PAGE HGMT m Sep Absolutely Pure 77jo fy baking powder made from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar NoAIun.No Lime Phosphate NEf'S STORE B URGLARIZED (Continued from pane aevim.) litis children, and ursed the members to live clone w Uod. t"t a rvi work Is before us urn wor ' lu' Lord's. . . . .. A diamond medal contest was nnu. throe contestants appearing. Mr. Karl Cbilder. a Utblo student or fcugeue. tarried off the modal. The physical exercises were under tho direction of Mlu Mary Hammond. rtodaoa for stale worn wore ki" to the amount of $m, fe and morial moiuborwhlps Imreas.d this iuiii to about lioiio. A thank offorlntt ervlce wan hold when $;I0 more was Riven. The membership of the Ore gon V. C. T. V. la 3014 Including 600 new memoirs who Joined the past year and a balance of 11000 In. the treasury. Tho president. Mm. In ruh. In hor report stated sho had raised $2000 during the past year by hor Individual effort. A parade also took place. The stu dents ramo from tho I'nlversuy In a body and were Joined by pupl.j from the public school. They waited until the delegates came from the conven tion with Mrs. Armor at their head. ... . i i.. .,rn.Msslon. Many of the people of Salem alxo Joined to that about 20" persons rsins banners.sinKlns sones letemrin gled with the colic, e yells. It made an event not Boon to be forgotten. In the history of Salem. An employee to hear of Oregon Kolng dry and gave vent to his HI feerings by spitting on some ladles as they passed, one of whom was Miss L. Smth. the mm-bal director who never resented tne in silt but was thankful worthy to be treated as her bajtour was. She aiso saiu . i ....... 1 1 . rlnrn ri f Tne general aiertuauu. " was Sue aiso biu o" J. K. Neal at Buena Vista was burg.;wntte ribbon was not soiled. The na larized last Saturday night, entrance was arre -.. u .- , the,p to the store having been made mm them... a hanger through the front door by prying the Qn o( galoon9 cannot possibly attain lock off. The loss from the theft was t0 nobleness of character, very small. Suspicion does not rest Two ladies. Miss Smith . and Miss on anyone In the Buena Vista -n.!. try for the burglary. The theft is gplrlnK helpln the one so situated believed to have been committed by t0 Ket 'd0Wn on. the right side, strangers w ho were passing through Miss Gill's rendering of Bat win the country. That they left the store you do with Jesus?' was highly ap with so little goods is believed duejprjjC Armor's address while oa- the to their having oeen mgmeueu w, , was llgtened to ,m rapi ; " Burnett and Moore ran while in the act of theft by someone , and t0 her invitation to hear six year term passing near by. Only a few nickels her give reasons why she was a pro- best. A. M. Crawford was the ravor passing near uy. r , . t prove that saloon lte ftr attorney general by a big ma- and some pocket knives, so far a8LraMo not payaxes. tbe people , wnuDLway carried South Mr. Neal can ascertain, were taken. heartily Dy numbers and attention, mm. ii- q Hannibal hated Rome; J. S. SMITH, LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER Farm sales a guaranteed. Indepe AIR LIE, OREGON WETS WIN IN POLKCOUNTY Mcliilodh wwnt to Portland' ..n..,.N tNTE.rRI.E. IND.PINDNC. WtOOM. """ ' Prohibition defeated lu 1'I county by a majority of at least 100. This was a surprint to the prohibi tion forces who labored to earry the counly for the "dry.". There hu. never boon a Uino In H'o Wslory ' polltloa lu the county whon a. much money has boon spent lu a cmnpulnii h- i,,...n out into this one. Every effort possible 1ms boon put forth to enlighten tho people by uoin m-.. Just what has caused the Pllcy to be . , i.. i-innitv Id Mill a reveiTt-o in . question unsolved. In the new county and county divis ion measures all received body blows. w.r.