PAGE rive eight paocs PERSONAL AND LOCAL Dr. Allin, Dentlat, Cooper Bldg. Lae Fitnpaun of AI'.U, was n k.D city in buMnosa Monday. M ka llogo of Ho a, waa In the cl y Frldy. Frank MIU r of ialem, waa lo the city last Friday. K. II. Bh rley of alom. wii In i city in bualnesa Inat Kri.1. J. C. Vanraer U vleltlng with It. JC. Ferguson. C. L. Irr no or Kumlt, Don o coun ty, la vlalt 11 g tea I n the city. C. W. Moan visited lh C. W. Illrharlaon 8;tturday and Sunday. Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inde pendence National Bank. Ball phona .'amea Campbell of !'". v t'l d with his d.u ht-r, M.a. J. C Mor r aon, S ind'ty. No ;xilo Iva .aaeilne an I kr '' l A. M. Hrown'e, also the cans that purify the oil. II. II. ThUaon of I alum, a look ire; aft r buinen tuatteia b.tre I1"1 vuck. Editor Ilaytor and hla father of imllns. In t'e d'y" Saturday, tmroule to Newport. i;iuk Minorca t'KRe fir setting, l.'i for M tenia. W. 0. Slmf.T 1'honi' The Kod runda but worn Indepe-n-l.iuo and Bnlein makee thla an at tractive placo for Jy riders. WANTKD. A Klrl for uoiiko work. Two In family, cay work. OtKid pay. Apply at Mission Cafe. W. II Haiham t I'ort WllllJiu. Wanli,. la via ting 1). I. lledtts thla Jwe k. Mr. Harham waa resldeit of 'ihla city lumn nineteen years ago. Sim' el Ingehorn, a recent ar rival from Iowa, haa purchased a larm nenr A'rti.e. 1 lo waa in thla city at aliort t mo Tuesday. The Perryda'e dbr.tlng team r.v fua"d to debate wltb tho Inde pendence team, thereby gratitlng the latter four polnta. . Win. Ha'1, who haa beeen 111 for several we k. waa taken to tho Sa lem hospital Sunday, where he waa iperatcd on Monday. Constant- and WMa-u have two young Perclioron ato'k horses. 3 and 4 yeira old, which are a credit to thla i art tf tho roun'ry, Th"y were ra sod near ths city, F.kkb for sotting;. ThorouKhbred Plymouth Rocka, 8. C. White Leg horns, 8. C. Drown Le-nhorns and White Orplnutons. J. O. Mclntoah. Tttith riionoa. n-40-tf. Rev. W. J. Weber tranaacted bual ncaa In Balem Monday. Tuesday ho .departed for Eastern. Oregon, wher he expects to rema n a couple of weeks. Thoa. V. Fox, w fe a -id ta' y arrlv. ed hre last Friday from Mountain Orovn. Mo. They are vlslt;ng at the homo of Ralih Haseue, a brother ot Mrs. Fox. Thoy expect to locate in ir near Independence. Consult Dr. Lowe at Independence Hotel March 31, and u: til noon Apr.l 1, nbout fiat ht'ad artio and eye ache. Ho dona not go ff -rn house to house. Can furnish aces of I'o:k county re ferences. Has had moro than tweniy yeaV experlcn e. The wlso wi 1 wa t .for him. $55.00 ON TIME, $50.00 ...CASH... Mr. roa sr of M Bmot Ui, was H tbs city ou bualneis Monday. Hon. J. H. Heutt ,l',n' WM ,n the city Sunday. Mr. Mrainer and family of Mlnnvllla, wers In lbs city BtMday. W. L. Wee transacted bualneaa In 1'ortland Monday. O.'l Durmll purchased a tw Mil bum wagon last wee k. William Bheinan purcbaaed ft. fins new bugjjy last ws'k. J. II. Park'-r made a trip to Aw ty Wstlmsd y. T. M. Irvine mala a trip to Balun at' Friday. Ueorne Junes purchased a new bug gy from Ilanna t're. laat wee k. Karuicrs ar compa'nn about H being too dry for working ths soli successfully. Jasper Kwmedy .of Hl' krtall, via tied at the homo of hla aon, W. Kennedy, Bunday. Johnnie Johnaon tranaacted bunt nesa In Portland the Ut'er part of laat we -k. Thos. M lis baa Improvt-d tho ap pearance of hla house with a new coat of patt. I you have anything to aell take It to A. M. Ilrown, the New and Bet'ond'hand Store. WANTED Pla n sewing, j Mrs. Klora Johnston, fourth house north of 110 bridue. FOR 8 ALU. 10 horse power up rluht boiler, almost new. Also 6 horae power horlxontal ateaiu engine. Two barRalns. Indc-ix-ndence Creamery. Miss Loreno Parker and MIhs Kunx canio un from Sllvcrton Saturday and apent Sunday at the home of the former's parens. FOR SALE C"EArThe building and lot occupied by the Independence Laundry. Phone Homo 20H, or in quire at thla office. James B. Johnson, who has been operatnlg a machine at McMinnvlue for some tliuo, has accepted a posltlor aa operator In this office and com menced work Monday, Mrs. L. II. Hankey of Pendleton, Oregon, visited with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Stansberry, and stater, Mrs. W. T. Hall, the past week', returning to her homo Wednesday. , Fred W llshlre, who recent'y pur