Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 28, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tim fuiluwliiK artklu U a clipping
Kl lll yy lruUlllll'l.t 1'UllUe bUBIIIUka
Uiiiii. u u worth wniiu to i en a n.
ll.u CiJllOIS tttlll pilllUOl'I'IK'I'H Mltf
WuikiIik tuuinsulvtN into lino fren
l. t, liter 1. 10 lliei i imu til puilpcnhlll
Ui.ii unnvii, 'tll)t!Cllttly 111 our great
CllCR, I WO allllpiu ttrUtllllll UHuillal
lln; lain r I ru 11 u: liuiu ueoii Wurked
Ollt, Will, ll KO at loll Wliy (UMUlU Soli
iK mo pi'oOluiu Ol I'll our vuiiolliic
I I'll 'lb I '.
ugijor truffle tliioiihinit Amor
tin uiiiy Mbs tin grocer, t" Ijiikit,
tliu iiuti in r ami a. I uilir i -c 1 1 : i : i t .
bumiiohS 1J f IlilllllillH (if dollar) Mllli ll
(lllll'l WmO WOUld llllW Ut'i'tl CXlilltllilOll
ui uiclr louiiu rx lor wiiuirsuiiiu aim
h-ul.' coliilliod.llcb,
Tr. informing a Nation at '.U Conu
a Day.
Thu fii'iii and lii'inuim tho morn (iiiulult'ii uf iIii-mu two uiu-
mi ma now lu uuu la ml proiilUiiun .
i uiii,uIhii Ik tin.' simple Iihi i.f pro-1
vmioiiM, irult nnj other uroiurU-a'
Willi Ji lliu druiikui'U'ii family mluhl
liao In olio yua.-'g (Hint if (ho o
tlui of lujuur im . .ta 1;;. thu Items
I. mod thu tea ii'iila u (lay ho spends,
for ui'it or other lnjiior. The de
tails if this urnuii.eul vary la ulfCor
Taylor said:
"Thar forjtot to My that the av
erage aaluou lu Battle Creek tuuat
receive from the puoplu lio.ouo a yea
la order to py rout and tuputmes
and aorgro a fair salary for the
loou keeper.
"If It.- ill If.... f It-Ill.. fr.., aIll
cloao uu their forty-sevun saloons and
For Bale 3
milk cows, il.
hlghgrade Jersey
K. Cautnorn, ludo-
mj up lueir lony-sevun nouns aim - - - . .,.,
turn ov.r to m the inoii-r that ! ro- Uvl p"0" UX '
. . i ' vi.HrM' ri-utiletiiK In fir.
cut sections, bui tiuio 1h one striking
roi'ieni'iiliilloii ot thu urguuioiit aa( ponr r1irr
roci'iitiy circulated U. Dayton, Ohio, j wm hulld
to wliU h Wito aiflxod tho signatures , (.iinoi fr ,
iiou limit In uur liv fur ilrlnk In oil
y ur, I will di'pimit It In tli Old Na
lloiiu) bank and Kho lionda, and I
will provlilo for my fi.llnw cltUtuia
and tho city thu following. Li'iiuflin:
"I will pay
2w ini'U I.' per day for 300
day to work o.i. our
atrt'ota lU'O.i.'tM
5U tiiiiMKli TH fit a day for 2n)
duya to Iiiiiu'ovh our mrcfiii,
"I will Klv
ou poor f ii in 1 11 cm II a day
for Kml (Illy G0.000
l'J Ml f.inillli'H a Imrri'l of riour
at li a liurrrl
Fui-I f r two fires out li to Ji'M
f.iio puliH of bhoi'M to thu poor,
M) llri'KKI'b to poor WIlUH'll
at $IU cull
Am) dri'HHi'H to poor ulrln nt
S.i 'nrli
2IK) aiilu to poor men worih
$15 each
400 au'.ta to poor bora worth
$10 ah
2oii eloiikH to poor women at
$.'i arh
400 ThnnkHKlvliiK turkoya to
poor faiulllca at $160 each .
200 ChrlHt tmbh dlnnra to poor
fanilllew at $2..r0 each ...
too paeknRa of candy to
poor children
a klndiTunrtun
nnrti fh 11(1 rill
of tw!iv prominent grocers of that j,rt, jw0 teachers for
illy: th school
"Auyono who drlnkn three i'Jhhi'h j w) bul,j a n,.w f)ro 8tation
of whiaky a day for ono yiiu uiui ,) equinnioiit worth ....
paya ten cent a drink for ll can hav i j wm jay towar,j the H.W
at any of tho flrina wlume nuuieb ap-j r,y ,a 60,nno
pear inn th.s cum inn uiiowinit fcro- w j l)Uy ,,tt(., Bltoon keeix-r
cer.t-H; a cozy home worth
"a bl!n.