-o uiiih carried In rne omy iu"'" Independence were theMonmoulh nor mal school bill, greater Oregon home rule bill, the amendment for the pro tect'on of persons engaged In haz ardous employment, bill prohibiting taking of fish from ltoguo river ex cept by hook and lino, amendment providing for counties to incur In debtedness beyond $:.000 for road Im provements (carried lu south precinct by two votes but was hopelesHly lost in North Independence), and bill 356 providing for amendment of direct primary law. was a tie lu North Inde pendence and waB lost by aeventeen votes In South Independence. V. C. Hawley received the same comfortable majority here that he did throughout the district. Bower man was slaughtered In Independence without mercy. He failed to carry Independence by fifty-tyve votes. Geo. H. Burnett ran' the best of any on the Judicial ballot. For the four-year term McBrlde and Bean received the highest number of votes and for the pendence and carried in the Joint Monday, roiurntim Tuesday evening. Itev. Hnyder and daughter were Ba ffin visitors Monday, Ml us Mabel (laloy of Eugene vlalt ed a few days the first of tho k with her friend, Miss Millie Addison of this city. J. 8. llohauuou spent Sunday with his daughter, Miss Hurtha llohauuou of The Dalles. For sale 2 Jersey cows. $:li ouch. 11. K. t'authorn. Hell phone 4;'l. 2Uf HIGHWAYS IN THE WEST. Us of th Automobils by Fsrmsrt Aiding ths Improvement Movmnl. Hon. I Improvement III the west, al ready noticeable to n Might degree, ure tire' t follow when the fiiriners of that m-otloii uvviiLe to the reiilUalloii of their condition roinpnfed with iioimt of tlioi.e of the eustn Nothing will n rouse I he farmer to this w imii'h us the use of the automobile, ami It will be the more general use of the car by the farmer that will result In lietter roads. In sections where farmers are using cars to any extent road Improvement are already noticed, but there Is still room for more, noil more there will be In the neiir future. Motoring la most enjoyed on good misitb roads. Farm ers owning curs renlliie Ihls us well lis any, and not only are they bestirring i..nmt.ioM toward impropriation for good highways, but ure In mauy ruses furnishing the lubor necessary ior rouu lnt torments. In ome farming nectiona of the west automobile owner can be ploHed out by a glituce at the rondway In their Immediate neighborhood. Near their house rough, uneven surface tuive been smoothed off and noft, slippery mxivmra resurfaced. Each farmer seems to tuke Interest lu the roads near hi owu home. When more farmers hove cars, and they are buying them llv there will be more abort stretche of perfect roads, aud at some future time, not far distant, the streicu will be unbroken. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. tlXL't 8even maJorltyn W Ga,1t brilliant mind; tne BunemiKo ; ; (""i snecialtT Satisfaction dear mother all compelled her to , received a majority In both precincts, nependt phone. . I 1. V hll I-C.PoweU for representative car Dines mi POLK'S GAZETTEER A BosIimim Dtraetorr of Mrh City, Tow and Villmce m Omcun and nuNHingHMl, K1VU1K m umn).uva Hketch of each plao, LooiUkMi, 8blpplng- FaUHIe and a Cliuwl fied mnetorr of each Buainene and ProfeMion. K. U I-Ol.K CO.. Inc. Seattle. Wash. nafJBJ.VjaB.HH Do you read it? It's a weekly pa per, adapted especially for the Pacific Coast farmer. Subscription price $1-50 a year. Wait. You can read it and the Independence Enterprise for one year, 104 copies 52 of Pacific Home stead and 52 of Independence Enter prise for the price of one, $1.50. By special arrangement we ere able to offer our readers this rate. Send In your subscription now. Remember $1.50 for both. Pay either office and mention this advertisement to secure the two papers. This offer is only to new subscribers of the Enterprise. INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE il. t,iiaanria that RD6 , . - ,n an1 ( fl