cliuacd the cot ae near tho Si auld Ing lumber office, moved Rto the house this week. Ho la painting and repairing the same. W. 8. Kurre departed Friday for Portland to resume work aa forest rai gcr. He will work on the Bull Run range. Mrs. Kurre will Bpond a few weeka with her parents near Scio. . Any intelligent person may earm a good Income corresponding for news papers; experience unnecessary. Send alamo for full particulars. Empire tt'ress Syndicate, Mlddleport, N. V i Velvet Hp g'aas frames won't hurt the ears. "Fairy" eye glasses will tt any nose. Have Dr. Lowe show them to you. He has everything up-to-date In his line. Let us make your abstract ot title for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brown & Sibley, Attorneys and Ab stracters, 610 Mill Street, Dallas, Ore gon. ' - Don't pay an exhorbltant price for a Cream Separator when you can get the bent machine In the world, The New Elgin; at a reasonable price. We buy di rect -from the manufacturer In the Eaat, In quantities, pay the cash and cut out the middlemen, Is why we can sell at these prices. For particulars write or call on INDEPENDENCE CREAMERY It ths Cominert Club get b'.sy. svi bk Wb taker and w fe of Al bany, visited relatltea here Sunday. Bee those gaanltue Irons In A. M. pt-owti'n h?w w ndow. , W. II. Wa ker la ham g some re inent walk put In Cils week. IIoiut M Us Is Uttlig In a reint nt walk for J. W. Ilicb r j.. Fred Hooper's new tun aow a assuming proportions Fred has le-n oi Hie s ik 11st for a few days. Tho RUhardacn a atera e b a a cement wa k put down. I., to t of their home the wttk Mr. irl.s Webber and tllir. I..,.,., n ,,r.rn!a l-a-. f.u.dnr .a r:, Ing. Pig's feet, tripe, salt mackerel, salmon bullies, lunt :heon tongue at the Mlsaslon Cafe, served or for reiail. John It. Co Una 1 f t for Has y Bunday to lalt bla for a few daya. Mlaa Canlo (Ji.smloif and Grot, hen Krcsiu r were Salem vialtors over Sunday. M aa Ida Rl hardsou vulu-d w th ber eater, Mra. II. I'ouslaa at Canby, Bunday. WANTED. Vour old atovt-s, funii ture, or anything you don't want. A. M. Urown. Dr. W. II Byrd of Salem, waa hero on prof, aalonaj business, hav ing cmo In hla auto. Mra. Martha II 11 haa reeent'y lad a cement walk laid In front of her auburba.i. home. Mra. W. It. A'lln returned Tuca day from a v s t wlti hr tare::ts In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Williams visit- d the former's father 1 A r ie over Sunday. D. J. Purvine haa Just completed a neat cottase near the H'gh School, which he will eoon occupy. Mrs C. O. Long Is spending the wec-lc w th Mrs. Carl I'erclval at Am ericaa Bittern. Miss Nettie Snyder has a poaitltn us aasltant deputy in the Indepen dence postofflie. Tho Poverty Swlal held In K. of P. Hall la t evening by he Christian church, wss a grand success In every respect. L. F. Savage of 8a!em. J. C. Bcoit of the Badwn Piano Co.. and Wal ter S ;ars t f Da'las. were In. the city on business Monday. Dr. L. L. Hewitt accompan ed Wm. Hall to the hopltal at 8alera and as sls'ed In an opera l;c wheh Is jr nounced su.cessful. Ell Joy has purchased the With row property. He took- possession this week aod Is painting and other wise Improv'ng the house. 1 Boys may be had and some girls. The older ones at ordinary wages and others to be schooled and cared for In return for slight services render ed. If you have never used land plaster, Lyou should start to do so this spring. It will Day you well. For sale by the Chas. K. Spauld'ng Logging Co. Get eorao now. N-43-44. ft. Patrick would have been proud of our city marshal and "Billy" Mc- Vdams if he could have seen the ,t)oiutiful decorations of green worn by those individuals last Friday. C. Trultt is making further lm- provemtn's In his confectionery Btore this week. In the back room he is go ng to fit up an nice ice 'cream parlor and be prepared to (handle the trade th's season in a comfortable manner. Read in Sunset. Magaz'ne, Motor ing Through California by Lloyd Os bourne Beautifully illustrated . in four colors. The Spell, a romantic se ial by C. N. & A. M. Williams, Iw the Shadow of the Dragon by Grant Carpenter. Descriptive story of San Francisco's Chinese quarters. (April issue now on sale 15 cents. Yes, that trick of looking over tho felasses Is ridiculous. Two pa'rs of glasses ae a nuisance. Call at the Independence Hotel Mar. 81 and April 1, rntil moon, and have Dr. Lowe show you the new glasses with which you can see all distance, one solid piece of glass. No lines or seams to pniwt dirt and strain the eyes. Free' 'demonstrations. Remember the date. Tt,. r,,. I ti.arhi.ra mo tinv wl I be held In Kallaa April I. O. A. Kreamer ha. a new ee-rle Cloc k algn In hi. .'or. w ndow. ... m.A A usrjy loy w.s po q ' - Mrs. Wm. Ear-art Tuesday evening Mrs. O W. Co ikey la visiting ber brother n Burt N. Po;rdi of lo tland, la Id the c ty thla wi.ek 1 1, bfl- Rev. ricbc-rt Alcn tf lit . ll oo upy the tuUt In thi V. K. tbu.