A INOIPENOtNCC ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. SEPTEMBER t, 1110. EIGHT PACE! PACE FOUR lxNDEl'ENDENCE lNTEUl'iUSE A. PREPARE' For Bumper Fruit and Hop Crop CHARLta EOWARD HlC& ;otwd t Indepeudeoc. Or., pot offtc wontl-vUM iuiui. Subscription, $1.50 Pr Ytr LECTURER OP NOTED TALENT ulne ivSrhvs and two baggage cart Mr.. SUbaugh. who U touring th. nd drwfc by two ."glut., arrived lu Ut tu th Interest of "Oregon Dry". IM'edenc Monday noon brlnlng 1. a lecturer of noted ability and will or li hundred peopl to uLl b. greatly enjoyed by all who attend " P tnl- her mooting which 1. to tak, pUc. The opinion of prominent grower, this evening at tht M. E. church, locate, that the hop crop will be There are two ery urgent reason, bottor than ha. formerly been eatiuiat .vr. n,.n WAm.n in IndJed- It U thought that there wlU be ' J " .. " ' pondcnce should attend thla lecture: not because there 1. to be no ad miss I a charge but because .he i. to lecture on a aubject of vital Interest to every household lu Independence as well as to the entire country, one that every voter will be called upon to deal with Intelligently at the polls this fall; the other 1. the respect you owe to a public aieeting being held in the city, at which your presence is .expected. Everyone should attend the educa tioual public gatherings which will I about 83,000 half, of hop. barveated lu this locality. Th. Lash of a Fi.nd would have been about a. welcome to A. Cooper of Oswego, N.V.. as a mer cileh. lun-ractng rout;h that defied all remedies for years. "It was most troublesome at night," ho writes, "uolh ag helped uie till I used lr. King New Discovery which cured aid completely. I never coug-h at night dow" Millions know Its niatchles me: It for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, lagrlppe, asthma, uvv.u uvw ...u hem3rrhage croup, whOOpll.g COUgh. time. Be generous enough to listen . , .,, ., ,, . . ,, or bay fe'.er. It relieves qukkly ana to both sides m a controversy, espec Myep tj M A tM ctm. ia ly when your Interest, are vitally vluceg Tr,a, boU,e m,e effected. If you happen not to te pi)bHt.vely guaranteod by all drug- generous enough to admit that the , . question affects you then you should ' allow the truth to soak in deep enough to admit that your family DO IT NOW have some right to which you owe ,.1d..ndjne. People should Not Wal respect. Attend the meetings. They Unt t.,s Too LatJ won't hurt you. Remember that one TLe appalHllg death.ra,e from 'kid great man was great because he be- n a,M.aa . H,,, 4 ,, ... to lieved it when he said it: "I would the fact that the little kidney troub- raiuer oe nitniuian to o pres.oenc. ,e are usuay neglected until they i b -torae serious. The slight symp ERSTWHILE CON VENTIONISTS !tom8 gjye p,ace tQ chrolc dlgord(?r8 A good sample of the reasons for an(1 tne sufferer goes gradually Into fighting the republican asdemMy Is: the grasp of diabetes, dropsy. Brlght's seen in Henry E. McGinn and Dan J. I disease, gravel or some other serious Malarkey, two Irish lawyers of Fort-!Iorm ot kidney complaint, land. McCinn and Malarkey were the, it y(u guffer from backache, 'head foremost politicians and convention a-hes, dizzy spells; if the kidney se leaders in the old rule a d were c;et 0Q3 are irregular cl passage aud anion.? tha rea. i.o. ses in Pert .and. unnatural la appearance, do not de- Xow to a?aia set control of politi- lay Hi-lp the kidneys at once, cal affairs In Port.and and Multno- Doa:.'s XlJney Piils are especially mah count;., they are fUhtin? like f r kidney disorders they cure where mad-, en t ..'.-at tlie u-: i-x... can- ot'.ers fa'l. Over one hundred thou dldaiej for off.ee. A: d for w uat g ;n ;-t peo. je ,ave rer ommended them, ca. s-? To simply pet in control a?alaj Here Is one of many cases In this They are bcth out of office, as 'they j vicin ty. usually have been, and by a glimmeri Jair.e3 Earagar, 1003 MU1 St., Sa- of hope to keep in office they are ore., says: "I have used Doan's fiiihtin? the assembly and for no oth- Kidney Pills for backache and other er reason. Eympto'.us of kidney trouble and have They would be for or against the been greatly benefitted. I also know FRUIT DRYING STOVES & STEEL HOP STOVES a Specialty These stoves are made of heavy boiler plate lined with fire brick they re quire no masonry to be installed every inch of these stoves is heating Surface they are made in all si7.es We also have Dryer