EIGHT PACES INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. NOVEMBER 11. 1910. PAGE SEVEN Polk County's Leading Hardware Firm II! 'iulilil 'J ' J.il Wr'r if Hanna Brothers have the largest stock of hardware in the Willam ette valley, outside of Portland. In connection with their hard ware they have their separate ap partmcnt for harness, which com prises the largest stock carried in Polk county. A separate apart ment is also given to their vehicle stock. The vehicle apartment is the largest in all the valley out of Portland. Ranges and heaters occupy an apart ment. Their entire floor space is 14,500 feet. HANNA BROS. Hardware Dealers Independence, Oregon or trratoiiTiu and have fIIl to find bonny was upt am Mr. Taylor re ft curs do not be dlourKd but ten reived iuiu aevefe trains from for trial of thli wonderful truly whl(h h , iU1 Otlrwl merltous renmily which la a aelentlf-' , .... . Ic compound dlvrfd bv a I'rufua- "--re mu uiuug uno. .or of Vltina Unlremlty. and ta bo ld k rifoniineii(id by thouitand. Horses Run Away A Luxury "Hut." objected the belreiti, "I have ....... ..... "jiui," oojoeiea me neirem, i n Last Monday John Orr of Rlckreall UtH.a a.xuatonn-d to eviry luury. and Ana Taylor of Independence, Tlilll-a ,u the more reanon why while driving n tha country, nn-t you ghoud iarry rtipIlM, ,he with rotmld-rablu of a ahako ui) wbeiijmp(,runi!ouil tutar , ,uXllry the team of hom-a which they were,. ..... ., driving took fright and ran away. The) GROCERIES OUR LEADER IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE CARRY THE BEST THE MARKETS AFFORD. OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH AND UP-TO-DATE. IN SHOES WE CLAIM A3 GOOD A LINE AS CAN BE POUND ANYWHERE AND THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE AND SPLENDID BUYS. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'8 ' AND CHILDREN'8 OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN PATENT LEATHER, GUNMETAL KID AND TAN WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE Drexler & Alexander GROCERS AND CLOTHIERS INDEPENDENCE, OREGON CONGRESSMAN IS GRATEFUL Congressman Willis C. Hawloy left last week for Denver. Colorado, to at tend a meeting of the Board of Head Managers, Woodmen of the World. He will return to Oregon before leav ing for Washington, D. C, to attend the closing session of the sixty-first Congress, as he desires to further ao-' quaint himself with a numbei of prob lems in this state that will require the attention of congress. With reference to the recent elec tion Mr. Hawley said: "I am very grateful to the voters of the First Congressional District for their renew ed expressions of confidence in me and for the honor of a re-election to congress, and will continue to labor faithfully In their behalf, advancing their Interests and promoting their welfare to the best of my ability. A man Is rich only in his friends, and to mine everywhere I am profoundly JOHN DEERE FARM IMPLEMENTS We have the walking plow, the gang and the disk. We also have the steam plow, made by the John Deere people. We have everything In the line of farm Implements. Lead The World The Kentucky grain drill give the best of satisfaction to all uaers. We have the disk, both single and double. We have the hoe and shoe drills ot this make. We are Polk county agents tor Monmouth, Alrlle and Independence. WINEGAK & LORENCE MONMOUTH, OREGON , JOHN DEERE BUGGIES ARB ALL RWT grateful. Their approval of iny ef forts in the past encourages me to still greater endeavors in behalf of my native state, and I feel that Ore gon will continue to receive the rec ognition shown her during the recent session of congress, and I wiH con tinue to do all I fan for the people of the First District and- for the en tire state." T . y Not Sorry for Blunder "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har- rodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung- racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef fect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-saver is an unri valled remedy for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with Implicit confidence For sale by all good dealers. Knights of Pythias Event Last Monday night Homer Lodge No. 25, K. of P., had a rousing and enthusiastic meeting. One candidat was initiated and the work was splen didly exemplified throughout. The order is beginning to show an era of growth, having already indtiat ed several new members this season and has several candidates in wait Jng. ASTHMA-CATARRH CURED Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results by Senpine. New York: Thousands are takin advantage of the generous offer made by The VWaodworth Co, Dept O, 1161 Broadway, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senpine the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fever. Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all - who write for it. It Is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live, Sen pine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth OFFICERS H. HIRSCHBERQ. PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS H. HIRSCHBERQ, A. NELSON, D, W. 6EAR8, B. F. 8MITH AND OTIS D. BUTLER Htkktk and 'imnasmm $ceda. $um, ytmmuniticn and fishing tackle. SL ftkndM, Maple Mepairtug. r jj I i IJIIUJU iWiai I WIJ .ptfwwil jMlWWiinWil HP Ijll ttm - SA LEM , OREGON. ELECTRIC IRON5 Free on Trial WOMEN REALIZE THE CONVENIENCE AND LABOR-SAVING VALUE OF AN ELECTRIC IRON. THE COST OF ELECTRIC ENERGY USED AMOUNTS TO LESS THAN FIVE CENTS PER HOUR. PHONE HOME 5010 OR BELL MAIN 41 AND WE WILL SEND YOL AN ELECTRIC IRON ON THIRTY DAYS FREE TRIAL. AT PRE8ENT THERE ARB OVER BO ELECTRIC IRONS IN U IN THIS CITY. Northwestern Corporation J. L. WHITE, LOCAL MANAGER.