PAGE SEVEN INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. EIGHT l Nw York, sole genu for th UnlUd ANNIVERSARY Slates. Remember tho uaiue Doan't and take uo other. ABUSE OF THE INITIATIVE IS OBSERVED INDEPENDENCE, OWEOON. OCTOBER 21. WO- iifcttllorcb Clothes $10 TO $30 HERE ARE SUIT AND OVERCOATS GOOD FOR THAT TIRED FEEL-IN0-THF.Y ARE SUCH A RELIEF TO THE MAN WHO HAS CROWN WEARY OF COMMON STOCKS. THE WAY THEY ARE MODELED AND MADE, AND STYLED AND TAILORED. IS ONLY A LITTLE LESS SURPRISING THAN THE WAY THEY ARE PRICED. We Have a Eeputation for Building Good Clothes WE HAVE A REPUTATION FOR BUILDING GOOD CLOTHES, AND THIS FALL THE 8H0WING IS ADAPTED TO MAKE ANY MAN PROUD. LET US MAKE A NEW MAN OF YOU. Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OftZeON It la a itross abuat of the rights guaranteed by tho Initiative and Kef reridum Amendmeut to the Oregon Conatltullou to bring up woman suf frage at every general election. This measure wan submitted In 1SO0 and beaten by a plurality of 2137. In 1906 U wag again proposed aid wa beaten by 10173. In 1908 it was agali on tho ballot and It waa beaten by a niajorlty of 21.641. Notwithstand ing" these repeated defeats, more de cisive at each election, the aame measure la again on the ballot thla year. The ballot title la misleading and Indicates a propohal to give votes to taxpaylng women, only, but the measure to bo voted on la the aame proposition which the people have so. often and ao recently condemned. It( vhojld bo voted down this year by an; increased majority, especially because of the fraud t," (n it'ikon t be porpe- trated ou the people by the use of a falae and misleading title on the bal lot. OREGON ASSOCIATION OP POSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Mrs. Francis James Bailey, President. (Paid advertisement) LETTERS FROM STAFHCRIBES MONMOUTH NEWS Miss Ollle CoulUT of Dallas visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. P. H. Johnson and children visited relatives at Falls City over Sunday. Mrs. George Sullivan and daughter attended the carnival at Falls CMty Friday. Mtes Leto Wolverton visited friends In Salem the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker of Phi lomath visited friends here the past week. Rev. J. M. Glass of Pasadena, Cali fornia, delivered a fine temperance lecture at tho Baptist church Wednes day evening. Mrs. George MubcoU went to Sa lem Friday to have her eyes treated ly Dr. Glllis. the specialist. Mrs. J. Houseman and daughter went to Dallas shopping Friday. Mrs. J. R. Remington and Mrs. J. Lindsay went to Newport for a few days' stay with Miss Loretta Smith and to enjoy the ocean breezes. Mr. White aud son, , Orvllle, re turned Thursday from a two weeks' fishing and 'hunting expedition on the Alsea and report a pleasant out ing. Harol Bogert came home from Sa lem Monday. Miss Ethel Newman was an over Sunday visitor in Salem. Milton Force came from Portland lor a Sunday visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Force. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp of :Stayton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawley, the latter's par ents. They made the trip in their auto. Almost every other person on the streets Is a stranger, Two-thirds of the old. residents Have' moved away and new ones have taken their plac es. This world is like a kaleidoscope, ver changing, and our town is no ex ception to the rule. . t' Deafness Cannot be Cured toy local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucpus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion c&n be taken! out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine casea in ten are caused by catarrh which la nothing but an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can't be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,' Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ANTIOCH NEWS Mrs. William Mack was a Dallas visitor Saturday. Oscar Lehman and wife were trad ing in Falls City Saturday. Geo. Sullivan of Monmouth were In our vicinity the first of the week. Milt Bosloy made a business trip to the county seat Wenesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eb Marks of near Rlckreall spent Sunday" with Alls Towns and wife. Orvllle Sevier of Eugene visited rel atives and friens here the past week. Mrs. Geo. Bennett and children of Monmouth spent several days of last week with her parents, William Mack and wife. Ernest Riddell and Geo. Grounds started to California Monday. They will spend the winter down' there. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Johnson were trading in Monmouth Saturday. Walter John som j and family, Dick Ogle and family of near Independence Sundayed with Mr.'and Mrs. Johnson. Daniel Dodson of Airlie was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Dave Olln, last week. Jay Clark of Monmouth was seen In this locality Monday. KNIGHTS HOLD OPEN MEETING A social session of the Knights of Pythias was enjoyed by members, their families and friends in their fln home in this city last Monday night. Fully seventy-five were present en gaged In the evening of merrymaking. The evening was delightfully inform al and was spent In the enjoyment of social games which were followed by a sumptuous banquet such as the Knights know how to serve. It Is un derstood that a number of applica tions for membership are on hand for the lodge as a result of the ev ening's entertainment. PARKER NEW8 Mr. Wilson was in this vicinity last week sawing wood for some of the farmers. Ralph Davidson ' was helping Mr. Russell saw wood last Saturday. Mrs. P. T. Petersoni and children were shopping In Independence Fri day. Miss Ethel Lewis attended teach ers' institute in Dallas last week, re turning to" Parker Sunday. Mrs: M. E. Connett was ami Inde pendence visitor Friday and Satur day. P. R. Alexander, Isaac Compton and Gale Alexander were hunting in this viicnity all day Saturday. We did not learn the results. " R. Davidson sold two car loads of hay last week. Percy Dickinsomi and family came up from Independence in their auto mobile .Sunday. Judging from the number of shot fired, Saturday was a bad day for the pheasants. Rev. McCain came up Sunday morn ing on the elevem o'clock train. All those present' were treated to a' good, sound, sensible temperance talk here Sunday morning, delivered by Rev. McCain. Esten Bevens has moved away and another party has rented the DeHa ven place. Miss Bush of Independence was visiting in our berg Saturday and Sunday. Fred Wells went to Buena Vista with Rev. McCain Sunday afternoon. , Some ' of our people attended the temperance rally in . Independence Sunday night. . We trust that when election day comes "the saloon must go." Look out for a big time at the Parker schooltiouse a Week from next Sunday. Further announcements lat er. We wish to correct an error which we made last week to stating that Mrs. McCarthy was a sister of Mrs. Mary Davidson, as she was her aunt. STRAIN TOO GREAT Hundreds of Independence Readers Find Daily Toll a Burden. The husle and worry of business men. The hard work and stooping of workmen, The woman's household cares, Are too great a strain on the kid neys. Backache, headache, sldeache, Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. Read the following, and learn the cure. . Mrs. W. H. Wood, 733 N. Front St., Salem. Ore., says: Although I have never had occasion to use Doan's Kid ney Pills myself, 1 know that this remedy is an excellent one for kid nev and bladder trouble. It has been used in my family with the most sat isfactory results." 1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, f ' Don't Forget When In need of a sewing machine or any of Its parts, don't forget the name of Geo. C. Will of Salem, Ore gon. ' He sells all makes. 21-22 The fifty-ninth anulventary of the ReUkah degree of Oddfellowshlp was celebrated by Cloverleaf Rebekah lodge of Independence last Tuesday night. It was a splendid affair and was attended by at leant 2')0 Rebek aha. Odd Fellows and their friends. An entertaining program, constating of music and speechniaklng, waa ren dered after which games were In dulged In. These weer followed by refreshments of Ice crean and take. , The principal feature of the even ing wui the address delivered by Mrs. Corrle Hubbard. Mrs. Hubbard has a firm hold on the hearts of Inde pendence people and they were de lighted to listen to br discourse. The musical program was as follows: Vocal duet by Florence Gebo and Doris Herren; piano solo by Leona Sperliag; vocal solo by Chas. Hunt loy; piano solo by Irene Fowler; vo cal solo by Lora Craven; vocal duet by Opal and Emroy MeDevitt; violin solo by Chas. E. Hicks. , Homer Mills has purchased the Vanortwlck property on Fourth St. Vote for I. II. Van Winkle, of Sa lem, republican candidate for Circuit Judge. Two to elect. (Paid adver tisement.) ' 21-23 0FFICER8 H. HIRSCHBERG, PRESIDENT A. NEL80N, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits ' DIRECTORS H. HIRSCHBERG, A. NELSON, D. W. 6EAR8, B, F. 8MITH AND OTIS D. BUTLER Zttkktk and Jmnadum ecch. $unH, rtmmunittcn and Risking ffackle. 40 SA LEM, . OREGON. IRONS Free on Trial WOMEN REALIZE THE CONVENIENCE AND LABOR-SAVING VALUE OF AN ELECTRIC IRON. THE COST OF ELECTRIC ENERGY USED AMOUNTS TO LESS THAN FIVE CENTS PER HOUR. PHONE HOME 5010 OR BELL MAIN 41 AND WE WILL SEND YOU AN ELECTRIC IRON ON THIRTY DAYS FREE TRIAL. AT PRESENT THERE ARE OVER 50 ELECTRIO IRON IN USB IN THIS ClTY. Northwestern Corporation J. L. WHITE, LOCAL MANAGER.