Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 25, 1910, Image 1

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llelde the contracting part lug, Ilm
following relatlveg ami friend were,
lri.iit: llv. W. J. Wuber. Kev.
I una Mr, HinifurJ Hnyder. Mr. ami
I Mr. Fri t Moiiemaii, Mr. and Mm.
Peter Km re, Mr. and Mr. V. S
lli'ffly. Mr. and .Mr, Frank Hyer.
Mr. and Mrg. L. M. Hutler, Mr. ami
Mr. Chan . Huntley, Ming Lilly l'ct
ritit ot Portland, &lla Freda Krup
ku or I'orllund, .Mini Nellie Kurre,
Mlwi Nettle Snyder. M!hs Freda Mom
man. Mln Velma lleffly, MInh Suhi-
BUILDING Whlicnmb, Miss Uladya Myers, Lee
WbHcomb, Jerome Heine, Irvine
Humlty, Paul W'ymnii of Portlaud.
Thai K. D. ll(hli r will l! presi
dent of the Moninoiith Normal there
Ih llitln doubt. If b will accept tho
lionor. And, considering Unit ttyo hon
or will be greatly multiplied over
whiU It mi In tbo past. It la iiol
doubted that ho will accept th pres
idency. Monniouih Normal School la d-a-tlu'd
to bpcmno a gehool of great
usefulness and Influence. Thn peo
ple of Oregon mo determined thin with
their ballou on November 8 last.
They Bald there should bo ono nor
inul, centrally located and that lo
aorve tho entire mate. To do this
It will bo necessary for the addition
of many new buildings. Moat need
ed of all will be new and c.ommod
louu dormitories with which to tako
care of a greatly multiplied attend
ance. The norinul at Monmouth will
be called upon to house and school
no less than five hundred xt mlents.
besides an Increased eorpa of teachers.
A said before Prof, nesler has
not algnlfled a wlllliignesH. to accept
charge of Monmouth's 'normal but
we have. It on good authority that a
tender of the presidency will be made
to him by the luf !uo:tlal moveiu In
the work of rejuvenating that Insti
tution. Tiitll the official tender la
made Professor Keasler says he has
nothing to say. Tho situation with
Jihn la similar to that, of a young la
dy who la being courted: It would
hot be wist) to say yes for fear that
tho affulr might not lead up to a
popping of tho question.
Professor Resslep Is deserving of
the nroslden-cy ou more than one
score. Considering first his earneat
and efficient of forts 1 n behalf ot the
school during his lo;i term as pros
ident of the normal none will deny
that he Is enaltlcd to first consider
ation. Then, at the last, when ho,
with many other self-denying tutors
gave up' his services without com
pensation! In his untiring efforts to
save that institution from tho doom
w'hlch threatened It, thrro Is all the
more call ior a man of such .deserv
ing qualiflcailons.
Monmouth Normal can bet
ter than choose Mr. Resnler to pre-
aide over the destinies of the great
er school which mtiM. grow up on top
of the ruins of Oregon's normals.
A pretty little home wedding waa
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Moseman, Tuesday noon,
November 22, when Miss Lydla Wy
man was united In marriage to Mr.
.Tohn Whitmore of Tacoma.
The Moseman home was tasteful
decorated for the occasion with Ivy
vine and chrysanthemums,
The bridal couple marched In to
the , strains of a - wedding march
played by Miss Freda Moseman. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Mr. Weber of Independence, the bride
being given away by her mother, Mrs.
Moseman, and the groom being at
tended by Mr. Wyman.
The bride was gowned In pongee
silk, heavily embroidered. A wedding
luncheon was served immediately af
ter the ceremony and .the bridal
couplo left on the afternoon train for
Portland, accompanied by the best
wishes and congratulations ,,'of their
many Mends. ,
Air. and Mrs.' Whitmore will make
their home In Tacoma where Mr.
Whitmore is head electrician for a
large firm.
The counle was presented wilh
many beauliful gifts, including silver
sets, a cut glass water set, and the
customary old shoe and shower of
Division Should ba Doclded by Each
That Urn aystem now In vogue In
Oregon la radically wrong for the dl
Vision of countlel, la the belief of the
Aatorla Budget, which In Ita Ihu of
July 7, aaya that It should be left to
the people of each county themselves
to decide whether or not they want
to en-ma new counties. The Budget
"Among the Initiative measures that
ar to be voted upon at the election
next November la one to create Nea
tulth county ' by taking portions of
Lane and Douglas counties. Thla la
a measure which la of course only of
direct Intercut to the people residing
In the districts affected, but under tbe
provlulona of the law. It la to be voted
upon by the people of the entire atate.
