I IIOHT PAGE S INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, NOVEMBER 18, 110. pace rive MAKSTOM ASHLEY "I'mlO I said to an old darky alt . thu u a turnl, "alio owiu (hi plan tatlont" ".Mars' Tom Aahlny," "Anil In It long Hint Ou-y hav lived ln-re?" "ItiM-kou dey hub, tali. Do Ahlya . lib IkhIi vtT tlnro a long lime before li wah. 1 olilt'n ton ob da olili-n' . boh alius growed up lb dmp Into do - oli) man's kIkh-s, 1 y cuiue iiiIkIiI' nlKlt belli' break once, though." "How m that?" "Illl was Mara" Ttnu'i father, Mara' Iapo Aahley. Ho father, Marn' Tom'f grandfather, Thomas Ashley, war night' flno man. "Mara' J'apo be wont norf to coll g nn' muik Imw or utfder he gut no'thern m tiona In bla head. Iut were a few yea'a bifo' de wah. Mara' Pape Ret de 'dli'iilua dat all do iiIkkts In de ouf bad ouKbtcn bo free. Wan'n dat, he f-l In lub wld a uo'tberu lady an married her. "I reroiu member might well when CHARLES EDWARD HICKS for Insurance protection. Representing ttlcsicbcsfcr and German American insurance eonipanlee of New York. Good Candy k Insurance Look for tli If s LatJ. J.t stands for 'all that is good r J .1 ff xsanu puru UQU Melicioua in Candy. ratronU tkt "Modern Dealer" II Utitn CKtlmnr C, UUu, PortUnd, Onrtt CompareOurPricos Wltfc thm ma bkr bti Is tb hJ of pHn Ai ;oo will thfA r(ftr oa utMbuilUl Ufloa ah wiu-K Bui rou (iii(n Kil -urk tULWsW no mmitmw bow Hi lM' r l Ilia uca rot !ri i hrrli wi ob day U aartr frtw what? pisUo or THtaw won u oroav fill icMMlFUIIaa 100 ' . l4.nusw nn " " -J PblM D.UJ piiM 7.50 BA.SI.4. Will, FuiautaaMlUMl PsInltM ExIr'tlM .011 it flu. MraiUHis rwnus bkbt Mainooe All work tullr awututteed (or flitoaa reara. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists rslttnt BulhUnx tnlrd tnd WstMnstoa PORTUND, ORE. Jab HfO ! all dat happen. Man rape be come down beab ' he talk wld da ul man Asbh-y onlll he uiake him belief dat he ouster gib all ut nlif er on dla bnah plantation free pa pera, an' de olu man oukIu to atUk u fo' de I'nluu ' all dal kind o' talk. Yo know what Mara' Thomaa any? lie aay: Wly aon, yu hab dlagrace yo' ancheateri. Vo' onwortby to be railed my aon. I'm nwlne to dUln berlt yo' an leab dla plantation to yo' coukIii Kmeet Cram.' "An yo' know wha' Mara' I'ape iay'i He nay: plantation won't b worf a bale o' roitoti. Yo ulKKera 'II all be free, an do aouf 'II bn no count.' "!en yo' know wba' Mura' Tliomaa say? In any; 'Ono eoutbe'o uinn klu whip five Yaiiket-a.' "Mara' Tape bo go norf, an' nobody didn' aeo lilm do iuo' In dla yero kent ry till atit-r du wah. Ho dldu' lak to fiKbt BKln bla aoutbe'n frlenda, o be so to apeculatlu'. He bad tome mo ney ob hla own. an' bn buy all de cotton he get bla handa on. Mara Thomaa he ralao a regiment o' aoutb e'n troopa, and he flRht Ink de debbie He come batk a big Kn'l, but be only got one leg an one eye. All bla ulggora wae free, do plantation waa all pulled to piece by flra' do north- e'n troopa, an' dar wa'n't a bit o fencln anywhar. All iho cUerg ro off 'cept me. I atay heah to tak' car' o' de ole man when be come Lack. "Mara Thomaa be wa'n't ao proud at he war when he went away, all drew up In hla new oJer clo'ea. He wouldn't nebber talk to a nigger den, but when be foun we heah all alone an saw how de plantation lJuk he eem might sorry. He any to me, 'Julius, ma boy, yo worf 600 or'nary white men.' "Atur dat be talk to me 'bout eb' crytlng. One 'dny he come to me an' say: 'Juie, I got a letter irom rap today. He say he bought cotton at 8 cenu a pound an' sold It at a dol lar a pound. He got all de money 'he want. He offers me plenty to res tock do plantation.' An' I say, 'Ow lne tak' It.Mars?' An' he say: 'Tak it! Yo' s'poso I gwino to tak' money :from mv son what stay In do norr all through de wah instead o' beln heah an' flghtin' fo' de souf? No, sah. Ma son dald to me. I gwlne to limb dls bean plantation to Ernest Crane.' "One mawnln' while I war down at do crick crossln' who I see but Mars' Pape. He tak' my han' an' might glad to see me. He ask me all 'bout de ole man an' say he come down .wld wlfo an' lettle boy to get a reconcil iation. He ask me to let 'em all In de house when de gln'l ain't dar. He say dey gwine to try to tak'. de place by utorm.He tell me dat he got plenty money fo' his fadder an' no use he llbln' all alone an' de ole home gwlne more an' more to rack. "I tln'k It might' fine t'ing fo' de ole man, an' I say I help 'em all I kin So one niawln' early I let 'em all In. Mars' Pape and Missy Ashley dey git WET WEATHER GOODS Our stock for Winterwear