INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRIS ESTABLISHED IN 1873. INDEPENDENCE, Ok . FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. NUMBER 8 REPUBLICANS NAME TICKET EASTERN OREGON GETS CANDI DATE FOR GOVERNOR. SUGGESTION OF CANDIDATES FOR REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES IN OREGON DECLARED STRONG EST EVER NAMED IN STATE. I nioTDirT Aft. t SEMBLY NOMINEES "THE ERA OF SCIENCE" CON! l.r Mr. liwiiitdulo r"iictd iho' - 1 grower to t wko extra aru of a f'w (rem. lo llm end that H' Vlltii..M. valley inUlit '"" rl""l 'hlb 111. Ml Mpph'tt to b"tu Chicago and Nw York. Il IiihIhUuI Hint ihl would briiiR bunim-M lo tlin grower In the way of 1' for tholr fruit. On-soii AKrlriiliurlHt. Pioneer Family Reunion Ilrl(lK'lort, Oregon, July IK.. Oue .1... I..-....-. I.t..f IiiIhw rf.iWMtf IfillH Atld family reunion, ever held In tt.U com-, LAST DAY OF ALBANY CHAUTAU munlty was Klven at the homo of Mf, Maria Smith, Sunday, July 17. in n- SrSFSBANK ACCEPTS SEWER BONDS I - .......... w r n All C V KERNELS OF Tnwuoni rnum GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. W. QUA ASSEMBLY MARKED BY A LARGE ATTENDANCE TO HEAR EX-GOVERNOR FOLK. ,' Tint aura it Ik 'In tlio affair of i . . .i I open violation oi iw. jin-oiu i"'- blem I, who U al tbti bottom of tl. I llonem blood U royal blood. Man hood U Iho only patent to nobility.! The key to a republic1 decay; trantliiir of mx-c lat prlv Uegeii, amasB- "" lug of awolleu fortune,, from the mational PUR- neflt of ai-edal pr All.--., pra.-tlc.-a , of vie.- through evil Influence or wealth, and lastly, decay from tliO: vice and Immorality of a republic. j The aecurlty of a republic rests not unon Its wealth but on the hon-j eaty, character and morality cf lt The closing day of the CHASES BONDS. Stat Governor. Jay Uowerman rcturv of Slate. V. llellHOll. . State Treatiiirer. Ralph W. lloyt. Attorney-Oneral, J. N. Hurt. Ruperlntendelit of Public In- it ruction, L. K. Alderman. 1 State Printer, V. J. Clarke. j JuHtlcea Supreme Court, P. A. I Moore. Ceo. II. Ilurnett, for six- t year terms, and Thou. A. Mc- T nrldo and Wallace McCamant I t for four-year term. J State Labor Commissioner, O. J I P. Huff. State Engineer, John H. Lew- f ia. 4 Slate Hallroad Commissioner T at large, Prank J. Miller. J District X KepreBentatlvea In Congress. W. C. Hawley and V. K. Ellis. VVnler Commissioners. P. K. Oettlns and Geo. K. Cochrane. Joint Senator, C. L. Mawlcy. Joint IlcprcMeutative, Henry Nice. f'lrciilt Judires. I. H. Van W inkle and Percy K. Kelly. Acting-Governor Uowerman of east ern Oregon was named for the head Of the ticket, on firm ballot at the assembly which convened In Portland today; Uenson was named for bee retary of Slate; Ralph W. lloyt of Portland for Treasurer; L. K. Alder man of Eugene for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Win. J. Clarke of Gorvals for Stale Printer; J. N. Hart of Haker City for Attorney-General; and W. C. Hawley and W. R. Ellis are each named tfor candidates to succeed themselves in Congress. The ticket as named Is expected to give more universal satisfaction than any other that could have been named by the republicans and Is one of strength from top to bottom. The most of the ticket as selected was chosen on first ballot, the most t.renuoua fight oeeurtng In the choice of candidate for attorney-general. The most Intense rivalry was manifested in the nrellminary skirmishes preeecl ing the assembly, but all gave way for the sake of harmony to me trnnimr candidates. It took the as sembly only the time required to cast airnlnut It 1 anu peopio were pieaum w imu v . .. .. , fled if there Is no open fight against the address of Ex-Governor Folk ofI,ea u" re " nor ..f her birthday, she having reach ed her 80th milcmone on that date. Tho occasion was a pleasant sur prise to Mrs. Smlth.gotten up by her relatives and friends. Fifty-three per- . ..... , ....... ., ,1... riinlrtir tuhle sons giMnereu muuuu i" at noon, which was set on the long at Albany.marKca me mgKesi nun.u- cbhI port h of her homo anu iuh.