Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 13, 1911, Image 1

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    . ....
O'Hon lli.or,., gwltf
iAM ijp
Farmer In this Vicinity Takt Flr.t
Prlics on Sheep at th. Wool
Growers' Association.
m ii... MiMoiuil Wool Growers' An-
l thlx mouth
"'" iu '"" ' ' . J
IVk County growers carried away,..., ...
I...-1. f-,....l.. urnKC iHiiii-u .- i
. ... . . ... r. ...... and!.,,!,- who nr.. nt'lylng all Hi- ".or..
Ilrsi in n- j
,,r, were h,.u, htahly bn-.l nlmU
o ...hlhltlo,, to t .!. Hh. Of
. ,,,.a.o cxhlbUon, . tho r..
, K.o,k .l.ow ro ..un.-l -r-l Kok-
Somh Hi,.-.-,, hI J. H Hi iiinp,
,.,. ,, Hwl..y & So,,,
iv I l.-..rl..v. uoiKm:
n... I-,
Ilrim., koiiU. Th i iiiay.hy
ami tint I, r.-
. .... rr,.... , l.u viciniiy ,
. .
mi v c ni'fii .ii..-. -
wl... ...i.k f rl. lint of lh o iiM-uth"'
nl tlH'H' wiru no niilmiiU that wt'ri)
m:ir!y in th'-lr I'h
c.iii.iv wim awunl.'d flrnt prl
In nil Inni! Wool Hll.-el) and
r prlxea on olher l.reedH. In win-
ulK f rt in the lou wool .,,
... . I ....... u'l llll.t-M -Of
(Ion nca.iiM io.'i. .."-
Knglanil. iIiIh i-oiiuiy han added an-
olher il'd t li.alk to Ha ta I,, i.
Hheep iniluHlry, aeeor.liK to a
uie .t made by Ir. Jam-H WUhyeoinho
of the Oregon AKrieull ill al l.o!len
The Kya Sheep Show ot (ireat
The uoyai o.i.-i-i. o...." . ih-iu come up; heat your pio
llrltlan, recgn ed as the Miuto swirds and your pruning hooks
. . . . i. fun i- . i .....
greiii-st mieep uow,
in. ..war.l lo the best Colswold year
I'ng ram. The ram and several other
prize winners were bought by V. W
Harding of Waukesha. Wisconsin,
and brought to the I'nlted States.
The.v have Bllieo been exhibited at
niitlonal and Inlernatlonal shows and
nriz.i uiniiorfl. Mr.
Hlini nun
ii.... ii.,., in,, i null! Inaled securing flrft
on his SIOCK exiiiiiiK-u in ' '
. .......I.... ... ll.irllllllll
II, s year, but Instead he met uer-ai,
and II was I'olk (oui.ty that did it.
Well Oregon wins against tho host
run In Kiland, and (hat Is recognl.-
e,l as making it the best, in the!
world." said Mr. Harding. "I bought
thin yearling at. the Koyal Sheep
. , ro.wi el.,n.
snow at ..iveii-uo.,
p;K,Hhlp prize was p.aeed upon U ny ,
the lu.lires. r imid a fancy price for
lilm and this Is the first time I have
met def-at sln-e I put him oil. exhi
bition. You have a climate similar to
that of Kngland, and I ntlrlbute the
result, to climatic conditions more
than anything else. You havo an
Ideal country for the long wool
Mr. Harding employed a herder and
professional handler of show sheep to
euro for his flock. Mr. Koser handl
ed and cared for his own exhibit for
the show without assistance.
Members and Friends of the Pres
byterian Church Hold a
Pleasant Social.
A very pleasant social was held in
the I'rosbyterlan church on Wednes
day cvoniing, and althimgh the con
dition of the weather was far from
being pleasant, a large crowd was in
attendance. An interesting program
was given, consisting of readings,
songs and recitations, all of which
wero heartily enjoyed, by the com
pany. After the program the com
paniy Indulged In social intercourse,
and light refreshments were served.
