There's Style in Every Line QUALITY IN CLOTHES is alright. We believe in it. But there's one thing which makes clothes stand out and that is style. No matter how good the cloth or how well the garment is made if it hasn't style its value is lessened. We offer you in Hart, Schaffner Marx clothing both quality and style, designed by men who thoroughly know how. The workmanship is superior to the usual ready put on clothes and is in every way equal to custom tailoring. Hart, Schaffner & Marx are just about half of what your tailor would ask for the same clothes. Come in and look at the new fall line. The home of Hart Schaffner arid Marx ready-to-wear clothing. Conkey, Walker The leading Stores of Independence. Lehman Independence, Oregon OREGON WO 1FN SHI BALLOT "HOME RULE" IS DENOUNCED Henry M. BrowBing, a damper, gen- A man iu. public lite when inter-1 viewed mis winter ou me suojeci. m woman suffrage said siouiewuere wuuiu tuo ooruers of mis country tu ua mere are mothers who are bring ing up lour presidents, one nuudreu cttuuict oiticers, tliree hundred sen ators aud five thousand representa tives who between the years of 19.W and lauu will be iuaKiug the nistory df tixjHunralilv tne 01 ID. IB COUUtljr ' ' By Miss Alice Hill Chittenden or History of tUe worm. - - .Now York association, opposed to aw- 11, yuuve u.uU "-hwui juuu5 mo.., One of the fundamental differences of the Suffrage to Women. Mrs. U'rau- called upon the Leader last week, between the suffragists and Auti-suf- cis J. Bailey, president. , asked for and received our advertis- fragists as I see it is, that the form-; (Paid advertisement) ' rates au(J pajd fQr tyQ announce. er clings to the belief that the ballot j ments of public speakings to be held itself ds a panacea for ail existing ev-Storic8 at Less Than a Cent Apiece CoUage Urovej Q(,t 9 and We lis aud all powerful as a remedial Jfl tlle ity.lwo issues of a year s soon aSl.ertained that thla very n,ice agent of government, while the lat- ,h youth's Companion, prints and effeminate appearing young man ter recognizes in these opening v huudI.ed anQ fifty stories. ' was the duly authorized agent of the years of the 2l)tli century, the uu.b.- fully two bundled ana y i-ureater Oregon Home Rule Associa- opmont of a power more potent than(Tue BUbscr.ptiou price of the tlon.. , whoae business it is "to pre- the ballot a power which at present ls but $1.75 80 that the stories w"jvent ..0regon 0ry in m0(f. and aIs0 we call educated or enlightened J)lIb: 1 1033 tuttn tt cent apiece, without reek- to put iuto effect a -Home Rule" lie oplnloni The ballot hasn t solvea. t f ,he contents scheme wherebv tinhorns, booze-fisht- our child labor problem Jrjul sketches, the'ers. pick-pockets, pimps and other Will. TUe UUHOl I1U3U L Bl'l'U I." v., uui,uuiv., - likfi negro trouble, it has tended rather to complicate it, but an awakened public opinion has decreed that these problems and others akin to them shall be taken, out of the realm nt n,.iiti,'n unit be considered and "Home Rule" scheme would bring about in Oregon towns and cities. 1 "Settle It now and settle it right?" Of course we will. Cottage Grove Leader. tile era, yiiupa auu umt. I like floating gentry can be run into doctor's weekly article, papers on, tnwii in sufficient numbers tn carrv popular topics by famous men auu,a municipal election for booze or any- 'woineu. Although the two hundred and nay j,.u f,, on nnminmfn nd hu-L.i ,t-i.,u in varieLv ot scene uMi .wiii viw nnl this, i .u e tiwlflnr Hkiii una trum iutib - lUlVUiOlLJ w. 1.. ;it0 thrnnHi th ccwiferenc-, ,at,Qraftpr.riiictlnff. they cannot os and congresses on child labor, tne,-be excelled. ' care of dependent emiuren, Tho Announcement n . losls and other questions, which are!fu nmstrated, giving more detailed being held throughout this country, .partlcuiars of these stories aud other today. And In these conferences tlw features which greatly enlarge address current ls- woman's voice is heard equally witn t, .mper wiii be sent to any the man's. She isn't excluded fom frue with 8au,pie copies of cu participation in such wore oe cause BUus . , ..1.. vet TiR ther is her influ- ,,, , , D,,t,spri pr receives free u imou 1 - , lively ov. - .nr.Q lRssened as a of these i rnmnariion's Art Calendar foi communities for that reason. Here is :19 , nthographed in thirteen colors a great field of activity and useful-1 ld and if the subscription is r rpni chance to serve thei ,,7. t ,.,. an the issues for real chance I do not hesitate to say that those, ot us who are opposing the extens nul of suffrage to our sex, entirely ellmi-, nate the personal element in our con sideration of this subject. It. is not a question of whether we want to vote or do not want to vote j We have the welfare and develop-. Kills A Murderer a mernaess murderer is Appemdlclt- SrrstXuTrJemVlaUon T th. ta with many victims. But Dr. King's covernmental principles invuiv, ijNew "e run v such "a ati oiimiilatA stomach, liver i.,tio.,nrcr rhance" as Mr. Ulad- .,( ), rlnireinE' stone called woman suffrage, would . curln Con. !.e.r , " mBn and the home, and , Btl0atlon; Headache, Biliousness, firmly convinced that able vou to "regulate your own whis- Altnougn tne iwu Uu..