Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 28, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PACg roun
For Bumper Fruit and Hop Crop
KuuTod i'i'BJiiH-, Ore., pose office a second-da matter.
Subscription, 1.50 Pf Yar
Thero seen. to t gulu a burd'
homo; b'nro lite fcn'ftit-r property u -I iih ui. i ii y luiiu.f mi
iirokoiin'iiis. ami uii rmi of tax K.
rmiiiitc upoa tat' editor of tho Item. Liut oven n'l.m.J ti:o ui l y bo high
er. A a real esiato man tie i'udnj,,r l)viw thu.i ifto;v. Alt. any I null
out It. erasure praisinK lullu and .a unit It U a i leaner, purer
l'oik county and showing that It la a
very profitable investment la settle
In IaUun or itit" county. Hut as
champion of tlu llpier traffic. In'
tat os that I'allan H ant pr.perouii
Now which uf 111 u'.titudeti I
Uurlns t!i lij-t two yearn lal!as
h&s limit forty five houses; thirty
four now built by those favininj; a
dry town. The cohere fcroutly In
creased iu endowment. The Call hu
tl spent $i:!.000 In Unpnn omenta.
A huh school baa been built. Con
tractors say they have had more worn
this last year ibaa. ia five years pre
Since the saloons have been voted
out, Dallas baa "purchased a rock
Quarry, installed a crusher, purchased
a roller, and has macadamized a
least twenty Mocks of her streets
Even tho churches have prospered
JJot what the IteniUep ltseif says:
"Religious Interests seem to be awak
ened in Pallas as never before. We
have live pastors In all the churches,
mnd they are doln-,r estimable wirk."
It stems that Mr. Flake's "dry" lit
erature he has sevt out over the
country is more rel'able than his ed
ltorial pases.
a. id iiioro U'Viraolo jiituu la wuiiti to
biskey i luli Ucr t'1.1.1 water.
Th l.m wUi acviiuiit ir tue Ot serv
ea l.oppm,; over to liio democratic
pa..y. li ts Ke.e;.l lutotilueii by
repu.dbiris thai ti.o t'l'SffuT
uoue uuuiini; loss .a t.iui.,t up lae
Uv of a:i Imaginary uttut k on
the caanuit i iuttcj ..t lae yUmal
Conduct of the slurff t I'o.k eo.ii.:...
That Sber.ff Grant is "wet" i
known to every tuaii, woman ai.d
child .11 tile county. It U knows, by i
the editor uf tho Observer ami the
'defense" of the sheriff Is purely "a
wet tualur." Tho criticism of the
Knlcrprise by every other man who
caa muster up coui'uko enough to In
sinuate that we are unjust In this
matter, woe... sif,."l down, resolves
Itself to the wet and dry controversy.
If anyone undertakes to defend the
official conduct of Sher.ff Grant dur
ing bis term of office, Htop to en
auire is the motive.
i'urliix the campaign of tho prl-i
maries the editor is said to have
I been so conscience stricken w ith par
j ty loyalty that Ills friends say it was
the straw that nearly broke the cam
el's back to support the assembly
candidate for congress Instead of bis
old friend and Insurgent. Mr. Mulke.v.
The Observer aiks, "Who are the
more interested la the welfare a.-.u Mr. Haytcr promis'd to stand faith
prosperity of Dallas and l'oik county.' f. ,ie repu! licr.n caadidates. How
the ediUrs of tue Dallas newspapers fa j,ful he has proven is Instanced1
or the trael.nK speakers who vUit (n tne sttppir; he Is ivnK to thoj
the towa to speak on the respect! o dem jcratlc candidate for sheriff,
sides of the prohibition question';" j
1h-s is a plaintive plea for thel ,
citizens of the county to take the j, L. Castle for County Treaaurcrj
word of Observer as authority! Having received the nominatioii for
ra;her than that of men. who diffvr Coucty Treasurer on the Keputiiiiaii j
from him on the liquor question. The ticket, and believing myself Qualifier:
editor f:rgets that it is through hu;i- fo attend to the duties of the olfue
drels of citizens of Dal, as and Polk, to the satisfaction of the people. Ij
county, many of whom have more wish to say to the voters of I'olii.
proper:y In Po'.k county and pay mor : county, to give me their suppou i.
taxes t!:an be. that are securing these the coming election, and it w ill be
"travpHnir sneakers" m fUht for a thankfully received. 1
Hrv rnimtv a'irl state. These men 2J-2Z J. L- CASTL
bave no paper by which they can ex
press themselves. Besides, while they
think right, they do not all have the
power to express their thoughts.
Hence they pet the "traveling speak
(Pad advertisement)
MM r l r.rnliani a'nt In S'.aletlJ
What is curious to note Is that ,,r,av. '
a. -.oWo m PnR- rnnntv oaturciay.
Mrs. DeWitt went to raus mi
John Kemir.Kton went on a business
trip to Idaho Tuesday,
Mrs. P. E. Chase went to Corval-
I lis Monday
all me UI Si.ieaiveia iu i uir wiuil j
DO not Kel as mucn muney 101 iuvn
work as the few wet ones that have
been, working in behalf of the "Great
er Oregon Home Ruin Association."
