EIGHT PAatS Royal Lunch Counter Wliiioakcr A Kllitttorth, rrop'. C STUEET, INDEPENDENCE, OKE. ALL KIND.-i OF SHOUT OKDEKH HEttVED AT ALL HOfliH (iivo uh a call We can ph-ase you 1 -inMiiiti-.tT r-'Ti--iM W iilWufl "rt-il"'' r l "'I-" TirM '"'i & - J I urii ,akk nit i visa I 'S1 T . S1 Needles, Shuttles end Bobbins lor n I IT t1 Ctm 1 Q C wllf .lnAil Makes of Sewing Machines. Nothing more appropriate for the men The or.ly complete stock of Shuttles, Bobbins and Sewing Machine acces sories in the city, having secured t.te entire stock c H. H. Jasperson, deceased. GROCERIES OUR LEADER IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE CARRY THE BEST THE MARKETS AFFORD. OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH AND UP-TO-DATE. IN SHOES WE CLAIM A8 GOOD A LINE AS CAN BE FOUNO ANYWHERE AND THEY ARE UP-TO-DATl AND SPLENDID BUYS. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN PATENT LEATHER, GUNMETAL KID AND TAN WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE Dr exler & Alexander GROCERS AND CLOTHIERS INDEPENDENCE, OREGON HJZNNj bugs. Hardware Dealers Independence, Oregon The Royal Lunch Counter ROY WHITE1KER, Prop. Meals and Short Orders Served at all hours. Give me a trial. C. Street, Independence, Ore. REPORT OF SPELLING CONTEST I CALIFORNIA is the place to visit. Oran-e groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Man sions, attractive watering places, delightful, climate, making that favored section the Nation', most pop ular retreat. You can see it at itsbest via the SHASTA ROUTE and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company jj - . nnovortllod i mintr-Rflr t Up-to-date trains, first-class in every imv, , ----- service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. Special Round Trip Fare of $55,00 Portland to Cos Angeles and Return With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the North It iZ top overs in each direction and long limit Interest "g aud attractive'literature on the various resorts and -tn.o California can be had on application to any S. P. or 0. K. & N. agent WILLIAM McMURRAY I GENERAL PASSENGER AGE NT, PORTLAND, OREGON ;, ..n ocunrrmflTlt an A exclusive r, uvn ery, 1UU Fancy Hnen stamped and en.hro.d- patterns.-Conkey, Walker Lehman Following la the report of the spell ing contest for rural schools, held November IS, as made by County School Superintendent H. C. Sey mour. Fourth grade First place.OakPolnt Etna and Sunnyslope, tie, 100 pe cent; second place, Harmony, Con cord, tie, 96 per cent; third place Salt Creek, 92 per cent. . Fifth Grade First . place, Goose neck, NEtna, tie, 100 per cent; second place, Sunnyslope, Concord, Lone Star tie. 98 per cent; third place, Enter prise, McCoy, Cherrygrove, Rogue River, tie, 96 per cent. Sixth Grade First place, Eola 100 per cent; second place, Powells Camp 98 per cent; third place, Parkers, Oak Point, Enterprise, tie, 97 per cent. Seventh Grade First place, Enter prise, Bitna, McCoy, tie, 100 per cent; second place, Pedee, Parkers, High land, tie, 98 per cent, third place, Dis trict 15, Cherry Grove, tie, 96 per cent. ' Eighth Grade First place, Sunny slope, 100 per cent; second place, Ze na, Elkins, Pioneer, . tie, 99 per cent; third place, Butler, Oak Point, tie, 97 per cent. To all schools winning first place a Certificate of award is being sent, and 'as there are six contests during the school year, to all schools win ning four or more of the small cer tificates a large certificate will be sent. - In the first contest all but eight schools In the county took part and nearly all made, excellent grades, above 90 per cent. Now this work is being done for the benefit of the children and in the hope of improv ing the spelling. For this reason it is hoped that every progressive teach er and every progressive school in the county will take part in the rest of the contests. You may not win but the benefit the child will re ceive will pay for all the extra trou ble. . L; r When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through' and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, bathe your feet in hot water be fore' going to bed, and you are almost certain, to ward .off a severe cold. For sale by all good dealers. OFFICERS H. HrftSCHBERGt PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT d W, IRVINE, CASHIER" THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED Transacts a General Banking Business Interest PaidgOn Time Deposits DIRECTORS H. HIRSCHBERG, A. NELSON, D. W. 6 EARS, B. F. SMITH AND OTIS D. BUTLER ylthletie and 'jqmnasium $ecda. ukhV lmmunitisn and Jtehinq $adle. dun SHeiiden, SUteqek Repairing. : fl Razors ' . 940 -S' Jr ,. . --,W irrmwfr flriiiir-iwrirrn-mii "" SALEM, ORE! G Oil ELECTRIC IRON5 Free on Trial WOMEN REALIZE THE CONVENIENCE AND LABOR-SAVING VALUE OF AN ELECTRIC IRON. THE COST OF ELECTRIC ENERGY USED AMOUNTS TO LESS THAN FIVI CENTS PER HOUR. PHONE HOME 5010 OR BELL MAIN 41 AND WE WILL SEND VOL AN ELECTRIC IRON ON THIRTY DAYS FREE TRIAL. AT PRESENT THERE ARE OVER SO ELECTRIC IRON tM U IN THIS CITY. Northwestern Corporation J. L. WHITE, LOCAL MANAGER. -,