Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, March 31, 1911, Image 1

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mnmntt nfitMim
The announcement so in ft II (In time
ago that Urn Hill lntreaU would t-K-tend
tho Oregon Kl"t'o Unit iuth
Inn I tin voir Hi rlu i,r inn river naa
SERIOUSLY BURNED WHILE TRY- w,Bly ,,,, th, 8(mhm ,,,.
P. Railroad Company Making Ar
rangamanta to Elactrlfy Road
Roault of High School Dabatea
IllAi HAH LN rs:
Ralph Brooks Maata With a Sad Ac
cident at the Home of Hla Par.
nta Tueaday Evening
Trying ti auvii aoine bl k;jia from
a burning lU'Ulnitor Tiu?day evening
proved 'to Ijo a aorloua undertaking
fur Kilpa Uro ks, lb H year-old oa
K. llrooka.
lullra lioil'l
t Mr end Mra. ('.
-cMldii it Ik) it three
hla c-Ky.
Tint ludustrlotia young man had an
(liH'iiliit r mid br o li r In operation.
In Hi ' chit ken mid ha I ten
Ifclvlng till) llllil'itry much hi irni Ion
Ifur a few week. In the Im utjiiU r
Jworo a lul of okrk hull hlng a id
young iM k'-iiu J ut In r ii'il In the
Iromlo-. lttl'h filed the lea tit i with
oil al ;t fi t? o'clock and It la pre-,
uuit'd Hill it exploded. Hit haj been
out of tint ill It kin house only a short
time wiiii bn dlscovurvd flames c:un
1 ik from Uio building. Apparently
.flu Company to alt up and lk
iititfa. In order to moot the competi
tion that they will have In tho fu
turo, tho 8. P. haa decided to elec
trify two of Ita ronda In thla IT
rltory, the west aide division from
rortlnnd to McMlnnvltlA, and the
Yamhill (llvlxluii from ttiw Joffi-ron
street dfMit In Portland throiish to
(taw.K,. an.l Ut I, ...!,) U'lu.n f'lla
,, . . ' 1 . liave persisted lu tne un rout, irc
la acrotiiiiUHUPil a mora irenuent na 1
aoiiKor aervele will be-rendered.
Thla inrana tha' eventually the
The results of the re:nt '-ri.a
e I'ok Co.nty
leagL e a e aa
for d''b'it al
t tho series win, "jteaolved lha fr
tt'it booka ahoii d t o firnl ln d to
RAILROAD BRIDGE A DANGEROUS tlia at hoola of Oregon by Uie Hiai .'
place rem BOYS Kmh ath.o bal to t aim In Ihn
b'UKiin and bad b aldn of tl.t;
i " qiutnt.on, and a'l ouia ina l T y tl-
Party of "Kida" Meet With Cloto Call tbt-r team counti'd fur the a boo.
to Death While Croaaing Treitle
One Evening.
'or a lout Uaiu Uiy. and nun t;o,
Lot of 1909 Hope Sold
in Local Ma-ket Saturday for
Thirteen Centa.
Hoiilliitin I'm Iflr ptMiple will put on
a bi'ttrr acrvU' throiixh to Ifd"-pi-ndi'ii'it
and Corvallla, Th c Ivlty
In rail roa d Inn on th wt'nt ldo f the
rl'wr la gt)ln- lo bwn-flt all towni
In thla part of thp valley, and wli fl
out doubt Indt't'nrinrn wl'l thlfl
y'ar liav bettor rallt'ond actoinoila
tloim than vor bofor.
tlio of troanlug tba raiiroad brldKe at
all tluit a of iir a id n.Jtlit an i uuleim
tbo.u la a atop put to it a a-r oua at:
tldt ut will at.Cvur ooi.ttr or ta t-r.
D;i tivoiiliiK thla wfk at-vi-rai II -tlo
bya drawing a waxon wore tton
to croaa tho brllo juit aa the frl)iht
truln waa puaHlnit and Uioy 'ft ll"
track at tho nor:h nd of lb bridge
bttnly :i, tlnio to aave tatlr llvos.