The tact that a man pays taxss in
a city does not necean.y iiune n (iUthria called In town while;?
an Biifhnrlfv on nuest'ons or moral . . ... i rnrvoitii.
" x . . pn mure 10 uia uuuio
importance. The saloons, breweries, .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White visited
friends in Salem Saturday and Sun
etc., pay taxes, yet their word has no
weight morally with the thinking
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McGowan. of
Independence vuiited at Paul Tach-
In, his article of "More Cold Facts"; eron's Say x
in last Friday's issue the editor of L,Sy returned from a pleasant
tue UDserver sas uui " week at Newport Wednesday.
$2400 a year' because of no license wllUm Sell and sons shipped
frcm saloons. He states that tne tas
levy is higher now than when wet.
True, but the improvements show
where the money has ;,u. e. Under
the license plan the city improv
some fine goats to Ontario and some
to Washington.
John Remington went to on
a business trip last Tuesday.
Mr. Harvey has moved to tne iann
'ul ls ,.Kot,,. f p H Mnlkev
Tlla, the loser in that she rtcea not receuuy P".--.- - --- -
ii.-ensft The aa.oon keeper? wo-
lUjti.i IIUL m. , 11,01,0 l.nuQ n.nvpft into
set the $2400 UcenseV ,Who paid that wen, e - ""acateT by" Mrs.
. ; Hyde. In town
ey in the saloon
4un ... crc.oQi.ncii. ti-hn cnfnr nis rn'.
ri other woius, uy-
ner nume
Perciral rcttimeu to.
in iMe'jras a.itr t.n
the license system, the wagean o , nth"3u7easanUy in the W li
the very one who can least afford it, mo una p Ncwport. She
pays th3 city expenses, and the p r3p- lameUe valley Uere she
Man," we certainly should 1 no ; la Lt' between 8 and 9 o'clock. The
to load upon ine weas cue uuiucm ,
longing to the strong.
The statistics obta'ned by the Ob-
oo- ti. a-,r rc o firtr qtiUn nr conn, nv at. the residence of
0 V.M.uv. . ... t -
ir Tho font ia rho tav rate has not Wood on v eunesi
increased because tho property va'.ua
origin of the fire is u-iknown. The
house had been vacant or trie past
month. It is understood that there
wna Tin insurance.
Postmaster O. A. Wolverton and
Mrs Irene Dalton of this p.'ace were
united i::. the holy bonds of matrlmo-
;tev. vv. a.
October 12
The many friends of Mr. and
tion has increased and this is due to Mrs. Wolverton wish them a happy
two facts: First, tne citizens of AI- anu pleasant inc.
"bany have ceased being leeches upon 7
v, traffin QnH arc nnw free. "Shadow Social' at K. 01 P.
The child can be spoiled by being de- next. Monday night. Hallowe'en. Come
Dende .t upon the father. The citi- and bring your otMK.ei,
znfi nf a citv lose their initiative Remember
when depending upon the license of ow Social'
the sa'oon for the revenue to
hla prescriptions are accurately com
pounded with fresh, pure drugs.That's
whar wp da. Williams Drus Co. lOtf
W. R.
D. S.
the Hallowe'en "Shaci-
t K. of P. hall, jiven by
run Fraternal Union.
their rovernment. As it does the boy A doctor cannot achieve the suc-
good ti have to "make his own way cess .jp entitles him to, unless
and brings out of him all nis good
qualities, so it does a city good to
be freed from her state of depend
ence nnon the license and become in
dependent. She, then, first feels her
true nower and the spirit of civic
pride is aroused. Under this impet
us shn does things. Another reason
for the increased valuation is that
Albany is now a more desirable place
in which to live. Lat su:nmer at the
Chautauqua a physician of that city
was asked "how prohibition affected
Albany." He replied that "if Alba
ny had not been dry for the past four
years the Chautauqua would have
been impossible. Albany is now In-(
dependent ana a more uename
In which to rear children and build a
Both phones. Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Oregon.
Farm sales a specialty. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Independent phone.
a Specialty
These stoves are made of heavy boiler
plate lined with fire brick they re
quire no masonry to be installed
every inch of these stoves is heating
surface they are made in all sizes
We also have Dryer Pipes
The Furnace That Has Made Salem Famous
k J , :- 1
rak si
- .II 4 i i f
81" K rj "jtMlV
-i 1
County's Leading
Hardware Firm
Hanna Brothers have the largest
stock of hardware in the Willam
ette valley, outside of Portland.
In connection with their hard
ware they have their separate ap
partmcnt for harness, which com
prises the largest stock carried in
Polk county. A separate apart
ment is also
given to their
vehicle stock
The vehicle
apartment is
the largest in
ail the valley
out of Portland. Ranges and heaters occupy an apart
ment. Their entire floor space is 14,500 feet.
Hardware Dealers Independence, Oregon