Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 30, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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as in
II. K. Foster if Jll, was til the
Ilu) V, llultini of Suli ui, was In the
illy Monday.
K. W. Reams of Dallas.
Iliu city Saturday.
Pter Cook of Htckereal, was In
Hie city Tuesday.
E. V. Nol uf Dallas, Ml In tb) rlljr
tho tint of the week.
Prof. K. F. Crowley spent the hol
iday vacation lit Falls City.
II. J. Ferguson of Balem, wm Id
the city on business Saturday.
Your fare on a pout card fur only
I M0 per bo, at McCalcb's.
. Hal unlay nlicht U the limn set for
tho Orchestra Hall. Don't miss H-
I'.L. FUhback of Monmouth. was
visitor t the Enterprise office ou
Iva Hamilton, Chief of Police fl
ed of Ralom, was In tho city Tuesday
f this week.
Your portrait on a pout card for
1 1. 00 per dotm at Mct'aleb.s photo
graph gallery.
Mr. and Mm. Harry Patterson of
Portland, spent Christmas at tne
liomo of D. L. Hedges.
Mrs. Edward Mahr of Corvall'.s.
Visited at the home of C. McDeth
a few days last week.
H. M. Edgar of Salem, a former re
sident oftbls city, was renewing ac
quaintances bere this week.
, Arthur Deatty, book keeper for the
Kller Piano Co., spent Christmas at
the home of D. .L Hedges.
' LOST. One suit esse between In-
dependrree and Albany. Fnlder will
please leave the same at this office.
The Orchestra Dull lust Friday ev
enlnir was not as well attended as
was hoped for by the managing com
Miss Francis Patterson) of Port
land, a Dent Christmas at the home
of her grand parents, Mr. and Mn
D. L. Hedges.
Frank Klrkland, who Is attending
school abroad, Is spondlng bis vaca
tion, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
P. M. Klrkland. - .
The Calvary Presbyterian Church
Choir will hold a sacred concert In
the church next Sunday evening, to
which all are Invited.
Mrs. C. V. Clodfelt of Jefferson,
Is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. McBeth. She has been at
Monmouth for aifew days.
' Miss Emma Hlnkel and Miss Seel
y, tc?cbers at Condon, Oregon, ' are
spending vacation week with their re
spective parents in this city.
The skating rink has been opened
every slitht this week and the young
Deople have been taking advantage of
the opportunity to use the rollers.
You will miss the time of your life
if you do not attend the Grand Ball In
the opera house New Years Eve to
be glvem by the Independence Orches
tra. Postmaster Merwin and his worthy
assistant are happy because. Christ
mas Is over. They have certainly
been busy during the past week or
Mr. and Mrs.: O. C. Locke and the
Jatter's sisters, the Misses Nellie and
Grace Damon of Salem, visited at
the home of their parents during the
holiday period.
A. Whitney and wife spent Ohrlst-
Orle f-ord of lsl!aa, was In the lty
II. M. KdRat was In the rlty
few dsys lb a week.
W. W. I'erelval Informs us thai h
sold Ills east sMu ranch laat week.
Dr. and Mrs. Allen spent Christmas
lu Portland, koIiik by way of Halem.
If you are not a subscriber to the
Kulurprls now is a good time to b-
School closed last Friday evening
for a week vacation between the hol
Floyd Williams and wife visited re
latives In Alrl.s the first of the
FOIl 8ALE. A good Second hand
typewriter. Call at the Enterprise
office .
Let us not inaks new resolutions
this new year just make good the
old ones.
If you did not have a Merry Christ
.ius this year It was not on account
of the weather.
There Is some talk of organising a
Royal Neighbors Camp In this city
In the near future.
Miss Kuth Hodge of Salem, spent
a few days; with fronds lit this, city
the first of the week.
It Is understood that the two sa
loons which Independence Is to have
will open January 2.
No one Is authorised to obligate
me or Incur any Indebtedness on my
account. Denton Bowers. 31-32
A. B. Danta of Dallas, was In the
citv a short time Friday, working In
the interest of tho Homestead.