' 400
i a cozy
flour, o uu. pui.uoeB, ..,.h
His. Kini'ulniod Hiinar, 1 b.i.. i r.t. iiei.
1 l.ivpiT. 2 IIih. tea, .i0 lu.. B.Ut.
20 lo. rice. fiO Iba. butter, 10 Iba.
hesu, ."i Iba. rolfoe, 10 candy,
3 d at. cuiik toiniitoi'H, ID ickit?i,
10 do., oranges, 10 (loz. biinanim. 2
do..' cairn corn, IS boxo mail lu, la
tin. Iichmh, 100 nikim Hunp. 2 pkKs.
rolii-.l oiiih, for tho saino money and
net jl jo prcinUim for nmkliiK the
cha'are l.i his txiindlturi'S."
Ano'.hor View of the Saloon a a
Business Hlrate.
The noi'ond way ny which tho rob
bery of loiUUniat." )iisiiiss by tho
Hiilo'.u ih Kraphlially set forth U II
l ;Ht rated In an delivered In
u r-'i'H local prohlblljon bnttli In
lint tic Crock. Midi., by former State
Chn'rniati W. A. Taylor of Michigan.
The aaloon wan loudly boriHtlna tlm
It I-ald some $2G..ri00 rovenue. half of
wbli h would support n larre numner
if TlUfll" nnrl iirovlde for the. educa
tion of 800 children In the public
). ho' 1 4 of Dnttlorri-ok. In reply Mr.
I will mako each saloon ko.'p
23, .100
or a nresont or a cliecK ol
$.'.Oo to support him while
n 1.4 luoklnn nt) a new Job.
", havlnx paid out only $164.
0.0. I will have $ti.j(io on hand to
commencii tho now year with."
Archbishop Ireland: "The urea
cause of social crime Is drink. The
Kroat cause of poverty Is drink. When
I hear of, a family broken up and ak
the cause drink. If I no to the pal
lows and ask the victims the cause
they answer drink. Then I ask my
self In perfect wonderment, why do
not men put a stop to this thing?"
For Infants and Children.
Be Kind Yen gai tosys BoBgkl
F'?a the Ambitions-
Bears the
Slftfu-tujo of
r ail fir tV"ir wl.o cannot uttnuil In
j. -rwin. All Uiuui tK.ii, UiiiiuimK iiiuu
ntuilfuiti pmiiarlcg for vnVrgn nt naivwul
tv, waioim noluliii, cmniii-i, eiiif'uniiniwid
h'rn wiiii. . iliwil..iuy fiiumnw
tl .j la renul:fl. Tl.dn iiiiul uiuso iumuj"
onortaiiltv fi yoi. '
Hunil tut Ci:iKupii bullotln to tli
Cm-ion j'Mico etiiilj' IVimrtmmit
Vnlveraltr of. rKon
Bnem - - - Oregon
Pwri ty
Staats for County Treasurer
HaviiiK received tho nomination, on
tho Democratic ticket for County
Treasurer. I wish to say to the vot
ers of I'olk county that If elected, I
will accept the office and da my ut
most to transact the business in a
way that will be a credit to myself
and the people whom I represent. I
was born near Alrlie in this county,
graduated from the Monmouth State
Normal School in 1893, taught school
in. this county for seven years, held
the positions of deputy assessor and
deputy sheriff for four years,' conduct
ed a confectionary store In Dallas
for two years and the remainder or
my time has been spent keeping
books for various llinis.
I believe I can, truthfully say that
I have always done my work to me
I Ik fact ion nf mr eiUPloy-
i l.niro iii overv case dealt
n,.iw.uM nn.1 courteously with all of
their customers. As practically my
Whole life has been spent In this
county, these matters can be easily
(Paid advertisement.)
