Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 16, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    pace roun
Independence Enterprise
Knii at Imleneudonra, Or., po office aa second-class tuaiur.
Subscription, $1.50 Par Year
The seaion which moves men to do
good and camca tha human luurU to
fill with charity anl good will U here.
At tit it time there in something in the
atmosphere we breathe wuich create
a desire to do some good deed. An
nually much i spent in endeavoring
to be charitable, hut the charity it
often bestowed with poor judgment.
Io not look so (.ir away for sub
jects of charity that you are obliged
to raise your vision to an angle that
makes it impossible for you to observe
the territory around you. Com
mence right at home and enlarge the
field of your investigation. Do this
and the chance arc that you will look
neither fir nor long before you will
find person on whom charity will not
be misplaced.
In every town of any sixe there ara
lure to be deserving and poor people.
Many suffer in silence and endeavor
to keep their privation nnd hardship
away from the world. At th- preavnt
time there are poseibly some families
in our midst who have scarcely the
necessities of life. To these home
people, we would recommend, give
your gifts and extend poor aid.
Christmas will come into many homes
this year as before attended with little
cheer. Let every one feeling disposed
to give look among his neighbors and
he is sure to find some one who is
needy and deserving, and who will be
this year happy for yourself wi.d com
lortatiie lor the recipient of your
A stranger, in looking over the city
o( Independence, might find reason
to think that tue residence portion
has not develoHvt in years past in
keeping with the surrounding coun
try. True we have many lyautiful
homes and valuable residences, and
the city, generally shaking, is er
hap bettor than the average in Ore
gon, iut the residents of a live town
surrounded by the beet and most pro
gressive section of the state, should
not be contentet with good enough.
Winter is ujon us at present and
the opportunity of reform in this ra
sped is not the most encouraging,
but just as soon as the leaves begin to
bud in the spring it would seem that
there ought to be a general awakening
among the property owner and be
fore another wet season seta in the
conditions should bo decidedly im
proved. We are not offering dictation,
but simply offering suggestions along
the line of development. Nothing is
mote inviting to the eastern home
seeker than to find a city w hose stores
and homes are well kept. No adver
tising that a commercial club or any
other civic body can do is more effec
tive than the matter of well-made
and well-kept homes and business :
fit of Oregon. Il hit made j;oh1
promise. Stuil.iy the I'nli-r-prie
received a telegram from Mr.
llawley at Washington, 1'. C, in
which ho says; "Itiver and llnrbnr
Dill just paMfd House, t20,0(0 ad
ditional for improvements of Will
amette lUver for net fiscal yea,"
This means a great deal for Indepen
dence and all Willamette river towns
and in fact for the entire state, With
out goin deep into the matter one can
scarcely realize what a benefit this ap
propriation is going to l. It means
great developments, it means better
freight rates, it means better passen
ger accommodations, it means more
industry and it mean everything.
Fortunate indeed arc the towns on
the Willamette river and fortunate are
the people of this Congressional dis
trict that they selected such an able
representative. Mr. llawley has made
good at Washington from the begin
ing, and the end is not yet. He has
a way of accomplishing what he de
sires and a com prehension of what is
best for the jeoplewhon he serves.
A BAO POLICY j The Knl.Trt..e litis week
It Vh. Or.m lha saloon lieeii.e ! re hew ads. People are
question has Ue., pot up for bid and 1 "',lr M-nrc. Union
the prty with the Urgent pur se
cures the eeluive right
"booxe" at liis own discretion. This!
of our efforts lo
maktt a k"1 l"i'er lor lnil-'j''tMl-ii
Mit.l II. I.. Im itmitillli'lnu ll .HltH
to,... . ... .....
. mm we w Ml noon in- iiu in iiii,'mw
(lis si to of the KiiIiti"Ih. ami make
is a monopoly of the rankest nature Jtu,r improvements necessary lo
and would not be tolerated in must , no-i-i n, demanda of wide awake
plucea of the state. It may be a good ' pitfiUo.
method of securing the lop revenue,' v 1 1
for the city, but it places the joint AaTHMACATARRM CURED
keeper in a position where he feels 'Expert Medical. Scientists Announce
like resorting to thing, which ho " B,B ,np .
would not do under more favorable1 advantane of the iteneroua offer made
conditions. High license saloons have, by The Woo.lwortn Co. Dent O. Hl
., , , . . i .i . i Hroadwar. Naw Vorfc City, requesting
not always proven to U the most de-l,,, ,M,rl;nuIia pm.KO"ot Hn,.lne
sirable places.. The policy encourages 1 th great dlacovery for Asthma, Hay
evil. It encourages men engaged in 1 Kvr. IlromhK la. aul Catarrh, which
., , . , ., i i 'la mailed free of charge to all who
the business to become evil, and lnwra fop t ,t , rurln thousands
many instances they do become evil J of tha most stubborn rases. It makes
no dlfforunee how Ujiik you have been
aufferiiiK or how severe the climatic
cntullUona are where you live, Sen
pine will cum you.
If you have experimented with oth
er treatments and have failed to find
euro do not ha- dhteouraa-ed but sen
for a trim of this wonderful truly
merltoua remedy which Is a aclentlf
c compound discovered by a profes
sor f Vienna fnrverslty, and Is be- .
Ins; recommended by thousands.
and dangerous men to the community.
H the eople of Vale will adopt the
same system of saloon government
that Independence has they will have
no occasion to worry.
Mrs. J. 8. Hohannon and Mlsa Iliu
ie Dohaunon visited In Portland over
houses. Is Independence Eoincr to
made happy upon this coming Christ-1 linger along in that old rut or is she
going to join the march of progress
rnas occasion with some small offer
For this once let not the heathen in
the wilds and jungles of a. far-off
clime, nor the people of lands you
never saw, be the recipients of your
bounty, but confine it to your own
people who are suffering in patience
and make the best?
"Handsome, la that Handsome does," la an old saying trite,, but true, be
cause beauty being only akin deep doss not always sink aa far aa the
heart. The same applies to Drug Store goods some are' goad and some
merely look good. The quality of everything we sell' la, aa ner perfec
tion as can be. We sell everything to bo- found In a IflritrcUa Drug
Store and we guarantee the class and grade. . Quality considered our
prices are low. There Is economy In. buying from', us,, aa our goods
ara the wear-well sort.
Here you will find many valuable presents for-the Holiday. Come
In and let us show them to you.
When making a our through this
Congressional district during hit last !
campaign, Hon. W. C.,Hawley fcn-
and quiet, no doubt, on account denounced that he was going to do1
modesty. Give what you can and I everything he could to get a River j
Kirkland's Drug Store t
Main Street
Independence, Oregon f
give freely, and make the holidays of ! and Harbor bill passed for the bene-J lH
You Get There With Both Feet
If you buy your presents of O. A.
K reamer.
Bracelets, all sizes and
styles for old and young
Headquarters for
Dress Shirts and Collars
If you wear the Packard or Copeland
& Rider Shoes. Sold by O. A.
and you will have a happy New Year
1 you get one of those fine new hats
at Keramer's.
Every deal little Dan Cupid makes
requires a Rin.g to consummate the
contract. We have them, jfll kinds,
for all kinds of occasions.
will be satisfied with a close Inspec
tion of every Tie coming from our
store. We have a nice big line to
select from.
We have them in stock or we will
makethem for you. All wool and no
old styles. Just as you want them
and just as they should be.
Independence, Oregon