T. t. man wno wuu w She proved her statements as sue said she would. If the liquor busi ness pays why not Increase it ' How can a business pay when its f in a hed product is worth a thousand times less than its raw material? Why do not merchants and other busineyssdmen give $600 or $1000 1 to run their business: t L Tt drink the liquor pay i"e we license drinking why not license stealing? If the law against stealing does not prohibit, why not repeal the law against stealing? All the com momenta are prohibitory. That she was a prohibitionist because God fshea prohlbiUonist; that childhood and womanhood have not consented to this torrlblo traffic; have they per sonal liberty? She said .he was not willing to shoulder the liquor traffic,, has any man the right tc ,do .so? The man who places a wet ballot in the hox does so in the face o r the Recora Ine Angel, and is guilty of the liquor t?afic-a it includes-the murders, he sorrows of home the tears of the starving children they will be guilty before God; whether they want to or not, they will be guilty at the Judg ment bar of God . Shall Wonjen Vote? If thev did. millions would vote Dr. torr To7 banishing : dull. fa-gd feelings.backache or headache, constipation, dispelling colds impart in? appetite and toning up the ays tern, they're unequalled Easy, aa.e, sure 25c at all druggists. ried both precincts, and J. B. Teal found the most friends for commis sioner. W. L. Bice stood slaughter In both North and South Indepen dence. Castle carried North Inde pendence and lost south precinct so heavily that he came out with twelve ivotes to the bad and Tracy Staats la Drobablv elected In the county. Wilson defeated Winn for justice and Moran has the satisfaction of receiv ing the largest vote of anyman on the ticket.' INDEPENDENCE NEWS i.i .in. i i ""- " 1 1 " '' Port- Coughs' that keep you awake at night also disturb the Bleep or me rest, ox i They can be stopped In a lew miauvo ." Ballard's Horehound Syrup It is a Remedy of Great Relieving Power in All Lung and Throat Troubles. Ballard's Horehound Syrup conveys a warming- and world of misery to the person affected. Put Up in Three Sizes, 2Bc, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the $1.00 sue. It contains Ave times tu . much as the 2Sc size, and you Bet with each bottle a SUk'. Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chert. ST. uiuiat nu. 1 JAKES F. BALLARD PROPRIETOR For wek Slht or Sore Ky Btepfce- Ey Jill WIIUIIIIMWIIIPU'WUMII. j 0l-0 am oBteowMiweiio BvC ..Z. It Mntlco la herehv elven that the ex- ntnr. nt ih estate of Viola Slop- er. deceased, have duly filed their pe tition for final settlement and final account In the said estate; that by order of the County Court of Polk County. Oregon, made and duly en tered of record, uecemoer jiu, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said Ho., o, iha f'nnrt Room in the City of Dallas, was fixed as the time and place for hearing said petition ior ii- i 1111,1 final nccount. Ail ii a 1 b:lhv. " - T.taroatnr1 urn hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause. If any mere oe. w. j said petition of said executors should not be cranted. Dated and first puDiisiieu. u em ber. 4. 1910. . WII..UAKIJ A. Buircn CHESTER O. SLOPER W. II. COCKLE Executors of the estate of Viola Sloper, deceased. N. L. Butler. Attorney. Will Promote Btsuty Women aM.rtM buauty el wonder ful helu from liu.kloiia ArnUa HM. U baif.xh.s pimples. Mkl.v rrupni. .ore, a;.a bo.U. It i..a.;a H.e u a..ft a.ul w:vety. It nlorl In th face. vv.r... .ro eye., roll ". cra.ked ilpn. fiiappo.1 hand. fr burns. ai-ahU. fever r. . tut-., I rui ei and piles. S.'.c at a'.l dr.iKU'ii. Frattrnal Union Doings Tho local Utdiie of tint Kraiertial I'ulon of America, No, 212. met In tho K. I', hall In this city Wednesday ulKht where they Willi their fihii'U enjoyed an eveiilntt devoted to fi lv Itles. The proKram of ev.