Forced to Leave Home
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to go te
another climate. But this is costly
and not always sure. There's a bet
ter way. Let Dr. King's New Discov
ery cure you at home. "It cured me
of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel
son of Calamine, Ark., "when all else
failed and I gained 47 pounds in
weight. It's surely the king of all
fnncrh unH liirnr enroi" Thousands
own t.he'ir lives and health to It. It
'1 hlrty-tlirf e yearn' residence In Or
ckoii and more than elKutet'ii years'
i-iperlence In the Courts of Oregon
has fitted Percy It. Kelly for Circuit
J ml tic Vote for liiui. (1'uhi adver-
M. H. Ualdwlii and wife of Wluluck,
W iiHliliifctou, vlHlled with friends lu
tho city for a few days.
lion NuIhoii loft Thursday for
Shelbyvlllt). KentiHky, where, bu will
attend a sale at llurr Oak farm, of
soventy flvo Imported Jersey cnlllo on
November 3. Ilo has bought twenty
head at private alo iiml may buy
more at tills sale. Ho expects to be
auuv about n month and will buy
4t(MioHtoi'k for John Stump and Clark Hem
i iiou t lir4
.MIhs Ruby Knrhart. who is attonu
dig school at Corvallls, vlslled at
homo over Saturday and Sumlny.
Mlns Mildred Owen was a I'ortbind
vlKltor Saturday,
Dr. Dunsmore returned from a two
weeks' visit in contral Oregon on
Wednesday. During the week he
spent In I'rlnevillo, tho District Court
" is In session, tho county touchers'
Institute with about seventy-five
teachers present, the Crook county
fair was hold, all of which tended
t,i fill tho town to overflowing.
Dr. Dunsmore came in Sunday for
a week s visit witn oni menus. ie
was on his way home from Pendle
ton, where be had been to attend a
session of the Presbyterian synod.
The doctor Is located at Indepen.
donee. Ho Is well pleased with his
new field. His old friends at Prine
ville werj glad to see him again.
Crook County Journal.
Rend "Oregon. The Last Call of
the West," by Walter V. woenise.
Beautifully Illustrated In four colors,
In November Sunset Magazine. Jow
on sale at an news sianua.
cents. 224
Mrs. Wm. Patterson of Ashland is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
r'ori r.rplval In this citv.
1 Mrs Elsie Churchman of Ashland
came up Sunday and is visiting her
sister. Mrs. Carl Perdvnl.
F. M. Donaldson, one of th Bue-
na Vista merenantB, mauo a nu "i"'"
tho Enterprise yesterday.
V. A. Mossner was a visitor
Tnrloiinndonco vosterdav.
u'nit.. Tavlnr came down from
sr.nliia vnnt'prdnv to visit friends.
Dr Rut lor left yesterday for New
port where he will troll for salmon.
Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Hewitt and .1
n Mr-tntnsh worn visitors at I'nion
vlllo and Dayton Tuesday, returning
w o f ttonowell. They made
k irin in c Ixins's auto.
ivTia Maenlfi Li. Black and Barley
R. Prather, two of Buena Vista's
married at that
li..,. soirH nctobor 15. They
have 'rented Jas. prather's farm and
will make- their home there.
an rvlrt and hiehlv Te-
snocted citizen of Buena Vista, died
in r.ic.Minnvuie miiuiv, w-
tr. un .nAV tn McMinnville only
a few weeks befor his death. He was
fifty-seven years of age ana i-
a widow and one son to mourn h s
loss, besides other relatives.
body was brought to uuena visia iu,
ho.tnn held from
UU. mi. . . -
... - l..,.nrallnill nhlirrh ill that City.
Mr and Mrs. W. R. Helvio of Sa
lem were In Independence Tuesday
They were here on the lookout for a
farm to rent. Mr. Helvie is a form
er employee of the Salem Statesman
where he was employed for about
ten years.
L. F. Savage, manager of the faa
lem Music Company, was transact
ln huslness In Indepnedence Tues
day. Mr. Savage, who has been a con
stant advertiser in the independence
Enterprise, expressed himself as high
ly pleased with the results secured,
and while here renewed his former
contract of 1500 Inches to be used
during the next year.
C. E. Nash has returned to Buena
Vista after several weeks' absence
E. S. Ryhee returned with Mr. Nash
and together they will open a photo
graph gallery at Buena. They expect
to occupy a tent as there is no suit-
okl,. V.m'1Un.r In Inwn f H tholr TUir-
j pictures of babies under two years
4' A""
. :, : 1 ,,; '4 . ' -. '
' ' V ji t i & i k
I respectfully solicit the support of
the voter of Polk county and prom
ise if elected to give the people of
Polk county a clean, impartial and
businesslike administration of the of
fice of sheriff, with fairness to all
but favor to none and hope to be
come acquainted with as many cf the
voter as my time will permit before
the election on November 8, 1910.
