KIOHT PAGE! INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRI8I.JN0EPEN0ENCE. OREGO". FACE FOUR INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE CHARLES EDWARD lilCKO .a t udruaeuc. Ore., post offW as .ooond claiw nttr. ascription, $U0 Pr Yur " TO THE PEOPLE OF POLK C01TV Five years I was a teacher ta your public schools. Four year r was County Clerk of your couuly. and by your favor. Eight years I represent ed your county In the Oregon State Senate, and all that time I never lost sight of the fact that I belonged to Polk county, and that I ought to do my utmost to represent her peo ple with seal and fidelity. Five years of that time I was a teacher In your Normal schools. I leave It for the people to say whether or not. at all times, t 8ae to the various trusts they reposed In me. the best that was In me. The encouragement and opportun ities you gave me went far toward making of me whatever I am today. Just now I am candidate for Con gress, and If I win, and do not car ry Polk, county with me, the victory will be attended with a certain de gree of disappointment, and If I lose, If Polk county has stood by me, the defeat shorn of half its dis appointment. If I am elected to Congress, I shall always feel that Polk county, and her people, stand as the very source and origin of my political life knd, success. Entertaining toward you the feel ing that I do, I can not but harbor I the belief that ynu may feel recip rocal toward me. and the Importance of the crisis throush which 1 am ' passing leads me to make this ap peal, though under ordinary clrcum stauces It mlg-ht seem to overstep he bounds of propriety. Hoping to have kindly remem brance at the polls on tne suu lust., Very sincerely. D. F. MILKEY Balem. Oregon, fept. R 191C (Paid advertisement) UNION TEMPERANCE RALLY 1 Sunday evening, September there will be a union service at the Presbyterian church. Rev. F. E. Brlckley and Rev. H. Chas. Duoamore will speak on different aspects of the temperance question. Some of the tfty's best musicians will render se lections and the children will sing some rousing temperance songs. AH children are invited to come to the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to pra. ti. e to-. songs. This is expected to t- the most in teresting temperance meettns of . . t yar. Dr. Pupanne. Dentin . oer Inde pendence National Bnk. Bell phone , 1J1; Independent. 4410. tf I . Don't Break Down Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break-downs. You can't over-tax stom ach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without danger to yourself. If you are weak or run-down, or under stral Prepares young people for bookkeepers, . stenographers and general office work. The development of the Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue. Salem. Oregon PREPARE ss For Bumper Fruit and Hop Crop. FRUIT DRYING STOVES & STEEL HOP STOVES a Specialty These stoves are made of heavy boiler plate lined with fire brick - they re quire no masonry to be installed -every inch of these stoves is heating surface they are made in all sizes We also have Dryer Pipes ANDERSON FURNACE CO. MANUFACTURER OF ae The Furnace That Has Made Salem Famous 658 TRADE STREET, SALEM, ORE GON. PHONE 888 W. I. STALEY. PRINCIPAL COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Oreanizations 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Main Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel Salem JOHN DEERE FARM IMPLEMENTS We have the walking plow, the gang and the disk. We also have the steam plow, made by the John Deere people. We have everything in the line of farm implements. of any kind, take- Electric Bitters, the matchless tonic Medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande of Kinkland, fll., writes: "That I did not break down, while enduring a most severe strain, for three months, is due wholly to Electric Bitters." Use them and en Joy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 00c at all drug gists. Vetch seed for sale by Hanna Bros. E. E. Miller of lone, Oregon, broth er of Mrs. Chas. E. Hicks, is vlsltlnK at hor home In this city. He reports flourishing conditions in eastern Ore gon, the wheat crop this year being unusually fine. Lead The World The Kentucky grain drills give the best of satisfaction to all users We have the disk, both single and double. We have the hoe and shoe drills of this make. We are Polk county agents for Monmouth, Airlie and Independence. "WINEGAR & LOKENCE MONMOUTH, OREGON JOHN DEERE BUGGIES ARE ALL RIGHT Has a good clean W.CHAWLEY . Member of Congress Republican Candidate for Renomlnation to CONGRESS record of effective service and has faithfully lived up to his motto adopted four ' years ago: "No Interests to Serve but the Public Interests" Some of the things accomplished at the last session of Congress: ,,.. Soured over $880 000 for river and harbor improvement in this Congressional District, lecured over $630,000 for public building and other purposes in this District, including Ore gon's Civil War Claim. Defeated the Lafean Apple Box Bill. - , Aided miners and settlers on public domain, Including Sileti sett era. Secure Tnassage of many bills of interest to localities and .for relief of veterans of our wars. Hr beenTn act e supporter, of the administration in redeeming platform pledges and ass st ed in passage of Reread Rate Act, Postal Savings Bank Act, Bureau of Mines Act, Reclamation Certificates Act, and many other acts of great national importance. He has woa the Hearty Commendation of Ex-president Roosevelt For Upholding Progressive Measures Urged by Him, while President of the United States. Washington May 29.-President Roosevelt today issued a commending the Oregon m.ton ot the House fo their support of administration policies and wishing them success in the -'Sre" Z?St JlZVZn Congressmen, Messrs. Hawley and Ellis. The Present tooay sa fl I go y nem for the attltudo thoy ha(i consistently mit:z z'z .t.l pubutiy T .pp-ct,.. ..oc.,,.., T:; ine nci i. ha.0A the nolicies and the measures which the President felt ner in which the gentlemen had backed up tne puuwes u ... iJt. . were of Inch consequence for the welfare of the country, in connection, for instance with such Tat ers securing proper employers' liability legislation both as regards in erstate commerce and as regards the employees of the government itself; securing child labor legislate and he ef fort 2 secure the properl administration by the courts of the power of Injunction, and finally se curing by the nation of thoroughgoing and adequate control over th a. great interstate corporations, a control 'which shall be both effective to prevent any wrongdoing by them and at the same time of such character as will permit the reward in ample fashion of all business which is so conducted as to be for and not against the public interest. . From the New Yorl Tribune, i.Iay 30, 1908.