-ulug was coinpoHi'd of oratory and music. Mm. Hoy Collins played with exqui site te luiluuo an nv unieiitnl solo. Mr. Coi'tt delivered tho ddiih of welcome and also tin oration lu In half f tho order. The most pleitsuut feaiun of ih evening wus the slindow o lal. The ludles who participated wer. l"l'.w wllh basket of unliii. and fa:' deslKtl. well filled with dullitlo whU-u appealed to the gentlemen preseiil. For palB in Urn ldo or cheat dampen a piece of flannel wllh Cham berlain's Liniment and hind It oil over the seat of pain. There in. nothlim better. Kor sulo hy nil tH'tnl dealirs. W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. DENTIST Bth phouea. Cooper Uldg. Independence OreKon. "I do not believe there is any oth er medicine so good for whooping couuh as Chamber'ain'a Coush Item edy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpln, Junction City. Ore. This remedy Is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by all good dealers. HAVE YOU HERD? (Heard) about the big "drive" that's Klfl un do wd at this meat market. No! That's really too bad. THIS SHOP IS "DRIVING" TO GET YOUR TRADE. We really deserve it, because we tuke such- pains to serve you and others with choicest rf meat nt. lowest, of prices. Try us and you'll ,be con vinced. ORDEP" GIVEN US RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION' GEO. F. HECK INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Bell phone 163 Home phone 410 WILLIAMS DRUG CO. B. Fav Dunsmore went to land on Wednesday afternoon. nalnrtar and nicture mounts for sale at the Enterprise office. The lat est things out. 23tf The Presbyterian ladies' cnicKen pie supper given Tuesday evening was a decided success. All who pat ronized them -were highly pleased with the supper. . Miss Grace Wallace, who is at tending school at Oregon Agricultur al College at Corvallis, returned home Thursday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Mitchell. She will return to Corvallis today. Miss Lorena Webster of Dallas, who has been visiting with Mrs. Clint Hamon and Mrs. B. Sloper, south of town, returned to Indepen dence Wednesday. .tohm B. Teal from Teal Creek was in town Monday shaking hands with old friends. The University of Oregon and Ore gon Agricultural Coljege teams will play a game of football at Corvallis tomorrow. There will be a special train from Portland which will leave Independence at 11:44 and returning will leave Corvallis at 6 p. m. Walteit L. Tooze of Falls City was in Independence Monday on his way to Corvallis to close the campaign for Bowerman- in that vicinity. J. Johnson has again opened up the Independence Steam Laundry and wants your patronage. He aims to please. Rev. Mr. Myers and Harry Biitz of Dallas were in Independence last Saturday. Rev. Mr. Myers delivered the lecture here on that evening, at the Christian church. J. M. Linn of Dallas was transact ing business in Independence last Saturday. Miss Margaret Hodge of Newberg visited over -Sunday with Miss Kate Dunsmore. TEN-ACRE ORCHARD TRACT THIS BEAUTIFUL TRACT OF LAND LIES ABOUT THREE MILES NORTH OF ASHLAND, ON THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD (SOUTH ERN PACIFIC). THE LAND IS LEV EL AND IS WELL ADAPTED FOR ORCHARDING. IT IS FREE FROM TIMBER AND BRUSH AND'CAN BE PUT IN CULTIVATION AT LITTLE MORE THAN OLD GROUND. THERE ARE NO IMPROVEMENTS THE LAND BUT IT IS hHtfc INDEBTEDNESS OF EVER- KIND AND TAXES ARE PAID Ufc TO CURRENT YEAR. LAND NEAR THIS HAS SOLD WITHIN A WEEK OF THE ISSUING OF THIS DES CRIPTIVE LIST AT $650 (SEE OR EGONIAN OF TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 8). THIS TRACT IS OFFERED AT $2000. CHARLES EDWARD HICKS ON OF m ittcmsm Repeating Shotgunsi L USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one 'whoso strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. RELIABLE REPEATERS V- v t