Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, February 03, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The of ! started the
Uf dou tn l.uvk.iuuie.
N- ti h"su' axsia after
&a atavnt of nt uiontba. H
baa been at aoik tu t'iiKi nuip
lu VMiiH a.
Mr. mid Mr. 0h. lUkiaou, Hen
ry llvk iiMin and Sam Hunl r
vaiim ft Krvd Fredrl. kaeu s lat
Tburday ilig.
Walter Kerr.A. l. Uteey and
liay and rrtme, were out burning
Ja k rabbit Thuraday.
Mr. Sk.-ela walked to Independence
Friday a'u-nioou.
y.r. Sharp bought some oat a of;
Vrvd Fredrukaen it ek. 4 I
Mr. Idlest h a loading a cr of!
hay for shipment thi k.
Rev. Abbott of EuKt, organised
a Sunday School In the new school
house In American lkutoms last Sun-'
day. with Mrs. W. V. Acock as Sup
Mm. Kredrickaen ft In Indepen
dent e on business the first of the
lr. Abbott was a passenger on the
tage to liuena Vista Saturday,
lirandma Krye la halting with her
daughter Mrs. Coun. and family at
Alrlle. .... 1 .
Little Caroline Peterson haa bwa
quite tick for aeveral day.
Dell Grtitsby la getting along as
well as could be expected.
Mrs. Shaffer of Salem, haa bee
visiting m 1th her atater. Mni. E.
Zeilesch for the paat week.
Mr. and Mr. Ewlng were In Inde-I
pendence Monday, the Utter to have
dental work done. ,
A load of our youngster went:
to the Educational Rally which was
held at Bueua Vista last Saturday.
P. T. Peterson was an Independenc j
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Connett went to Independence
Saturday to visit with her daughter.,
Mrs. W. L. Ward from Nashville, Ore
gon. . '
"Mr. Sharp purchased a team a few.
days ago.
Prince Lacey went to Independen-.
ce Saturday. y
Oscar Peterson came up from In
dependence Saturday.
Mr. Peterson was out fixing the
telephone line last Saturday. 1
Silas Compton was In our berg last
Mrs. Fredriekson, was In Indepen
dence Monday. J !
Joe Anderson and wife were stop-'
ping in Independence Monday. j
Mrs. Wm. Ward and children pass--ed
through here on their way to Nash
VJIe Tuesday. j
Ross Chamberlain and Miss Nellie
Fredriekson were married In Dallas
last Thursday. Both young people
are well and favorably known here.'
They will make their future home In
Corvallis where Mr. Chamberlain Is
employed as an architect The writer
wishes them much happiness and
at SmlthfMJ. piit Saturday and
Sunday with hi lUUdreu at litis
Herman WUnder a trading In
Moinioutb lt Saturday,
Jeaae Jolmati who I working for
Wright Smith of La'1v,IU, spent
Kuuday with friends her.
Our Delating society which la bit-
lug held het each Saturday evening
ta a d"lded a u Ci ena.
Mtxaea Helle and Gertrude Hoser
were bul :en ilaltor in Indepen
Uence laa (Saturday.
railed me lo be Its paator. My tu If you are not a tneuiuer or biui inurcn you win " --
1 The Independence ('rvmi-ry la
mak ng preparations' to put lit a plant
for the purpose of manufacturing Ice
and thla will be In operation by the
time Ice la In u.iaand. The company
is erecting an addition to the build
lug to accommodate the new equip
ment. In addition- to the Ice plant
they wit) put In machinery for uianu
factoring Ice crrsui. The total coat
of Improvement w 111 exceed $.".00".
Independence Is proud of Its crvam
cry enterprise and well she may be
for It Is one of the beat In Oregon.
Mr. Ingermanson of near Indepen
dence purchased a sow and several
pltia ot VV. H. Mack IaGf week.
George Sullivan of Monmouth, was;
In this vicinity on business last Wed-;
Hepday.' . '
Robert Fishback Is working for
Rufus Smith.
George McKamey who Is cutting
wood for Dave Dove was In Indepen
dence on business last Saturday.
A. J. Shipley who Is teaching school
Continued frutu page 1.
lating association the rlgbf to lease
Irrigation work already constructed.
Provlaloa la also made for the con
solidation of two or more Irrigation
Would Give A's No Advantage.
Names of candidates of the same
party for tiie ame office on th pri
mary ballot are to be rotated, tr a
bill approved by the Senate becomes
a law. It was paod without a dis
senting vote.