Judging from matter that 1a being
aunt out by the commercial clubs of
Lane and Douglas counties the great
majority of the residents of those auc
tions are opposed to the bill, and the
only ones tbere are who are favoring
It are those who are endeavoring to
create a real estate boom In what is
to be the new county aeat That be
ing tbm, ;he one thing for electors
who reside outside tbe affected dis
tricts, to do Is vote against it. The
fact of the matter is that the method
now in vogue for the division of coun
ties Js altogether wrong. Such ques
tions should be loft entirely to the
people whose homes are In the section
directly concerned and whose Inter
est are thus affected and not to the
voters of the state at large, the major
ity of whom know or care absolutely
nothing about the matter at Issue.
One grave danger of granting those
petitions for divisions ot counties by a
vote of tho people of the entire state
Is that some time the question may
come closer to home. Some one, for
instance, may want to get up a peti
tion to divide our own county and
under the existing law, the people of
other sections of the state wbuld de
termine the question by their votes.
The safer way Is to kljl all measures
of .this kind that come up and thus
nip all prospective petitions In the
ihud, at least until such time as the
state laws are Amended so as to pro
vide for, what nay be termed "home
rtUe," by restricting the vote on these
strictly local measures lo the voters
residing within the .district con
cerned. "
2 8avg Thla Coupon
It la worth '(") ou any vio
lin In the house. If im-auntr-d
Ot the Salem Music Co.. H5
!i or before Jan Ut, I'M I. -N.
Liberty St., Suleiii. On-Kou.
on or befr Jan. I, 1911.
One on. each violin.
. . . . .rrcouiMcn and H7 was raised. Although taken
i tuiJJjnrniiy uy nui ji ilt. n cut i
hand had been acconiplishil and
axked that a f n o will offering be
taken and prchcrted to him aa a to
ken of their appreciation for tlieac
efforts. They responded cheerfully
Two thousand six hundred and forty-two
dollars raised In forty minutes
with an audience of only two hundred
and fifty people in one of the fea
tures that makes November 20, 1910,
a banner day in the history of Inde
pendence Methodism.
The day opened dark and gloomy
causing many to ,aay, "It cannot be
done," but regardless of the Inclem
ency of the weather, the members
and friends of tho church came, with
tho spirit of determination, to bring
to a auccessful close the efforts that
have been made during the past eight
months to erect a. suitable place of
worship. At 10:30 o'clock the deui
respond (i feelingly In a word of
thanks. Mr. MclJanlel then gav the
address of the evening.
The dedication of thla church I
the climax of a year of rt-markabl
growth of the church In thla plaro-
Durlng the year the membership baa
doubled and $i'00 has been paiil In
and subscribed.
More than thirty years ago Major
White and wife came to Indepon
deuce. They were oldtlme Methodists.
and, desiring to establish the chuirb
of their choice, they secured the ser
vices of the pastor of the- M. K
church at Dallas to organize a clans
at this place. Besides Major and Mra
White, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whiteaker.
Mrs. Crow, Mrs. Vaugn and two oth
ers composed the class of eight mem-
Tho new Catholic church In Inde
pendence will be dedicated by Arch
bitthop Chriutie next Sunday, Novem
ber 27.. Tbe service of dedication
will begin Immediately after the ar
rival of the 'morulng train from Port
land. After the blessing of the church
the first mass will be celebrated In
tho new church. The archbishop will
preach the sermon- of dedication.
Quite a number of visitors from Port
land and Salem and the surrounding
country- are expected to be present.
All ara welttome.
