EIGHT PACEi INDEPENDENCE NEW! Bain Coi u up from Portland tiunJUy. . .... . . Mr. Dr. Katiburo wa Portland visitor tola week. 0n. Crowley "u fro,n l- lte the flrt of the wood. Phy Blmpaoh of Aim transacted buslucxa to the city laat wk. OA good pir rmtoag tUmm 11.00 ai Kramer. U K. F. Serfort wa a visitor fcer from Corvalil the ft ml of the week. T. 0. Coleman waa registered at the Independence hotel tha flrt of th week. Kd l-orenre of Monmouth apont Sunday la tha city visiting .with friends. - Mr and Mra. J. 8. Smlh w-re lo cal vlnliora from Alrllo the first of tho week. A t.ara for sale, weighing about lbs. earn, well matched. Will sell W. K. Francis, a commercial travel er with headquarters at Portland, called on tha local merchants Monday Attend the Orchestra Hall In the Opera llotiso Friday evening, Decem ber 23. Tickets to dance $1.00. Robs NelMon loHt one of hla Jersey cows laat week oiie that waa In jured In a railroad wreck near Obey enno recently. Our big assortment of men's fan cy suspender and arm bands for Christmas cannot be beat. Conkcy Walker ft Lehman. Don't think that you will hurt our feeling If you bring us news for Jt In welcomed, no matter how Ioiik or bow abort ' Nearly tho entire high school made the trip to Monmouth last Saturday iilKht to aeo the game between Cor vallis and Monmouth. Saturday of last week proved to b n very buBy dny In the city as tho people are living up to that request of "Do your Christmas shopping ear ly." Al Bcntley returned the first of the week from a short visit with friends at Portland. On his way home he stopped a few days at Mc Mlnnvlllo for a, visit with hlB daugh ter. Hunting seems to be the favorite pastime these days. Many parties have been taking short trips Into the surrounding country with various de grees of success. Ladles' slippers we have them a verv select line. They come In dif ferent colored felt, fur trimmed the latest to be had. Conkey, Walk er & Lehman. The public library Is well patron ized. The rooms are open every af ternoon from two to five o'clock, and an average of forty books a day are being loaned. People have been taking advantage of the worn-out phrase of "do your Christmas shopping early", with the result that the local merchants are able to report a brisk holiday trade for the past week. . E. E. McClaren of Portland was In the city the first of the week. Independence has a foot ball game scheduled for Christmas with the Wa bash team of Portland. A good game is expected as the Wabash, team has been defeated only two games this year. Talk about your hunters, we have 'them all beat. Five lads went out hunting last Saturday and succeeded In bringing home a coon that meas ured three feet from tip to toe. The oldest of the young sportsmen Is not over fourteen years. Pretty good, eh? Chester Henkle was In Salem last The Woodmen and the Women of Woodcraft held a Joint meeting last Friday evening .in ,their hall. After the regular work was gone through the remainder of the evening was fepent at games and followed by a lap supper. These two lodges are noted lor the good times and any one that is not a member is surely unfortunate as they have these big times very of ten. All present last Friday night re port a fine time. Hanna Brothers, in demonstrating a new gas light for which they have taken the agency, have arranged a most artistic display In one of their show windows. The light, it may be said, shows the window perfectly and la the means of attracting the atten tion of .many of the passing people. It is stated by the management of the store that they are also preparing to enlarge their plumbing department and to make It one of the most up-to-date in the valley. INBIPENMNCE EMTEHmUf. tNlMNENCE, OWIBON, i.n r rinubll of Baloui Is In tha city. " Mr."8hru7an HayVwaa'ln fialvui Tuesday, George W. Conkey waa a Portland visitor last week Mr. .Goo. Durum of Kugene was to tha city tali Mr. W. 11. Alllii Port Ian visitor last week. Mini Topsy Mattlaon waa up from Portland last week. Dean Walker spent the week end with tils parents. . ' Ika Patterson of Portland was via king In the city last week. Mrs. O. A. Wilcox Is quite III at her homo In this city. Waldo Mills of Salem waa a week end visitor here. Mra. D. Davidson waa a Salem vis itor the first of the week. II. Wilson transacted business In Dallus the first of the week. J. G. Mcintosh and wife were Sa lum visitors the first of tho week. It 1m understood that a good many Improvements are to be mado In the spring. Harvey Coneland went to Portland the first of tho week to spend the holiday. Mrs. Julia Doughty of Wlnlock. Washington, Is visiting with friends In our city. Frank JllchardKon Is up from Port land to spend the holidays with his parents la this city. II.' Illrschberg represented Indepen dence at the good roads convention held In Portland last week. Will Cloverdalo and wife of Corval lla are spending the holidays with friends and relatives In this city. Chas. E. Hicks left last week for a hunting trip In eastern Oregon where goose hunting is reported