Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 11, 1910, Image 1

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Portland Ort-Kiu Iia Just passed
through tbe inot bltturly fought cam
paign for a decade. Tbe center of
Interest wa on tbe liquor question.
There are three Initiative measures
affecting thia matter. Ono a socalled
"houie rule" aiueiidmcnt to the state
constitution grant'ng to municipal!
tie complete control of the sale of
liquor. Against th'a are two proposed
constitutional amendments prohibit
ing the manufacture, sale and pos
session of liquor.
Second to the prohibition question
wa the gubernatorial contest be
tween Jay lloworuian, republican, and
Oswald West, democrat. Through
the newspaper chnrge of unusual
erlousnoa have been bandiod back
and forth regarding the candidate,
even their personal honesty and In
tegrity being assailed daily.
With about one-tenth of the vote In
the tate counted Indication point to
tba election of 0wald West a gov
ernor over Jay Bowerman, the repub-
. fh ',Tf n'T 'V A1
Probable Successful Candidate for
Governor of Oregon.
licita candidate. Bowerman apparent
ly Is the only state candidate lost by
the republicans.
Estimates based on the meager re
turns place West's plurality over Bow
erman at from 2C00 to 5000, with the
possibility that the latter figure may
be reached, Bowerman has run weil
In most of tho Eastern Oregon coun
ties, but lost some of the larger coun
ties of Western Oregon.
Out of a total of 8851 votes record
ed Dowerman has 406G and west 4798
or a lead for West of 731. While this
is less than one-tenth of the vote the
ratio is not likely to be maintained
because returns are wholly missing
from some of the Bowerman strong
holds. These, however, are the small
er counties, and it is probable that
they will not permit Bowerman to
overtake West's lead by several thous
and votes.
Oregon Congresmen Republican.
Oregon elected two congressmen,
one from each of its two districts.
Willis C. Hawley and A. W. Lafferty,
republican candidates from the First
and Second distriots.
The vote Indicates that Ha-wley will
lead his opponent by 8,000 to 14,000
votes, and A. W. Lafferty will have
a majority of from 6,000 to 10,000.
On the prohibition question the re
turns indicate the defeat of statewide
prohibition and the approval of the
shome rule bill. On the home rul bill
(incomplete returns) including Mult-
nomiih county, the ot 1098 for
the bill and 670 snlmt It. On tl
amendment prohibiting manufacture
or nd truffle Id Intoxicating lluunrs,
the Mt ato outside of Multnomah coun
ty pulled S04 analnH tint meifira out
ot 77 vote rountrd It Uiut be eon
ceded, hov.iver, thiit tro early re
turn do ti"t posltlvt . Ii.sur the d
font of i ri lilbltlon. I view of the f't
Hint tlio country U yot to be heard
Tbe republ'ciin cau!Mes for jus
tice of tho tu.onm court are e!ct 1
on tho fnev of the Incomplete return
Republican Carry Seattle.
I rv. n ,mihtlitntf tisvo ei-fed their
entire ticket In K'ng County, which
include Seattle. Humphrey has won
a decisive victory 'over Bluck, and
bite return Indlcato the e'eetlon of
the Republican Supreme Court ticket
by an overwhelming majority.
8tlmton Congratulate DIx.
New York Mr. S:lmson ent the
following telegram to Mr. Dli:
"The present return clearly Indi
cate your election. I congratulate
you and end you my food wishe
for ucce Is your administration."
Plea for Dependent Children
Perhaps It I unknown to many of
our clllxeni that the Increase of the
population ot the tate of Oregon ba
alo brought an Increase In the num
ber of dependent. Thl may een
strange to those who are nob actual
ly In the work but It 1, nevertheless.
true. While it is true the Increase
! In population ha also Increased pros
perity, yet, there Is alway a follow
ing of dependent classes and institu
tions who care for this class, who are
bound to feel thia increase, and the
Boys' and Girla' Aid Society of Ore
gon in making Its annual plea
for Thanksgiving donation wishes
to bring this fact before Its many
frlends. - "
Polk county has always bten one
of the "society best friends and the
management depends on the generos
ity of the citizens at this time of the
year. '
The public schools are quite a fac
tor toward the maintenance of this
Institution, and at this time of the
year the charitably disposed public,
as well as the public schools, are
called upon to subscribe all they can
afford for this cause.
Four hundred and ninety-six cases
were received and cared for durliyr
the past year by the society, xuese
children came from seventeen differ
ent counties of the state. Besides
giving them a home the society has,
quickly as-possible, found permanent
hnmPH fnr them in private families
where they are visited by the soci-
ety's agents in order to ascertain Jf
they are receiving proper care and
being sent to school regularly, These
agents have a large amount of work
to do and Superintendent. Gardner
says he wishes they could double this
part of the force and would do bo If
funds were available. This field
work is Very expensive to the socie
ty but it is also very necessary for
besides visiting the five hundred
children placed out in family homes
the agents also Investigate cases of
neglect and abuse that are reported
to them and if St were not for these
Investigations, many children would,
suffer hardship and degradation with
out Interference. The agents of the
society Investigated about two hun
dred of Miese cases the past year and
prosecuted about tifty per cent.
The management urges all those
who have tW welfare of dependent
children at heart to subscribe what
soever they may feel able to the good
cause and endeavor to make the do
nations to the society from the public
schools larger than ever this year.
Boys and Girls May Be Had
Boys may be had and sometimes
girls. The older ones at ordinary
waes and others to be schooled and
cared for in return for slight servic
es, rendered.
For particulars address W. T. Gard
ner, Supt. Boys; and Girls' Aid Soci
ety of Oregon, Portland, Or.
Think of Who?
mkr.i. n n will thn Salem
music dealer, when purchasing a pi-
ano. He will appreciate your traae.
Now York Election throughout
tne country Tuesday resulted In a po
litical convulsion of far-reaching ex
tent, ilmilar at many point to the
famou wave of 1892, and apparently
more widespread In It effect
In New York. John A. DIx, demo
cratic candidate for governor, 1 elect
ed over Henry L. Stlmson, republi
can, by about 65.000, reversing the
republican plurality of 70,000 tu 1908
for Governor Hughe.
Nw Jersey I Democratic.
In New Jorey, Woodrow Wilson,
democratic candidate for governor, is
elected over -Vivian M. Lewis, republi
can, by about 16,000, reversing the
previous republican plurality of 8,000
for governor.
In Massachusetts Eugene N. Foes,
democrat, has defeated Governor
Eben S. Draper, republican, for re
election, by about 30.000, reversing
Governor- Draper' former plurality
of 8.00,0.
In Connecticut Judge Baldwin, dem
ocrat. Is elected over Charles A.
Goodwin, republican, by about 4.000.
reversing the previous republican plu
rality of 16,000.
In Ohio. Governor Judson Harmon,
democrat, candidate for re-election,
appears to have carried the state by
about 16,000, over Warren O. Ilaru
lng, republican.
Vote In Rhode Island Close.
In New Hampshire, Robert P. Bass,
republican candidate for governor, is
leading C. E. Carr, democrat, by
about 6,000.
In Pennsylvania, the election of
John R. Tener, republican, for gov
ernor, is conceded by a, large ma
jority. JOHN A. OIX,
Successful Democratic Candidate
Governorship of New York.
In Rhode Island, Governor Pothier,
republican, is elected by a plurality
of 1200.
In Tennessee, the fusion candidate,
Ben. W. Hooper, is elected by 15,000.
In Iowa the democrats claim he
election of Claude R. Porter for gov
ernor, but this is not yet conceded.
Wisconsin to Return LaFollette.
In Wisconsin, the election of tho
republican candidate for governor.
Francis E. McGovern, is claimed by
a reduced majority, and the return of
Senator LaFollette
to the united
States senate is assured.
lit Av'fi
In Michigan Charles 8. Unborn, re-
publlrsn candidate for governor, Is
Theodore Koowvelf home dUtrlct
In Oynter Hay. Um lulnnd, gjve DIx
a plurality of 204. a Kiniit a i lurul
Ity of 793 for Hutches In 190ft
In L'tlia rharlea A. Taloott. demo
crat, defeated Charles S. Mllllnrton,
Vice -President Sherman's nominee,
tor congress by 376S.
There were nutabl upeet In the
coiigreistthmal dlntrleU. ReprenenU
live Herbert Parions. a life-long
friend and political associate of Theo
dore Roosevelt, was ousted by Jeffer
son M. Ivy.
Representative W. W. Cock, of
Nassau county, Theodore Roosevelt'
homo eat, was t';.prd out by Martin
Littleton. William 8. Bennett was
defeated for congress by Henry
Goorge, Jr., a son of the political econ
omist, Sereno Payne, father of the tariff
bill, was re-elected, but bis borne
town, Auburn, went for Dix, and Vice
president Sherman's candidate for
congress wa defeated by a democrat
Colonel Roosevelt' home town went
for Dlx and the democrat jubilantly
shouted they bad "beat him to a fras
xle." . McKlnly Congratulate Lloyd.
Chicago William B. McKlnley,
chairman of the republican congres
sional committee, sent congratula
tions to Chairman Lloyd, of the dem
ocratic congressional committee,
upon the reported succ of the
democrat In winning a majority in
the next congress.
0 . .
In a remote, Roman Province,
Far across the Atlantic sea.
Lived the loving hearted Jesus
Near the shore of Galilee.
He reformed a selfish religion
By changing a murky stream
Into that world-wide ocean
Where heavenly shorelights gleam.
He taught the rabble classes
By arguments very ;onvinclble
That of all creeds on religion
Love should be their greatest prin
ciple. The Pharisees as the old line Jews,
The Romans, the Greeks, all the
He ever cared for and protected
And of his love there was no dearth
The Sadducees believed not In angels,
Immortality, nor in heaven;
Yet them ever treated well
And forgave seventy times seven.
A whole world believed not as he;
By the chosen people he was
He was crucified by murderous men
Yet he blessed and injured not.
This is the life of that good man,
The best and greatest of all time
Who travelled over the Holy Land
And led a life that was divine.
When you're aboat to persecute your
You should reason, now is this
And no matter what the circum
stances Do your duty wilth all your might.
Whew you're about to persecute your
neighbor "
Thinlt what Christ would have done
And no matter what the circum
stances Decide to follow that noble one.
Send no tlnkling-cymbal sounds above
The -world is cold when one but
': pjeads;;
But fill your heart full up with love
The world bows low to noble deeds.
There is but little in a mere belief,
But there is as to what we' shall
So let's ring out the old man Adam
And do our best to ring in the new.
E'er let us follow our own advice,
From hate and persecution flee:
E'er follow the noble life of Christ
Our good shepherd of Galilee.
The latest things out in calendar
and picture mounts at the. Enterprise
office. We cut fehem to any size de
sired. -3lf
On Sunday, November 20. the Meth
odist of Independence will dedicate
their beautiful new church. Dr.
Fletcher Homan, president of Willam
ette University at Salem, will preach
the deJicatory sermon In the morn
ing and no doubt will also preach at
night. There will be three sermons
during the day. Promptly at ten
o'clofk there will be a love feast. One
half hour later the dedication sermon
proper will begin. In the afternoon
at three o'clock will be held a plat
form meeting conducted by Rev. J.
T. Abbet, superintendent of Eugene
district. In this service a number of
prominent laymen of the Oregon con
ference and former and visiting pas
tors will each give short addresses. It
will be a rousing service. The even
ing service will be a special evangel
istic service.
Special music will be rendered at
all these services. It is expected to
have a new organ installed by No
vember 20.
All will greatly profit by attending
any or all of these services. Dr. Ho
man has made a great record raising
money and dedicating churches. He Is
a very forceful preacher.
Arrangements' have been made to
entertain all visiting friends. Sunday
dinner and supper will be served free
to all visitors la the church basement.
It is expected that many friends from
Dallas, Buena Vista and nearby
churches will be present. Special In
vitation is given to all former mem
bers and pastors.
The Methodist church has shown a
marked progress during the past two
years. Not until a year ago was it
made a full station. During this one
year the membership has not only
doubled but the expenditure has in
creased more than proportionately.
As a result there is now erected a
building that Is modern In every way
and which will seat from 400 to 450
people. The interior of the building
is arranged to meet every need of .
church and Sunday school work. Al
ready the building has been filled to
Its full capacity and this will no
doubt be a frequent occurrence in the
near future. . .
It is estimated that about $2000
will have to be raised but a good
share of this being tentatively sub
scribed it is thought that securing
that amount will not be very diffi
cult. .
A cordial invitation is extended to
everyone, especially the churches of
te city, to be present.
Methodist Church
Regular services at the Methodist
clyiroh next Sunday: Sunday school
at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m.
Song service in the evening at 7 and
preaching at 7:30. All are welcome.
'. Calvary Presbyterian Church
Regular services for worship at Cal
vary Presbyterian church next Sun
day, with preaching by the pastor,
both morning and evening..
Saves an Iowa Man's Life
I before Robert Madsen of West Bvr-
hngton.Iowa, when, after seven wee;:s
in the hospital, four of the best phys
Icians save him up. Then was showi
the marvelous curative power of Elec
tric Bitters. For. after eight months
of frightful suffering from liver trou
ble and yellow jaundice, getting no
help from other remedies or doctors,
five bottles of this matchless medi
cine completely cured him. It's pos
itively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver
or Kidney troubles and never disap
points. Only 50c at all driiKKi-'U.