It Is the Intention of the Ladles Aid
Society to have these social gather
ings frequently, that all may become
better acquainted, and for the pro
motion of sociability among the peo
"For years I suffered unspeakable
Mrt'ire from indigestion, constipatiol
und 1 ver trouble", wrote A. K. bimu
n nr veteran at Erie. Pa., ."but Dr.
K-lnir'a New Life Pills fixed mo all
r'ght They're simply great.' Try them
f t any stomach l.ver or kidney trou
ble. Only 25c at all druggists
TIih fallowing article was written
by Mr. Uuiinmoro mid publUhd by
.Nul IMM lglllfl' l 'jT
movements of the pi r'ur
b.cii ilm renin, of ilnif li """I'
ll .,ld Umi J. I'l.-nx.lnt .unman ,
mild to Iibv. i-oinr buted Il't' to
ward i oiihuiiihihiIhk the mciK'-r.
Tli.-m M-iiiit ilu-K-fi.r.' IIHlo now ;
Under 11m. 1'HK J fr Federation.!
Sou... hull It with delight "
of lirlHtliin unity-ll It tru-
ly m iiiohI deplorable Mint' ot ""
.1 n mil,- to the f-W '" hHl
tho'r fiil'li i-tttl'll"h-l on the Word
of (iotl. It H H IIIOHI mil i uIjI.. fuel
that nil wlm favor ihU mil"" do ""'
u i-pt lh loiiiiimiiiluH'ii'H of God for
lli.-'r IT Itl I.H.I.J I" w'.h many u un authoritative '
... in....
v.-l tlM-r.- are
.,...i ir.itl.M m nim,.
loyally .ru 'b. . "I - u ll... ....... ...-
n..f.. tin. 1,-K " f ., ,.,,., ,,,,,-h.m-ry was
there 1- n.-v,r - ( f ' nV .. fr .. llf ,, ,
n h U on . "'- " h ,,,,. Th,y w.r, ,.-r.-M... in
ni 0 ni'y Is kI..k H-'l'"- lf1);)V(.H ,,,,. of ,.,,) ,
U :,nu vi.ri,M .,,.,,. v ,,.,,, , M pay ,, uy. Th- n-a,),!,,
. UlllMIHIIlp'"". I .... lore- iM in," of
I,... ..... ,.,, MliiMlkl-rH. I III. "
. !... l ...
MUVU .IV II... .11.1.'..-'. "-.-. ......
... .n.... li.i.ii i.t'iti
.h.-V Hi.a,H In.o l, hookH,,i4,llon
Li.,.n l,f. un Hwor.n auaiMH.'
r' " ' ,. ....... , .,
iin tin hiii. ii i ri " ' -
Th!. In wUl he people are '
Carllv,: Klvi,,K of hi
; br. Blm,,iu. K,vat :
.. .. ..
P..u .. li.l.le at tin- Hiikui the fcrent
peace procce:Hli)iin to lake plai
u ,1 fl ,1 I Itl'l'.. he unXersul peace.
uh r'i.d what the Ix.rd wiyH hy the
,.,..i., t.el. Chapt.r "rrepare
'" " ...
let j
war, wane up "-' u"fc'"J ...
.... i u..r lmw near: 1-t
! nil in e linn i
. .. .1 !
litospeiirs; l't the weiiK .
strong." Multl.Mdes, muliHudes ' in
the valley of decision, for the day of
Urd Is near in the valley of de-
I'aul says in I Thess. 3:.,
when they shall say peace and safe-
ii. t hen suddenly destruction come
th uon them. Thorn never win no
- . ....
i..-a,.i ni-m-u according to the
Word of God.
The day of the IOr.l is near In the
valley of d -c'sloii. I'enple are un
decided which law to obey, the law
nf find or the law of ma:'. The
great struggle Is son to lake place
.-very mini, and woman will soon
be obliged to make their decision. 11
they do not decide for the law or
God they will have the mark of tht
limit f Home's Sunday.) Then they
.. .... - .w n.u has
w, -l- Zbt.d.
said he would pour on those uisoueu-
lent ones.