-.i BIU 0 uf ilQ 8easou. f uny inreo uion- wlth the best the country produces. ptfOpj0 w,,ro present to listen to Mrs. Smith wag born In Missouri) .,,, k-,,ii, ,,f . . in iiilft anil "u r':;.ded on th. donation '.and Missouri, whose subject was -The ,... .here she now lives since 1819 Hra of Conscience. - She has been married three time, and The Albany Assemo.yj U he mother of el.h. . h.ldren and U one of the few like ass ations j has wenty-seve,, grand-chlblren and which has proved a success from the wen tr iine grea Urand children. t beginning. The success of the under No person in this part of the state taking was due to the splendid aur Ih better known or more universally actions which were prov ded by the beloved than Aunt Maria Smith. She u1anaeu.ent. The assembly has pro- wa Ttl ."; y p;v; -7 1110 WeM of and the good wishes of all pr - V Mir ' 'most enjoyed attractions of the chau- . o-rr. tauciua seaBon at Albany, was the E. D. RESSLER RE-ELECTED He ,8 ftu or. piplc. th but on the honeMy, charac ter and morality of Its peopio. ' A republic Is safe which Is founded on charity and equal rights. Let us bo patriots rather than par tisans and Americans above all.. It Is not enough to be against wrongdoing, we should be fighters The grafter Is well satis hi in. CITIZENS ARE MUCH PLEASED THAT SEWER SYSTEM IS NOW ASSURED ADDED IMPETUS IS GIVEN BUILDING PROJECTS. " . . atrir nf ftlmnle language but of power Information has been received prosecutions of the the re-eieciioii oi i ',,, , Matters In Probate Estain nf Arthur B. Williams et al minors Inventory and appraisement filed and aproed. Kstate of Elizabeth FishDacK, oe- coased bond filed aid approved; let ters Issued; H. Mack, A. J. Ship ley and James GoJdman appointed appraisers. t.-....,. r rmnkiin A Link, de- ceased Inventory and filed and anuroved. Estate of Fred C. Raymond, de ceasedfinal discharge entered. Estate of M. A. Syron, deceased The council met Wednesday even ing for the purpose of opening bids for the sale of six per cent bonds which had been advertised to be op ened on that date. Several bidders were in the market for the bonds, but they were promptly awarded to the Independence National Uank of this city. On completion of the business of the session they adjourned to meet Friday night with the city engineer to particulars concerning the sewering of the town. An ordinance was passed to order improvement of Fifth street from G street to the high school grounds, i Bills amounting to $136 were audit- . . : . .. . ..11.,,.-.. . ed ana oraerea pa'a, as iuuu-o. appraisement Fre(J 0berson $10.00 Frank Bush -oV Homer Mills 7 D0 Independence Enterprise .. .. 13.0(1 W. J. Ewing SO-0 The meeting was adjourned to next Wednesday night. Aav August 10. , . O Guardianship of Mary U uoueiien, et al, minors Martha Deaktns ap pointed guardian; bond of 1300 filed and approved. Estate of Henry B. Steffy, deceased fical account set for hearing Aug ust 20 at 10 a. m. Estate of Mary Emmeline Rnower, groat association anu - Bu ,f I)r(,vouslv. made him at ncss affairs. There is a tumi oi CQU more than 300.. " toatLJ Republican pa, in hlt!h. iiHS Boruritit'H, the income ,Qttn,ia r ihp of which supports the numerous in- ty anu vesications Into educational quesuou. FoUowmg are &wm of the kernei8 rorrS. as direct, of thought of the address of Ex- Gov V. f ..'T.tsrS TMss an a.e of revolution rather nis . . . K, than one of reforms. filed ing this year. me It ,8 easler to secure men for ser-," ; 0rchard de. National urauona. ,ce of country , times of war than wi fUed; Peter r:rz ?:Tnerdrrpaat u - - r the c ok ap,ointed executor: bond mA