Over a year ago, the Catholic peo
ple secured the present location from
Thomas Fennell who bought It from
Frank Wilson. They have remodeled
tho former Methodist Episcopal
church. South, which stood on the
property, and have lengthened It six
teen feeL At the present time it
bears no resemblance to its former
sett. It has been converted into a
ery pretty mibsion church, quite
targe enough to accommodate all the
Catholics in and around Independence
for years to come. Messrs. Jacob
berger & Sm'th were the architects
for the remodel'ng of tbe building
fact that In both the animate and ln-lKev- vv- rorler DemS lne Da8Lor-J which Is in Romanesque style. Messrs
animate worlds all things work ac-f l"e u,t" w" "ave James and Humirey osuitivan oi
mis cuarge are u. r. Zimmerman, i Lowell. Massachusetts, have given
now pastor at Oregon City, E. W.t 51000 to aid the Catholic people of
Elaire, of Joplin, Mo., W. J. Douglas .k impendence in, tnis work.' Those
of Woodlawn, Portland, Sanforcf. Sny- charge are very grateful to the
d fr nnw a r! r? an r nt TndDrKMifonro - . . i 1.1 t n
w,T Vfc '"fc""""-.' citizens 01 lnaenenaeuce ior tueir kcu
1 t m u ti. I
cation -services proper began. After rur a .lui.mer oi yer iu
slnglng the hymn. "Hail thou once l"tor conducted services in the
despised Jesus," by the congregation, old M. E. Church South building. Af-
Dr J T Abbett led in prayer. Mrs. many reverses, during which time
E E Paddock sarg beautifully, "Hold u n was greauy neipea ano
Thou My Hand." and the choir ren- encouraged by the efforts of Rev. T.
dered Iti an effective manner the an
them, "Wake the Song."
Dr. Fletcher Homan, President of
Willamette University, preached an
eloquent "and powerful sermon from
the text, "In Him we live, move and
have our be'r.g." He emphasized the
F. Royal, the church was re-estab
lished by Rev. Alderson.. Rev. Royal
was a pioneer Mtebodist preacher and
is still living, la Portland, at the age
of more than ninety years. In 1893
the building formerly used by the Ev
angelical association was purchased.
Rev. S. W. Porter being the pastor. 1
cording to the laws of God, and that
the same is true in the mental and
spiritual sphere. He maintained that
every great truth has been discov
ered through God's law. He also
showed that in the making of char
acter, God co-operates with man, and,
that since God has so bountifully
blessed man It Is oi'Jy right that in
turn man should unfold himself to
God and to his fellow men. He plead
with the people to consecrate their
lives and their means to the cause of
righteousness. .
At the close of the sermon the pas
tor. Rev. Weber, gave the financial
statement. The building cost $5355.
Of. this amount $200 had been ac
counted for by subscription. The
Board of Church Extension had
pledged $500 leaving $2355 yet to be
In forty minutes time $2642 had
been subscribed. So rejoiced were
the people over the victory won that
with exultant voices they sang
"Praise God from whom all blessings
flow."v -
In an impressive way M. Ingerman
A very happy surprise was perpe-
I rated on Dr. Dunsnjore and family
en Wednesday eveniug,' when about
thirty members of the church dropped the manse in a body, each one
laden with a Thanksgiving offering
for the pastor anil family. After a
short time spent in social. Intercourse,
the company departed, leaving behind
them very substantial mementoes of
their visit.
A Chance to Trade
Will trade for anything. Ten acrea
In Rogue river valley. Chas. E. Hicks,
Independence, Oregon.
Saves an Iowa Man's Life
The very grave seemed to yawn
before Robert Maijsen of West Bur
lington, Iowa, whan, after seven weeks
in the hospital, four of the best phys
icians gave him up. Then was shown
the marvelous, curative power of Elec
tric Bitters. For, after eight months
eon, Chairman of the Board of Trust
ees, presented the church for dedica
tion. Dr. J. T. .Abbett, Rev. Harry
G. McCain. Rev. Sanford Snyder and
the pastor, W. J. Weber, assisted Dr.
Homan in the ritualistic service.
The people then repaired to the
baeement where the ladies of the
church had prepared a sumptuous
banquet. Fully three hundred were
A platform meeting in the after
noon was led by Dr. J. T. Abbett, the
newly appointed district superintend
ent Dr. Homan, Rev. Snyder, Rev.
Geo. Hopkins, pastor of the M. E.
church in. Dallas, Rev. H. C. Clark,
pastor of the Christian church of In
dependence, Rev.' McCain, a former
naster. M. Ineermauson and T. S.
MeDaniel, secretary of the- Laymen's
Association of the Oregon Conference
each made short addresses. The choir
sang "Come Thou Fount."
The evening service began with a
song service led by the pastor. After
prayer by Rev. H. C. .Clark Mrs. G.