Koine is standing by her mark or
ecclesiastical power (Sunday) ' and
protestants, so called, are looking to
wards Koine. The Lord says that all
who worship him their names are not
written 111 the Lambs Hook or L.ue.
Rev. 13:8.
Home is now urging a Catholic un
ion so they may become power
ful enough to demand their . civil ana
political government she will event
ually get them. It was stated hi the
Teninerance Advocate May 1891. that
Archbishop Ireland, in a temperance
convolution In New York City, mann
ed God that tho Protestants and Cath
olics stand togeltier in demanding the
fa'MiTul observance of Sunday. Thus
h lenders of nrofessed Protestants
In, the United Sintea have joineu
hands with the papacy for the power
of making this government advance
their plans just as the Catholics, did
in Rome as soon as they got influence
enougli to do so.
They realize, that the' elements of
skepticism and woiidllness are becom
ing stronger, and the Interest hi at
tending worship in the churciies is
, H .nmothlnir to
keep italive. Self preservation Is tie . -hobby" when they show does, and when this persecution gets
first law of nature. They are asham-; n tv ' ' br(W,h that haa beon to its height God will speak to the
ed of and not able to work in the way q G()d Jesus said' hour and Jesus will call to His right
the Apostle workej using the sword, - llle keep my command- eous children sleeping in their dusty
of the spirit and of the shield of faith y- bydg to come forth aud they with
wniiiiiK. i inv ii...... "
and laying aside all carnal weapons.
They have turned to tne .state u x.c - -the
world for help and ihey have fair- people would study Ue bib. they
l lw.ln mmilil ape Ihllt the WW W.8 SpOKl
ij v , , c ,3 ,.r ll hnlUr Tilt tiau-iitiuu uum -
them. But alas hs f8, 8uuu, firm for His Parents will clasp their loved ones
be the'r ruin Instead of their salA a-jta i hfnl hJ mith alldagaill the angels brlng that babe,
, nft ..r'nJ !aJis trutl. May people et in that was laid away so long ago and j
Thus we see what a strong power,His law is t rut . V I rents' arms, what
ly compeneu me goe, .......... ... ..v k.
will wage opposition to the peop e(
WnO Hllt.lU Uy Uin u.
d by the law of God their
Creator. God is now cal ling for the
Nnahs, Elijahs, SI ledrachs MesecU s
and Abednezas to come out of his,
Babylonish confusion and preach righ- All of God's tomnumd- (
Portbnd Men Put on' -n l.lerc.tln.,
Demontrt.on at the Hold
Thl Wek.
Max H. Il'dim- ami K r'"'
..... ,....,.. , n,.. 1- ., ,su,
( t.
HI t!..- II"'. I
- - . , ,,,,,.,
1. 1 .'.iv i,nr.'... .....
... . ......... . i-
, ll in-".-
" hu, ,. .
''', .'X.,h,w. ...- ........
farlur.-. 'Hal- a,. J rt.rttr.uii-i u ,
two ea.l.h'r, are now .,
ye Old Towne Quartette Will Enter-;
tain Independence Monday.
. . n-i i Mmuiiir :
Al I lie Biiir iuui...v ...
.., tlu, ,p,. ()f In.l. . iui-iic.
OI,prtu..ity to hear one
" 1 11 1
of u .Ht qua rtel I es on the roao.
f()nm:)nly kllow Hs Ye Old Towi,j
;nown ns ir ..... (
This is one of the mini-1
)jy )h(i lvt.eum (.ollrs(. a,1(i!
Is the last but one In Independence
Probably at no tlae,
t(c of this cityj.d;
r '-. . . '
' '""'.''. : - '
i ' " j-
i ' - - v.- r
I - ' -T I " . i. - -5. ? . ' I
E . " , ... ... , '.-A -..v.- - - - ;,.). ...... ?- W ' - , j. .... 'j. JK ' '. ;.v. ' . 'A " .'s
1 ' IV1 l'0' . ' 'U s
-iv ft ,xn ,1m . ii i itti'n inir' ...".j I J
I v,..w.w. , i minify,.
yTold towne quartette
i in, ti,n world They had, persecution to the extent of passing a
TI,UlarW il Lionel who'Lree to put them 'to death. Does
ratncr ptI " L . ...
