CICHT PAOIB INDIFtNOINCl ENTif PRISE, INOCPt NDCNCI. OREOON. PAGE THREE MAY DEVELOP INTO CUBA Whlngtoa-Th International as pect ol the nrea-n-a of 20,000 Anier Iran (rrii In iruilmtty to the bor der ol Trim anil the remit of Amer ican Intervention, should It broine titnry for the protection of alln loieri-il In Meilco, are ba'nn widely dlneum.d In dioloiimtlc vlrcW-s la Vhiii((ion, The eoiiccnmis of opinion U that, II the I'till 1 Hiatoa li u 11 lie forced to Invade Meilran territory, American troopi can not bo withdrawn from M ho limliln of five year, iind the fu ture relation of Mnlro with the I'nlti'd Hi ( will heroin akin to thoa now a-llittlng between lh I'pll ed Htates and the Iti'imbllo of Cuba. Nevada S.nat Favors Cuftrag. Carton, Nev After a etni turn ed ()Vlr tU KUlTlBgUIII, R llil.llll'T of whom pleaded with the Beuator to allow a state votn on the queM on of womun'a aulT. k the upper licuue ed the llotme bill culiliiK for io uliir vote two yern V.i-n -e to do. clilu whether wodii n ah .ill voto l:i Nc vml u. 8PECIAL SESSION OBVIATED 811I1111, ()-. --J ilin 1'. Hunt, nxt jint chief ciik ui the Semite, uui:d (tin 111 :.(.. iik l:n.t .01' v. ....'ii hf tx-i'ii liiiik.iiM lor in. it than a weuU, uid 11 Inr ma Hi" Kent-rat appropria tion tilt! U concerned tho record oow atatid cli)r and a up' rial o.ilcn of tint li'Klaluture la obviated. Without ttie record Jut found tha rutin- K'I'oibI appropriation bill, pro vldliia for tho ailurlrt and expenae of officers and cotnmlaalont, would liavo buon Invalidated. The record howd that tha Hons bad refused to concur In Senate amendment and from that point on wai blank until It vol recorded that the bill bnd been aliened by the Kpeitkor and tha I'real-Jent. lor tn tiiuuKt i tuna .uwum.u i tlielr baiika. TO OPPOSE FULL CREW DILL Railrvada A..rt Burdan Uaalata, but Employ Favor It. Huit, Wah.- Ilpreutailva of all rallroada operating In Wahlng ton Dial bar to comldor plana for op poalna tha "full craw" bill pa-d by tha lint legllatur. Tha bill provides that all painpiiKHr tralna ntuat b aup piled with rrawa of Bvs man, all fralRht tralna of mora than 200 car with rrawa of all wen and light an line with conductors l ha railroad aaanrt that If tha bill becomes a law It will Inflict a heavy burden on them without Increailng tha elllcleucy of tha aervlra or pro tecting Hit' public more tlmn at pis- etit. Wood re W lon Dlnr Bryan. New Yoik.--Tlii-if ia a flitter In hlttli polltiol c tele whi-n it wna an maimed Hint UTUnm J. Itiyan wi Ut In th !-: of Clove, nor Wtodrow W Jifli, tl .N'cw Ji t-i-, lit I'rme-tot' l!i!i ii"l !;y,m itel.ver. d ! nt'.f.itt lo II. e I'r tue'. n Tl fniogl 11' aein nury Hutn'ry, nnd a to .11 a 4 tlie Nx w J ry g ivcrtior h" aid c' U he !nv n-ii II. e Nebia.-Liin to tke d'nner wltb him, end thu Invltul in piouiytiy ai i'i pted. LeflliUtura May Meet Again. Tacoma. In an endenvor to av the work which the itate hn dona on Ita road alnca the good ronda' tnovoment waa Inatltuled four year ago, the State Good Honda' Amocla thm la to make an appeal to Gover nor Hay to call the leglalature In apeclal aexilon within 30 day to con alder road li glnlat'on and make ap proprliitloriH needed at lenat to keep the road already built In repair. CORPORATION TAX ALL RIGHT Wauhlngton. In nn unanlmoua opinion, the Supreme Court of the United Stftoa held that the corpora- 4lon tax provision of the I'ayne-AlU- j 4-lch tariff act were coimtltutlonal. The opinion wni announced by Jua lce Day, appointed to the Supremo Court from Ohio In 1903. It was an elaborate treatment of the aubjeci. About half an hour waa spent by the Justice In orally explaining to the bar the position of the court, the printed opinion being