Mill H III I 1111 -v. - w . thirteen years. Observer. ig a alll8t the Will Club With Journal. . , ; ivate citl. kj V I ? lC i- Annual Camp Meeting in Session. The annual camp meeting of the Evangelical Church Is being held in ' Quinaby Park, on the line of Oregon Electric railroad, seven miles north or Salem. The meeting began yesterday and will continue until July 31. The camp grounds are In this large and beautiful park where there is the best i HoonmiHo to many calls from sul ; ifn noiiinc- than that of scrlbers In and around Independence ,JioUUng offU.e the Enterprise has arranged to club , gg con(. of the citizenship of the with the Oregon Journal during 3910. I country win be found to be honest. Following are rates: ;only wnere there is not some selfish Daily and Sunday Oregon Journal i motlve enticing them to dishonesty. ,ith Rnterorlse Negative honesty is next to pom- Dally Oregon Journal with En- Uve dishonesty. terprlse 0 I Men who sign peuuons et.. Sunday Oregon Journal with En- that their naraes will not be made terprlse 3"25 public operate in league with lavv- Seml-Weekly Oregon Journal with breakers. Failing to act least their Enterprise ' bulsness will suiter is a mam ui in a bulsness man which at once puts u.r- him in the class with the principals Fine Berr es Grown Her,e lu " r'"e in unrighteousness. The finest black berries are grown faithle88 in a portion In theWillaraette valley. Peter Kurre trusted with the whole. has some of them on his farm west provlng. of guiit Gf principals of Independence. There are no bettei eagy bu(. the convlncing grown anywhere. A twig from a vine the securlng of convic- 1 .1 In tn this office last ' . . . tn l,nnssihle. , . wtta uaiiwcu ... - tionn nv courts is uc&i w bly only the time required to caatl on u ten lions oy ballot to decide us c""-e,1- I luscloll8. berrles. in fact, there were " aQ awakening of . . . Ut- this . , two different twigs oiouB..l consclence which are signs or morai office and each had ten of those big regeneratlon black berries on it. This is intended Jg the school to show something of the prolific na- through whlch the boya are passing tore which fruit will yield here in rnrtnntB ln the nolice courts to U. ,.ollo " the heart of the country ln ner prisons. Fstate of Mary hmmeiine ttuu-". , yiu iu cu u' v i.. ma'ntained a" boarding house in con nection with the meeting and it is un derstood that rates will be very rea sonable. The church of Independence; extends a cordial invitation to mem bers of Po!k county to attend the meeting. at S3000 Matters in Probate. Estate of Andrew J. Newman, de ceasedvouchers filed and final dis charge entered. Estate of Jennie Shark, deceased final account approved and adminis trator discharged. EVtata nf Martha J. Brown, deceas edpetition to sell real estate at pub- R0AD REPAIRER ENJOINED. Physician Who Tried to Improve High way Served With Injunction. . -i lioan nppnteil ed petition to sen rcoi eii.o i widespread luieiwi u..o 11c sale granted; additional bond fixed Ju gao(l ro.m circea in the case of Dr. at $5000. Donald McCaskey of Witmer, Pa., who Estate of Elizabeth Fishback, de- has been restraiued from making fur- 0.'!irrtpnian A. Fishback ap L,caocw ' pointed administrator; bond fixed at $2200. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS lt governor, so strong was the follow Ing of Mr. Bowerman. APPLE GROWERS MEET The Willamette Valley Apple Grow ers held their meeting in Salem dur ing the cherry fair. .Among the prom inent growers present were M. O. Lownsdale, L. T. Reynolds, H. C. At well, G. P. Beebe and many others. The session was enlivened by an ad ety, Calvary Presbyterian Church Regular services at Calvary Presby terian church next- Sunday, uoui morning and evening. A cordial wel come to all. United Evangelical Church There will be no services in the Evangelical