PAOE THREE EIGHT PACES INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. NOVEMBER 11. 1910. ROM LETTERS F STAFF SCRIBES - PARKER NEWS W. I Wuo, republican nominee (or aheriff. w In thin vltlnlty finishing up hl campalgu lt week. Jim UuMull wu an Indt'peudctice vUHor Wednesday Kube Dickinson of Indi-pond'-nre was lit Parktsr Friday.. F. F.'t'il ricksin lnd.'i li. iii ta i, witless last Vtnlniiuy. ... I . IJwy ' l"'11 ul' l,h " la .10 back hint wpk. dome visitor Sunday returning Mon- Italph Davidson wan an Indepen dence visitor Sunday returning M" day. Mr. Coniiott and tin ukIiUt. Mrs. Frederli kxen, were shopping In lu- Tin Ciobat sale was well intended a id most everything brought a f ' Sum HuhhuII wus helping l!P 1" 1 ' hoii boyH with their farm "work U' several days. Launcr C'oiiipton and IS. VallhT wit. hunting In -lliln vicinity the flrxt of till' week. The. Davidson boys flushed their diking Inst Friday. For some rVasn there wan no preurhliig service In (bo school houn Sunday. Rev. McCain came in on the morning train and wont on to Iluena Vlstn. Some aiiiiill boys bi-canio alarmed at wbat they suppoHed to be a cou gar iK-ar the Davidson bridge la Saturday and several mon with their dogs Joined In the flume. They final ly succeeded In chiming Mr. Cougar up a tree and behold It was only a Jiuge cat. P. T. Peterson and F. O. Fredor icksen went to independence on Mon day's freight. Saves an Iowa Man's Life The " very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen of West Hur llnKton.Iowa. when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best phys icians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Elec tric Hitters. For. after eight months of frightful suffering; from liver trou ble and yellow. Jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medi cine completely cured him. It's pos itively gtiatinteert for Stomach, Uver or Kidney troubles and never disap points. Only 50c at all druggists. MONMOUTH NEWS Judging from the weather on elec tion day and the day following the county and state went "wet." Miss Bessie Sheppard of North Yamhill was an over. Sunday visitor at the Wolverton home. Miller and Weber's lecture was re ceived by a full house at the Evan gelical church Saturday evening. H. V. Portwood of Alrlle was a business visitor here Saturday. A L. Beckley of Yoncalla bought the Gardner lots where the house burned recently, and will erect there on a modern bungalow. Miss Edith Wolverton returned Saturday from a pleasant visit at the farm with her grandparents Laugh ary. ' After renting their home to F. Y. Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. L. Moore left Thursday for Seattle to spend the winter with their daughters, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Donahue. George Bennett, who was injured by the wood saw last week, is now able to be out again. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Allin and son visited at the Rodgers home Satur day. C. C. Sloan and wife are moving to Cornelius where he recently bought property. Mr. Sloan sold his farm. Fred Sloan and wife are also going to live at Cornelius. Agate Rebekah lodge No. 177 met November 8 in the evening to prac tice the new team work after which refreshments were served. All pres ent enjoyed the evening. Shall Women Vote? If they did. millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true rem edy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings.backaehe or headache, constipation, dispelling colds, impart ing appetite and toning up the sys tem, they're unequalled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at all .druggists. ANTIOCH NEWS Monmouth. William rUhbatk has bought prop erty In Carlton. Robert Halkt of Oakdale was In this locality Thursday. Tom Ruliivan of McTlromonds Val ley paad through her Thursday. Mlsa Fay Shipley vialled with frleiida In Monmouth Friday. Mr. d Mrs. George Bwearlngen uiade a business trip to Daltaa Thurs day. Misses llael and Fern Johuson visited with their brother, Wa'ter Johnson, and family In Independence, Saturday and Sunday. Mell Ashford ami Albert Marks of near HUkreall were here Suturday. Not Sorry f r Blunder "If tuy friends hadn't blundered In thinking I wan a doomed victim of consumption. I might not " Bllvo now." writes D. T. Bandera, of Hr rodHbnrg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to euro a li" r,kl.L couth fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef fect whs wonderful. It soon stopped .the couch and I am now In better health than I have had for years. .This wonderful life-saver Is an unrl- j vailed remedy fr rouglm. colds, la (fr'ppo as'hma. croup, hemorrhages, whoopln cough or weak lungs. ie. 