Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 30, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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, Hmm h Rhin Blindly Attach Any
thing Nnrlt Him.
Kir Pmferk'k Tr m. th dltlnjrolab
- rJ lirllUU jiumwo. la til Ih Uiaii
on For a ll.'il.lny" tiH a word or two
. to ay about (ba rbltuieero.
Tlie rlilUMi-rvxi a th vmbodtnitMil
of blind ronn-rviulmn." h rltf. "Ita
liUli U Imivii.-lral.lo, Ha vision la wnk,
whlla Ita Iwrllect la waker. It baa.
t)i)vvr, two umrkaj qualltlre com
tuutvruoa ant) a a.-ne of amvIL It la
aruHl to It maximum energy by th
prt-anr of anything that la ntw. TbU
object nwd not be a tblnir that U at
tpiMuilve or Inconvenient. Ita offenalva.
oeaa depend opun the fact tbat It la
unfamiliar, and the mora nufauilltnr
the object la th worae th rhlnocro
art a.
"When a rhtnocero smell a man ha
Hill chat him with maniacal vio
lence, although th man may b mer
ly aitttng on a etool reading Milton.
Tbe maaalv bnnt will duab at btm
Ilka a torpedo or a runaway locomo
tlva simply becaua tlia amell of btm
la novel. Actunted by thla lusan bat
of whatever aavor of an Innovation,
tbe rhlnoceroa has cbargod an Iron wa
ter tank on tbe outskirts of a camp
and haa crumpled It up aa a blacksmith
would an empty meat tin.
"A conservative rhlnoceroa with a
aenlle dlallk of anything new nca
rhanred a train on the Uganda railway,
but with no more eerloua reaulta than
the tearing away of the footboard of a
carriage. Aa regards the rhlnoceroa In
this rase. It appeared aurpriaed that a
thing composed, aa It had Imagined, of
Dean and blood could be ao bard. It
went off with an additional grievance
and an Increased awelllng of tbe bead."
Fantaatlo Looking Ediflo Erected by
Ivan th Tarribl.
One of the moat extraordinary and
fantastic Christian place of worship
In the world la the Cathedral of Mos
cow, known aa Vaslll Blajennl, atrange
not only In outline and conception, but
even atranger In lu history. No one
knowa tbe architect' name, but tbe
story goes that the cxar ordered his
eye to be put out directly the church
was completed, so that he should nev
er be able to surpass hi work. Tbe
Idea of tbe building was Inspired by
the wickedest and maddest monarch
who ever sat on a throne Ivan tbe
Terrible, czar of Muscovy.
The architecture la in every respect
extravagant and barbaric, and the col
oring Is garish In tbe extreme. It has
Dine chapels, roofed by nine cupolas,
each different and each stranger than
the other. One resembles a pineapple.
another a melon, a third Is said to ape
. a hedgehog In Its appearance, and the
rest are more or less grotesque. Some
are gilt; others are painted In brilliant
hues. Indeed, the only description Is
that It Is a nightmare of a church, tbe
fitting legacy of a ruler who grilled
his counselors In frying pans and
clothed bis subjects In bearskins In
order that trained dogs might worry
and tear them to pieces. Strand Maga
fcathl Arehictur.
" Ootble archlttr hn-an shoot th
ninth cntury aftif Cbrtai ami oon
bgaa to apread all over Europe. Ita
great feature la the pou't arch, and
U.waM flrat.tallud ne "pointed
style," Mot of th glorious old world
ratbrdrala are lu tbe Uotklc, and It
It generally concede! that for religious
purpoac no other style of architecture
1 ao perfectly aulttst It ha bean aia
tbat th 0mt Mxa of th Gothic w'a
suggested by Ilia Interlacing bough
and trunk of the grat wood In which
German Christianity waa formed;
hence to. Bam Gothic New York
A merlcan.
till Mar Painful
Th Tonng rolltlclan-I can aaaur
you ther la nothing mora painful than
having to make er er ons nrt
sieech In public. Young Politicians
Wife-Ob, ye, ther la, dearl Toung
rolltlrlan (dlapleawd) Thn what la
It, prayl Voung rolltlcians w
(sweetlyr-navtng to llstea to It, my
Ha Waa Cenaldarate.
