Mai five EIGHT PAQtS INDirtWDKWCK tWTlWrWf r. INPtPtNOtNCI. OWIQON. NOVtMBtW 4. 1810. FALSEHOOD IS DISPROVED i I: lu order to help thvlr cause, some l "' kdvin ar tlrt ulttlliiK cam-l fulm ho.idi. It hn ln-'ll staled ilmi I lui Marlon County Krv Commit-1 leu wit bought off tiy th liquor In-liTi-Htn. IIi Th Ih a telegram sent W. I. Miller of Dallas from that commit i': "Salem. Ore.. Oct, 2. "W. 1". Miller. DullitN. Oro.Iii re. MORE FACTS LESS BOOZE The "wet" papers are continually crying. "Mora facta a id oratory." Aa If newapaiMTa wvt otiri at that had a iiioricix'ly of the facta. Nine time out of ten the facta of the wet papers are cither jutiKled statement, lilouliat rmuliiklona. anneal to HP' Boy Wanted An hundred Ihouaaiid loitl a year are burled In drunkard' graves. An tiuudred thousand bora mukl tome UD 10 tk tltclr place. Hj you a boy to offer to lh iiikttuaiiiti maw of thla frightful uioiiatcrT f I lnK u because of the gnat number uf maure already on tho ballot atul of our confidence that tho male would no dry. N colniiiltlen had a chance to sill out. U, h. Ki'llogK. itnv fi a. ritllluiai. 1'axtnr CiiiiKrcaatlotml church; Hev ('Miitrtil II. I plr to your Inquiry as to why the(jiabco( k. Pastor Hrt Presbyterian iiuemlmi of local option aa not sub- mitt. -d In Marlon county thu year w.ll 8iy ih matter wait discussed I" opo.t meeting and tho concensus of opinion In favor of not submit- CASTOR I A For IafcmU and Children. Tti Kind Yea Kavs Always Bonghl Be&rs tba Signature of i For the Ambitious (Education by awll f" thna wb aaaant attntul la praia. AH yumruim, auciuuwa. ana aiaiulnatlofia, I IKK.K, c kaauhara, WwUnta praparlnf tur ( or anlTaral. tj, mbw i alafca, f raaraa. ang'Baara ana bona laakara. Ho nraluulaarjr aaaaila tlua la ranotraS. Tula 111 auoraa attain orpoviuui t you. a daaarv-ra boIMia to lha church- Rev. ll viral Christian church Thla should settle thla matter QprraatMMMiaaffa anlr llniartiniii EagaM - - - Orao SI;MsM Purity run - CANDY rtnioNui MODERN DEALER Hodara CwhcMamy Ct.. Mfra., wllui, OnfM Compare Our Prices With thorn hr bn In th Iwbil of mHam. ud ton will tbiil w offHr lou nUtteotlMl on ftll work and 700 rannot iP't ttt4.r raifilaw rMttv wurk fur out If Amir.. and roa will w tb-t aa onnr Ion a uUwtaotlMl Ingnn ail worn ana you cannot pemir rJ aoxk aaywbara. ao aiaUaf Itow maoh rem tj. 6taati for County Traaaurer HttvltiK received tho nomination. 01 (lie iHiinoiratle ticket for fount; Trcuaurer. I wIhu to aay to tho vol era of I'olk county that If ducted, will accept the oMIco and do my ut miMt m traiiHBit tho buHlneaa In I way that will be a crdlt to inynHf and the people whom I rprt'ierit. I 1.1. r.i near Alrlle In thla county. vrailoated fn.m the Monmouth Htate Normal Bcbool In 18U3. taught achool n, thla county for aevon ycara, held the poaltlona of deputy aafor and .!...,., .i,Urirr rr four vcara. conduct ru a confectionary etore In Uallaa for two yi-ara and the remainder of my time ha been apont keeping booka for various flrma. I bellove I can. truthfully aay that I have always done my work to the complete satlafactlon of my employ- era, and I nave in every iae u. honestly and courteously witn an 01 tholr cuHtomers. Aa practically my whole life has been spent In this county, these matters can be eaauy Investigated. 2223 TRACY STAAT3 (Paid advertisement.) PLEA FROM NORTHWEST i briMi wur lor -town onm lr l-'sllnlfwa) '"or - V" l-'alnlf-M uxtraiitton rna atmn llHt( or Itrldan work U oitlar ad. ContulUlion IrM. Holu Hmwn. 25.00 Z2kBrldtaTaatk4-00 Gold Filllift 1.00 Entmtl Filllna 1.0 Silvw Fllllnr .5 Qom Rubbar nn PlilM 6.00 B.ttR.dRubtvar, PUtM 1.0 II I Will. Pmumvt iat Mtaian PtinltM EltrMlM a MftM HTuuatn fmtum t aiminn All work fullr uarnntood for flftoon reara. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists r.Htnr Bulkltnc. IhtnUnd WiXihitoa PORTLAND. 