Your respectfully,
(Paid advertisement)
Monmouth, Oregon
Specialty Diseases of Women
Bell Telephone Main 193
Will practice In all courts ot the
State. Probate matters and collec
tiona given prompt attention.
Office, Cooper Bldg.
Independence Oregon
C. E. VanAllen, Prop,
Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin
Sle. Electric lights, bath and piano.
European Plan
243 N. Commercial st Salem, Ore.
Office In Cooper building, room 2
and 3. Office hoars, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
and 2 to 6 p.. m. Calls answered night
and day.
y7 Kodar ContMlmnwir Co., HI.. Ptrtluxl, Ongon J
.11 I WIMP PW" 11.''
owe tne r uvea ana neaun to n.. ,v, awav free
positively guaranteed for Cougns, or a:
Colds. LaCrippe. Asthma. Croup all
i Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1
Trial bottle free at all druggists.
Compare CarPrie
With thorn you hav bean in the hbl o wins.
and you will s tint w uffi-r on titwtntUI h.iv-
Fork avawhoro, no tuatter now muo
lA(a find
';"''S 'S'
nirk ...
hfidLA nrk for OQt-
1 of - twn t.Btrom In
Itma ily u ilil:s
I l alnlfrtfl oxtmction
sfmewluin p aim or
? briiltii. word in onk-
fiu. Consululioft irso.
Vi Molar Crowns $5.00
V'. I wifiar irown v.v
Gold ruling I.UU
Enamel Filling 1.00
Kllvu rilllnn .50
Qood Rubbor - nn
Plain O.UU
Beat Rod Rubbar -n
PUlaa 7.50
M.W.. Will, Piimia Muiau PKileia Eitr'tlon ,0b
nut anmaau v raarua MCrMooa
All work fullr suartuiteod tor fifteen IMa
Wise Dental Co.,mc
..." - Wl
E ... . ..'A. . .d. . J
v FiJIfnr Bull din
0toc Hoars:
in less Dentists
W. P. Bundy has turned his house
part way around and has finiishe
and repaired it, and given it a fresh
coat, of paint.
Walter Wells has moved on Mrs
McGowan's farm.
J. A. Oakley and Walter Acox are
baling A. McLaughlin's hops this
Sloper Bros, are hauliv trellis
poles from Prattler's, above Buen
Willie Bevens is going to put new
trellis In his hop yard.
Mrs. W. F. Bandy's granddaughter
Miss Lillie Oakley, Is staying with
her, and going to school.
Orchardists Attention Now is th
time to spray for Anthracnose, o
Dead Spot, also Woolly Aphis. Cal
and get full Information as to wha
to spray with. Use our Pea Crystal
blue stone and Roche Harbor Lime.
Williams Drug Co. 20tf
of ace and It is said that several of
tho Inrppr p-lrls nre rtttemntlne to
come In under the age limit. But
they never gut old at Buena Vista.
Engineer Hall is certainly improv
ing the opportunity afforded by the
fine weather to get the sewerage
along as far as possible before the
actual winter rains set In. The ditch
on C street has been dug nearly to
the school house and sewer pipe
hns been laid a good deal of the way
Mnst all nf Main street sewerage is
Tho Infant onn nt TVTr nnrl Mrs W.
M. Goode died in. this city Saturday,
October 11. aged twe.nry-one monius
The Goode's have been in indepen
dence only a few woks, having moved
here from Salem. Mr. Gonde is em
ployed by the Pacific Telephone Com
pany here. The body was taken to
Salem for interment.
C. Li. Fitchard returned from Eu
gene Monn'av. He bought a hundred
bales of hops while there last week.
Prices paid ranged form 10 cents to
11 and 12 cents. ,
"Coming events cast theor shadows
before." Come to the "Shadow so
cial" elven by Fraternal Union at K.
of P. hall Monday night, October 31.
The shadows you will see there will
be a forecast of a dainty lunch which
will be provided by the ladies who
cast the shadows.
Pianos and Organs
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Geo. C. Will
Seeing machines
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing machine
Geo. C. Will
A full stock of Records.
Geo. C. Will
Eausi Sheet Ultisic
and Organ Studies.
Violin, Guitars,
Sfasdollna and Banjo.