used na a bnala for the renuuks. The Justice first determined that the tax was Just what It claimed to be In tho act, namely, an excise tax on the doing of corporato business, j and not a direct tax on the owner ship of property. With that point de- j elded, the Justice took up tho objec tions urged against tho tax as nn ex cise. Practically all of the more thnn $27,000,000 assessed for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, on corporations In the United States has been pa'd Into the treasury. The exact amount received to February 1, 1911, the lar eat date for which precise figure are available, waa 127,108,192. VAUGHT ACQUITTED. Vict.m cf Cne Pralrl Ciinj R leaied. Il( leu. I n.- Ai'ipi.ttul f Joseph K VaugM of Crut dn:-e inuriN-r Hitit hi testimony that hi victim, It. V. Kin mi, rii, wn the lender of t'liimii I'rairU' n'ghtiiilern, h added v!tn (0 Invert Kation of the gaug utiduitaken by the ovornment. Vaur'tt made a rtrong plea r.f nclf- deieute and wa aupjiorted by H wit-lu-sKea. The ucu.ied man t'i'd of the visit of a bnnd of nlRtitr til r to ln home on the prairie and the tin earn they made ngnlnat him. He whs told a a parting warning, he s-'d. that It he did not obey he would be g ven a coat of tar and fenther and thut the gnng would "get him." C. II. Lllisnifellor, I'nlted States District Attorney, bus charge ol the case, which promisee to be the most sensational In the history of Southern Idaho, Three dozen settlor of the Carnal I'ralrlo country have ben summoned to appear before the Fed eral grand Jury next Mond tv. AUTOMOBILE TIME CARD Leaving Indupendence at 7:30 a m. arrives at the McNary crossing In time to catch the east bound train. Leavlag independence In the oven- lug at 3:30 p. m. and arriving at the crossing In time to make connection with trains going both ways, and re turn at 4:49. Fare 50 cents for each trip. THE n DEAL 'Poultry Park INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 8. C. W. Leghorn a Specialty. Eggs for hatching, per aetting (13) $1.00, 50, $3.60 and 100, $6.00. Sanford Snyder, Prop. Box 181, Homo Phone 7521. "THE BEST EVER" Banker May Be' Pardoned. Washington. Well nuthntlcated re ports emanating from the office ot Attorney-General Wlekersham that pardons have been Issued for Jolin II. Walsh, who was sentenced to five years In the Federal prison at Leaven worth, Kans., and Charles W. More, now serving a 15-j'ear sentence In the 1'ederal prison at Atlanta. Ga., botji u "m ""nrfc' 1 U a. TtXV . - ; I William ?sDiu2 Go. Zn Star of ite J?u!omot)i!e Uforid No Experiment in the Game with the "Michigan. THEY HAVE ENTERED THE FIELD WITH A MACHINE THAT 18 AS NEAR PERFECT , AS CAN BE MADE. . ORDINARILY THIS AUTO WOULD SELL FOR $1850.00 BUT IF YOU WANT A MACHINE, d OUR PRICE AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN SAVE IT WILL SURPRISE YOU. WE DO NOT Afe YOU TO PAY FOR PAST E PERIENCE, OR BIO FANCY ADVERTISING, NOR THE ESTABLISH MENT OF BIO BRANCH AUTO AGENCIES. WE GIVE THE DIFFERENCE TO YOU WHICH IS WORTH YOUR INVESTIGAT ON. Call and See The "Michigan. R. M. WADE & CO. W. E. CRAVEN, Manager. Independence, Oregon Zm WW 0 m of Good Clothing is to avoid the other Kind. If we couldn't recommend our Clothing, we wouldn't sell them. But we don't hesitate to say to every man in this town you can't buy more fashionable and depend able -garments than BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHING Because we know what they are, how they are made and styled and tailored. Here are choice pickings in fine values. $10 TO $35 Salem woolen mills Store SALEM, OREGON. The Independence Enterprise and The Weekl Oregon ian both one year for only $2.00. Address all orders to this office.