EIGHT PAGES INDCPCNDCNCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. NOVEMBER It, H10. PACE TWO WASHINGTON IS REPUBLICAN Seattle Washington mate Tuesday elected three ctmsrt miu'O, live Jus tlce of the supreme court, a slate legislature which lll choose a sue cessor to United Sutes Sonator Sam uel J'llos, and a full county ticket In very county. Two constitutional amendments to be voted upon, one granting women's suffrage and the other providing for the success'on ol the office of governor. Late returns show that William K. Humphrey, republican was reelected a representative In colore from the district which Include Seattle and King county, winning a decisive vlctorv over W. W. IUack. democrat. In the congressional district ot which Taooma Is a principal portion, Stanton Warburton. Insurgent repuo Ucan, was victorious over Langhorne, ml m the Third district In the fc.ast era part of the state, and Including Spokane. W. F. LaFollette. insurgem republican, was elected by a good ma jority. In Tacotna, the early return, muw th vet about evenly divided. Washington Cltl. Dry. Seattle A remarkable feature of the election was the eitenslon of the 'dry" territory. Nine cities In West ern Washington, including two of the largest In the state, voted to close the saloons, and 150 saloons were put out of buslnusn. The new dry cities are Everett, nellinghaiu. Mount Vernon, Ilurllngton. Sfdro Wooley, Anacorte. Edmcnds, Granite Kalla and Arlington. . STUBSS IS ELECTED Majority Much Reduced Results on Congress in Doubt. Toiteka tkivernor V.'. It. Stubbs was re-elected In Kan wis by a nlurallty estimated by republican campaign managers at from 12,000 to jfinnn Rtuhhn tuade his race on a progressive republ can platform and wa forced Into a vigorous fight by opposing railroad Interests. The gov ernor'! opponent was George A. Hedges, who, although defeated, re duced Stubba' majority o! two years ago by several thousand vote. ' - f l". . f , t 1 ! , ) I,- J i c 5.4 it . . , ! H, ' ' i f ii.-- ' L J Johnson Wins In California. San Francisco California remains In the republican column. Hiram Johnson ha been swept :nto office of awveruor by a plurality which, esti mated on a basis of partial returns, mar approximate 60,000. From the Incomplete returns receiv ed from the eight congreselonal dls trlcts in the sUte, It appears prob able that CaJtforuLa has again re turned a solid republican delegation to the lower house of congress. Indiana Goes Democratic. Indianapolis. Incomplete returns from a majority of the 90 counties of Indiana indicated that the Demo crats will bave a majority In the Legislature, laid that the Democratic state ticlcei has won by a small ma jority, which will mean the retirement of Senator Beverldge. The Democrats srem to have car r;ed 11 of the 13 Congressional dis tricts, and It is thought that Crum packer and Barnard, of the Sixth, are defeated. OHIO IS WON BY DEMOCRATS Etfly Returns In Stats Indicate a Dsmocratlo Landslide. CUvoland. Keturna Indicate thrtt Governor Judson Harmon (l)uin.) has made a clean sweep ofsjhe state, de feating Warren O. Hardin tHep.). and his plurality will approximate 60.000. Columbus Democratic StMe Chair man Nichols said returns Indicate a democratic landslide. The plurality of Governor Harmon In Hamilton county Is now estimated at 15.000, In Otyaboga cmiuty 13,000, In Mont gomery couuty .G00. Election Boards Belied. McAlester, Okla. Charged with con spiracy to Injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate certain negro cltlxens by refusing them the right to vote, half the election officials of McAI ester were arrested by a deputy mar shal and taken before the United States commissioner and hold on bonds of 12,000 each. Great Socialist Gain. New York The Socialist vote shows an increase from 60 to 100 per cent in ell of the cities of the state. In Buffalo the Socialists got 3000 as against 775 in 1908; in Syracuse 2200 as against U00 In 1908; In James town, 600, as against 457 In 1908, and the same percentage Is maintained In other cities.' Oklahoma to Stsy Dry. Oklahoma City Reports indicate that the proposition to substitute lo cal option for statewide prohibition will lose by a largi majority. Spend the Summer at NEWPORT YAOUINA BAY The only beach In the raclfic ' Northwest where the l-Wjlrr Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones, Camullans, and Ito k Oysters oan be found. Outdoor Sports, all Kinds Including Hunting, Fishing, digging Rock Oysters, Iloatlng Surf BatAlng. Riding. Autolng. Canoolng and Dancing. Pure mountain wa tr and the best ot food at low prices. Fresh Crabs. Clam. Oysters, Fish and Vegetable, of all kind, daily. IDEAL CAM PI NO GROUNDS, wIUj .trict sanitary regulation, at nominal cost. Low Round-trip Season TlckeU from all points in Oregon. Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. -i. Three-dar Saturday to Monday rat. from S. P. points. Portland to Cottage Grov. Inclusive, Including branch lines; also from all C. K. stations Albany and west. Oood going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sunday or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $1.50 from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from poinu west. In errect an summer, v-.u u . -. - ft E. Agent for full particular, a. to rates, train schedule . etc also for copy of our beautifully Illustrated booklet. -Outing. In Ore gon," or write to Wm. McMurray, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, OREGON W. F. LA FOLLETTE, Newly Elected Congressman from th Tnrrd" Washington District. Polndexter's election to the United States senate Is practically assured by the election of a republican legis lature. Returns indicate that a light vote W!iH cast. The campaign has been Tacking in enThusiasm, save in one or two aA non-oartisan supreme court ticket failed to receive the support k tta nromoters, ana i"e ihti nf the five republican candl dates lor the supreme court bench is reasonably certain. Rtitutional amendment grant ing woman suffrage was on the ballot. There has been no organized opposi tion to the amendment and it is gen erally conceded that it. has carried. Seattle seems to have voted nearly three to one for woman suffrage, but Dr. Duganne. DentlBt. over Inde- I pendente National Hank. Hell phone I -- l5l; Independent. 4410. I ' CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE BY THE BUTLER PRODUCE CO. Stimson Elame3 Progressivism. New York Henry L. Stimson at tributes his defeat to causes nation wide and a general movement of the republican party toward progTes6ive- lsm. "The returns speak lor tnera sefves. I have nothing to "regret. I ... -urm-ised that I ran so well and with the rest of the ticket," said Mr. Stimson. Foss Wins in Massachusetts. nD,n Th Democrats won the XJJ W". state election and placed Representa tive Foss, a former Republican, in the chair occupied by Governor Dra per fdr the last two years. Early returns showed the Demo crats carried almost every office on the state ticket. Joe Cannon is Elected. Danville, 111 Joseph G. Cannon w'll go back to the House from the Eighteenth district of Illinois. Re turns indicate that his plurality is much smaller than that of two years ago. n..mor.rats Sweep Chicago. nwr.aeo Returns in Chicago and nir muntv. although less than one- VWik ' half the total, indicate the democrats have swept the city and county oy from 30,000 to 40,000. Succeed when everything dee fails. In nervous prostration and female weakneaaee they ars the aopreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Minnesota is Republican. St. Paul Minnesota elected A. O. Eberhart, republican, governor, and legislature will continue to be strongly republican, Insuring the re election of United States Senator Clapp, .insurgent. ASTHMA-CATARRH CURED Expert Medical Scientists . Announce o.e.iiti hv RenDine. New York: Thousands are taKing advantage of the generous oner mi.- iik4nirili f!n DeDt O. Broadway. New York City, requesting an experimental pactcage 010., the great discovery for Asthma, Hay ti onH Tatarrh. which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It Is curing mouaauu, ti.. nn.f ctnhhnrn rases. It makes Ul W-V UlUD. " " " v.rv no difference how long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you nve, oc, ! ...111 niiiu. ..-Ill IMUU W1H WUIO jwi. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have iaiiea 10 nu - A, nnt ha AiaonnTHePiA but Sen for a trial of this wonderful truly meritous remedy which is a scientif ic ,mnAimH Hisfnvered hv a Profes- 14; wujjniuui. - tor Of Vienna TJniversity, and is be THE BALDWIN PIANO IS THE BEST After a flreat many year, of practical experience in the piano business, we are convinced that In many respect, the Baldwin I. the best In.tru ment on the market. The Baldwin people make the best pl.no that mon , ey and .kill car, produce. No other Instrument will stand the test of time like the magnificent Baldwin. Some of the most renowned artist. In the world u.e the Baldwin and cannot praise It too highly. The greatest academic musician of France, Raoul Pugno, Honorary Professor of the Conservatoire, Paris, celebrated pianist and composer, . .-use. and prefer, the Baldwin piano at home and abroad. He writes: "It satisfies me completely! A great piano!" In the .ame esteem Instruments of Baldwin manufacture are held by artists and connoisseur, without number In all part, of the world. Vol untary testimonials of such celebrities a. Madame Schuman-Helnk, Emma Eam'es, Natalie Ourazoff. Marie de Verglny, Jeanne Jomelll, Blanche Marches!, Celestie Nelll., Liza Delhaze Wlcke., Karl Breitner, Germalne Schnltzer, Edouard Colonn Edouard Zeldenru.t, William Salabert, Slglt mond de Seyfrled, E. Bevlgnanl, M. Bensaude, Pletro de Lara, Dr. John H. Gower, Rudolph Ganz, Ramon Aquabella, Theodore Neuman-Cordua, Frank Van der Stucken, Brahm Van den Berg, Miecha Elman, and many others are In the Baldwin files. But not only the artists and connoisseurs delight Ir. the praise of the Badlwln Instruments. It I. a .Ignlficant fact there are today over two hundred and fifty thou.and (250,000) piano players and organ, of Baldwin manufacture In dally use In the homesof the United States. The reputation of the manufacturer is a powerful selling force to, the dealer. The reputationof the House of Baldwin is world wide and every where the -name of Baldwin inspires confidencethe portal to success In business. SEND US a POSTAL CARD AND WE WILL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THE GREAT BALD A POSTAL, p,ANO Salea Masie Company NOW IN OUR FINE NEW STORE, 135 NORTH LIBERTY STREET, NEAR STATE . Salenr, Oregon ing recommended by thousands.