Miss Burch returned from Eilverton
Saturday and spent the week at the
home of her parents near this city
Hanna Brothers have installed
new gas lighting system in their stor
and It Is giving them a perfect light.
Lee Whltcomb drove one of Long
& Campbell's automobiles to Salem
Saturday and took a load of passen
Mrs. A. C. Moore went to Portland
Saturday to spend Christmas with her
brother. Mr. Moore went down Sun
Mrs. G. Virgin, who spent part of
the preceding week with relatives
In this city, returned to he home In
Portland Saturday.
Several of our citizens have been
taking advantage of the good weather
this season to paint and otherwise
Improve city property.
The Independence National Bank
observed Monday as a holiday and
there was no business transacted at
that institution that day.
The turkey market must have been
exhausted Thanksgiving day as there
was absolutely nothing doing Christ
mas inthe local" markets.
Miss Parker, who is teaching at
Silverton. is spending her vacation
week at the home of her parents in
the vicinity of Independence.
Homer Mills has several men at
work tearing down the old VanNort-
wick house and expects to erect a
modern bungalow In its placev
W. L. Bice departed Monday for a
brief visit at his former home in, the
northern part of Wisconsin. He ex
pects to be absent a month or more.
Mlsa Kora E. Browne, who is teach
ing school at Silverton, arrived here
Saturday and will spend her holiday
vacation with her parents, the editor
and wife.
Walker a In Kugens this
8 II.
K. It. Tuttle was In Portland wr
Hlnnliaw of Dullii. was In the
illy Tueaday.
Conrad Krebs of palmi, as In the
city Tueaday.
The Star Theatre has Jual receiv
ed a new cost of paint. ,
FOl'Nl). A pair of apeetacl.
Inquire at this office.
Flora M"Callon of Dallas, Is visits
lug friends here this week.
II. Cooper and 8. Tripp of Corval
lis, were lu the city Tuesday,
J. R. Cooper transacted business In
Salem the first of the week.
C. W. Henkle returned Wednes
day from his visit near Corvallls
West Perry tame up on the auto
stage Saturday evening to spend
yw days. t
Mrs. Paul Hanson of Medford, I
visiting at the home of Geo. Hutch, in
this city.
Thoroughbred S. C. Rhode Island
Red Roosters for aale. Mrs. Chas,
E.- Hicks.
Bice & Calbreath have a present
for you. Read their ad and get the
B. Z. Kuensli and R. W. Kuenll
jf Salem, were In the city on bus
lness Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Aldrlch of Los Angeles
California, is visiting with Mrs.
T. Hlnkle in the city.
The Enterprise office this week
had the Home phone put in and we
can now be reached by both phones
Dick Harris Is visiting in the city
Mr. Harris was at one time section
foreman for the S. P. Ry Co. at this
The W. C. T. U. will meet next
Wednesday at 2:30 P. M. with Mrs
Morean at the last house south of
the depot.
Some ingenious fellow placed a sign
at the Intersection of Main and C
streets Wednesday Intended to pro
hibit fishing and hunting,
Independence met defeat last Wed
nesday evening when the Monmouth
High School basket ball teom took
them down the line at the rate of
20 to 10.
Mr. West, the furnltnre man, has
sold the remainder of bis stock to
Bice & Calbreath. Mr. West will go
to Portland to reside; soon.
While gazing at a search light in
the distance Wednesday evening,
"Dutch" Hartman. the head driver
of the general delivery in this city.
met with a serious accident, falling
from his wagon and breaking several
pieces of valuable chinaware
THIRTY FIRST FAMILY I ML.e llae snJ Mb Lore.ce
RE UNION IS HELD ram h..ut from the .1'. of O. for the
( holidays.
For the thirty first lime In as many f The Misses Mssgi" and A lie Hut
years, the horns of J. It. V, Huir. hr entertained the Hot lal Hour Read
of Monmouth, wss th scei.e of tha'lng Club Wednesday afternoon,
annual family reunion, and ht tbej The family Christmas " tree at J.
roll was railed eluhty-four member . V. U. iiutler.'s was Id ui. aua of
were there to reapond, many of thtii J bringing bomu all th relative of the
for thi thirty flrat consecutlv time. family for a reunion.
