EIGHT PAGES INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. ORECON. DECEMBER U, 1010. PACE fVt INDEPENDENCE NEW! Huy early "while our stork Is com ..t.. Craven & Moore. 28 29 J. T. l-ogan f Kings Valley. In th city Hunday. - II. II. Illrsrhberg was In Portland on 1uh1dmm the first of the week. E. M. Young was In Hal-m on busi ness Saturday. J. n. Cooper went to Salem Monday going by way of the auto stage. J. R. Cooper uiade a buslm-si trip to Dallas lb flnt of the week Mrs. I. M. Klrkland was a visitor to lb metropolis thla week. F. W. Horry of Banks wm In the city on business Friday of lust week Mrs. W. W. I'erclval was a Dallas visitor thlf week. OA good pair raadlog ! $1.00 at Kramer's. U C. (J. .Long drove hla auto to Salem Saturday and took In a load of paa iengers. Mn. Cliaa. " Mattlaon -vUlK'd her daughter. Topsy. In Portland thla week. Dick Gaines, who has been In the city a few days, returned to Portland Mondny. A. H. Gryer of Corvallls. was a guest at the Motel Walker the fore part of the week s' p Wrirfhtman and L. R. Sten- on of Salem, attended the K. of P meeting here Monday evening. L. Waterman fountain pen mnkea a nice Xmaa present. We have all the luteal designs. Craven & Moore. 28-8 cinn Henkle have Installed new wall lights at their theatre and it adda wonderfully to appearance. E. West la closing out hla stock of furniture and expects to retire from business. The Portland train wag consider able late Monday, but we did not learn the reason for the delay. A team for sale, weighing about 1200 lbs. each, well matched. W ill sen one or both. J. D. Collins28-29 Attend the Orchestra Ball In the Opera House Friday evening. Decem ber 23. Tickets to dance $100. Our big assortment of men's fan cy suspondera and arm bands for Christmas cannot be beat. Conkey Walker & Lehman. " C. Purvine . Informs us that he contemplates the establishment of a lumber yard In this city In the near f iture. . The largest and swellest line of mpn'a neckwear in town all the lat est colorings for holiday trade. Con key, Walker & Lehman's. If vmi fall to attend the Grand Or ch-stra Ball next Friday evening. December 23, you will miss a good time. For a nice Christmas present buy him a nice pair of slippers. We are showing a very up-to-date line. Con key, Walker & Lehman. R. H. McCarter sold half of his home 'nlace near the city last week to Samuel Kreder of Forest Grove, who took possession at once. - We have over BOO patterns for you to select from' our made to measure book. Fit guaranteed or no sale. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. Mr. McClairen, superintending the Avork of the Independence High School, and Mr. Weaverson, of Burk hart & Weaverson of Portland, were in the city a few days, this week. H. Shellberg, one of Uncle Sam's Mrmd Mrt. Chaa. E. I licks UKd frlotiJg In Portland over Hunday. Chan. Itluu inudu a trip to Newport the fori- part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sloper UHcil In 8a IIU Ilia fore part of the week. A. V. Cloy of Halem was In the cliy i.n huiliinkB iha font hart of the week Geo. Conker transacted business In Portland Tuesday, J. I lluim vUltxd In IliK'iia Vim Sunday. H. V, McKaney of Hodavllle was 1 tua city yesterday. I red Mcllenry of Corvallls trans acted business In the city Thursday G. A. Adklns of Salem was In tu Letter Coiupton went to Albany city Monday. ; flaturflav where he remained a days on business and pleasure Mr. - Marcus Cooper left Tuesday for Portland where he will work tbia Attend the New Tear's Eve ball winter at the opera house Saturday evening December 31. The Wblst'Club met Monday ev enlng with Mrs. P. H. Drexler, and a good time Is reported. Mr. Peck, manager of the Home. Telephone, made a trip to Alrtle Won day. Wm. McAdama was In Albany on business a few daya the latter part of the percedlng week. At Forward of Salem, (topped In the clfy a short time Saturday after noon on his way home from Dallas. The fen market seems to have tak en a drop slightly and consumers 'of the hen berry are favorably Impresse with the present conditions. Mrs. Snydor id visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osburn. In the city. Mr. Snyder la foreman of the construction crew of the Hell Telephone Co. F. A. Williams Is suffering from the effects of one of Job'a comfort ers, and la quite comfortable In a perpendicular attitude. Christmas shopping commenced un usually early thla year, and merchant tell us that the trade has been good considering the time of the season. Saturday was a pretty lively day In the cltr. and conditions seemed more metropolitan than In former years. The ladies of the W. O. W. Circle went to Dallas last Thursday even ing and assisted In Joint Initiation work. A good time Is reported. Ladles' slippers we have them a very select line. They come in dif ferent colored felt, fur trimmed