I. tii.,1,. .linker illlu uis i
tan ' . 0o, wU1'jov (hat resurrec t ion morning?
. ... .... ,
civ 1 power - ' nor -
not a. vu . lngthe
.ecuto d too far. He s S
st. Kl th re u
po ition aa st i
o e - Jm
U: .y llo- I liHul KM.. t'u.l.l.T f'oill
'prtiiy, wl'.li j a.cinri, m lit tl.o l-l
I.iiII.I im, for; li. nl Tl. .ou.pitny li
Hi.i I., up of u nuinlji r of ci nj
in i HinJ Tin- l'i!l. . nd w"1' i
.!., mli.r.-nn in of very I
IHlii Mini ItmikliiK iilltM'l"toj
ih.H i.i iiii.ii it..- oik of if,, in"-;
ii. . i In- Kiiui'.u.y U now ' ml'-aM-r-
I n K ! ttpil.r i-noilKll ll.K-r-nl Ulliolli;
j.i iijiI.. .iii iin.iii-y In I iv.-ii to
l.lii ii t .I'oi-y for Ho- Ho- n.aiii.r.u -
ii. i. ,,t I!..) in .o l.ii.-i in tlil
.' if, , ii,. n l.. li.,i. ii.." i un rpii"- i"
m-v , ,. .,- u ,,.....l-r t ,l-!rM,..
i.'.rii.iH In l.wsi i.roiiil 'liH- ii.nir.
it, .J ihi-y will ;"i, .tui. Hun tli- Hi"
lilii.- w 11 i-'iiiiia.l viry olli'-r 'oln
' 1 1 ; i v n i r il Ain- (i'w in, tin. iiiiiik.-t.
n , ....... 1. 1 1 , ... ,1 ( nil
III1 ( 'Mlil' l lly HI" 't i;
1,I!V, ... ,, la,.- . fa.M-ry tout
,,.,, llU ,!,,,-S f..r y a, ,o
,., L.,t ir .t .1 I' to
In. .' - ,.,.,.., .ni.lial t 1-t.y !
,., '.- ..'pupm.,.. ,.,1 ,,.a,.ri.,l
. ........... ... .... i in.. , r iiI,J"'oik i...--. " - -
work, in lno'l K f'r t,,.lllatl m l:i I)" 1 1 li .un .. l.utikH aii'l offu'-s in
it iff i -1,1 H.' If. us of Ii.'- .oi'ilrv
Tl.i ,i- ar.- manv i n rim in t!'-
,,. I u,i.k.K out pay-roll- (lM-Momlay a .old wavo foMowd and
... . ., .......u'ror Ho- first tlmo this m-ason wf Un
,11'ini'V is ..fiiirrii in..-.- ... ...I.. "
..... .... .... ., t ii,. ..... I
t IIVOI.I (TIOI. .1IHI HI III'-". 'l
i .y ,,,.-i''tr four pi-rso s li. fore I, h
-put i
the employes' envelope.
Hi. si- ina linn h the money is
Coutlnui'd on pae xX-
an o)Kiitiiniiy ,,o listen to iieh art
Ms'h ut home, and tle-ro should he
a en (1 alt-lidaee. AH over the eir-
,.it lh,.y ,,. known by th-'.r ability
Mo Hinir. and by their KiiiKliiK they
?pl use. .An evening m petit with them
! M ill be one of d. light and a pleasant
rin inorv forever.
T.. ,l.... .f is 2.1 CClHS.
i - .A! , , ,
In other iti.s Hiey are paying j.Ojbeen good sleighing now.
..iii.Tiniimient the .I.. nth r.r khow has fallen.