Pipes ANDERSON FURNACE CO. MANUFACTURER OF The Furnace That Has Made Salem Famous 558 TRADE STREET, SALEM, ORE CON. PHONE 886 assembly, or any other plan, if it would give them the lead and keep thsm in good positions. The people are not so ignorant or dull as not to sea through this thin mist. They are only a sample of that larger type there are others not so far away. Lebanon Criterion. Special Comes The Krebs special composed of of other people who have taken this rsmtdy .v'th good results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-jyiburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take norther. A shipment of two carloads o Ships Fine Bucks REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Charter No. 3979 at Independence In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Septeru ber 1, 1910. RESOURCES foang and Discounts $153,744.36 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .... 5,810.93 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ' 12,500.00 Bonds, Securities, etc 46,153.65 Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures 19,648.21 Other Real Estate owned 12,500.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 7,054.22 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Com panies, and Savings Banks ',. ..10,705.90 Due from approved Reserve Agents 94,697.35 Checks and other Cash Items 528.73 Notes of other National Banks 1,340.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and cents 189.10 LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BXNK, VIZ: Specie 427,178.25 Legal-tender notes 230.00 27,408.25 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer per cent of circulation) 625.00 TOTAL $392,905.70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50,000.00 Surplus fund .... 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid -.8,929.79 National Bank Notes outstanding 12,51)0.00 Dividends unpaid 390.00 Individual deposits subject to check 229,467.25 Demand certificates of deposit .... 5,143.52 Time certificates of deposit 68,783.66 Cashier's checks outstanding 7,691.48 TOTAL ' $392,905.70 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF POLK, ss: I, C. W. Irvine, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear thajk the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. W. IRVINE, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before methis 9th day of September, 1910. B. WILSON, Notary Public CORRECT Attest: A. NELSON, OTIS D. BUTLER, H. HIRSCHBEHG. ' heep was sent out from Indepen dence this week. They were the choicest bucks from the herds of John Stump and Win. Rlddell and were bought of them by Dan J. Kir by. The shipment goes to Boise, Idaho. These sheep, going from Polk county, are one of the best advertise-1 wet nor too dry. The hops are clean, nients the county has had, and rep-1 and those who pick report ihnt th resent an outlay of about three tlious-jnre earning good wageH at It. and dollars! I Mrs. Win. Jloreland and children of The weather of the present hop Tronia nro visiting to former's par picking season Is' ideal for the 'pick- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper of ers neither too hot nor cold, not too this city. Mammoth Booster Sale This Sale is for the express purpose of boosting the STOCKTON Store by emphasizing the well known fact, "That the best Values in Salem are at this Store." Attend this great Merchandising event and You will save on your purhases. , Watch for the Big Booster Circulars We can only mention a few of the good values here. Everyone might write an Advertisement like This, but no One Else would offer these Values Booster Sale ON BEAUTIFUL TABLE LINENS $2.00 values ?1-49 $1.50 values '.$1.19 $1.00' values -79 $ .60 values 1-49 muslin nigM 6wn$ DRUMMERS' SAMPLES $ .50 values $ .37 $ .75 values ' -59 $1.25 values .. ..$ .39 $1.50 values $1-00 $2.25 values $1.50 new Caccs Values to 15c. BOOSTER I'KICK Jc. Velveteen Values to $1.25 24c new Outing flannels 15c values He 12c values DMsC 10c values , 8c 8c "values j "o Extra special 4c $K50 Dress Goods 29c. Values to $1.50 in black dress goods especially suitable for waists. Booster price 2!)c LADIES' NEW SUITS VALUES TO $15 AND $17, BOOSTER PRICE, $9.90. Reductions on all our men's suits and coats up to $50.00. MENS' SUITS PRICED FROM $8.00 TO $S0.00 During the Booster Sale. We are going to offer some great extra special at $10 and $15. SALEM STOCKTON'S ALEM Directors If.