The eiiKlnoer g'a ipfd k the aituatitn
. liumolla oly a:id rveiad bla engine,
whli'h auvod tho ll! of Honut mo:h
jra child, but If t tan hid bun
to going In another dlrectioi th- ri'BUlt
At Iiullaa llfiliol waa d f atfl ty McLoughlin
I)nllua by a throw t j u 'thlr.g do IhI n, !
at Mouiuouth, Moni out i li Cc ri. '
kI by Independent e by a two to out.'.
lo(lnlun. At Ka la ( 1 y, fait Ctyj'
m dttfoatvd by MJ; niouti ty a '
throe to nothing dotiiilon, and t Within tho past few weoka tht
Uftht l, IJotbol ai dt f at d by I alia op market haa ahown a Htt!a tnoro
Cltjr by a Iwj lo one dft'.a on. I e ry- activity than haa boon observed for
da'.o withdrew i d i ibir 0ii.U ome time. Lat Saturday the Mc
to Dallas and Indopro !en e. t :e two LtJUKhlln crop of 1909 hopa, fOiisist
ttania tlM.y wo e to meet. ' of .25 balea grown near thla
Th Judgi were all men who im. t"?. '" ""''l 10 ku' 1 hnn.nd for
derated debat.! w rk a d were ai " c,'nt H'r u,l,r,(1- Tbl8 ,ut !0,' t0
partit'R win er not In rrv tod in
Some poop e of thla c ty ae-m
havo an Idea that It la no'-ottna-y t would have boon 1 f rent. A t'jrn In
buy fliur nia.'infariu d a aotno far- tho road at a roitain poln' niak a it
away point In order to obts'n IniooaHlble to aoe the bridKO fro-n a
without r aUing tho a Hoi a iohh .f bread. Thla la a wiouk ImpnvMotu In- dlatanco, and boforo th und e r
tho altnutlon tho ymiug man nulled dependent hn one of the best could atop the 'tra'n podtrans on
flouring milla In the va ley a d la the brid;o would bo run down and
Into tho bul diiiK. whl h waa aliuoat
tndroly eivelopeil In fiauif.i, and
to bl e'firt ti aav tho little cbltk
ua waa aerloua y, I' not futully
burtiod. The blftio kno-kt'd hi in down,
he anya, aa anon aa he entered tho
tdoor, but ho 'had tho preaence of
tunilng out an excellent grain of killed. There la no way of escaping.
fol'r- To Jump from the bridge, a dlntance
The maiiagoDent Is doing all ro- 0f poaalbly twenty foe, would moan
alblo to miike hla business rank hlnh death nine times on of ten
and tho flour aell on Ita merit, an4 Parents of Independence should
tho eutorpriso Is deserving of m ire ' ,nnt rhllrtpn An not T.asa over
mind t raw out backward on his local patronage than It Is receiving, this dangerous tre't e a-nH-n should
bauds and knes, but not until hU.y0u Iiutapendence conaumers of not set the example.
had sustained Injuria whlih will fiour who have been buyin bra -da . ' '
rouflno hi in to the house fir aon.e manufactured etkewero a:e not
time, if Indeed be la not mulmed for only working a hardship on a good
life. Th fieh cm bis hands and arms homo Industry, but you ar0 working a
"wiiii burned almost to a crisp and hardMhlp on yourselves.
his face showed t ie roault of com
either school or team, the J dges
were as follows: Dalai W. W.
Wiley. I'rof. Win. Petty, r?ewb r?,
and Hon. Ira C. Powel , Mo imouth;
Falls City "... Dtnsn.ore, lnl 'ien
donce, Rev. L. L. Myer, Dal ai, a d
C'has. H. Jones, Fa cm; Monmouth
K. F. Carleton, Fa em. Sup . W. R.
Rutherford, f rof. VV. P. Wl son, Mc
Mlnnvl le, and ati Hethe r f. VV. A.