the latest to be had. Conkey, Walk er & Lehman. Mi dergolng treatment In the Salem hos pltal for some time, returned the fore part of this week and Is great ly improved In health. He said he would like a pair of Gloves for Christmas. Come to us for dress gloves for we have th best assortment in town. Conkey Walker & Lehman. Mrs. H.. E. Browne, her son, Floyd and daughter, Vivian, came over from Sllverton Saturday and spent Sunday at the Hotel Walker with the man who pays the bills at the En terprlse office. Roberts Bros, will hold a stock sale at their feed barn on Main street tomorrow. December 17. They have a fine bunch of horses to put on the market. The Independence High School Bas ket Ball team will play the Corvallls High School team in this city Thurs day evening of this week and at Mon mouth on Friday evening. Both promise to be fast games. Mr. and Mrs. Longcore of Tilla mook, were In the city the tore part of the week looking for a location. Thev expect to return to Indepen dence In the spring and make their home here permanently. The Independence .Orchestra will II. W. Iluthoney of Council Bluff Iowa,, was In the ..city a few daya last week looking over the country D. A. Hodge of Salem baa been in the city a few daya this week on business. a Moss Walker transacted buslnea In Portland the latter part of last week. Dr. Duganne was In Portland on business and pleasure a few day last week. Falls City is to have a new water lystein to cost $30,000. The little city la growing fast. Mrs. W. S. Kurre and Mrs. Frank Kurre visited In Salem a few days this week. I. T. Dickey of Hood River, ar rived In the city last week and la assisting In the Enterprise office Sportsmen are enjoying the season of duck hunting and success Is said to be remarkable In some instances Robert Dickinson departed Wed nesday afternoon for Seattle , where be will remain until after the holl days. Conkey. Walker & Lehman have lust received one of the largest and most select lines of men's neckwear all the latest colorings and styles Rev. Weber announces a series of revival meetings to be held In the M. E. church, commencing on the night of January 1 We are showing some very nice patterns in fancy ribbons for holl day trade. Conkey, Walker & Leh man. , Sherman Hayg was in Salem on bualness today. By the way, Sherman Is another of the new subscribers to C. Peck, who bas been un the Enterprise. A large line of women's white fan r aprons for Christmas. They are beauties: come in and see , them. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. The ladies Of the M. K. chvr rh held e a rally at the church parlors yester day afternoon and a good time is re ported. A vaudeville company entertained the theatre going people at the Star Theatre Saturday and Monday even ings, and the amusing feature is said to have ..been quite acceptable. The High School moved out of the public school building last week and into the new high school building.The students are comfortably located now and good work will be the result. For ladies' neckwear come in and let us show you. We are corrcet in style and quality. Some very pret ty ones for gifts. Conkey, Walker & (Lehman. 1 UWCS Jivi " I I I . 1 1 ,1 .1 Uaii.a Revenue Men, was In e cty . .. - M The :6T-, u." 'Till thl hnvs ocat.; committee in charge is making every nuiei ne bui,v.i.m in tho "humns" and making him self interesting as a phrenologist. In addition to the ball to be given In the opera house Friday evening of this week 1 the Independence ur chestra will give another on Decem ber 31, New Year's Eve. Everybody Is cordially invited to attend. Our ready-made men's clothing are -made by expert tailors those that Ttnnw how to make every line nans . I., wo am showing: the mo'st up-to-date line of clothing to be seen anywhere. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. Wm. McAdams has announced him self as a candidate for mailing clerk in the House of Representatives, and , it la sa!d he is likely to be the man in this position. Cetrainly the Rep resentatives can do no better than putting in this reputable young Inde pendence man. arrangement to make this the hit of the season and from all appearances it is going to be a grand success. Toys, dolls, toilet sets, manicure sets, books, Bibles, Testaments, games, sewing sets, mirrors, in fact almost anything you can think of for Xmas, now on sale at Craven & Moore's. ' 28-29 A chimney burning out on S. B. Walker's house last Friday evening caused some little anxiety on the part of members of that household for a short time, but no damage resulted. It is understood that parties from abroad have been looking around In dependence with a view of estab lishing a general merchandise store in the cltv. It is also stated that they expect to establish some time during the spring, but how authen tic the report is we can not