PAQE THREE INOttNOiNCf gNTtr rWUf. INDEPENDENCE. OWtOON. eioHT PAoet THE NATIONAL LAWMAKERS New FROM THE NATIONAL CAP ITAL AT WASHINGTON What Othar Law Mahara art Doing and Othar Intarattlng Evtnts of tha Union. liTd motiObl vt b ;offa trada AMr momls ! Ho'iM roum lnMe'i''nf lha chuass l Htia or Jrt. all-r"l brihary and lrtiror to(hodi In !! n4:ias of niun Isais, has ron.k:I It rs l.or. Th rnort lll ort til tnombers of tha ll"u' rr tha Boat f any iti ptpi-r mnoartioa ltb th McslVd MrMurray i-cotrarti." Tl ln'rftt Coiwnrca ( omtn a l.. i. dc!dd against lln railroad IB k( (h tha "irn" and tha MwsiraH ,.,r I'ruuoaml adna to class fir!Rt.t ftn In official cwsln-atlon ilirf. itiMtailnf among ill m.!ys fn tha territory approximate ly :7,OO0,0OO a yr, ra d;P- i M .1 by tl-o oiniii!mln. Pranft Cabinet U Plf. raHa. Praasla Brlaad aa4 hta a i?tr.ta ! itt rrtneb eabiMt. at a:iag aaU la tha arialara afioa, darldrd U band (balr rsstgaaUoaa to Prviistat rlllara. TbU daelala waa daftaltaly dtrmta4 uia altar hours l diseaastoa. THE PALM BARUE HOI' : W. T. MLL, Proprietor. , ALL WORK OUAP.ANTECO. BATH IN CONNECTION. - .t.,.t INDEPENDENCE. am Va I n ' " w i ' ' Waahlim'on. Kt oiohabla la It tUt. an piIi a Pfl n of Cnia lH ba tircimnry 1 i I anion on tha Can t!in uulin-i'.tjr aarwuimt that rrl dt'nt Tuli ha fld Ayill 4 a H data oil vt!i!ch audi a lon wl '' called. Tb dtie was ai-lerfd af'T cojMiItallnn with Champ Clarh. ho will be lha takir of tha ncit llou:o. and Hvpia't-ntal'va riid-raoo-1 l Alabama, who w'll h ...; il the ways sud mourn coinmime thit will hava rhaino t nport th Tt'lpnclty bill In lha lloiuw. Th l'r ttt nt Imd liin niiod to ronvn.e the e(ra anili:n at an ail!,r dnie but Clark n .i Underwood loM him thi-y dn)rd a iun(h,i tlnm aicrthe lirvxrnt Congena nd.'nitnn, 10 wh'th to map out In iiMx railo pinna for the neit Cc-ngr'a. Thi re I no 'hanso In the a tuai.on In the Senna regarding Cue Canmlliin rerlprotlty agrceni.'nt, and tha leader no hope of bring ing Cie McCall b"l t- a n 't ai l'..U eefi'un. Houaea Paaea Sundry Civil BUI. Tha lloiira made record In pe Ing the anndry civil appropriation bill, the giaiet nupply irenmire of the eaon. which hud been up only two dnj'B. The hill carried more than IKO.OOOCCO. fkiially It baa taki De to fUU'en daya. Only Cine minor alteration l the bill weie made on the floor. Without m dlKHfiitlng voire $tr.,R60.000 waa p proprlated for continuing work on the I'anama cannl. an unprecedented pro wedlng. Tlie bill carried f.lSO.OOO for rnlalng the battleah'p Maine, 1400,000 for the continuation oT the tariff bnard for two yeara and a aerlea of gpprojirlntlnna for pu'illc bulldlnc totaling $27,284,725. Vlll Portlfy Panama Canal. After nearly five houra of debate, the IIou voted overwho;mlnKly 'n favor of fortifying the Panama cmal and appropriated .1.000,000 to begin the work, the tots! coat of wh'ch I eallnaled at 112,000,000. The action of the Mounc practically aattlca the nuestlon of fortifications, for the aentlment In the Senate la anld to be more than two to one In favor f protecting the UthinUn waterway. Sutherland Amendment Paaaed. Having eucceeded, by the use of the Sutherland amendment a club, In laying out the Borah resolution for the election of aenatora by tha peo ple, the opponents of that measure are In good humor. They believe they have averted the possibility of Its passage at the present session, The