W. . Conkey delighted the entire audi
ence with' a solo', "Jerusalem." The
choir gave - an anthem, "Praise Ye
and Harry G. McCain, the present
pastor at Buena ViBta. Until recent
ly this charge was part of a "circuit,
but at the conference held in' Cottage
Grove in the fall of 1909 it wits- maie
a station. Duringi the first year as
a station the church contributed morw-l
than twice as much to the cause of!
Christ than. It had ever done vheu a
aart of a circuit and It is in this, in
creased responsibility that the rise
of the Methodist church of Indepen-
'dence- began. ;
A Goad Word For Grange Fir btsar
anco Companies.
The New ' York Farmer has this to
say about one of the several so-operative
features of grange work:
The Patrons of Husbandry protec
tive Are relief associations seem, to
have solved easily, economically and
satisfactorily the problem of fire- insur
ance for farmers. The records show
that, even in yenr when BumePitnw
tires swell tbe total of loss, the- asso
ciations give cheaper and better 1suk
auce than tbe regular insurance t.-oiwxv
uies. The fanners In these as-soeiatiouH-when
they pay assessments- are een-
tribatiug'ilirectly to the resttfration of
the burned proierties. They know Choi-.
If they pay $2().0tK for u year' louse f.
$1!UW0 of thnt sum will be appiSod: tx
the cost of Administration. Id- the- reg
ular companies their paid In money
would be spent in some way ualtnewnt
! ti fhum nurf tlipv would lint k.nou- kl.
)jse I hey l.t projorty by firo- what
they would set out of the companies
until the companies had exhaustd. ev
ery trick possible in cutting down the-
amount to be paid. In the Tatron as-
erous offerings, a list of which will
ba published later on.
Rev. H. J. McDevitt is the priest
in charge of this mission for the
present, but the probability is that
the priest residing with Father Ray
mond at McMinnville will, later on,
have charge of l:dependeiice, Dallas, i
Sheridan and Falls City.
la the entire world the Catholic
church has a membership of over
2S0,OOO,O00,ana now, counting the in
sular possessions, she has a member
ship of over 22,000,000 under the stars
and stripes. Her history goes back
to the very dawn of Christianity. The
Catholic church In the United States
Is making tremendous progress. An
organization of such magnitude and
with such a history well deserves the
careful study of every thoughtful man
and woman. It is a wonderful fact
that Ui spite of all the persecution
and misrepresentation of which this
church has been the victim, she Is
stronger in the world today than ever
svhe was.
Victor Nictralas latest types from
$75-CQ to $200.00. Salem Music Co.,
135 North Liberty St., Salem, Oregon.
sociatioa the actunl loss, promptly an. I ' cfioir.
Thanksgiving Service
Because of the fact that the un
ion Thanksgiving service could pot 1
bo held as arranged, Calvary Pres
byterian' church will observe the oc
casion on Sunday morning, by a
Thanksgiving service. Dr. Dunsmore '
wilj preach, and special music will
be Tendered by Calvary's popular
nf frlfl-htfnl anfferine frnm liver trou
ble and yellow Jaundice, getting no the Lord," after which T. S. McDan
help from other remedies or doctors. Mel requested the privilege of speak
five bottles of this matchless medl-jnr for a fo'w minutos. In a few
cine completely cured him ' It's pos- ... . ... . t . tl,
lHol., o.arantu f Ctnm.rt Hnr ""us "e KtuKc UI vue
fairlr measured, is tbe basis of the
assessment, and the readjustment ia
short -and simple. Fnruws w ho are
not ih the Patron associations shouKi
learn what these excellent orgnaiza
tious are doing to make Are insurance
on country property safe, sane, plrtiu.
fair, square, equitable and economical
Regular service at 7:30 in the
Now is the time to lay m your
supply, of winter apples. All orders
must be in for Tuesday,
29. Only one delivery will be made.
Price 35 cents a box delivered. D. J.
or Kidnev troubles and never ' riisab- pastor, W. J. Weber, through whose
points. Only 50c at all druggists. I untiring efforts the great work inlCollins. Home' phone.
evening, and to all of these services
the public are cordially invited.
At the Methodist Church
Next Sunday morning at 11 e'clock
will be communion day. The Lord's
Supper will be administered a.d the
duors of the church will be opened.
A goodly number are expected
to unite with the church. In the ev
ening the pastor will begin a series
No ve oilier sermons on tne Sermon on tM
Mount. Sunday-school at 10 o'clock'
ajid song service at ,7 . m. Reg
ular prayer meetings are held on
Wednesday nights. W. J. WEBER.