- h Mtt Huudsy n orn nt a d evt n ng. ' r"our shoMs for sa. (at bo rt-n t half mile east .f I. V. t. V. etn- ettry.-Wm. Mc Kn.ney. r ,.rt cu. r. a M e. W. T. Card- . 3 ".t. Iloy-' ...d ilrV Aid Bo- ciety of Orejon, Portland, Ore. Swell new piano In rich mahogany at a aacrlflce. See B. F. Swope for price and terms. Maurice Butler held the lucky number for the 2.V33 Bava?e rifle raffled Monday by F.'oyd Williams. Ross Ncla n !a "t Portland coni- leilng arrangements for hla sa e ot Import'd Jerseys oro May 2. W. T. Ilaldw n and wife of Balein, pent Bunday wlti re.atvlcs la the city. Mas Genet a WlKox rtturne! Tins- day from an extended v s.t t) Eu gene and Port and. A abow.r of i a n was cer a nly wel comed Wednesday nlyht by the hop m n. Mr. John Fluke la very ill at his home on Foutth street, but r.i- frendJ will be gal to learn he is tnaktt g son.e Improvement. Frank Caefer and Grant Brown of Jum t on, City, are visit ng at the home of the lat er's sister, Mrs. tnas. Blancbard. Mrs. Mary S. Johnson, formerly cf this city, tame up from McMinnv lie Wednesday for a few diys turn, with friends in this city. A grand mask carnival wi 1 be arlven in tbe auditorium Fa'urday, April 1. Tickets 35f. Prizes will be awarded t r te best cast:mes. Mrs. Laura M Her has organized a diss In, china painting and will be here every alternate Saturday and Monday, when she will be glad to meet any who with lessons or want work done in decorating, at Mrs. Claude! Sknner's on Mon mouth street. To Please is Our WE feel that our succecess during the past year is due to our ability to please our Our Lit e of Groceries Is fresh and complete. In fact we make it keep ony the best the market afforda. Our Shoe s are the best money will buy, and the BARGAINS we are offering In that lino are not to be equaled in the Will amette Valley. Ou Gompiiments .ui.ha in regarded In the future as we. have been spoken of In the THE HOME OF THE SQUARE DEAL, where satisfaction to all Is our highest aim Drexler & Alexander ORDERS AND CLOTHIERS INDEPENDENCE, OREGON CANNED GOODS We have 50 cases of toma toes to dispase of and are selling at 3 cans for 25c. Also 25 cases of corn at 10c a can. - Highest price paid for country pro duce at all times. Consult us be fore selling PETER Rlckreal, Ore. Thfre waa 'iiniliK in, S the Library o.-e dty 1 I room, and boo ra... n.m L jtboroushly fumkat.d. C. W. Ilenke and Mrs W. II. ..i h i- niatb vlaltora over Sunday. Th-y made the trip In Mr. Henk e s t ew Maxwell runabout. Mlaa Edl b Wcat haa returned hr war! a i teacher n the ae ond Krado ..i . . tv . a hin.i arier a it" w k . it na et ber bone In Tat- ma. Tlie u-,,.1 Arch Maons enter- tain d tho ...Ml m.a j rea . I j an , rnay ,,W .T .. ... n o. . a a m. Mr. and Mrs. Wil lam McCreaeJy of Portland, visited re.atlves hei. and In Monmouth t e first of the week en , -oute to Corva. Is. where Mr. McCreidy. w 11 bo a soc'a ed w th hla brother in the lumber Lual.ieaa. I Dr. and M i E. E. F aher of Sa lem, were v ait rs here Sunday. ; W. A. Measne-r acid family tame up from McMlnntl le Sunday In the r new "E. M. F." automob le reenlly purchased from Long & Cmibeli. After a few boura visit thty re turned home by way of Salem. YOU GET THERE WITH BOTH FEET ewhen you buy ycur Shoes from us land right every time and get a bar gain as well. We assure you the best material In your Shoe the kind that will wear long, and we give you. the beat etyle, because all our Shoes are made on the latest laats. Comfort and fit go wit every pair, and the prices wll! pet you a', ease, aa well as the wearing or ths Shoes. O. A. KREAMER, Independence Oregon aaagnHgMei -jniBjsnaBl Delight. many rrienas ana Prun.. point to extended to all, and we hope to be COOK Independence, Ore.