. .-... mi -
management of the Star Theatre buc-
w. t
te. d.-d In gelling them billed for half
price. Do not Judge, the abll.ty of
we nm. i - - "
quired to pay. p-i '
mtdfeoiHg ra,)M.y
lh ..real- Creator see all this? He
! their faithful persecuted ones will
be caught up in the air together to
meet their Lord. What a blessed
f runsitirin frnm this W'Ol'ld Of Sltl
' Jeans u-ilt take his loved ones in and
pre8ent thpm t0 ,Ue Father and say
.1 and te chlldron whora th0u
, of he
Lamb and the Savior will serve them
f 15 fc ' T, VNi I
Heavy Snow Fall Throughout th Val
ley Afforda Pleaaure for th
Young American.
of tl.U H,-tlo of the ta wok- to
f.l ,ar,U n nn-.y "
wtU, a coat of tt,0 -b-.-inful. ami
l-l'-ru,.',- wan h a
1,-ap of MlKhl on th- pari of the
in aitaiki.iK ivcryoni; who was un
fori uiiHtu -noin'li to Ret n.-ar.
Tl.c in Icii'-nt condl'ioii of tin
wculh.-r (.liiin-.i'i(l .Sumlay -v-lili.K
............ -. .... rit MtOrlll.
winter .loon uh.
At anoill i . ' "
... ....... ......t....i.....l ... fill.
VVt-lllUK BIIOW . ..Hi..." - v. -v.
It melted raitldly and there Is but lit
tie on the ground at the present time.
The storm continued all day Tues
day and Wednesday, placing the roadf
in a terrible condition and practical
ly Hiispending business.
The novelty of the real winter In
Oreton Is ha b-d with delight. Boys
and girls have contrived all sorts of
means for a sleigh ride, and coasting
on the sidewalks is a passtlnie en-
Joyed by many of the younger Inhab
itants of the city.
If the ground had been frozen be
fore the snow came there would have
Quite a
deuth of snow has fallen, but most
of it melted away as soon as it reach
ed the ground. The snow storm Is
general all over the state and in
some narta of the valley the fall Is
heavier, according to newspaper re
ports, than if Is in this Immediate vi
Independence has had the most mod
erate winter that has been known for
years, and at this late period a pro
longed cold spell is not looked Tor.
The nresent condition of the climat.
has brought forth the prophet and all
sorts of predictions regarding tne
crops, early spring, high water, etc..
are heard.
The motion picture show is at
tracting wide attention this winter.
The management has made every ar
rangement to give good service and
the patrons of that place of amuse
ment are showing their appreciation
by giving each show a good attend
ance. The Legislature convened at Salem
Monday and the law makers are at
who love and obey God.
What about those who worship
the beast (the earthly government)
those who stand by the papal Sun
day? They will receive the plagues
and the birds of the air will devour
their bodies. Read Revelation 19:17
20. The angel cries to the fowls
of heaven, "Come and gather your
selves together unto the supper of the
treat God, that ye may eat the flesh
of kings and the flesh of captains,
and the flesh of mighty men, and of
horses and them that si't on them
and the flesh of all men both free
and bond, both small and great aud
the beast (Rome) was taken and with
him the false prophet that wrought
miracles before him with which he
decei'ved them that had received the
mark (papal Sunday) of the best and
these were cast alive into a lake
burning with fire and brimstone.
Dear reader where will you stand?
Oh, be wise. Jesue invites you to a
mansion, a robe and a crown of vie:
tory. Do not fear the world. It will
soon pass away with all its lust, its
follv. its persecution, all who will
live Godly wHl "suffer persecution
vjvv r
Read Isaiah 51 and. verse 7 and S
Hearken unto me ye that know ngh
righteousness (God's commandments)
the people in whose heart is my law
fear ye not the reproach of men, nei-
th-r be ye alraid of their revilings
for moth shall eat them up like a gar
ment and tho worm shall eat them
like wool; but my righteousness shall
b forever, you will live as long as
God's law lasts, if you obey it. Never
mind the persecution. God's eye Is
The MUst-s .Vol and Mildrd
Owens and Mrs. C. bh.-n-fidd
a iiilHi-tdUiieoua nhowtr Ut Thursday
evening t ihi home of llio la!tr In
honor of M! Kriua Hrou,
wi k k'tum the wtJ of Mr. K.ank
Whlttsker of Albany.
