PACE EIGHT NEWS ftiOM OTHER TOWNS MONMOUTH ITEMS H,wt from Normal City ered i Bndom. l'nf. J. II. Ackermaa lttc4 In lnJf-nltnc Saturday. Work on the of the fitate Normal school will lKln M few . Tul U oU.k co be great improvement to Monmouth and her educational opportunity. We are Informed lhat th rquit mid a few week mo ba not own ronlJ by le railroad company and w will have ta n conteuiej tor K while with the old one. IVi-r Kurr U talkl.n of Un hi place' near here and moving to the city. He w'll probably occupy th place which ha rewnUy purcha.e here. Robert Stetl ha returned from Cal ifornia where be ha been most of the winter. MM. W. R. Graham U recelvlag a visit from her nelce and nephew of McnlRan. Dr. and Mra. Peauoamp of Stayton. visited hens one day last week. Mr. and Mr. C. E. Lauipman of gtaylon, were In the city Sunday. Farm. ru In thl Icvlnlty are anxlou to come to town now. The latest to hear from la Mr. portwood. who baa recently sold ht place with the ex pectation of moving here and enjoy ing city life. Editor Drowne and wife were seen . in the city Sunday. W. J. Williams of Wyoming, has ettled here to make his future home among us. ' Prof. Ackerman contemplates mak ing a trip east sometime during the early part of the summer. B. F. Smith of Lewisvtlle, was In the city during the week. Hon. J. H. Hawiey has been suf fering with the grippe for severe, days, but is better at this writing. j Mrs. E. T. Carlton of Salem, visit-1 ed her parents. Prof, and Mrs. Ack-j erman, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shenifleld of Independence, were In the city a short time Sunday. The report seems to have gone out that there will be summer school for teachers in the Normal this year. It Is a mistake, however. The entire faculty has not yet been engaged, and school will not open until Sep tember. The increase In bank deposits at the Monmouth bank and increased postal business at this office, indi cate that the town is going ahead at a rapid rate. INDEPENDENCE ENTIRMIII, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, Put on the "areen," 'it 81. rat- r ck Day. Tho InterettfJ In the U.U time oi will ' 'hat you ha a lively time March !. Pr Low, th optician, will be U Dalian yarh ! and 3; lnd'P' dej!t-e, si and to noon of Apr I I lie member the date. Her. prtUKloa i v,,rr able addreM In th liaptlH church lt Sunday, and the meeting wa largely attended and appreciated. Mr. Sumpter "oid he farm r Fall City, recently and ha moved to Independence, occupying the Ame ! house In the south part of the city. Frank Wleenf!uh ha returned from Portland, where he went la w-ek with hi w fe, who I recev Ing -medical treatment In the hoplta. He report her greatly Improved. It 1 not the burden of today t't a man but th piling of to morrow' burden upon tu,t of today. liberty-1 nt the rlxht to do as t, ploae, but the rlht to do rtsht. ! fltaat, County Treasurer. 40 43. CALL FOR WARRANT Notice I hereby ivn that H Polk county warrant presented and endorsed, not paid for want of fund previous to January lt, lll. l b lid upon presentation at my ufflce No hitereat will b allowed after date of tht notice. Iated thl Slid day of March, 1911. at my office Tracy FRANCHISE IS GRANTED. Continued from page 1. ..,l lhat the company accepted the fiwtu UUe smnted to It by the com mon cou it'll In the itmot good faith and with the determination to conform to every protUlin of tint franchise. II stated that It would be the purpose of h management of the road at ail to please the rltUeii of the t'Uy of Salem, and that the company would noininlt no act on l'on tnvt which would Incite th displeasure of the people EIGHT PAGES. living along aid strwt or any oilier part if the city. i Mr. McNsiy ttd that he bad .been frliwntly J.urM ly the own tr ,.f th- -turT. h! nro hinornh to men, lhat the uii'en. . nt realised the oece ly cf retln the prop erty owner and UIrtt. i f Halmit wl'h the r'iet cinideratlon, a any oilur pnl.tT. or an uily r arbitrary one would work a ruination tho annoyance pit blent thereto would ti unbearable. Above all, the a u declared ht th franchise e.n- tallied no provUfon which would f"r nilt the company to trnnagren upon th right of any rlttan. Hi ate man. ANTIOCH Tom Tethrow of Monmouth, was In this locality on business