Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 16, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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ciuni rusa - .1 ,
In it Uiiio of IVeeml-er I the En
terprise announced tlmt the owner
chip of thi pnHr had passed Into the
hands of H. E. Browne, he having
purchased thopUnt, subscription and
good will of the paper from Clm. E.
Hick. Notwithtm!injt this state
ment we have reoatedly leen asked if
we purchased a half interet, ami some,
we are toll, have gone so faraa to in
sinuate that there had been-no real
change, limply form of deception for
the purpose of working up a trade.
'hatever may have been the case pre
viously, no such a thing has occurred
in this iiiHtance. Mr. Hick has no
part ownership in the business w hat
ever. Ilia price was named and li is
been paid and the entile ownership
rest with If. E. Browne, and he alone.
This statement is not made with 11 de
rogatory feel i nj; toward Mr. Hick in
the leant sen e. He ha acted perfect
in ali hia business relations with uk,
but we feel that if there ia a goo or
bad influence derived from this paper
we want the credit.
We intend to improve the piqx-r a
much and a rapidly aa possible, and
increase the sue to a nix column quar
to as soon as the advertising patronage
will warrant it. Tlie writer and fam
ily have come here to make Indepen
dence their home. We are interested
in the welfare of thecomniunity, and
we stated in the first iue we ale
working for a greater Independence
and a greater country unrounding.
Will you help lis? PUcourgement
and gossip will binder it success le
yond measure. Then let us work to
got her a one body for greater I tide-peiulcnee.
Almost iimnediatsly after the gen
eral election the cry went out "Hard
Time Coming." Thi has frequently
been the complaint when election
have not resulted as the majoritj
party might deiire, but in thi case
the hum of industry ha thu far
droAncd the cry, and the voice of des
pair i no longer heard in this part of
Oregon. While there may be an ap
parent lull in the money market, con
dition areas favorable as in former
venra and wo can see no reason w hy
conditions should be changed under
the uresent management at ash
ington. Hanks are show ing good re
turns, factories are in operation and
the whole country is just now a luy
mirtion of the world. Let u hope
that confidence may be maintained
an.l that tlia oettv political dirTereii
ce will not retard the the success of
this great commonwealth.
JMtias Suggestions
Make your Christmas gifts this
year of things that will give the
receiver pleasure all the year
'round; things that are useful and
makes an ideal gift for the wife or mother, one that
will be appreciated every day of every year. ,
Start your boy right. Get him a
Globe Wernicke Sectional Book
case He has some books now ane is getting more
every year. When one is young is the time
to start a library.
Make your husband, brother or father happy by get
ting him a ,
Royal or Morris Chair
They're the best on the market
If you would give continuous pleasure to any family
or to any person . i D an(
Give them a Beautiful TlCtUre look
throu gh our Art Department. We have an almost
unlimited assortment' of pictured and the prices are
very low.
Our immense stock contains hundreds of articles
besdes the ones mentioned above which would make
very appropriate Gifts
rt rr
IVOCKCrs, CCIlLCl lauico, wuuiig
desks, music cabinets, rugs, china,
carving sets, silver-ware, etc.
f You are cordially invited to visit
our store. You will be welcome
and will be made to feel at home.
gill III - II
i ' i . .sn
11 "
yn court st. salem, oreson
' -- -
Next Sunday U the regular day for
Itev. McCain to prea u tn the school
house. All come ami bring your
Dr. Hewitt of Independence was
called to Parker Friday,
Oscar ttusscll' wife and little iou
of Portland were visiting with Mr.
Russell'i parents at this place for
few days. They returned home Fri
day afternoon.
The committee Is busy getting
ready for the Christmas tree.
ll was decided to have the Xinaa
tree on Friday evening Instead of X
luas Jive, aa first planned.
Several of the farmers have gone
to jdowing again, as we are' having
a upcll of good weather.
Fred Wells has a phonograph that
be brought from lluena Vista last
F. rredrUkson helped Kalph !"
vldson butcher hogs Monday.
Miss Ia'wIs was the Rio-st f Mrs.
P. T. Preston Monday evening.
Mrs. Fredrlckson has been on the
nick list for a few days.
Mrs. Connett returned homo Fri
day af er a month's visit In Inde
pendence Miss Kthel Lewis, and Nellie and
Elmer Fredrlckson were callers at
Fred Fredrlckson'! Friday evening.
We understand that Fred Wells was
In Albany Friday.
Fred Fredrlckson went to Indepen
dence last Saturday.
Mrs. Halght Is still on the sick list
and has been 111 for several days.
Mr. Russell butchered hogs last
Mr. Wade wag visiting In Parker
End! Winter" Troubles
To many, winter la a season of
troubles.The frost bitten toes and
gen, chapped hands and Hps, chil
blains, cold sores, red and rougn
skins, nrove this. Dut such trouble
fly before Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. A
trial convinces. Greatest neater or
Burns. Bolls. Plies. Cuts, Sores, Ec
zema and Sprains. Only 25c at all
ona Jersey cow test i t, three seta
of work harness, some turkey, chick
ens, good young brood sows, also
nine hop futures and soino oat hay.
Inquire of O. T. Murphy, Indepen
dence. Hoth phonos. 8 29
No need ti take the statement of
someone living far away aa evidence.
Here's a case right In this locality.
E. Woods, :'2 North Mh Ht., Halem.
Ore., say: "It gives me pleasure to
recommend IVian'a Kidney I'M. Al
though I have never used this reme
dy myself, It has b.-ea taken by mem
ber of my family for kidney and
bladder trouble with guod results."
For sale by all dealer. Price 50
cents. FoHter-Milburn Co., Huffalo,
New York, sole agents for the l ulled
Remember the name iHtan's and
tako no other.
v.oii- u hereby given that the
under' ved I"" '"' 'y "I'lM'Hi'e!
jadinliilK cator i f the etat r Mry
i T. NIm . form-iiy r T. Cr 7.
i deceased, by the couiny cuiirl of ttie
i Statu of Oregon, for I'nlW Cmnty. and
has Muallfled as such.
' All perotm having rU'iua aglnt
I said estate are hereby not If led to pre
sent the same duly verified, togeui
er with the proper vouchers there
for to the undersigned administrator
at the Independence National Pank
at Independent e. In ld Couuty.
within i t itiontha from the date of
this Notice. Hated and first ptib
December 1 6t h. 19l.
I C. W. lUVlNIi
i Adiulnlatraior of the eMtiite of Ma
ry T. Nelson, forinurly Mary T. t res-s-y,
II. F. Swope, AtUii'iuy. "!-1;l
For Sale Having leased my hop
yard I have for sale toe following
nrooertv: One snan of geldings, com
ing four and five In the spring, weigh
about 1400; one bay mare 11 years
olii and two colts, all strictly
straight; two 2 wagons, one buggy,
Planes and Owns
from tha cheapest to th
bt sold on Installment
and rented..
Geo. C. Will
Swing machines
Qenuln ndJa, oil aa4
new partt tor all win
machine. Bewlnc mchmM
Geo. C. Will
Calking machines
A full atock of Record.
Geo. C. Will
CaiesiSbect music
s4 Oraa Btudisaj.
VtoUaa. OulUrs,
ao4 Banjo.
Geo. C Will
For Bumper Fruit and Hop Crop
a Specialty
These stoves are made of heavy boiler
plate lined with fire brick - they re
quire no masonry to-be installed
every inch of these stoves is heating
surface they are made in all sizes
We also have Dryer Pipes
The Furnace That Has Made Salem Famous