She-l hould like flint lovely rear!
necklace. Look what beauties tbey
are. He It'a better not to hav uch
large pearls, my dear. People alwaya
think they are false. Journal Amuaant
Mlag., anld ih aetioua man, "la
an education lu Itself."
"Yea." comnuMitod old Grouch, 'it
teaches yon what not to do after you
hav done It. Boston Transcript
Lov of our neighbor 1 the only
door out of the dungeon of elf. Mae-Donald.
Ptyt between Indepeadaaoe) and Sa
lem dairy, except Sunday. Passen
ger and freight business solicited.
Leav ladependeace 9:10 a. m.
Lear Independence 6:00 p. m.
Leave Salem 7:30 a. m.
Leava Salem 3:30 D. m.
i A King's Hobby.
The late king of Slam had an extraor
dinary hobby that of collecting empty
matchboxes of all nations. In this
connection an interesting story Is re
lated. During one of his visits to Eng
land the king while passing down Bond
street one afternoon, accompanied by
two members of his suit, espied an
empty matchbox which had been dis
carded by Its owner and thrown away
into the middle Of the thoroughfare.
Without a moment's thought the mon
arch dashed into the middle of the
crowded traffic, grasped the much cov
eted treasure and was nearly run over
by a passing cab. The fact, however,
that he was able to add a new speci
men to his collection gathered under
such circumstances more than com
pensated him for the risk which he had
run. London News.
srmm Ifiriaoandanca to Sella
Train Na fa leave Indeoendene
dallv 6:00 a. m. and Monmouth at
:1B a. m. and arrive at Dallai at
a-n m
Train No. 68 leaves independence
iliiu at in-KA & m and Monmouth a
11:05 a. m. and arrtvea at Dallas at
11:30 a. tn.
Train No. 70 1 naves Independence
daily a: io p. m, ana auumouu i
6:30 p. m. and arrive at uauas ai
From Independence for Alrtl
Train Na 61 leave IndeoendMic
dally at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth at
7:15 a. m. and ' arrives at Alrlle at
t Krt at rrt
Train No. ft leavee Independence
... a . . . .
daily at z:3u p. m. ana modb-uuiu
V:60 p. m. and arrives at Alrlle at
3:25 p. re
' from Dallas for Independence
Train Nn fiR loavps Dallas daily
tt 8:80 a. m. and Monmouth at 8:55
a. m. and arrives at Independence ai
9:15 a, m.
Train No. 63 leaves Dallas dall
at 1:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 1:35
p. m. and arrives at Independenc
at 1:40 n.. m. (This train connects at
Monmouth for Alrlle.)
Train No. 71 leaves Dallas daily
8:00 n m. and Monmouth at 8:25
p. m. and arrives at Indep-andenc
at 8:40 p. m.
From Alrlle1 for Independence
Train No. 62 leaves Alrlle dally at
8:15 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:50! a.
m. and arrivea at Independence at
9:10 a. m.
Train No. 72 leaves Alrlle dally
at 4:05 p. m. and Monmouth at 4:40
d. m. and arrives at Independence at
4:50 p. m.
POOL and
Only billiard parlor In the city. Choice candles,
tobaccos and cigars. New Box Ball Alley Just 'In
stalled. Favorite resort for gentlemen.
Kime sitiTCB !
Pro p ri e t o rs. 1
Monmouth, Oregon
Paid Capital, $30,000.00 Transacts i General Banking Business
J. H. Hawaey, Pres. J. B. T. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira Powell, Cash,
r. S. Powell. J. B. Stump. I. M. Simpson.
aa taa IVIB M t .h-4 kw
W Wilt OFIWn M II (aatea
m4 a fMl' aoa rnlM
ml kuikn !' au . w nt.
ash alM a4
M l Ml fx
of ' la.wa 4 !
fv va t
M. ClllnllXm tn.
, -
au ratal
MatfBHaft iC
iw ratt
AM mmtU railv ara4 w fWna raa
Wise Dcntal.Co.,
mmnt $ A. t. k . M. -. I
Independence Liver) and
Feed Stable
J. D. Layton & Pon, l'rop.
Good Rigs and
Careful Drivers
Firat-claaa Accominodiitions and
Heat of Care Uivon all Tranciont
Dnriug the Stormy Weather
You will be interested in
something that will pro
vide comfort for the body.