last Friday. D. Johnson was trading in Mon mouth the latter part of last week. p. L. Fishback is working for R. M, Smith. Mrs. V. H. Mack visited with fri ends in Dallas last week. Roy Johnson of Independence, was seen to this vicinity last Saturday. Dave Dove was a business visitor to Independence last Saturday. . Fred Smith of Monmouth, was here last Saturday. Homer Foster and Miss Ida Mae Dulgnan of Perrydale visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dayhoff were in Monmouth last Wednesday combin ing business with pleasure. Clem Fishback of Carlton, Is visit ing relatives here this week. ADDITIONAL LOCALS FOR SALE. First-class hay, cheat or oat M. Goets. p42-45. Mrs. Emory McDevett visited her parents in Dallas last Friday. Hop men are four weeks ahead of last year with their work. A baby boy wag born to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson Wednesday night "Dad" Wilson is a happy mam. Special chicken dinner at the Mis sion Cafe, Sunday, from 12 to 2, 50 cents. Regular dinner, 25 cents. The garden rake Is much In ev idence. these days, the lawns and back yards are getting cleaned up. This Is as it ought to be, and every family should take a hand in the work. LOST In or near Independence., Or., a brass hub cap. marked "Italia"' A liberal reward will be pa'd for the return of the same to The Owl Con struction and Realty Co.. 158 S. Corn! St., salem. Or, Phone, Main 204. n42. For quick le you should list your lad and other property with the Owl Real Estate Co., K-8 S. Commer cial St., up stairs, Saleni. Oregon. Phone Main 204. n39 2. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c; bluestem. S2c; red Russian, "8c. Bar'.ey Feed, 124. Oats No. 1 White, $27 per ton. Hay Tirmthy Eastern Oregon, $21; mixed. $20; alfalfa. 112. Butter Creamery, 31c. Eggs Ranch. 19c Hops 1910 crop. 18c; 1909. 12Hc. Woo! Eastern Oregon, 12 18c; Valley, IT 19c lb. Mohair Choice, 30c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 82c; Club, 79c; red Russian. 78c. Barley $23 per ton. Hay Timothy, $24 per ton. Butter Washington creamery, Uc. Egss Selected, local. 20c. JUST A FEW HINTS The best attitude we can dlnplay towards the discordant sounds and disagreeable sights in this world Isnot that of disgust and shrinking, but a disposition to remedy them. No one 1ms a right to think of a future heaven for himself who doesn't try to make this world heaven-like for his fellows. Heaven Is not for selfish people. The season for baseball Is at hand and it will be necessary for lovers of the game to furbish up their know ledge of baseball vernacular. GENERATIONS of GOOD THE , in Your Watch. . FRICTION THE ENEMY. f I if. v. Therefore, pivots are finely polish ed, Jewels are of ruby or sapphire the oil carefully refLned all to re duce friction. On these bearings th balance revolves 432,000 times dally. Astounding, isan it? Yet if cleaned and oiled yeraly a watch will run for generations, and t neglected, It must, with such, ceaseless toil, wear Itself to ruin'. .In ' accumulating dirt and co rroding oil. Let us examine it. An honest opinion from us will cost you nothing. Did you see the coupon in last week's Enterpriser They are Iflood, get 'em. Bring In your clocks, and all other kind of jewelry Repairing. Estimate cheerfully given, free of charge. ROWE'S JEWELRY SHOP, "House of prompt ervice" furniture: Hicc & Calbrcath's Good Furniture with a very large and ca'refully selected stock of Furniture, and our spring line of Wall Paper for your inspection, would it not be to your interest to call at our store for these Goods? We will make you special induce ments to trade with us. BICE & CALBREATH DAINTY PERFUMES FOR DAINTY WOMEN Are here and Plenty. Everything else for toilet use. . Our Soaps, Toilet Waters, Bath Ammonia, Talcum and Tooth Powder, Cold Cream, Etc., are such as must appeal to Women of Refinement. We will be pleased to have you call and see our line. Kirkland's Drug Store The Store of Quality LADIES' and GENTS if- Yf HAND TAILORED SUITS 10. . MKi . OO. MADE STRICTLY TO YOUR MEASURE. ANY GARMENT MADE BY THE COMPANY I REPRESENT WUL BE MADE SATISFACTORY IF ANY PART GIVES OUT WITHIN A YEAR. HAVE MEASURE TAKEN BY A TAILOR. " PRICES $15.00 to $50.00. ; ; J. G. Mc INTOSH Enterprise Building, Independence, Oregon.