to be fine. Tho Oregon Power Co., formerly the NorthweBt Corporation, are ex tending their lines In Independence. Johnnie Morgan and helper left Wednesday morning for Dallas where they will extend the lines of the Or egon Power Company. The largest and swellest line of men's neckwear in town all the lat est colorings for holiday trade. Con- key, Walker & Lehman's W. A. Stratton of Seattle, a repre- 8entatlve of the Oliver Typewriter Company, was a business visitor in the city a few tiays the first of the week. B Fay Dunsmore is" now In Pomo na. California, where he is now as .., - t0 Portland Wednesday auei sistant baggage man in the passen ger depot of the S. P. railroad in wl u y that city. He said he would like a pair of rGloves for Christmas. Come to us for dress gloves for we have the best assortment In town. Conkey Walker & Lehman. Lyon Lodge, No. ,29, A. F. & A. M., and Adah Chapter, O. E. S., will hold a - Joint installation of officers for- the ensuing year, next Tuesday night. In the Masonic Temple. A number of the high school boys took in the basket ball game between Monmouth and Corvallia high school teams at the latter place last Satur day evening, and the sting of the de feat they had received the night be fore was somewhat relieved by the victory of Monmouth over Corvallis. Our ready-made men's clothing are made by expert tailors those that know how to make every line hang I norfAotiv Wn are showing: the most up-to-date line of clothing to be seen anywhere. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. ' ' Mrs. R. J. Taylor returned "home Sunday from La Crosse, Washington, whpm she has visited for the past six weeks with her' daughter, Mrs. L. W. Wann. Mr. and Mrs. Wann are the happy parents of a fine baby daughter, born on Thanksgiving day. The newcomer has been named Dor othy Faye. There will be things doing at the meeting of Rlckreall Lodge A. F. & A. M. held tonight, when the master- elect will have the Master Degree conferred on him by the order. This ceremony has been an annual event for the past- five ' years, and is re garded as the crowning feature of the local lodge year. A large member ship has always been recorded on these nights, and from the outlook at the time of going to press with this issue, it is probable that in ad dition to the local members many visitors will be present to witness the ceremony. Will Mattlaon waa In Salem Wed neadsy. "jf. L. Hanna waa a 8lni vlaltor tula wk. L. Damon waa a Salem visitor Wednesday, ' Ralph Morrison waa a Dallaa visit or Wadnaaday. Shauaey phelly waa up from Port land Monday. Geo. Itlchardson was a Salem vis Itor Monday, Smith ft Fluke are Installing a box ball alley. A warm basket ball game Wednes day evening. Mohs Walker transacted bualnen In Portland Monday. Mr. Ijiyton Smith wa a Salem visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Govro visited In Salem the first of the. week. The new high school la Installing a largo fire hydrant. MIms Puarle Perclval was a Port land visitor thl week. Dr. Hewlt was In Salem Wednesday oo business and pleasure. A. H. Llnd of Seattle was a busi ness visitor here Monday. II. Mohrmann of Salem was regls- ered at the local hotel Monday. John Canuack made the trip to Sa lem via auto stage Monday. Chas. M. Savage of Portland was In the city on business this week. K E. Williams was In town from Forest Grove Monday and Tuesday. T. A. Llvesly of Salem was In In dependence on business this week. Miss' Stukey returned to Salem Wednesday morning via auto stage. R L. Hall of Buena Yista trans acted business In the city Wednes day. Mr. Danshaw made the trip to Sa lem Tuesday morning via auto stage. Ross Woods of 1 Salem transfered business in this place the first of the reek. R. J. Stlckney of Newberg trans eted business In this clly the first of the week. Miss Leona Sperling is up from Forest Grove where she Is attending the university. c w iLmVli. will Bnend his Christ- mn8 with his parents In Philomath. Wednesday. Flovd Williams returned Monday evening from a business trip to Port land and Seattle. Mrs. William Snyder has returned Portland Wednesday after a visit Misa Rubv Earhart Is down from Corvallis where she is attending the Oregon Agricultural College. Wnn. McFaiian and J. D. Caughall were In town from Salem the first of the week. : A. L. Gregg and H. L. Dustin, of Sllverton, were visitors in the city Tuesday evening and Wednesday. Conkey, Walker & Lehman have Just received one of the largest and most select lines of men's neckwear all the latest colorings and styles. Mrs. Lou Whiteaker left' Wednes day for Mesa, Washington, where she will spend the winter with her niece, Mrs. E. M. Johnson of that place. . 'w are showing some very nice patterns in fancy ribbons for holl- day trade.-Conkey, Walker & Leh; man. About two hundred students from the college at Corvallis passed through Independence ' Wednesday on their way . home to Spend the hol idays. For ladles' neckwear come . in and let us show you. We are corrcet in style and quality. Some very pret ty ones for gifts. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. A week from Sunday night, New Years night, the choir of Calvary Presbyterian church will give a sa cred concert in place ""of the usual preaching service. These concerts have been very popular with the pub lie, and a grand musical treat is an ticipated. Admission is free, and ev erybody Is welcome to attend. B. M. Rawl, chief of the dairy di vision of the bureau of animal indus ry, deparment of agriculture, was here from Washington, D. C, and spent Wednesday looking over the dairy herds of Ross Nelson and J. B. Stump. PECCMBIW tt. 1H0. Mr. and Mra. J. T. Dyw of Atrlle.! Coma In and a our Una of Carlat wer vUltors bar ovar Sunday, i nisi Goods. Wa carry a nice lue of Al Wbtnoy api:i a few days at Eu gone tha first of the week. Attorney II. F. Swop made a bust oeaa trip to tha rounty eat tha first of tha week. W. Morgan of McMlnnviU waa In the city last Friday. II, Htrachberg returned Monday from Portland. Mis Pearl Perclval visited In Port land the latter part of the preceding week. Chas. W. Johnson, a piano tuner of Portland, wa In the city a few day laat week. Mr. Illce la reported to be fast im proving. Floyd Williams was In Portland last week on, official business. Misa Clara J'urvlne has sold her millinery shop to Mra. S. D. S:mons of Portland, who will put In a good atork of millinery. Misa Beulah Dramberg of Portland Is up to spend the holiday with her friends of this city. The building of J. R. Cooper's is nearly finished and will be ready for occupancy by the first of the year. Buy your candies, and nuts for Christmas at Drexler ft Alexander's where the stock is always fresh and neat. Miss Geneva Wilcox has returned from Eugene where she was attend ing the University. to let them go behind financially In Fancy embroidered and drawn work linens for present:, cannot be better. Come in and see our assortment. You cannot help but buy. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. Geo. W. Skeels, employed in the construction of the Chas. K. Spauld lng Logging Company' new building, Banished a thumb yesterday with the result that it now more nearly re sembles a sweet potato than a thumb. The work on the building is pro gressing rapidly, however. ' Men are at work removing the large trees which stand in front of the property, where the yard of the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company will be located. It seems too bad to cut down trees which have been so long In growing, but several have expressed themselves that it would be Better that they come down as the walk will not be so damp and slippery after they are removed. OUR XMAS STOCK IS NOW ON DISPLAY. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN POLK CO. TO SELECT FROM. CRAVEN & MOORE INDEPENDENCE, OREGON . TALK AND . ; . , ' PRINTERS' INK ... ' Does not dp all in Merchandising. Experience and a well Selected stock of - ' 5 Groceries, China Ware, Etc. is what has been the means of building up our immense trade. ' We need not say more. We cater to, the Grocery trade and solicit your patronage. L. G. REEVES pace nve '.,.,... mnjm nAftniia Mftn'a LAdlea and Children' allpper, staple and fancy grocerlea, out, candle, etc. Drexler ft Alexander. ,M I. M. Simpson of Alrlia was In tha city Monday, Frank Llnderman of Alrlia wa la the city the first of the week. Mr. Armstrong and ltr have re turned to their home la Washington. The editor went to Sllverton last Friday to move hi family to our city. Spaulding ft Co. are getting their building on Monmouth street up fast. Mr. Reeves, brother of L 0. . . j p . .. v-- , - , Ileeves, was one of the passenger on the Pomona for Portlaand last Monday morning. M. Mix was a business visitor to Salem Thursday. W, W. Perclval sold his ranch thla week to T. A. Livesley of fcalem. consideration unknown. Attend the New Tear's Eve ball at the opera house Saturday evening. December ZU If the local foot-ball team expect to win the game Christmas, what la the matter with a few nights' practice? ' We have over 600 pattern for you to select from our made to measure book. Fit , guaranteed or . no sale. Conkey, Walker ft Lehman. Mrs. W. F. Bundy has been on the sick list for the last four weeks, but la fast Improving and is able to be around again now. The complaint ha been pneumonia, and bronchitis. Dr. Butler is the attending phytician. Road Improvements are being car ried on in the Buena Vista district, a number of teams being busy this week In hauling gravel. John Lloyd has charge of the work. In a fast game of basket ball Wednesday evening the local team defeated Dallas high school to the tune of 11 to 8. The town boys had the visitors outclassed In team work although Dallas had. them bested on weight. Ray Williams got the first basket for Independence and played the game through like a veteran. Reeves got a good basket from the middle of the field which seemed to work of their opponents. A very poor and they proceeded to make quick crowd was present and the boyB un doubtedly went in the hole.