church Sunday, July 24, as the pastor will be away. Baptist Church Sunday school 10 a. m B. Y. P. U. 7-15 p m., preaching services; at 11 a.' m. and 8 p. m. Tuesday evening Bible study at the home of S. Muhle-man- Wednesday evening prayer meeting 8 p. m. Everyone is given a cordial invitation to all these ser vices. Methodist Church Regular services will be held at the next Sunday: Sun day school at 10 a. m. followed by nrpuchimr at 11: Epworth League at 1 7 p. m. and preaching at 8. rwrnntlnn generally is the outgrow County Commissioners' Court. th of the granting of special prl- Potitinn nf T B Masters and others vilegs. for e t blishmlf of a county road to The gambler Cairns that : tb ,e go, 1 r .. t,v m0H- ommont q not a free, institution be be known as tne ! -itowed to pursue his dress by Congressman W. C. Hawley, titlon read second time ana b-uu - - - who told of some of his experiences Warehou8e bond of Perrydale Mill- nefarious calling. Jh Ba wno l0lal t. ,nf,npncesl tn thn Rlim 0f $6000 rum dealer, the Sabbath lawbreaker, in counieici.uig , ing brought to bear to pass the oDnox.ous , approved. . t tn man who Lafean bill. Hon. H. C. Atwell, preal-j Appointment of T. A. Dunn as de- No law looks good to uieu ui". , ai' x nmvori wants to break it. dent of tne siaie nu.u. ---- puly cuuu t ,,.,,.,,,, gave a snon w.n. tM I RET IN LINE FOR PROMOTION. i, verv ree,7.t who enlists In the battle of publicity for Independence ou . j. uei on tue nuns ' . u vnnr fortif cation is your ue' . iu. ,iiin hoard of dl- or i hBlnine to mobilize our forces in defence oi pr J; - - oiamitv will t hv AieciiuK io ia v.,...o .o - . c.., iir. nt nnm net it ion ana mra rectors to serve three, two and one,! your ammunition is its puhl city " " m ' fortifieations. EnHst today. Get X year, respectively: M. O. wiwuu. L. T. Reynolds, W. K. Holt. apple show. Prof. C. I. Lewis a!o made an Interesting address. laK, goclety compieteu men "two and one t ammunition Is Us publicity columns. Submisslo " W Get In line? ?: ' I WI-w your generous broadsides of grape an ve'one. Dismiss your uncertainty. , Newen, j. yj- t tor promotion, xour i"""'"""" ......... . . ' ' .. t Dm. T , , . I l,'Ml..r..T. i t i tt A. E. Standisn, u. h! Mil I IttTf'rvT'' tTTTTTT ttttt ther improvements to the Witmer road, a much traveled thoroughfare of East Lampeter township. The physician, after falling to get the rond supervisors of bis local township to fix a daiifrerous and unkept half mile of vellow clay roadway, in des perotiou'and at his own expense be gan to make repairs to the road him self. The doctor built King road drags: and hired horses from fanners tbrough ha nniimiuuitv who would rent them, and. not being able to Induce anybodv to repair the road for him, the phvsiciau drove the team and rode the drag himself. Occasionally a small boy was taken along to stand on the drag for ballast. After fifteen hours of streunous la bor distributed over a period of six" to eight weeks after each rain the neg lected byroad was transformed into a substantial highway. All that was: used was the simple wooden instru ment termed the split log drag, which can be made by any farmer out of a log or a few boards. The physician's efforts worked such a transformai '-n in the minds of the Incredulous inimbitants of his com munity that the road drag met with popular favor, aud the road officials began to be critically censured for their alleged indisposition to fulfill the duties of their official office. They promptly secured an injunction restraining the physician from doing any more work of the kind, alleging that be had done this work "to the Injury of the road at times and to the inconvenience of the traveling public." The case Is still before the courts. Mrs. Dr. Staata of Airlie was ia Independence Wednesday. I f 1 baugh, Ross H. Nelson i and G- ar"( rTTTTT