VelHt, Prjf. Zo;ihar Tharr, Piof. A
I. O'Reilly all o Salem.
Tho result of the series of debates
tbe Iiondon market.
This Is said to hive been the larg
est slngla biotk of hops rennluing In
fi st hands in ths world, and cam
prfcied about one-third of all the
IWj crop left in this sta e, accord
ing to a statement published in the
Th fact that the Lachmund p ir
chase is going out of the country is
calculated to make the transfer a
strengthening factor In the market. -"Further
developments are looked for
In tho coming week.
California advices are of continued
the leaguo are as follows: Dal'as ftctIvlty. , tne contract market Flint
lug In cIomo contact with flaims. The MEAT MARKET 60LD
young mini's coat was o i fire when
tho alteitloii cf othar uieuibors of Spcrlii g Bros, sold their shop
tho fiimlly was called by his cry for list Thursday afternoon to VV. ll!o k
help, and had It not been for timey'of Port and, who for roiuo Hm has
aslMtan.o ho would have burned to been a trae'.lng representative of a
death. I tutcher supply house. Theyi will give
Dr Ilutler was Immediately called ; lp tssoHslon soon after ''April 1st. Just
to the Urooka homo by phone and In J jwhat the Messrs. Sperling will do In
bin car reached the sufferer a few lho future Is undecided at this time,
minutes. I'pon examination tho lidsjjMr. Hlo k will move hla family here
Jias 13 points, Independe ce, 10.
yolnti, Monm uth 9 tolnts fa's
City 7 point1, Ee'he! 5 points, and
Perrydile 4 poicts.
The Seymour cup which was won
last year by the Fa ls City sc'iool
and which r.'mam the prope't cf
the league until won. two yea's In
has made a eont-a-t In Sacramento
for 10 bales for three years at H
and two 13s. In tho Sonoma section
16 was freely offered, but growers
who would consider anything at aH
asket 26 1-2 cents. la the spot" Cal
ifornia market Richardson offeredl
17 1-2 and 18 cents for some of thel
succession by soie schoo' wi'l th's 1910s left, but the growers demandedl
' year go to the Pal as High School. 19 and 20 cents.
Injuries were found to bo of a serious
nature, but tho doctor has hope of
his permanent recovery. The boy did
not inhale any of tho flame and his
burns are ttu-Ii that will heal under
careful treatment.
The building and contents were en
tirely consumed, but the fire was con-
(this week.
ful church. A brief funeral service
We are Informed that W. W. WII-!WB he,d at tho 'lence of her
son. who purchased the Pperiln-? 202 ''brother-in-law. Mr. J. D. Man, ty
acre farm near here r,r Rev. Sanford Snyder, a former pas-
three weks aro rt a consideration tor- ani' the lnrmnt wna at the
flne.l tn th nine, of Hh orlirllifttit n. ! of xin.Onn will enf th nlea,. In'n beauUTul Klver View cemetery at ha-'
and no further damage resulte.d j e-mail tracts ai d ee l to homeseek- lem Heights Tuesd iy forenoo:;. j
Ralph Brooks is the second on of erg, who are cmilng In thbk and , ;
Mr. mid Mrs. C. K. Brooks, and lilsjfnst. MAY BE AN ADDT.'CN TO TOWN
young life has been one of hope and . I I
energy. Tlmae who know him well say DALLAS COLLEGE PLANS LARGER
Mra. Amy Clend "lion Wilson, wife;
of Mr. B. Wilson tf this ci'y, died;
j suddenly on Sunday evening, March' !
20, at tho age of 61 years, 7 months, ,' Regular services will be held Sun- M MnuaI gg and
while on a visit . at the home of b.r day. Sunday scbojl at 10. preicj:ng buslnesg n,eeting of calvary Prcsby- 1
broth or-iu law at Salem Heights Mrs. at 11. Evcnirg scng se vl.e at 7:30 tearlan church neld last Thursday,
WilHon (Nee Sjn th) was bom in (Instead cf 7. as during tbe wirfir), 8evera, new officer3 were elected.