The system as worked out calls
for printing of ballots In such man
ner that the name of erery candidate
where several are In the field for the
same office will appear at the head
of the ballot an equal number of
times with every other candidate.
The candidates whos namea begin
with A will be deprived In this way
ot any advantage they may poMew
Text Book Substitute Paased.
Representative Clyde Introduced a
substitute for his free text-book bill.
In the substitute It la provided that
a petition of one-fourth of the quali
fied school voters In a district may
be placed before the board and an
election called to determine whether
free text-books should be furnished
the school children. The bill passed
the Houe.
Propose Eastern Oregon Normal.
Hopes that the state normal school
question had been settled dually and
definitely at the last general election
were shattered when Senator Oliver
Introduced a bill providing for the
establishment of an Eastern Oregon
normal school at La Grande. Under
the bill an appropr'atlon of $ 100,000
Is made for the use of the proposed
When the bill was read a gasp of
surprise went around the Senate
chamber, followed by expressions ol
mirth on the part of some of the
members, which would indicate that
possibly the bill would not proceed
far before reaching an indefinite postponement.
To the people of Independence:
Recently the Baptist church
Do You Like
Toast prepared In quantities In the kitchen often becomes cold be
fore it is consumed at the table. How much more appetizing to
get It hot and crisp as rapidly' as it is made.
THE ELECTRIC TOASTER pleases every woman who sees It In
almost instantaneous. Andis the toasting done that It aeems
.he dining room. So puickly. there is no rising from the table or
hurrying about. ,
THE ELECTRIC TOASTER Is now one of the most popular of
the many household electriic devices.
Price of Toaster complete $3.25.
Oregon Power Company
dnit duties keep in lit McMliWkvllle
College days a week, but I shall
be t:i town fro;a JUturJr !
10; 4 4 Monday uionitiig, lloaldes
thla I will come down on any other
day to serve any wim In town wheth
er Haptlat or member of no church.
other ibunh you are cordially Invited
ta womhlp with us. If you are "down
and out"' eoliio hear I ho goipel. It
haa power to ae. Jean Clirlut loved
sinners. We ahall ooiwlder It prl
liege la minister to those whom
Jesus love, f If you attend Ihe Hap-
Ittble says, and not what h preacher
think, eT'Mt life and death, lU-avvu
and hell. tid the rather, Moni and
Holy Spirit ami the de,
HUwerely Voitrs,
. Arthur It. IU' katone.
8. O. B. 803.
aMMMMIMM.iMsasBMMaawMaBa t
Nail Hammers only 50 cents each
Remember, this is the store that
. Saves You Money.
R. M. WADE & CO.
W. E. CRAVEN, Manager. Independence, Oregon
ky the
Jl maker has his own reason for putting his name on a piano. It Is a
ceedltable piece of work. He Is willing to assume the responsibility for Its
Makers who send ut pianos without their factory Imprint have their own reasons also.
Stenciling on the name board any name that strikes a retailer's fancy their own. personality dots
not appear in the attra tlon at all; why, then. Invite trouble? The dealers who sell these father
less "stencil" Instrumenta-sell them, recommend them, do everything but become accountable for
them How can they? Their Interest in a piano that bean ono name this year, another the
next must be more or less transient. Tho purchaser cares nothing about that. He does care,
though about the instrument wearing well. Not for one year nor for ten, but long after the deal
er may have and doubtless haa, gone out of business. That la why all sound piano reasoning
Jeads to buying from the manufacturer or from his direct representatives. Here Is the
Grand Prix-Paris, 1900. Grand Prize-St. Louis, 1904.
Its makers work wlh half a century's experience at their command.. Flawless materials are
chosen Specialized cratomen toll over every detail. The whole is refined, polished, brought to
rar neerfectiou When the inetrumeut goes out into the world to meet artistic standards, the
makers not only sign it with their own name but (such is the personal "paternal" nature of their
feeling) follow its careei with as keen an Interest as a father keeping track of a particularly
promising chHd. jg gterHng aggurance of continued satisfaction. To the
bir mass of buildings omprlslng the Baldwin home you may look for the redeeming of this
pledge. Skilful control t factory economies brings price within the lowest figure consistent with
high quality. , . t
Come and bear the Baldwin at our Salesrooms
Salem Masie Company
L. F. Savage, Manager, - - 135 Liberty Street