-- - key bu8lnosH... If this "Home Rule" stories cost so little, tncy 7 scheme had not proven wholly and solely advantageous to me nrewery ami linnrtf. lntprfst irivinc them HOW- er to control the municipal elections in tne towns ana cities, uo you sup pose for a minute they would be spending , thousands of dollars and employing on princely salaries the best speakers in. the land to try to convince the people that a bunch of falsehoods is truth and that the. way to destroy booze is to establish wide open towns and drink it all up? "Home Rule" if put into effect in peaceful, progressive and law-abiding Cottage Grove would very soon bring about contention, strife, bitterness, distention and hatred, in fact trans form a non refill hanov and prosper ous little city into a veritable hell on earth. The life of an aldermanie body in a "Home Rule" town wuold be one prolonged agony and no. decent, law abiding citizen would long consent to aorvo in siirh a canacitv. thereby turning the affairs of the town or city over to those not adverse to dhub toiinn on nnn. enforcement, of the " " . . laws. Blind-pigging, bootlegging, wit all their attendant evus aim oujc- ditfons edi-; liuiiauirj 1 fying and to be patiently tolerated In preference to the state of disorder; and anarchy which this so-called the remaining weeks of 1910. THIS vmiTU'o priMPANION. 144 Berke- jyu in w - ley St.. Boston.. Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. r Chills. 25c at all druggists. STATE PRESS AGAINST IT. "The Nesmith county boosters, traveling in an automobile, were here this morning. The atmosphere being exceedingly chilly they soon moved on. Our people don't believe in county butchery to further the per sonal ends of a few schemers." Rose burg Review. "If all the voters of Oregon wno are opposed to the proposed wholesale formation of new counties vote ''No" at the November election, they will all be defeated, but if those opposed merely pass the county propositions up without voting on them at all, they will carry by the "Yes" votes cast for them. This is a fact that it would be well to remember on election day." Eugene Register. "There are seven new counties pro posed, and may be more for us to vote on next November. Don't you think our taxes heavy enough at pres ent without taking on this unneces sary additional expense? Look into thi matter before voting time. Echo Echoes. A Good Position Can be had Dy aniDitioug young men and ladies in. the field of "Wire less" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to 90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute of Portland, Ore., operates six official Institutes in America, under supervision of K. 1L and Wireless Officials and places all graduates Into positions. It will pay you to write them for full de tails. 17-22 A good pair reading glasses JT $1.00 at Kramer's. tf APPLE STATES' CLOSE RIVALRY Oregon apples , will be heard from at the different apple shows of the northwest this fah. There Is close rivalry between the apple states as to which shall taKe tne chief ppzes, land on, this account the Oregon grow j ers will be put upon tneir niettie. Eugene has held its appic saofl and many specimens of perfect fruit ; were exhibited. Albany will have a I fine apple show on. November 9, It) .and 11. There is keen interest in the ; outcome and the many prizes will be sharply contested for. These shows will bring out the best apples in their localities and the prize fruit, together with that of other sections, will be sent to the ' Oregon Apple Show at Portland November 30, December 1 and 2. The best apples will, in. turn, go to the National Apple Show at Spokane, the Vancouver show and the Chicago Apple Show. Some Oregon districts will make individual displays at these fruit ex positions. Hood River epecxts to send the two finest cars of apples ever leaving that district to the Spokane show. One car each of Spitzenbergs and Yellow Newtown apples will be entered for the sweep stakes prize, and as the showing will be gathered from the large acreage given to grow ing these varieties, it will be of a very high quality. Medford will make a strpn'g show ing at the Canadian. National Apple Show at Vancouver, B. C. A car of fancy Yellow Newtown Pippins will be sent from one orchard. Medford . people believe this will be as fine a carload of yellow apples as has ev er been Dlaced on exhibition. Medford will also send exhibits to Spokane and Chicago. CHARLES EOWAJO for iMnranoa proteMMh EejSWWSRtlng UlestcDestcr and Gentian American Insurance oompanlea of New York. than one in advance.