learn. Mrs. P. M. Klrkland vl.lt-d In Port land a few days this week. Wltlard Craven was In Dallas on bualii'Mia Yr.tny and Haturdsy, Key. Knnford Snyder pun baaed five acres of land this wuck from Juaon Neeley, consideration $400, C. U. Long put a crew of men at work Wednesday Improving his newly purchased bouse west of the bote). E. Hartley of Salem, was looking after hla Interests In this vicinity the fore part of tile week. Wm. Earhart was In Monmouth on business Wednesday In the Interests of R. M. Wade A Co. Thoa. Fltchard left Wednesday af ternoon for New York, where he will remain some time visiting old friends. Buy your candles and nuts for Christmas at Drexler t Alexander's where the stock Is always fresh and neat, t L. E. Davidson of Portland, Is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. He expects to remain until after the holidays. The Ladles of the Presbyterian church held their annual bazaar and sale at the church parlors Wednes day, It was well attended. Messrs. Edwarjg and Dones, press men on the Statesman and Free Press respectively, visited with W. W Kuns of the Enterprise, Sunday. Miss Mary Porterfleld, Miss Laura Sperling,- Mr. Tate, wife and daught er , Verd Hill, Mrs. O. A. Kreamer and daughter, and Miss Stukey were passengers on the tut) xiage. S "in fifty morning for Salem. C. S. Bristol of Silvenon. was in the city Monday. Mr. Bristolwas fa vorably impressed with the conditions here and If he sells bis interests in that city may become a resident of Independence in the future. Certain ly he will be welcome. W. M. Pennett of Monmouth m In thtf city Wudnf-aday, Th thirty-fifth family reunion of the Butler family will be field Cbrlstr mas night at the old home place at Moumoutb. A couple of mon from Dallas wero In the city Monday and Tuesday look ing for a building In which to estab lish a real estate business. Hanna Pros, are installing a hot and cold water system at the farm of Clark Hembree near Monmouth. The farmers of this vicinity are fast becoming metropolitan. P. M. Klrkland has added two hand some and convenient new show cas es to his store. They were Installed this week and greatly add to the ap pearance of things In that place of business. Come In and see our line of Christ mas Goods. We carry a nice Hne of fancy goods, notions. Men's, Ladies' and Children's slippers, staple and fancy groceries, nuts, candles, etc. Drexler & Alexander. Since the new sewer system has been put In residents of Independence ur beginning to think about better water system In homes and sever al have installed hot water and bath equipment J. W. Allen of Rlckreall, was In the city Wednesday. Mr. Allen is making substantial improvements at his farm this winter In the way of Installing a water system, and R. M Wade Co. are doing the work and furnishing the material. Geo. Rogers, well known in this city. Is very ill at the Good Samari tan hospital in" Portland. He suf fered an amputation of one foot Tues day, and there Is little hope for his recovery. The difficulty originated from kidney trouble. He has been in poor health for a long time, and during the past winter his condition has been getting more and more se rious. The Independence school teachers gave the board of directors a very pleasant reception Friday evening and every one present reports a good time. If you are looking for holiday gifts for man. woman or child remember Conkey, Walker & Lehman carries the best and largest assortment to be had. Fancy embroidered and drawn work linens for presents: cannot be better Come In and see our assortment. You cannot help but buy. Conkey, Walker & Lehman. E. M. Risenthal. the Mason-Ehrman representative who 'has sold more ci gars in this city during the past fif teen years than perhaps any other man 'in Oregon, was interviewing our business men Monday. A manifestation of enterprise Was noticed at the K. of P. meeting Mon day evening when the lodge voted al most unanimously to pave the street abutting their property in this city, upon which a large Castle Hall will be erected iixthe quite near future. Mr. Ross, foreman of the Indepen dence and Dallas section, returnei from Portland Wednesday where' he had been in pursuit of his brother who suddenly came up missing and Whose whereabouts is said to be , un known.' I ' OUR XMAS 8T0CK 18 NOW ON DISPLAY. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN POLK CO. TO SELECT FROM. CRAVEN & MOORE . INDEPENDENCE, OREGON TALK AND PRINTERS' INK ... Does not do all in Merchandising. Experience' and a well Selected stock of Groceries, China Ware, Etc. is what has been the means of building up our immense trade. We need not say more. We cater to the Grocery trade and solicit your patronage. L. G. REEVES. Tohe BEST MEATS Are none too good for any home. We handle nothing but the best and keep in stock a large assortment. Sperling Bros.