Saturday, December SI, Is the date
of the Orchestra Ball. Ye old, who
have not tripped the light fantastic
for lo these many years, forget your
age and infirmities, purchase a tick
et, and swinir your partner as in
former days. It promises to be
great event.
There were probably lots of visit
ors in the city during the week that
did, not come withim reach of our ob
servation, and whose "names are not
recorded in the list this week, but
It Is only because the writer has not
yet become familiar with, names and
faces In Independence.
mas with his grand-parents at cres-
weil. Mr. Whitney returned the day ity here from Silverton the latter
following, but his wife remained for part of the preceding week and they
ft, longer visit
The Spaulding Lumber Company
will soon be located in the new Ten passengers were brought up
As evidence of the approaching
New Year and the end of the old
year business has taken on a quiet
period, but as a whole the merchants
I of Independence can poast of a very
are now living In the Sperling house
on C. street
office near tjie depot. Here they
will be more comfortably situated
and the location is more, convenient
tor the. public. '.; '
Homer Hicks of Salem, arrived in
the city this week and will reside in
Independence Indefinitely. Mr. Hicks
win h employed in the saloon for
Walker & Whitney.
B. M. Adklns and wife; of VancouV'
r. Wash., Eley Fluke and wife, of
Walla Walla, Wash., Clyde Flukd and
-wife and Orville Fluke and wife of
Portland, spent Christmas at the old
lome in this city.
E. R. Rhoten, field editor of The
Pacific Homestead and Elmo S.
White of The Statesman, were in the
(city a few days this week in the inte
rest of the special edition which the
Statesman will issue the first of the
coming year.
from McNarys' Crossing Monday ev
ening ini the little Ford car owned by
Long & Campbell. A good load for
thistime of the year.
M. P. Guellins of Keno. Nevada, is
viBltlng at the home of his parents at
Monmouth. He is a prominent horse
owner of the east and has some idea
of locating at Portland.
Apparently the drouth has been
broken. Rain' has fallen in great a
bundance and the river is beginning
to fill its banks. The climatic con
ditions, however, are all that can
be desired at this time of the year.
Arthur Grey, brother-in-law of Dr.
Mills, left Tuesday morning for" Fres
no, Californl, where he will remain a
short time before going to the Ist
hmus of Ton Peck, Old Mexico. He
will be engaged with an oil company; ally invited to come and enjoy this
in the latter place. j "evening of song."
Inventory is now
on and some ox oar meramuui
improving the opportunity to take
stock. .
Next Sunday morning at Calvary
P.resbyterian church, the regular quar
terly .communion service will be held.
Dr. Dunsmore will preach and admin
ister the sacrament of the Lord s
Supper and baptism, and receive new
members Into the church. In the ev
ening, instead of the usuar preaching
service, the choir will give one of
their popular Sacred ConcertB to
which all are cordially invited.
From the oarly hours of th evening
until lato at tilght "The Old Home
stead' was the scene of a merry
time. Haul Clause and the gaily
decorated Christmas tree Introduced
for ths benefit of the1 younger mem
bers was In evidence, while the
older ones spent their tlms In social
games and the recital of family hist
ory. At the conclusion of the games all
ftiet at the table, where an excel
lent dinner was served. This was
followed by a dance in which the
fumlly violin, older than the oldest
member present, played an active
The annual reunion has become a
matter of history In the family and
no member has ever been absent
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Cong and son,
Lynn, of Corvallls, spent Christmas
here, returning Monday.
Mrs. C. R. Teats came up fcom
Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Savery of Portland,
visited W. R. Coulter Monday.
Miss Cathrlne Campbell came
home from Condon Saturday, where
she has Just finished a four months'
successful term of school.
Dogs wounded some of Rodney
Coulter's sheep so seriously a few
nights ago that they had to be killed.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McCready
Portland, viBlted here this week.
Miss Agness Campbell entertain
ed Miss Marjory Cowan, & class mate
of the U. of O., during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Meador of Eugene
visited her parents bere this week.
E. Bogart was over from Salem on
business Tuesday.
Harry and Lynn Demprey of Rick-
reall, were here Sunday.