Inventigate our stock of
Dry Goods
and you will be benefitted. We
handle a complete line.
L. Rice, Independence, Oregon
Fch ol the chial e
iaa ol lb (tody it
link la lb Cliaia el
1 j(a. A abala ia
rlirec (baa its'..!,
waaksat link, th body
ao alrvaaar lhaa il
weakaat erfaa. If tHarr la waaknaaa ol atomaob, llvar or luaa, thsr I a
weak link ia th chain ol lit wblcb nay aap at any tim. Ollra thla ao-eallad
waakaaaa" i nuwl by lack ol autritioa, the rctult ol waakaeaa or diae
T th alomacb aad othar oraaa ol diaatloa and autritioa. Diaease sad
rakaa of th stomach aad It elltail organ are cured by Ibe ef Vr.
1'iarca'a (ld.a Medical Diaoovry. Wbaai lb weak er diaaatad alomacb to
urad, diaaaaaa ol otliar orasa wbicb tm ramota Irom lh atomaob but wbtoa
kav tblr onia I duaaaed eoadntoa ol lb alomaoa ana
Mbr oraa ol difaatioa aad autricioa, are eured Im.
Th sffwatf ma a Mm m rmi ufmmtm.
r fa re fvaaaiaiaaia'aa' "Oaaer
ry" mm4 r aaejr aar m mtfmg mtmrnt
) m rrea h4j.
OrviN A wav. Dr. Ptaree'a Comaoa Santa Medical Advlwf,
aw raviaad Hditioa, la aant rrt oa reipt of atampa le pay
espaaa of eaailiol aar. Saad 21 oae-eaat atampa for lb
book ia papar oo van, or SI atampa lor th cloth-bound vol
a. Addraaa Dr. R. V. Piro, Buffalo, N. Y.
D. O. Taylor, Proprietor
Tonics of all kind applied or In bulk. Flrt claaa bath In con
nactlon. Located on Main treat, two door aouth of Poatofflce.
Katablished 189 (5
Furnlshad Rooms
Telephone 100
Open Day and Night
White House Restaurant
Wm. Mrtillchrlat A Hoik, l'rorltor
Boat and Most Popular Eating Flaoe in the Willamette Valloy.
302 State Bt. - - Salem, Oregon
Special Attention to Commercial and
College Organizations
ISO Court street. Tetopbooe M MaU
Telephofie sad Mesaon Servtce at Hotel
by lie
J maker has his own reason for putting his name on a piano. It is a
ceeditable piece of work. He is willing to assume the responsibility for its
Makers who send ut pianos without their factory imprint have their ,own reasons also.
Stenciling on the name board any name that strikes a retailer's fancy their own. personality does
not appear in the attra tlon at all; why, then, invite trouble? The dealers who sell these father
less "stencil" instruments sell them, recommend them, do everything but become accountable for
them. How can they? Their Interest in a piano that bears one nam,a this year, another the
next must be more or less transient. The purchaser cares nothing about that. He does care,
though, about the instnjnent wearing well. Not for one year nor for ton, but long after the deiil
er may have, and doubtless has, gone out of business. That is why all sound piano reasoning
leads to buying from the manufacturer or from his direct representatives. Here is the
Grand Prix-Paris, 1900. Grand Prize-St. Louis, 1904.
Its makers work win half a century's experience at their command. Flawless materials are
chosen. Specialized era tsmen toll over every detail. The whole Is refined, polished, brought to
rare peerfection. When the inetrument goes out into the world to meet artistic standards, the
makers not only sign it with their own name but (such Is the personal "paternal" nature of their
feeling) follow its careei with as keen an Interest as a father keeping track of a particularly
promising child.
The name "Baldwin" on your piano is sterling assurance of continued satisfaction. To the
big mass of buildings comprising the Baldwin home you may look for the redeeming of this
pledge. Skilful control f factory economies brings price within the lowest figure consistent with
high quality.
tfome and bear tfte Baldwin at our Salesrooms
Salem Music Company
L. F. Savage, Manager, - - 135 Liberty Street