Tho early part of the evenlim w
duvoted to a K"e''l,l'i voniet t)i
first prl: being won by Mis Nellie
In cuttiliif the d-IU ioun cakn made
for the occasion Mrs. Clld-j Williams
secured the penny, JIN Mabel Bill
In, thimble, and Mil Haol
hai.iion the ring.
Mtsa llrown was tho re-lpieiit of
many v-ry b-uutiful and useful pr-s-nu,
:ouHHtn8 of rut Rla, lln.-n.
a, silver, and granite ware.
The following jfu-fis were preM-i.t:
Mrs. t'lldo Williams, Mrs. Olive Il-.iU-Mrs.
Kthel Tripp. Mm. Claude
Johnson. Mrs. Willard Craven, Mlsnes
Kalle Dunsmore. Nellie Damon, Row
..mi So-n ng. Mabel Pon-rflel.J. Em-
roy Devllt, Gladys Irvine. Emma ll-n-
kl- Malx-l Lllls, Hazel Nonunion,
Ii. rtha liohnnnon. Bertha Thorp, I!-r-
tha Collins. Clara Purvlne, Florence
Hu. inn. Grace Wallace, Genevive
Jameson of Portland, Nola Owens,
Krma IJrown, Mrs. Shenefield.
a v.r nWiiant eviinlng was -spent
I., the lodae rooms of the Fraternal
Union last Wednesday evening at
which time new officers were Instal
led. After the regular work was over
tables were spread for the fifty mem
bers and guests. The ladies are to
h complimented on the repast tney
set before the male members of that
Following the supper the remain
der of the evening was spent with
music and games. Although it was
well Into the wee small hours before
the party broke up, everyone pres
ent was disinclined to leave.
"Neither my sister nor myself,
might be living today, if it had not
been for Dr. King's New Discovery"
writes A. D. McDonald of Fayette,
N. C. R. F. D. No. 8, "for we both
had frightful coughs that no other
remedy could help. We were told my
sister had consumption. She was very
weak and had night sweats but your
wonderful medicine completely cured
us both. It's the best I ever used
or heard of." For sore lungs.cougns,
colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma,
hay fever, croup. Whooping cough,
all bronchial troubles, its suprem
Trial bottle free. 50c and $100. Gu
aranteed by all Druggists.
One good modern up to date hous
situated on fifth streeet For par
ticulars inquire of or address J. J.
Williams, Independence. Phone Farm
ers 659. ., 30-34
on the one who persecutes the man
i woman who stands for His truth,
they are precious to him and h will
take vengence on tne one wuo of
fends them.
God's law will be the law ia the
new earth. The Lord will create a
new earth, wherein dwelleth righte
ousness and all the people win De
righteous. There will be no papal
Snnitav nr as Svlvestor Bishop of Con
stantine said, Lord's day the Son of.
Man is Lord of the Sabbath not. bun
day. Let no man deceive you. '
Where is the minister today, who
will hold up the law of God as H
spake it? People must arouse them
selves if they would be saved. , If
the Lord be God follow him, Oh, be
wise. There will be a few. As it
was in the days of Noah so shall it
be in the coming of the Son of man
Jesus is soon coming. He Is ever , at
the door, he is waiting for you , to
decide for Him. Will you stand the
test? Can you not give up the world
with as foolishness? Away with
such a man-fearing spirit. A. great
reward is waiting for you do not let
any man take your crown. Whoever
will do and teach God's command
ments shall be great in the kingdom
of Heaven. Will you teach them?God't
service pays. If you teach only nine
precepts you will never enter Heaven.
Blessed are they that do His com
mandments that they may have a
right to the tree, of life and enter into
the gates into the city.
Dear reader, see that your title is
clear and. oa the Books of Heaven.