0KL Ofifca Boani U-U.I.IMI. SiuuUt. ta l 7.50 .50 It Is impossible for the Enterprise to print the many excellent articles and letters that have come In behalf of a dry stale and county. The fol lowing letter deserves special notice. It is a plea from the northwest part of tho county. Head it before voting: Mr. W. P. Miller, Dallas, Oregon. Dear Sir: In reply to your request for information concerning the con ditions of the liquor traffic in this hum nf lnllt countv will Bar that It is much better since tho county went dry In 108. Not only among me Indians but also among tne wmies there have been less than one-tenin as many drunken men. While the gallon houses were being run It was unsafe for women and children to travel along the road, and rendered the community unfit to live in. We think the condition, as it existed dur ing the time the county was wet, a disgrace to the county and sincerely hope that the voters of Polk county will aid us in protecting this com munity from such a condition in the future. . JAMES W. WOODEN J. II. PATERSON P. C. LADY Butler. Oregon, Oct. 30. 1910. tiini-a concocted Ilea. The "oratory of tho drys, too often to suit the wet advocates. coiikIkis of su h red- firreit. l'antorjh"l bunilng logic and n.cts tnnt an XIIW Villi uu I a I u n,v, im" !' prlMomr whom the jury has found Kiillty. "It Is not so." Hern ar imiih cold fads: The V. 8. Supreme Court says: "There Is no Inherent right In a cltliten thua to sell Intoxicating liquor by retail." Thla la a fact. Again. It says: "If a loss of revenue should accrue to the t'nlted 8tats (from prohibi tion! from diminished consumption of ardent spirits, she will be the gainer' a lliounand fold In the health, wealth and happiness of the people." This too Is a fact. Further the U. 8. Supreme Court pay. "More misery and crime are caused by saloons than any other curse." Another fact. Tha Dreirnnlan aavs. "Tho economic argument la against tne saioon. An other fact worth while. Koa If the aaloon la the nation's worst curse morally and socially and If economically It does not pay, there Is absolutely no reason why it should not be prohibited. This Is the one cold fact that burns so terribly Into all the sophlstrlea the wets can give. The nol ce records or uauas ana in dependence show that In the two towns the number of arrests for drunkenness during the two years of Uv-al option ending June 30, 1910, Is fifty, and that the record shows for the year endln June 30. laos, unaer license there were 125 arrets for rtrniikennoHB In other words. In two years of local option there were Just two-firths as many arrests as in one wet year. Reduced it would be in one dry year there are only one-nuu many arrests as under wet. And yet the sheriff has not enrorceu uie law as well as when Baloona were in voguo. The people are not drinklug i much now as belore. inis, to. is very severely cold fact. Over twenty busineHS men In Dal las and many In Independence have business and want the county and state to go dry. This is another cold fact. Tho banks of the countv show more resources and more deposits tnan our 1-t tho wef reninie. The Indepen- ii.nea Vatinnnl Bank reDorts show an inrroann nt over eltrhtv thousand; ooi lars in resources and over forty-four Hnllnra in, dCDOSitS Since tniw 1Q118 That th banks here Dros pereil is sufficient argument that pro hibition does not destroy business, vfnro mid facts can be given if these do not satisfy. More facts and less boose will ma terially help the logic of tho wet ad vocate. INDEPENDENCE NEWS Hear Meyers at Christian tonight on Oregon Dry. church THIRD ANNUAL national JJpple Sftow SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Will Be Held - nouetnb.r 14 to $20,000 in Premiums The greatest variety of prizes, cups and trophies ever offered. Priz es for single apples, boxes and everything up to full carloads will be awarded $1000 Cbamplonsbip Carload Prize For the best oarload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and onehalf acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, apple growers, packers and cookers will learn and aain valuable Information. Ample hotel accommodation without raise in price will be provided. Souibern Pacific Company LINES IN OREGON Will have In effect low Round-trip Fares from all points on Its lines. For further information apply to any S. P. Agent or to ma memwrray, General Passenger jjfet. " - - - st no. at Kramer's. u Mrs Lottift Dorris and her mother, Mrs. D. L. Hedges, returned Wednes day from a visit or a few days in Al bany. D. W. Wilson and family and V. C. Vehrs and family, all of Lebanon, were Sunday visitors at the Thos. Warren iiniim Tlie oartv made the trip in their auto, returning the same day. D. W. Wilson, - a prominent and well known farmer and stock raiser of Linn county, was visiting friends in Independence and vicinity recent ly. Mr. Wilson purchased some ot Pnllr county's fine coats a year ai;o and Is so well pleased with them that he will return for more in tne neu future. " nr nucanno. Dentist, over Inde pendence National Bank. Bell phone 111 t Tn.lrtrcinrtnnt 4410. tf V. C. Vehrs of Lebanon, who is ex tensively engaged in raising and ship ping stock, was visiting friends in In dependence recently. He is quite fa vorably impressed with Polk county In general and Independence in par ticular. Misses Millie and Anna Addison spent Sunday in Monmouth visiting friends. Tonight Rev. Meyers of Dallas wilt speak on the liquor question in the Christian church. All should hear Shim. ... Hear Meyers at Christian cnurcn tonisht on Oregon Pry. Calendar and picture mounts for sale at the Enterprise office. The lat est things out. , 23trl The latest things out in caienuar and picturo mounts Tat Hie Enterprise office. We cut them to any size de sired. , t J3tf Wm Dnwos was attending: to busi ness matters in Salem last Tuesday. Chas. E. Hicks was a business vis itor to Roseburg several days during the Inst of the week, returning home Monday evening. T J Fryer returned Wednesday from a short visit with his" son, Claude Frver. and his daughter, Mrs. Dr Campbell, of Castle Rock, Wash ington. , ' . ; t!.pn young s nuuoc u""" v" was burned to the ground. Saturday. I The building was insured. v. v if 7 ft" ' . mm T- 1 J 'a. 1 Jf V-S ': W. L. BICE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR THE OFFICE OF SHERIFF OF POLK COUNTY I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of Polk county and prom, ise if elected to give the people of Polk county a clean, Impartial and businesslike administration of the of fice of sheriff, with fairness to all but favors to none and hope to be come acquainted with as many of the voters as my time will permit before the election on November 8, 1910. Yours respectfully, W. L. BICE (Paid advertisement) LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Dlaasea of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 B. F. SWOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARN PUBLIC W1U practice In ail courts of the State. Probate - matters and collec tions given prompt attention. Office, Cooper Bldg. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large gunny rooms, en suite or sin gle. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial at 8a I em, Ore. L. I HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON Independence Office In Cooper building, room 2 and 3. Office hoars, 9 a. m. to 12 m. land 2 to 6 d. m. Calls answered night Oregon ' and day. Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. Geo. C. Wilt SALEM, OREGON EDISOSi, VICTOR AND CO LUMBIA Calking Itlacbines A full Btock of Records. Geo. C. Wilt SALEM, OREGON Sewing tllacbines Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sawing machines. Sewing machines rented. Geo. C. Will SALEM, OREGON Catest Sbeet music ftwa a4 Org Studies. VloUaa. Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. Geo. CM Will SALEM, OREGON Y