'll.on. Tr!ftl bottle freo. Guaranteed by all druggists. Raw Land 650 an Acre Edward Hurke of Chicago yesterday ! purchased the Gllman Andrews or chard tract of forty acres for 26,OuO. Much of this property Is raw tana an Mr. Burke will clear a portion till" winter and plant It to Cornice and Winter NelHs pears. A tract of apple-bearing orchar land In the vnlley was sold to I M. Mae.Marlln for I'.iGOO, the orchard con taining sixteen acres. The property adjoining this was recently sold to J. E. Anderson, for $1500 an acre. This orchard Is one of the most product ive in the valley, over 100 trees this season producing an average of thir ty boxes to the tree, bringing a price of $2.25 a box. One of these trees vielded thirty-three boxes of sound commercial apples of uniform color and grade. Morning Oregonlan Nov. 8. 1910. "I do not believe there Is any oth er medicine so good for whooping coush as Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy" writes Mrs. Francis Turpln, Junction City. Ore. This remedy Is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by all good dealers. Boys and Girls May Be Had Boys may be had and sometimes girls. The older ones at ordinary wages and others to be schooled and cared for In return for slight servic es rendered. For particulars address W. T. Gard ner, Supt. Boys' and Girls' Aid Soci ety of Oregon. Portland, Or. $10 TO $30 MAKES RAPID HEADWAY. Miss Launla Clinton is visiting relatives at AirlJe this week. Geo. Sullivan of Monmouth was in our vicinity Sunday. . Miss Lizzie Bogynaka Sundayed in Add This Fact to Your Store of Knowledge. Kidney disease advances so rapid ly that many a person is firmly In Its grasp before aware of its progress. Prompt attention should be given the slightest symptom of kidney disorder. If tere is a dull pain In the back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired, worn-out feeling, or if the urine is dark, foul-smelling, Irregular and at tended with pain, procure 'a good kid ney remedy at once.. Your townspeople recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the state ment of this Independence citizen. J. A. Simmons, Log Cabin St., In dependence, Ore., says: "I do not believe I would be alive today were It not for Doan's Kidney Pills. I suf fered for a long time from kidney trouble and lumbago. The kidney se cretions were too frequent and pain ful In passage and caused me much annoyance. I tried a number of rem edies, but was not helped until I be gan using Doan's Kidney Pills. They benefitted me from the first and I am now free from kidney complaint. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole- agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given thai the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of George Whlteaker, . deceased, has filed her final account in the county court of the State of Oregon for Polk county, and that Saturday, the l2th day of November, 1910, at the hour of 10 a. m. thereof, at the courf room of the said county court in the city HERE ARE SUITS AND OVERCOATS GOOD FOR THAT TIRED FEEL ING THEY ARE 8UCH A RELIEF TO THE MAN WHO HAS GROWN WEARY OF COMMON STOCKS. THE WAY THEY ARE MODELED AND MADE, AND STYLED AND TAILORED, IS ONLY A LITTLE LESS SURPRISING THAN THE WAY THEY ARE PRICED. We Have a Eeputation for Building Good Clothes WE HAVE A REPUTATION FOR BUILDING GOOD CLOTHES, AND THIS FALL THE SHOWING 13 ADAPTED TO MAKE ANY MAN PROUD. LET US MAKE A NEW MAN OF YOU. Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OREGON of Dallas Polk County. Oregon, has! NANCY A. WHITEAKER, ! A doctor cannot achieve the sue ' " . . . .... ., .wm .nilllu Kim tn unless been appointed by said court as tne Aammisirainx or me estate u. .- . time and place for the hearing of ob-J George Vhlteaker, deceased. this prescriptions are accurately com- Joction. to the said final account and Dated and first published October j pounded wltn Iresh. pure the settlement thereof. i 14. 1910. B. F. Swope, Attorney, zh ww we uor. Turkey Given Away i - HERE IS A CHANCE TO GET A Thanksgiving Turkey Free s READ THE OFFER WE WILL GIVE TO EVERY PERSON BUYING A RANGE FROM NOW UP TO THANKSGIV ING DAY AN ORDER FOR A TEN POUND TURKEY, WHICH YOU CAN GET FREE OF CHARGE TO ROAST IN YOUR NEW RANGE ON THE 24TH OF THIS MONTH. Our Ranges Can Be Had from $37.50 to $75 OUR SAMPLE ROOM " WE HAVE A FINE 6 OLE RANGE THAT WE CAN SELL YOU FOR $37 50. WE : WISH I TO am YOUR ATTENTON TO OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THE LATEST SELF BASTING MA8TEF DC TnOT THANKSGIVING-GO BY WITHOUT ONE. WE ALSO WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR FULL STOCK OF HEATERS. Get Our Prices Before Buying A FR . ah if YOU NEED A" RANGE, BUY IT NOW AND GET YOUR TURKEY !V$4ik&ir-'?"? PURCHASED ,N OUR STORE. R. II. WADE & COMPANY W. E. CRAVEN, MGR. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON