUGAL SEPARATING BEGAN. IS DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS WITH THE KIND OF DIFFERENCE THAT ARE IMPROVEMENTS AD VANTAGES TO THE DAI RYWOMAr WHO USES IT. THE TUBULAR IN ITSELF AND IN ITS SERVICE IS AS FAR IN ADVANCE OF OTHERS AS YOU CAN IMAGINE. THESE ARE WORDS, BUT YOU CAN HAVE PROOF FOR THE ASKING. CALL AND SEE THEM. , HANNA BROS., Oregon Japan Snowball. Is a 1.1th tio Htrnnirnr tones, as more ack of harmony between them. Asters can bo planted In rows of white a-id lavender, with very picas- lug reauliH. provided thu aamo mnu ih used In each row. Ribbon bods would become mono'- nnotmly tlrertomn If we were to con fine ouraelves to them, therefore It In ...i..i..,.i,u. (, iiuvo Hiitnetbini: clue Tor aiiyitiftiiio .w change. Next to them the circular bed Is eaHieHt to make. I wuum not mi viae too many colors. Have the center of one color, say lavender, If asters are used, men a row of pale pink, wUh while in me outHlde row. This arrangement or colors can varied to suit Individual tasie. Bweet-alysaum or white candytuft used as an edging, the effect is heightened, as these plants bring a mass of foliage ana uioom uu.. the ground, and hide the tall stalks the esters A very biltiiiint comblmthm ! mm'. iiv lllllim t" renter " Ur bed with mllto,l. rlill yellow uiid iiiuruoit. nd iinoumlltni tl and l' yellow .hlo. The cotitrt lieiee uik um, yellow if the ritlllop! nd tne "'". ltiide of tie in color In thu plilo I cl annti If nut her rolor rm ivinuie u pink phlo. This tmriim.iUej heiuillfutly llh ttio tr.lii;,r tone of the cullloi 1 The center t'f circular uen inn e tilled lth wnrlet !lv. Hh turtlum. 1'iT'ler. Tim fonti.u.1 between the tlery . iiet mid lU rU h Ion. of yellow mid otn n.l "l , . . ... Im t l pnur iiiiiu ceedlr.Rly lovely, while thrt peiieen fo!UK of the iiiuturtlum nlTord Jut t'e rltht amount of thai color to hrln etroim relief the blowout. f boih plant. Hmh bed any one can make Hh vety little tiouhle. A cbaimliiK bedKe l "inda by plant lug scarlet salvia In row biwk Broul.d. then row of liU wlcotUn. with blue KKerntum border Here e have the patriotic color of uur tlrttt eff.HMtvely combined. The blue of the ml M-arlet of the sulviA would pnive lather violent contrast If planted next ench other, but eparitted by the white ..r ., i.l.-otlaiiH. their Brelven I toned down In u.h limuner to produce a pleaelim effect. A beautiful hedge ' "',e u,",", rluhlm In the back row, then calllop Ih with white phlo border. Kibbon bed can be worked out It It K'xkI effect by union different color of the verbena In n.w. su in bed are most pleaHln when near tue hotiso or close to the path, where they ran be looked do II upon. Hut In order to carry out such do xlRti with this flower. It will be nece ary tt purchase plant of each c.dor from the florist, wno iir from cuttings. Seedling I"H' sure to bring ,f " r,,l"rH , om' ,on to the family, therefore, are not l,i be depended iihu wbere It Is abso lutely n.cesH.iry to h.iv each color In It proper place. Those who have old plants of gera !,, which have been kept over the Inter In the house, can utilise them In the summer by planting them out. Of course the effect will be most pleading If the plnka and scarlets and crimsons can be kept' by themselves. Try combining them with such an nual as white Ihlox. yellow calllop als, bite nlcotlaiia. or. In the rase of pink sorts, lavender ag-ratum. If you have odd plant of Madnm Hallerol geranium, break thorn apart and use the cuttings o secured, for border purposes. K:'n rtmmg be ulmoht sure to take root. Put them lit the ground wliere nicy are to grow, auoui eigm m i pinching the soil firmly ahout tne oe . . i- time, till V will or eacn. m ' - have made a fair slowing, and midsummer they will have grown gether In a most attractive row green ind white. Thl la one of best edging plants. LTMC KEYSTONCi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS When the digestive sys- irm needs tonmc arM j.cifrf lipnlmr tllko lUc auiiiH" r Bitters uromptly. It docs the work. Try u bottle toddy. m if Almost Incredlbl Ag. Nine Turatavlloff, a rnt wom" tn at Ttb-v. In tha Caucasus, 1 prt.a- ably tb oldest person In tna worm. Recently ah celebrated ner one nun (red and ality fifth birthday. Tbeufh .k. i. n.,m null lacauable of using aer llmb. she 1 HII poiealuo of r mental faculil. TrT by to of our be If Is Fruit Tree. i. i. r,nt mlvisabln to put axle grease on fruit trees In order to pre font rn hblts and rodents from gnaw i., i,nt.. A little Krease might not do any damage, while too much might i.. ....... Where the climate ...irmlt some Kteen crop, such ns . . . ...... ,.. it l. ..til U' III temnt the oais, u " .,i,i,iu Tim trees can also he pro t.