PAGE PIVE EIGHT PACES INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. NOVEMBER 11. WO. IKS , MITCHELL PASSES AWAY Mm. J. Mr Mlt'hi'll. an old and hiahly rcunetied rt-dlU'-fit of lndi'in'ii- .'he.', (IImI at her homo In this city Wednesday morning. November U. al fi:4ii o'cloik. w was ulghty-ulno years of ago and had rwalded In In dependence for Urn IhhI thirty years Hh waa born In Klngfleld. Muliiu. Mr. Mitelit'll, the husband of the do- t uK.M, died here three years ago. Mra. MIKholl leaven two children, Mm. J. 8. Ilohannou and Mra. Flora Kjnirr, both of Independence. 81m al- CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tlii Kind You Have Always Bm$J Bignatu of OLD VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE Send fur free. Illustrated catalog; larg t lUt In -Virginia. Caatelman A Co., Richmond. Virginia. 24-27 CHARLES EDWAJT MiOKf for (Ucstcbcster and German Jfoerlcan Insurance aompanlaa of New York. V Making Pure Is a Mission r r . . S FatroMM tf" "ifodxm Dealer jj Mod. CmhcllvwT Co., UUu. Portluul, Onto Compare Our Prices With thMsnrn bar bn In Oi hah. I of mI will mi tlmt wa olTiir you ft turxrtiaDtiiu Hfw nl lMpttr paklaaitMt ttOB JO MJT. And rou will mi tliwt w olTiir iuu in on ell work and jrmi caunH ai erk aawbr, m auattey Jiow tu 1 We 111 J brl,lK fUWh :e worl t ietron. IB nrve d. If daetred. I I'moUm. aitraaltoa J. .V,. I. W. 4, Will, II 1M WIMMM rwnuM frw wlinQ plat, or t'riiWo work t. orde. a, CoMultitlon In Molar Cram $3.00 22kBrldj.Twtk4.C0 QoldFUIlnn 1.00 Enuul Filling ICQ Sllvw Filling. .60 Good Rubbar M -. PUtj O.CS Bait Rod Rutibw- , putM 7.50 P.lnl.ii titr'tloa .60 M.T mbthob. iii li-avva three grandchildren and two great grandchildren, Mra. Mitchell waa III for only a few days before her death. Funeral aervlte were, held from her lt res Iderii'o at t:3u yeaturday afternoon, Jutemteut being madu In I. O. O. K t-ouietery. VALUE OF CLEANING UP. What On WatUrn City Aoeompllthad by a Co-oprtlv MovamanC During a "clennlntf up day" held In certtilii wetiteni city one-tenth of the entlro poiiulailou Kindly voluntHrel at the net tlino. and more dirt waa wrap- cd together thuu 4.0IO teailia wnreablt to rart a way. Men. women and chil dren were atpong tho workira. From autirW. when the buifla Bound ed aaHemlily, until nlBlitfull the work uovcr hulled for a inomout. Every cubic yard of dirt ineuut tho riddance of a uieiwue to healtb and comrort. The city ordered alao a thouiiund ad dltlounl waate cana for the aldowalka. The aplrlt. the unity of action, waa perhapa the trenteat aucceae of the dny. Buch civic aplrlt cannot but com mand aucceaa In the uplifting and con atnnt progreaa of auch a city or town. Many towna and clttea IbrouRhout the United Btatea are doing everything ponsllilo to keep their atreeta noat and attractive. In nutneroua comuiunltlea cluba of men aud women are working In erhool yards, cleanlna' and beantlfy Ing. putting up fencea. aeata. drlnklurf fountalna. rallnR ting. luyliiK cement walka and aettlns out flower. Some cltlea are Inatalllng garbage and atreet carta of an Improved type which hna a aweepvr attachment and nvee time, labor and money. Let other towna and cltlea fall Into thH move and eliminate the phraae "apot leg town" and aubstltute "apotlena country." To End Rat Nulianoe. Byatemntlc orsnnlzed destruction of rnta. In which every peraon In the community enter, will always keep the rata down In a locality and some times almost exterminate them. Care In disposal of K'lrbngc. Care lu protection of fooda. Cnre In providing no entrance for tho rats to the buildings. Careful, systematic, thorough work In trapping and polnonlng. Careful training of a good rat ter rier. .Careful removal of all straw and bay piles, loose bonrda and trash. How Trad la Loit. It Is a sad reflection ou retailing that bo many cheap and flashy mull or der bouses con succeed In .retting trade nway-froui local dealers. It In dicates a real lack either of good serv ice and good goods at attractive prices or of the knowledge where they can be obtained locally.-PrlDters' Ink. All work fullr wu-iuiteed for fifteen rears. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists f.ning Building, Third im) WatMniton PORTLAND, ORE. Odio.How.1 A. M. to ?. it. IiuuUj.. " Move In the Right Direction. The Leavenworth (Knn.i Ad. club has offered prizes to children for the best compositions written upon the subject "Why It" Is Best to Trade at Home." "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have used It re peatedly and It has never failed to give relief." For sale by all good dealers. THIRD ANNUAL 1 Jfpple $mv SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Will Be Held , novembcr 14 to 19, 1910 $20,000 n Premiums Tho greatest variety of prizes, cups and trophies ever offered. Priz es for single apples, boxes and everything up to full carloads will be awarded ' $1000 Championship Carload Prize For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, apple grdwers, packers and cookers will learn and gain valuable information. Ample hotel accommodation without raise in price wlir ba provided. Southern Pacific Company LINES IN OREGON Will have In effect low Rognd-trlp Fares from all poin or Ms lines. For further Information apply to any S. P. Agent or to mm. Ulcmurray, General ?mmtj. ft. WET WEATHER GOODS Our stock for Winterwear is Com plete. Our men's, ladies' and children's Shoes for wet weather can not be beat. Men's and boys' high top Shoes; just what you want for winter. Also oil cloth and rubber goots. Misses' Raincoats, Jersey Leggins. All colors in children's togue stocking Caps. Remember, If you want anything for winter wear, com to us, for we always carry a complete stock. Conkey, Walker &. Lehman The Leading Store of Independence, Oregon CAMPAIIi N ENDS WITH FLOURISH THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en Bulte or sin gle. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial st Salem, Ore. The campaign In Folk county was brought to a close laet Saturday night when Hon. C. W. Fulton of Astoria delivered an able and eloquent ad dress to an attentive audience at the opera nouse in cms cny. n frequently applauded as he poured : red hot political shot into the Bourne Chaniberlain combine. The address was preluded with a musical program in which the orches tra assisted. Special numbers were rendered by Miss Lora Craven and Mrs. Shenefield, both of whom are favorites with Independence music lovers. Good Roads as Memorials. W. W. Mitchell, one of the men of menus at Cadillnc. Mich., has offered a bonus, said to be as much as $300, for each mile of good road constructed In Wexford county in the next three I years. FresumtUily one of the princi- j pnl .highways lending Into the county sent will be known as the Mitchell rond. Whether it Is or not, the aid given hi the creation of a county sys tem of Improved highways will cause Mr. Mitchell to be held in grateful re membrance by. future users of the roads. Teacher in, Airlie School Dies Mrs. Wilson, the primary teacher in the public school at Airlie died at the Airlie Hotel, Thursday morning, November 3, 1910, at 1 o'clock. A daughter arrived a few hours before the end and was at the bedside when her mother passed away. Another teacher is expected soon to fill the vacancy In the school. Observer. A Chance to Trade Will trade for anything. Ten acres in Rogue river valley. Chas. E. Hicks, independence, Oregon. L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Cooper building, room 2 and 3. Offtce; hoars, 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 1 to 6 d. m. Calls auswered nighr and day. LAURA PRICE, M. D. ' Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diseases of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 B. F. SWOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTAR. PUBLIC Will practice in all courts of the State. Probate matters and collec tions given prompt attention. Office, Cooper Bldg. Independence Oregon Pianos and Organs from beat the cheapest to the sold on Installments and rented. Geo. C. Will SALEM, OREGON EDISOM, VICTOR AND CO LUMBIA CalHing macbines A full stock of Records. Geo. C. Wilt SALEM, OREGON Sewing macbines4 Genuine need lea, oil aaf new parts for an sewing machines. Sewing machines rented. Geo. C. WUt , SALEM, OREGON CatestSbeet music Stndietv Vtollaa. Guitars, Banjos. Geo. CWill ALCtt, OftVGON