IJarnsvIllo. Ohio. Sept. 16, 1819. w.s and preaching at 8. Prof. Sb rwood and reportg presented by the various.
united in marriage with Mr. Bascom of Kiusba'l College of Theology w 1 p0cilJties, of tne church. Dr. Duns
Wilson o Dec 2. 1807. Heeld her occupy the pulpit both nnrning and niore asked for and wag granted
husbaud and one son. Frank. Mrs evening. leave of absence for three months,
Wilson leaves her father and three! The third Missiarary Lecture in t0 vlslt the Hoiy Land and Escypt
Bisters. j"The Tour Around the Worid" will and other places on the Continent.
( For many years Mrs. Wilson, was I be postponed one week and will be Jte expects to start about the end of
a member of the Metnouist Kpisco-, giveu rnuaj, aioi itvu, uwu 'aiay ana win prooaoiy return aunug
April 7 h, as printed on the ticket. August
he is a perfect business man and bin
great misfortune came with deepest
regrets on the part of his friends.
Mrs O. B. Robertson, a f irmer
buildings. A svcal e'e -1 1-n will be
Called anil th't Hchnnl llst-li nlroH
resident of Indopo.ulciiee, dlel sud-!t . .. . . .. ,
' 1 to purchase the a"d, n. It Is near the
oon.y 11 rohii on me ikiii uihc, wuere
she went only' a few, days previous
A Portland real cj..i'.e company is
negotiating wtth Verd Hi 1 for a t act
of land In the o itnkirts of t e city,
which, if thick-alls 1 a: c!,
will be sold o f in lo's. I is quite
nrobab'e that t1 e tra. sfe,1 wi'l be
Ing and grounds, and erect larK,.r ,,. on ,, ,.,. , . ,, ,,
llllUt , (till! B' CHUI T V - t ' -
' At a meeting of the tru-.tees o' I.a
Creole Academy and Da' as ( o''e-. it
was decided to ne 1 the present p(.
to vis); relatives. Her home wus In
Portland, where they went frcru In
dependence a number of years a?o.
O. B. Robertson, hUBband of the de
ceased. Is a cousin of Mrs. VV. E.
Craven of this ciyt, and Is well
known here.
, Mrs. Robertson's rema ns were
taken back to Portland, where inter"
tnont was made. Besides her husband
she leaves two small children.
Croupe is said to have been the
Immediate cause of her deah.
Some of the 8th grade glr s play
ed hookey Tuesday afterroon. They
apologized before the c ass Wednes
day morning.
new high sch. o',
Statistics gathered at the recent:
visit of Rev. Sprlngston show that)
almost a thousand people In or nearj(
Independence do not a tend Sunday
school; and it Is quite propab'e thnt
as many do not attend church. This
note Is a special Invitation to those
people to attend church. "Turn ye,
turn ye, for why will ye die" lost in
time and eternity.
Sunday school at ten; marnin? wor
ship at eleven; B. y. p. u. at six-
fortyflve; and evening worship
The pastor conducts a . question
box' every Sunday evening and In
vites you to come and bring a ques
erected in that p r ion of town.
Ooo. Kutch sold his firm 111 tlie
east side of the river during the
week to IMrold B. Flet he wh has
, already taken p' ssesl n. i
The Monmouth Real Estate Com
pany has been, doing a very fine
business In real estate. By special in-;
Vitation of the business men of In-'
dependence they have decided to
open an office im Independence. T. j
J. Goodenough of Salem, wll'cjme
In with them and he will be on the '
office force In Independence. Dr. Mc-'
Initurff and Mr. Goodenough were!
at In town on Thursday locating their
office and will open on April 1st.
Don't waste your time trying to j
figure out "why a black hen lays a
white egg" but . get the egg. Well t
furnish the egg, any ' stlye, at the '
Mission Cafe. . .
0 3
Absaiufcty Puro
Homo Baking Easy
And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored,
more sightly, and insures Its
freedom from alum.
Royal Cook Book 800 Receipt Fret. Send Name ani JJress.