PAGE SEVEN IOHT PAblt INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, AUGUST . 1910- GARDENS AND NATURE STUDY j AMI Aait mblylU Heard From j A. W. jfferty u lundldiilu for tlm hoiiiliutllou for riiiiKri-omiiwn nMiuted at Tim Imllca on Wcdiiemlny litfct. ll firt thought of iihlnK II"' Optra aiu but ffiuliiK ii auiall gathering took t tin. kin-ot - when Im waa for a wlill.. taken for an Itinerant ine.llilii vendor. Il apoko In opposition to mo a. ,00, Kr , Aa.on.My r.ndl.1.1- popular In comu.uiilt .... , ,.,.,, , bla .,. .11(1,,,o lb. roun.ry. A ,-I.K for It. dew-hm- ( (ift Mm u. a permanent par. of the rur- .,,.,,,, ,,,... -Condon rlcuiuiii of mliool. and edu. atloi.ul In- T(" KiHutloua for the reamm lint thu " Mudy would produce 11 beneficial ef fect ,,,.0,1 the pupils In their ' Struck a Rich Mln. work was recently l.y J. 11. H. V. H.-nd of Con I City. Ala., aaya Front In nil B.liln N. before the iimhi- he airurk a perfect mine of health In b.ra of the LUu FImkk VouiiK Club I'r, KliiK'a New Life I'IIIh for they In Chicago. In Hi.) course of hU plea rur-d lilm of Llv.r and Kidney Trou Mr. KroMt mild: ; ,,lu Mf,,'r Vl y""r. of suffering. They 'Kiivlronuienl U a potent factor In arc Ihe boat IHU on earth for Consti thu development of good cltUcm.. In- putloo, .Malaria. Headache. liynp lMla, flii.-iK hiK Ihe haracter. hablta and cd ( Debility. !'' at all dragglnm. uratlon of tloj child and by provld-j ' tr.M s, hl.rub. and flow.ra for .111-, COYOTES HftVE RABIES the liioat; " .,. J I'.ltl'HIWI'.. Til plCHeCH O! coyotea olTllctid with hydrophobia, Mel oh Knake river. In Idaho, about I'ltubiitg, ulniig Joseph creek, In Wallowa .-oiinty, and In Axotln coun ty, WiihhliiKtcn, Ii.ik ciiincd hoiiio ijii-c:i.ln-h. 11111011K the ra.'tli'iiH-n of this county. A!on How creek, In thU county, near It. confluence with Jo m p'.i creek, James and Charles Ap pllligton have killed a coyote suffering with rabies. The animal ran Into the kitchen of the ranchhouso after biting two cow. and a ranch dog. FINEST DORSE OF NORTHWEST bullliihuieul of the mhool Imporlaiii .liicatlonal agency tho clHd U aiipplled with new mid grow Iiik Intercut which will help to broad en tin Ideas of life mid make It richer In hnpplnchK. Our public school principals lire putting forth pcridxlciit effort to dec orate the acliool building, with flower box.-. 11111I the achool grounds with trees, ahrub. and flowers. 1 am aree uhly BiuprlHed to find that this dealre to have plant decoration, about the achool Ix atronssly l:i el.l iie every-1 where throimhout the it.v. 11 hoiii. no;.-, wh. ie the ground baa been mailable the children have curried on, KiirdoatiiK work under the dlreetlotn ami eneoura. meiit of their teacher. Engineer Goea Over River K. Iiurlein ThoniMon, I'. S. annit ant eiiiiinoer under Major J. F. Mc Indoe. who ban chaiKe of department Cleveland (O.) School, as an Example je0 , was In thin vicinity last week "Mm all'iotiKli t' y '" 1 ,"'k,nK ovr w",,,r ""l,0 0,1 thc um Hure we are asking .00 ......a of Willamette river, having come here our grade lea h-rs when w- allow the at tl. requent. of C. (!. Skinner. The t devcte .x.ra t'.me to the promotion assistant cancer made an examina of thin work I hope, however, that Hon of the river and Will ask for im ... mi V.I...1 our achool mediate relief work of the war do- ... . tmrf moot. It ix exoected thai rock bard will appreciate ine ne.e.., . ,, . ... ..,..,.,( 1 .....Kii.iiitl.. of this ill be blasted out at Hud. and Utir work and follow the example wt by am and that a temporary win dam ..i.....i i,,.....,1 ,,f fleveand. will m m 'lf "uu U"'M"' lilt! I'MI'tll di ii""i .,,.. 1, ...lovH a number of teach- This work Is of temporary nature only . 11 nnit u-ill Herve until the dredger can ers who bave liaa piacucui u -.., - - - , as to hnlcnl tralnlnK In gardening. ' tit bere to work out the channel. Th u,. ,ivl.e dre.ker Is below Salem and is work i in 1 1 I) in J in iv - - - lna her way up the river. 