INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. ORECOU. JULY 22. H10. pace rive CiCHT PACKS iviol JULY I'O'Q rW 1. T 3 V 5 6 V 8 9 0!1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INOEPENOENCE NEWS Dr. A II: n, Imikii, ( oopui Hldg. If "S A good pair reading glases l.00 at Kramer, tf Mr. M. Ml wint to Portland Tue lay, Katie Dunslnore I l Salem till week. (;. W. Coiikcy wa a Portland visit or tin I'hhI wi'ik. Neville Eldrldge In In southern Or 4xctu on business. IJllllt. blanket Ollll shoes Moore' ChhI Store. Mr. mill Mr. 8. ioff ar visiting In Tillamook county. lr. mill Mrs. ""''" T went to Portland Wednesday, New fresh groceries nt right prices. Moore' C'iimIi Store. MIhh Pearl I'crclval went to Port land Tuesday on a Unit. "Economy" mid "MiiHim" fruli Jars ut Moore's Cash Store. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Kata Always Bough Bear, the PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin gle. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial L, Salem, Ore. LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Dlaases of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 B. F. SWOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice In all courts of the State. Probate matters and couec tlons given prompt attention. Office. Cooper BIdg. Tndf.nfindonce Oregon W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. DENTIST Both phones. Cooper Bldg. Independence, Oregon. DR. D. D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Monmouth, Oregon Tuesday, Thuro day and Saturday. Hours, 12 in. to 6 p. m. Office opposite Lindsay's store. Orchard Spraying EVERYTHING YOU NEED ROCHE HARBOR LIME, JAPANESE GROUND SUL PHUR IN LINEN SACKS, NO LINT. LIME AND SUL PHUR SOLUTION, READY FOR USE, GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH. BLUE STONE, ACID HYDROM ETERS FOR TESTING SPRAYING SOLUTIONS. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES Williams Drug Company Mr. W. W. I'l-nhsl wan a Port land visitor llio ( week. Mr, K. t Kirn of mIU visited Hint. A. Whitney tliU week. MIm Margaret pomeroy visited friend In Portland thla week. Mint Lucia Campbell of Ku!"i I visiting Rl I lie Wlleog home. Mrs. K. M. Hosier of Black Rock wan In Independence Thursday. J. L. Ilauiia and family went to Newport Thursday fur an outing. J.Hitf Oakley ha returned to lh valley again frin Knslern Oregon. Mlsse Dora and Marjr Murdork were visitors la Independence Tu-- day. Mis Geneva WIIcok went to Port land on a visit Sunday. r-turuliiK Tuesday. M. ('. Miller of Independence re- turned Wednesday from a visit to count points. I'uiil Ittott of Blink Rock, formerly of tills place, is vlsllliiK In town for a few days. Mrs. L. L. lit-wilt and children left yesterday for Newport for a vacation liy the ocean, Mr. Mary llrliki r of Dallas visited last week with friends and relatives In Independence, Mrs. It. C'lias. Dunsmore Is visiting friends In Portland, and will return ' the end of the Week. , Miss Cruie Haiiion of Salem was n puest of Ikt paroats. Mr. and Mrs. I. Damon, l;i.,t Si. inlay. Mr. I). A. I Iodise went to Portland Tuesday to meet her sister who Is coin iik' fi'oui Canada. Mr, ('ha. Sliciicfiuld went to Cor vallis Thursday on a visit with friends and relatives. Miss Florence Gebo visited at the homo if Mr. and Mrs. George Gooch In La Tiis hist Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hubbard have returned from a visit with Mrs. Hub bard's mother at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Clurence Ireland of friends here dining the week. TIioh. V. Hart and Mrs. Ella M Irvine, both of Independence, were married In Dallas, July 14. Mrs. E. B. Paddock returned Sun dny from a pleasant visit of a few days with relatives and friends at Salem. Frank Whlteaker. Olen Whlteaker and Leonard Krebs have gone on a fishing and hunting trip to Clear lake. All kinds of cement and concrete work done by W. B. Buffum, Indepen dence, Oregon. Inquire otf J. C. Mor rison. 8tf Mrs. Chester Neil and children de parted yesterday for the coast at Newport where they will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kurre left yes terday for Slab Creek where they ex pect to spend an outing of two or three weeks. Wanted 50 pullets, leghorns pre ferred: need not be pure bred. Write or phone, stating price. 'Phone 744 Farmers, M. II. Richards, Indepen dence, Oregon. 