INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. NOVEMUR 11. IttO. PAGE SIX MOCRATS !0 HAVE CONTROL Chicago That ths next Home of Representatives will be controlled by the deuioorats la conceded. The doni ocrata gulued from the republican seats In congress In eight states. In New York seven republican seats were secured by the democrats: In Maryland, Massachusetts. North Carolina, each, the republicans lost two seats. Losses are definitely knowu to have been sustained In Il linois, Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio. The known democratic gain of 18 . seat. Ik offset by two republican ( gnins from the democrats, one each! In New York and Pennsylvania. Rev ports received from other states In-, dlcate thet the democrats will have ample mf-gln to secure them the 22 seats necessary to give them control of the ll"us. two democratic gains previously having been reported In Maine. Twenty-four were acquired before the Maine election. Grandfather Clause Helps. In Oklahoma returns Indicated that the democrats probably gained two seats, due apparently to the operation of the so-called grandfather clause. which debarred ths negro voters front voting. At democratic headquarters In New Jersey. It was declared that the state would hold eight seals, tusking a gain of fits. Democrats In West Virginia had gained In three districts. Missouri showed ooe known, with three probable democratic gains, while In lows sad Illinois the returns Indi cated the democrat would gain a to tal of sli seats. In North Carolina returns Indicated democratic gains which would In crease to three. Socialist for Congress. A big surprise came from Wiscon sin when the republican committee conceded the election of Victor L. Burger, Socialist, to congress from the Fourth district, which Is now held by the republicans. Returns Indicate that the Socialists have polled more than 40,000 votes in the city of Chicago. It U the firm time In IS years thnt the democrats have carried the House of Representatives. New York City will be represented by sn almost solid democratic dele mulon. The I'n'ted S.nts Senate will prob nb'y have a reducMcm In the republi can majority as i retlt of legislative elections held In rr-ny stve. A good pi'J reading glasses Jl.oo at Kramer's. tf FURNITURE The Kind with a Reputation .Hi n : -"'v- 1 JU- ft i i YOU WILL FIND HERE FOUR FLOORS OF GOOD CLEAN UP-TO-DATE GOODS. OUR FURNITURE STOCK CONSISTS OF SUCH WELL KNOWN LINES AS GLOBE-WERN1CKE BOOK 'CASES, HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS, HEYWOOD BROS. AND WAKEFIELD CO. CHAIRS, ROCKERS AND WICKER GOODS, STICK LEY BROS.' UPHOL STERED FURNITURE AND MANY OTHER EQUAL LY DEPENDABLE BRANDS. IN OUR STOVE AND RANGE DEPARTMENT WE SHOW A COM PIIETE LINE OF South Bend Malleable Ranges THE BEST RANGES' IN THE WORLD BY ACTUAL TEST. OTHER RANGES FR'JftW $27 UR. OUR AS SORTMENT OF HEATERS IS LARGE AND VARIED. WE HAVE THEM PRICED FROM 82.25 UP. WE AL SO HAVE A FINE LOT OF FIRE 8CREENS, AND IRONS AND FIREPLACE SETS YOU CAN BUY ANYTHING YOU MAY NEED IN CORRECTLY FURNISHING A HOME RUGS, CAR PETS, DRAPERY, BEDDING, CROCKERY, WALL-PAPER AND PICTURES WE HAVE THEM ALL, HON EST GOODS AT MODEST PRICES. 340 COURT ST. SALEM, OREGON 1101 RULE BILL WINS IN OREGON Ths biggest surprise In the election returns was the greater Oregon home rule bill running ahead of tb vote agalnat prohibition. Not only did the bill lead In Multnomah County, but also In the state. The boms rule bill and the vote s4lnst statewide prohi bition ran J to 1 In Portland. Re turns from the state did not change the Indicat'on that the home rule had carried and that prohibition had been defeated. Many of the cities In 'dry" counties gave large majority for home rule end against prohibition. Pendleton went "wet" by about 10 to 1, but Incomplete returns from rural preclucts Indicated that the big majority of the urbnn vote would be cut down. Grants Pass In "dry" Jos ephlne County gave about I to 1 In favor of the "wets," but the rural vote threatens to make this showing almost nn even break, Karly Indi cations from Lane County were that the vote would be close. Karly re turns from Astoria gave the "v;s" about 2 to 1 majority In favor of the home-rule bill and against prohibition Ther Is little danuer from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed bv Dneumonia. an th; nevor happens when Chamber- la h i CotiKh Remedy Is used. I in remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale bv Its remarKaolt euros of colds and grip and can In relied upon with Implicit confidence. For sale by all good dealers. BOTH SIDES CLAIM IOWA Porter and Carroll Expect to Win In State. Deis Moines The republicans and democrats both claim the governor ship with tue democrats showing the greater confidence. If Governor Car roll is re-elected it will bo by the narrowest of margins. Claude R. Porter, democratic gub ernatorial candidate, claimed that be vould carry the state by 20,000, but more conservative estimates based on 100 precincts out of 2300, place his plurality (If any) at 4000 or 5000. Governor Carroll declared that the early returns were all from the cities and that estimates based upon them were bound to be erroneous. This state has 11 congressional dis tricts. I. S. Pepper, the young dem ocratic candidate in the Second dis trict, walked away with the election, carrying every county over his op ponent, Charles Grilk. It was In be half of the latter that Colonel Roose velt recently made his address in Davenport. Republicans Win Nebraska. Omaha Although the returns are comparatively meager, It appears that Mayor James Danlman, of Omaha, democratic candidate for governor, has been defeated by Chester A. Aid rich, republican, by a safe majority. Congressman O. M. Hitchcock, on the face of the returns, has a safe lead over United States Senator El mer J. Burkett in the race for the senate. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, 88 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha fa aonlnr nartner of the firm Of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said nrm win pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J: CHENEYi J Sworn to before me ana suDscriDeu this 6th dav of De cember. A. D. 188J6. A. W. GLEASON Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taKen mier Tiaiw imt acta directlv on the blood tand mucous surfaces of the system. a i taaHmrtniala frA. F. J. otinu lUI CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. - W00DR0W WILSON ELECTED New Jersey Elects Democratic Gover nor by Large Majority. Trenton Dr. Woodrow Wilson, for mer president of Princeton, defeated Vivian M. Lewis, the republican nom inee for governor of New Jersey any where from 10,000 to 20,000 plurality. The democrats claim the legislature end while this claim does not seem so well based as that of victory for the state ticket, It would not be a surprising thing if they were found In a position to elect a democratic sen ator. Calendar and picture mounts for sale at the Enterprise office. The- lat est things out. lAtI if Patriotism Ths stesasek la larger tacter is " We, libertr end lbs Pf sail of aappiaaas" thaa mot pcopl srs ewsrs. Falrtoilsai as wltamad baa' but sol dripPia. Tbs sonnrnisd OVS pvptis "Is it lor Irvucxt, afreUfvau sad spoil." IBS who goes lo tbs froat tor bis eouatry with week sloaaeeh will b a weak eeidier and a hull aadar. A sowed sloasaaa Bakes lor good eiliasaship as well ss ro SMlth ad bapalaaa. . Diimms ol lbs ttoaaob sad ether orgaas ol digMtioa S aatritioa ars promptly aad panaaaeatly stirsd by tha km of Df. COLD EN MEDICML DIBOOVBKT. it mlH bp mil at ? a Tbs deal.r who offers suhstltuts lor ths DUeovery " Is only seeking to ajeks tbs little mors profit realised on ths , tele of lees meritorious preparation. Dr. Pierce's Common Sen.e Medical AdvUer is sent Jrtt oa receipt ol stamps lo pay tipente ol mailing nlt. Send 21 one-oent stamps lor the paper covered book, or 31 stamps lor Ihp cloth bound. Addre.t World's Dispensary Mrdical Association, R. V. Pierce. M. D., President, IluBulo. N. If. E. L. TOWNSENL ft. . ft. so an ll....kjja,ai '1 M (lUITIIMU lb. A. I ivuaiv BARBER 6HOP AND BATHS IN THS INDEPENDENCE HOTEL Hr Is a chanr to got a fir(-Uo fftav and hair cut. SPERLING BROS. . MEAT MARKET ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALTED MEAT8 FISH IN SEASON ALL AC0OUNT8 MUST BlE PAID EVERY 30 DAYS. CASH PAID FOR VEAL AND PORK. POLK COUNTY BANK Monm6uth, Oregon Paid Capital, $30,000.00 Transacts i General flanking Business OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. H. Hswley. Pres. J. B. V. Butler. Vice Prss. Ira . powHl. Cash. I 8. Powell. J. B. Jlunv. I. M. Slmp"o A live business training school. Endorsed by business men. The school whose graduates secure positions and hold them. Living expense low. School in continuous session. Bond for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, PRINCIPAL Salem, Oregon COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations Salem 160 Court atreet. Telephone 209 Mala Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel Your Firs Insurance On account of the great demand for a mutual fire Insurance company here In Independence by the people generally I have arranged to repre sent the Farmers' Fire Relief Asso ciation. Chas. E. Hicks. LAUNCH INDEPENDENCE Plys between Independence and Sa- dallv. except Sundays, passen ger and freight business solicited. Leave Independence -'-w n1- Leava Independence ...... 8: 00 p. m. Leave Salem ' a- - Leave Salem ? 3" P- m- 8KINNER BRO-, OWNERS INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE From Independence, to Dallas Train No. 64 leaves Independent dally 6:00 a. m. and Monmouth ai 16 a. m. ana airnee fc 40 a. m. v. to loavoa Tndnnondence i. Ituu rtv. wo ' - dally at 10:60 a. m. and Monmouth a ' . . I a, Ta lias of! 1:05 a. m. ana srrna u - L:80 a, m. . ., v wn iaMi Irideoendence dally at :16 p. m. and Monmouth at 6:80 P. m. and arrives at Dallas at 6:61 p. m. From IndepsmJeuiffs for Alrlie Train No. 61 lesryes Independencs dally at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 7:16 a. m. and arrives at Alrlie at 7:60 a. m. Train No. 73 leaves Independence daily at 1:30 p. m. and Monmouth at S:60 p. m. and arrives at Alrlie at 8:25 p. no. From Dallas for Independence Train No. 65 leaves Dallas dally at 8:80 a. m. and Monmouth at 8:65 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 8:15 a. m. . Train No. 69 leaves Dallas datl) at 1:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 1:35' p. m. and arrives at Independenc at 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Monmouth for 'Alrlie.) Train No. 71 lTf Dallas dallr at 8:00 p. m. and In isiouth at 8:26 p. m. ' and arrives at Indenendenc at 8:40 p. m. From Alrll for Independence Train No. 62 leaves Alrlie dally at 8:15 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:50 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9:10 a. m. ' Train No. 72 leaves Alrlie dally at 4:06 p. m. and Monmouth at 4:40 p. m. and "arrives at Independence at 4:50 p. m. u, s. v, nn ij"-ii. v. G L Havkins Dallas, Ore. v 'V'IlaUI M Marble, and Mtif Granite pP Monuments and p TTt i Headstones, Cem-r-' " 'tLl ten' rk' "tc-