Paul Baker and wife of Creswell,
was here Saturday. r
Mrs. C. Clodfelter and son of Jef
ferson, came home to spend Christ
mas with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rickard of Cor
vallls, spent Christmas with the bet
ter's parents, M. and Mrs. H. E.
Miss Ruby Shearer came up from
Portland for a visit with her friends,
Miss Leota and Bessie Foster en
tertained a number of friends at their
home on Wednesday afternoon. A
very pleasant time was had.
The Misses Naoma and Louise
Stengle came up from Portland to
Visit their parents.
the Christian.
Dr. Thomas ZHber and wife are at.
the liomo of the Jatter's parents.
H.-rold Hoaert of Salem, was In
towo this week with a man by the
name of grlmus.
Small pox In Silverton claimed an
other victim last week, but as yet
the disease Is confined to one home
and the patients In charge are said
to be recovering. Two nurses are
;e latest to be taken down with the
disease. I
The Oregon Legislature, which is
soon to convene, will toave a long Ilsl
of bills to dispose of. Since there Is
oo longsr a& opportunity for a con
test on ths Senatorial question, how
ever, the work ought to be pursued
.with rapidity.
Dr. Wm. Welch, a pioneer of Ore
gon, died at his home In Silverton on
Monday of last week.
Woodburn saloons go. out of busines
tomorrow by reason of a majority dry
vote at the last city election.
Red Cross Tags are conspicuous in
Portland and other .cities.
The state wool growers' convention
meets la Portland January 4.
Mrs. Kirsh, Identified In the cele
brated ''trunk murder case at
' manslaughter and will be sentenced
next' week.
The first national bank at Medford
has purchased a new and valuable
location for a new building.
" August Erlckson, landlord of the
Clackamas hotel was fined $400 a few'
days ago for selling' liquor without a
license, and paid the fine. '
Charles W. Smith, a student In the
Mt. Angel College, has been elected
to priesthood in St. Mary's pro-Cath-edrial
at Portland. He will reside at
Medford. ';
Josephine county in November vot
ed dry, but the saloon license faction
at Grants' Pass is attempting to se
cure saloons, invoking the home rule
amendment to .the strfte constitution
adopted at the last general election.
and the city council has set December
30th as the time for the wet and
dry election. The city broke nearly
even at the recent general election.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
1 dersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the estate of Allen
W. Stansberry, deceased, by the co-
The Cantata at
i V, ii Quntan tuaa vprv crnnH
1.11 Ul V II .rue, . , ,
T , . m . . uniy coun oi we suue oi weguu,
Mrs. I. G. Singleton came down lw t . .
from Falls City and is visiting her lur -
" A 11 naranna hnvlnff rlflima ft P-Ainfir
Mrs. Martha Roberts of Portland, is '
with her i. .w....v, v
gether with the proper vouchers
spending the Holidays
Uiuinr, mis. w in, ,
Mr. and Mrs. J.S.Doughty returned ". w l" """ ''f "c"u;!
Monday from a visit to Portland with
his brother. -
Several of he Rebekahs went to
ndependence Tuesday for a visit
onH worn mvnllv treated
J O , "1 U 101A
Paul Tacheron went to Portland
Wednesday, returning Friday.
A fallHna if Calam vtaitari frt.
Utll, V. " i ivi ii k. Jl m-iuui, ... I ,, J . wi n a aA
B. F. Swope, Attorney.
rix at her residence im the city of
Independence, Polk ccounty, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice. .v.. v
Dated and first published December
Mary E. Stansberry,
Executrix of the estate of Allen W.
ends here Sunday.
Star Theatre
Moving pictures Illustrated Songs
3 changes a week. Admission lOcts.
Next Sunday evening the choir of
Calvary Presbyterian Church wMi
give another of their popular Sacred
Concerts. Some of the best vocalists
in he city comprise this choir and
their concerts have always been high
ly appreciated by the large audiences
which attend. The public are cordi-
Does not do all in Merchandising. Experience and a well
Selected stock of . .
Groceries, China Ware, Etc.
' is what has been the means of building up our immnw trad.
We need not say more. We cater to the Oroecry ts&3 ftxi
solicit your patronage. -