1 ne war praciicai iiihi r.. -non " ' - and the children of the varloua Is doing everything pon srhoola and making drawings for the to ktrp the river open to l.avl- oriianientatlon of grounds and plan nation. the arrangement for the children's ( sal-dens. Why cannot wo have anch SIDNEY NEWS teiohers here? "Tho achool garden furnlahe. many V. I). Looney of Jefferson Is carry an Interesting concrete subject, for lug mail on route 2 for Ed Jones, written composition, mathematical ("'ev'e l'vl8 "d one of the Skelton pomputation.biisiness exercise, lessons i of Linn county were In this vicinity In physical geography or exercise of j i- rmay. It I. not aeiier.lly known that I'olk county ha. the be.t bred llelglan liorn on tho I'aclflc 10a. I. Kinh I. b. ld lo be the I ruth by Ir. James Wlihycomb of Oregon Agrl ultiiral College. The statu own. two fine mare, at tho agricultural college at C'orvallt., of the Helglan Meed, of which tho doctor Is very proud and ho baa looked the west over to find tho best Helglan home to which to br I them. They are Just being re- turned to Corvalll. after a couple of weeks' stay at Oak drove and were much admired by Independence peo pl while they were here. They weigh lV.Hi and 210(1 pounds respectively Ono is a red roan and the other Is a bluo roan, liotli are splendid aped mens of draft animals. The f.110 stallion mentioned above Is a chestnut roan and weigh, a ton. Tho horse Is owned br tbe Dallas Bel glan Horse Co. and was Imported by A. C. Ituby & Co. last March. The Beat Hour of Life j Is when you do some great deed or discover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. I'ltt, of Rocky Mt., N. C, when ho was suffering Intensely, as- he says, "from the worst cold 1 ever bad. I then proved to my great satlsfartlon what a wonderful Cold and Cough euro Or. King's New discovery Is. For, afler taking one bottle, I was entlrley cured. You can't say any thing too good of a medicine like that." Its the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs, Hemorrhages. La Orlppe, Asthma, liny Fever any Throat or Lung Trouble.. 50c. J1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. Farmers and Hop Growers For your insurance why not patronize Chas. E. Hicks Old Line and Mutual Companies Mike CoeU Meet. Accident the river when the accident occurred. Mike was brought over to the hotel Mike (ioetz met with a painful accl where he was attended by an Indepen dent last Tuesday when a load of hay dence physician and bo well did his tipped over with him, bruising him up Injuries respond to treatment that ho considerably. He was coming down was able to be out on the streets the to the ferry from the other side of following day. free hand sketching or mechanical drawing. If brought Into proper rela- Mlss Lillian Ntcolsou recently went to M'H City where she has a position Hon with the other subjects In the; as cashier in one or tne scores 01 uie school curriculum It becomes an aid Curtis Lumber Company. in teaching these subjects. liy concern-j Mrs. Geo. Patterson has typhoid fe- atlng the attention of the pupils It.ver. This Is the fourth member of the lessons the time necessary for aonulr-j one family that has had the disease Ing knowledge of them and thus re-! this summer. iKb In no further crowding of thej Mrs. Grenz and family have gone to courses of study. jtne mountains for a two weeks' va- "Experlence has shown that devot-( cation, ing four or five hours a week or even! Threshing began In this vicinity the two hours a day to the study of man- first of the week, ual training or domestic art enables Mr. Nicolson, who was brought the pupils to accomplish more in the home from the hospital a few days remaining time then they formeraly ago, Is improving very slowly. accomplished in the whole time spent; ; in school. The same is most certainly The Oregon Fire Relief Association, true of nature study and gardening McMinnville, Oregon. Chas. Gregory, properly conducted." Agent, Dallas, Oregon. . 43tf THE GREAT COW REMEDY , " Save. $6 a month on each cow. Good for driving-horses as well. For sale by " ' ' : ' ' F. E. SHAFER ' SALEM, OREGON . Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, Whips, : ' Robes,; Blank&ts, , - Horse Boots and all . Turf Goods. . ' '; Acid Retards Timothy. WALLOWA. A. W. Simpson, who is employed in claesitying lands In the national forests for the government, with a view of determin!ng the acldlty of the soil find the proper grasses to fow for producing the best crop of forage, has returned from Washing ton. ' Kxtenslve experiments were made last year with bluegrass, tim othy and redtop. The timothy and bluegrass did well for a few weeks, when the roots struck a stratum of acid soil about two Inches in depth. The roots curled up In a mass and Lhe growth was re arded greatly un'.il the latter part of August, when this tiatum was penetrated and the roots it rapidly downward, producing a I growth In such plants as had sur- id the season. Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback mala ria trouble that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, bilious ness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bot tles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malarla,"writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I'e had good health ever since." Curo Stomach, Liver and Kidney 'roubls i. '.nd pi event Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by All Dngslsts. OFFICERS H. HIRSCHBERG, PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED 1889. H, Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS HIRSCHBERG, A. NELSON, D. W. SEARS, B. F. SMITH AND OTIS D. BUTLER 9ceket "Cutkru tfthletie and Ji(mnasium eedtf. zimmuniticn and fishing Paekle. Sicidetf, Sikiide Repairing. dun ffiipewriter $10 mm &mm & mmi SALEM , OREGON. BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER at the Whitehouse Restaurant, 362 State street, Salem, Oregon, la al ways a meal never to be forgotten, for its genuine goodness will always leave a most pleasant remembrance. Good service, good food and pleasant' surroundings do much to make life en joyable, and these we guarantee. WM. McGILCHRIST & SONS, Props. . SALEM,. OREGON.. J10L I WWW UMfJ i1 II 1 A' f C 1 : " 1. ! Hi: COPVRir.HT.A.RRE.l-9,- HOrffSTEAD Do you read it? It'8 a weekly pa per, adapted especially for tne Pacific Coast farmer. Subscription price $1.50 a year. Wait. You can read it and the Independence Enterprise for one year, 104 copies G2 of Pacific Home stead and. 62 of Independence Enter prise-for the price of one, $1.50. By special arrangement we are able to Offer our readers this rate. Son 1 in your Subscriptions now. Remember $1.50 for both. Pay either office and mention this advertisement to secure the two DaDers. This offer is only to new subscribers of the Enterprise. INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE Staggers Skeptics a nice, clean, fragrant corn like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will Instantly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, wound of piles, staggers skep tics. But great cures prove it a won derful healer of the worst sores, ul cers, boils, felons, eczema, skin erup tions, as also chapped hands, sprains and corns. Try It. 25c at all druggists. That pound The Common Housefly Is now the justly deserving object of a national cam paign in the interest of the public health. Flies carry filth and disease germs wherever they go. We are sin cerely glad that we are able to co-operate effectively in the fight against the housefly. Flies and ELECTRIC FANS do not agree. Flies cannot alight in a breeze and it is a simple thing to keep your kitchen, your living room and the sleeping room of your child free from the contamination of these insects. One electric fan In a small household can usually be made to serve all three purposes, besides freshening and cooling the air. The new 8-inch household fan is both practical and inexpen sive. Telephone NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION. The real commercial spirit is to supply the needs of the pub lic as perfectly as possible, and we make a business of satisfying our customers. Electricity is expensive only to people who are wasteful. To you, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. Use Tungsten lamps and have an abundance of light. Northwestern Corporation E. W. KEARNS, Local Manager.