-cted by wrapping them with old .....uu.r thin boards or wire gcieens. WHAT I WENT THROUGH Before taking Lydia LPinkharn's Vegetable Compouud. what I went through during the chiing'i or mo m i of o i ii l.ydia K. rlnkhnui Vegetable (otn- IjKiuud. I waslnsiicli .i nervous coiuinion 1 rould not keep still. Mjr limb were cold. I b( creepy sensations. and I couui in" ei-ei nights. 1 Wiiallnallf told by two I'hv.. ijJicians mat. i oe J n tumor. I rctlil one day of tni wonderful cures mado by I.yuia t.. nnm""' "f""" " Compoiiti'l and decided to try It, and H has made me a well woman. Kfv iidifhbors and friends declare It had worke.l a miracle for nie. l.ydU Hnkhiiin s Vegetutiia t oinpouiiu is h it. w.-k'ht tn "o d for women during" this period ot life. If it will holp olliers u may l"i""" letter." -Mrs. NATII.W 11. (iHKATliX, 61 N. Main Street, Natlck, Aliiss. The Cliange of Llfo is tho most rrltl- rnl period of a woman s existence. Women everywhere, shoilia rememocr - .w. ri)iiiidtf known to medicine that will no Biiccesstully carry women tnrougn um period n Ly.ll:t K. l'itikhum's Vfgo tablo Coinpoiiud. If you would llltc anpcial ndvlco nbout your vum vrlt u conllilen- t li 1 letter to JMrn. l-muniim, ui. i v.... ln. Her mlvlco is tVCOm gild ulwujs lielpf ill. Clean Seed. The man who gets tho best yield of oats In our neighborhood Is the one who sows, broadcast, eight or nine pecks of good clean need or a than bIx when he drills it In. PRUNING HOOK IS HOME-MADE The pain of scratches and pIckB cornea readily to one's Imagination as be thinks of pruning the raspberry bushes or other bush fruits, especially where be has not had good tools for performing the Job, says the Michigan Farmer. The work is so miserable that it Is generally left undone. The illustrated pruning hook will holp to overcome many of the undesirable fea turen connected with cleaning out of the hills on these fruits. The hook Is need for cutting those canes that can be hooked, and for this purpose the inner edge of the hook is made sharp, while the spud is for ampu tating such canes as happen to stand close to another that is to be left or is otherwise situated that tne noon can not be used. The spud cuts tho cane rl than can be done Ilcm ci o" with the hook. Doth are, however, very necessary for a complete imple ment. Besides Its use in cutting, the hook is convenient in pulling the pruned canes from among the stand ing ones Into the row where they can be gathered and taken from the plan tation. The implement is tnaue ih. h.nHio of a Hhort-handled fork and two old files. The files are forged tn rtinito the hook and spud and riv o,t.H together as shown In the illus tratlon. The end opposite the spud Is shaped to fit into the handle wnere it i firmlv secured in order to stand the strain necessary In the work to be done. Armed with such a tool and a (mod nnlr of itloves one can go i.v,m.t th canes, cut out the undeslr ..Kia mm unit eat them out of the way without suffering the hardships encountered when endeavoring to ao ih work with a lack knife. The next rainy day go to your own forge, every farmer should have one, or it not pro- Mort to vour blacksmith and have a hook' made. Then, when the rainy day la over and you can get Into the berry natch, see how well the hook does the dreaded Job. . ntrAv Peach Borers. p.rh hnrnra are best destroyed by digging them out. While it Is a slow process there la really no otner wa KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Writ for fMlalmiiiM .nil lltTmr. nloi)l" and prlntlnit. Mull onim invn prompt aiumuun Fortlana rnoio duppiv yv W Thlnl 8trt Pukl'LAND. OMR. WOOL & MOHAIR. HIDES & PELTS Wt W.rt All Yw H.. U " i Awn THK II. K. NOKTUN COMPANY. are th safest and most reliable cathaitlcand lyxteui clrnrmer. The bent remedy for Torpid I,lver, BilloieineM and Sick Headache. At Drusirlati' or by Moll, IB Centi HOYT CHBMICAfc CO. l'OBTLANI). UMKOOM "Ons Man." t clrl who is canabl and good natured and whom I wouldn't willingly part with, but she troubles me one way," Bald Mrs. vaocauey 10 -i...- "nha la a Finn and knows but a few words of Etifllsh, so the ar rival of anyone from a guest to a gro hov Is heralded by her footsteps and the solemn words: " 'One man.' "it t. lanirhnhla and vexing. I hava, to go all the way downstairs to aseer-, who it Is. I am thinking of hay ing a aeries of mirrors put up to r- fleot ths visitor s image upaiuiro. . invent a conning tower lvaiicy" - such ai submarines are equipped with. "At any rate I shall never ds aoi in tnd It until- she learns enough Knailsh to tell who wants nie." Plowar Keeps Its Preanneas. A common bouth African flower possesses ths valuable property of keeping fresh for two months or more after cutting. It is a white star of Bethlehem, producing a compact spike of flowers on a stiff, erect stalk lg Inches or two foet long. The Dow era are of a thin and papery tissue, all white except the yellow anthers. It can be sent over as a cut Cower from South Africa to England, and Uea lasts for weeks la water. Independence,