following western senators toted for the Sutherland amendment to the resolution providing for the popular election of senators: Carter and Dixon of Montana, Flint of Cali fornia, Hey burn of -Idaho, Piles and Jones of Washington, and Nixon of Nevada and among those voting against were Borah of Idaho, Hourne and ChamberUIn of Oregon, and New lands of Nevada. Tbls amendment was fought by the friends of popular election of sena tors. t National Capital Brevltlea. Tha-great forest fires of last fall cost the government 1,050,000 for the actual expenditures of fighting the flames. Immigrants to the number of ,f 26,361 were admitted to the United .H3tatB '-during; January.. Of this num ber, 12,241 were women. Six thousand Jews were Included in the total. Tbe new Japanese treaty of trade and navigation was ratified after a two houra' executive session of the Senate. While the apprehension of western senators that tbe treaty might let down the bars to coolie la bor was not ent'rely removed, these senators contented themselves with xpreasing their solicitude. They In terposed no objection to ratification. The House committee cn Judiciary ordered favorably reported the Norrls resolution Inatructing the attorney general to send to the House any in formation be baa retarding tha alr PfUMARY DISRUPTS WINDY CITY Monty Scettered Prtsly and Parties Are Split Wide Of en. CMr.-Chkngo ha l- shaken dating It o lat l wreks by the tot mayoralty OrM ' H' history ol the c ty. The C ty's flint eei!etie with I direct primal y lu a mayoralty campau has prevm to be bolb spec taculjr Hid ni-eiulve. Never money fpnt so freely Id a mayornliy ami a'gu. Hundreds of tliouaiitnt f doilara hive h-''n Bt'1' terert .i.;i(!.:al by the candidates Striving to bcnn'! II tiouilnec ol the r rt xpn-Uve imrtles. H'Hh the llepublican ud I'emnciaiic pirtUi are MiUt P u "J n, niayora ty catid date In -UUr p trty has the n vaniig- of iiultd oiy tnl Ultn beck Ing. T H E D E A I Poultry Park INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 8. C. W. Leohorna a Specialty. Eggs for hatching, per setting (13) $1.00, 60, $3.t0 and 1C0, 18.00. Sanford Snyder, Prop. Box 181, Homo Phono 7521. Nails Nails Nails CURE YO'.Ti UUMIATISM AND OTHER ILLS OF THE BODY AT THE HOT LAKE Sanatorium tTbo House of EffUlciuy) HOT LAKE, OREGON THE Orrgn-Vaslii'loii Halroad i Naviffiilion To. Sells round-trip tlckeU, good for thre moUbs, allowing $6.00 worth of accommodation at the Sanato rium, at Portland and all O.-W. R. & N. Stations. For further Information and Illustra ted booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy, Medical Supt. and Mgr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N. Agent, or write to Wm. McMURRAY, General I'assonger Agent, Portland, Oregon. "THE BEST EVER", MS WHILE rPTTP.V T.AST. ONLY T3TT.-R KV.a. WHERE CAN YOU BEAT IT ? Nail Hammers only 50 cents each Remember, this is the store that Saves You Money. R. M. WADE .& CO. VV. E. CRAVEN, Manager. Independence, Oregon .1 jiftv-fvL U Jl Oil liMIxlll i 2EmKi fisaJal sassWBssbaatal vaaTsW WsasaassBiw" William's Drug Co. W(WfM(C jlliL V V ill M w ARE NOW MAKING AN ADVANCE SHOWING OF THE NEW MODELS AND . PATERNS FOR THIS SPRING OF . BISHOP'S READY TAILORED SUITS IF YOU WISH TO SEE WHAT THE BEST DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON CALL AND SEE THE NEW LINE AT THE akin KJookn mills Store SALEM, ; i i.i OREGON.