8tf Marriage licenses were Issued last week to the following persons: Thom as W, Hart and Ella M. Irvine; Earl B. Goodwin and Leta Coryell. X You and your children are safe If you wear Dr. Lowe's glasses eye safe and price safe. Consult him at Independence Hotel, one day only, Friday, July 29. Frank Coquellette sold two lots in Independence this week through the Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co. to Geo. Carbray. Mr. Carbray expects to Improve the property and may build later on. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Hicks were guests olf honor at the Albany Chau tauqua Association last Sunday, In honor of the attendance of Hon. Jo seph W. Folk and the Missourlans of the Willamette valley. X Dr. Lowe relieves your head and eye ache with a pair of his superior glasses. . They cost no more than others andjrou have the benefit of hi skill of over ninteen years' exper-J lence. Dozens of Polk county refer-1 ences. Here every eight weeks. Office in Cooper building, room o fifi,. IwiMra O a m to 12 in and 2 to 6 u. m. Calls answered night Portland visited with relatives and and day. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ward ! to morrow for Kuver wher iim fsmlly will rump for while and Mr. Ward will do soinu work It" Uu there. For lo Fairbanks-Mor kmsoIIiio eiiKlue (no kind tit never wears out. You can always net oxtras for Fairbanks-Mor. This one Is Rimr-, a n teed and U for salo at the Knur prlsu office, I ho tamo una that ha Leon advertised . Price !. j i W. F. Miiiuly wis down from Hueiia Vista Tuesday to make his final proof, on a 17 acre tract that he hud taken up under the liolliet.ail act, this pl it; of Kro having In some way been j lii'Kleiied by the old homesteader III inaklim their se'ectlons. Dallas It- fiultcr. , Mr. and Mrs. James llelmlck and daughter, Frances, and Mr. Maze of Tenlno, Washington, spent Sunday at (ho home of (Jeorge Ituef. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Hush of Parker and Mr. and Mrs. KIkk and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kchulti of Salem were also guests at the Kuef home. j Wilbur Karnes, a young man in the' employ or Win. Hall of this city, was arrested Sunday evening by Marshal Ewing and lodged In Jail. Ho was brought up before the city recorder' Monday morning when he plead guil ty to tho charge of being "drunk and disorderly" and paid a fine of ten dollurs. (J. G. Stone and family, who have resided 111 this city for more than a year, have removed to Eugene. Theyj departed from Independence last Sun-j day for their new home. Mr. Stone has not decided whether ho will lo- cate permanently In Eugene, but ho will spend a time In looking over. the prospects there.' X Why use two pair of glasses. Call at the Independence Hotel Frl-! day, July 1"J, and have Dr. Lowe show! you the new Blended Bifocals with whic h you can see all distances No j lines to catch dirt and strain the eyes Perfect vision with the unslghtliness J and discomfort left out. Don't fall to see these glasses. Spend the Summer at NEWPORT YAOUINA BAY Tho only beau In tho Pacific Northwest where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones, Carnellans, and Rock Oyster can lie found. Outdoor Sports, all Kinds Including Hunting. Fishing, digging Rock Oysters, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Cano ing and Dancing. Pure mountain wa ter and the best of food at low prices. Fresh Crabs. Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetable lf all kind dally. IDEAL CAMPING GROl'NDS, with strict sanitary regulations at nominal cost. Low Round-trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. Three-day Saturday to Monday rate from S. P. points, Portland to Cottage Grove Inclusive, including branch lines; also from all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sunday or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $1.50 from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautifully illustrated booklet, "Outings In Ore gon," or write to Wm, McMurray, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON tf M HIE I AGAT ISI This is the time we all seek the sea beach or mountains. You will add a great deal of pleasure to your outing if you let us fit you out. We are prepared to show you an extensive line in Sum mer lawns, kahki, galatea in solid colors and stripes, linen dusters, outing hats, Nash underskirts, gloves, in fact every thing to make your vacation a pleasure. Men's , soft negligee shirts, summer underwear, hats, dusters, tennis shoes, suit cases, traveling bags, all at your dis posal for your trip. Yours for Money Saving !oBkey,-Mer INDEPENDENCE, ORE.