is Com plete. Our men's, ladies' and children's Shoes for wet weather can not be beat. Men's and boys' high top Shoes; just what you want for winter. Also oil cloth and rubber Soots. Misses' Raincoats, Jersey Leggins. All colors in children's togue stocking Caps. Remember, If you want anything for winter wear, com to us, for we always carry a complete stock. Conkey, Walker & Lehman The Leading Store of Independence, Oregon CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSION TO THE CITY OF MEXICO VIA THE , SOUTHERN PACIFIC LEAVING PORTLAND December 11 and 12, 1910 AND SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 14, 1910 A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN Consisting of Observation Car, Pul man vestiv.uled Sleeping Cars, smoking car and dining tar will leave 3rd and Townsend Streets, San Francisco, via the Coast Line. The excursion is run under the auspices of the Southern pacif ic. National Lines of Mexico, International and Great Northern, G. H. & S. A. and Santa Fe. $104.00 ROUND TRIP FARE From Portland $104.00 Corresponding low rates from other O. R. & N. and S. P. points. Interesting side trips on the return trip, Including the Grand Canyon, may be made. Final return limit 60 days from date of sale. Equipment on this train will be limited and no more passen gers will be taken than1 can be comfortably provided for. For further information, details and beautifully illustrated book "let on "Mexico" call on any O R. & N. or S. P. Agent or write to WILLIAM McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON THE ELDRIDGE , C E. VanAllen, Prop. Large tunny rooms, en suite or sin tfle. Electric lights, hath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial at, 8a Ism, Or. L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN A NO SURGEON Office In Cooper building, room i and 3. Office hoars, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Pianos ana Organs In a closet In do dinin'room an'pretty nigh shut de do.' I put de little boy on de fambly chillen's high chair, an' he wait dar fo' he grandfadder to come down to breakfast When de ole man come Into de room an' see de lit tle fellah slttln' up on de udder side o' de table he stood still wid he mouf an' eyes wide open. " 'Howde, grandpa?' said de chile. " 'Who are yo'?' axed de ginl'l. " 'Tom Ashley, de nex' owner ob dt plantation atter yo' an' papa.' and 2 to 8 d. m. Calla answered night "Yo see. Mars' Pape tell him what and day. to say. Mars' Tnomas war so tone' soma an' de chile war so purt dat de ole man coudn' stand dat. He jis went to Mars' Tommy an' put he, arm around him an' hugged him. When I see somepin shinin' in de ginll's eye I jis open de closet do' an" out steps Mars' Pape an' he wife. "Missv Ashley she went up to de gin'l an' put out her han'. De gin' too fine a man not to tak' a lady's han.' He took it an' bowin' lak a southe'n gen' leman, Very low down, he kissed it. She put de gln'l han' in dat ob Mars' Pape. De gin'l leab it dar, but he turns away his head, an I see de tears runnin' down he cheeks, t wonder if he cryln" fo' de ios' cause or de wreck ob de planta tion. "Dey all sot down to breakfas'. Mars' Pape had sent in chicken an' potatoes an lots fine tings instead ob de co'n pone dat gin'l war used to. Missy Ashley poured the coffee, an' dat war de happiest breakfas' eber happen on dis plantation. "Dey all dald now but Mars' Tom." Orchardists Attention Now Is th time to spray for Anthracnose, o Dead Spot, also Woolly Aphisj Cal and get full Information as to wha to spray with. Use our Pea Crystal blue stone and Roche Harbor Lime. Williams Drug Co. 20tf LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diseases of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 B. F. 8WOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARN PUBLIC - Will practice In all courts of the State. Probate matters and collec tiona given prompt attention. Office, Cooper Bldg. Independence Oregon OLD VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE Send for free illustrated catalog; largj est list in Virginia. Casselman & Co., Richmond, Virginia. 24-27 from the cheapest to the best sold on Installments and rented. Geo. C. Will SALEM, OREGON Sewing machines Genuine needle, oil an! new parts for all aairlng machines. Sewing machines rented. Geo. C Will SALEM, OREGON EDISOSJ, VICTOB AKD CO LUMBIA Calking machines A full stock of Records. Geo. C. Will SALEM, OREGON Catest Sheet music Studies. Viollaw, Qui tart, MaadoUns axvl Banjoa. Geo. C Will SALEM, OMGON