PAGE tVN n neMr, rMTCfiPRHC ,HDWNniCt.0uw. . . till v 1911. . ITEMS OF INTEREST THROUGHOUT OREGON Rogue Soil Test Ordered. PORTLAND. In compliance with a ,,qua.t by RfprM-nUtWllnlr.t-ancretary of agriculture dm ordered a d,iilM toll iurvoy of the Kiu. r T.r im In Oregon to be mad Immed lately. The survey will cover WO .au.r. mllM and U to be In charge of Mr. Btrahorn, noil P"t from the bureau of nolln. It probably will be finished before the end of the summer and th. report ihould bt ready neat ' winter. The report will nhow In d Ull eUMlflcnUon of soils, what they are best adapted to and how they could b. Improved. It will also in elude chemical analysis. Harder Shot Dead, mmva in a shooting affray a herder known at Jlmn.le Leonard wna . .,n,r nick Williams, on Kllieu 7 ... . Steen's mountain, south of Diamond, 75 mile from Hurna. !,,.,.nrd had lived In this country kl.vrriil year mid wn reputed a .mr-u-lHouie, dungeroua num. who went armed nnd proclaim, d hla rending to , hi p.' After the William came to Diamond Hnd tele ..lunrd to the ehorlff. who went there , ,u auto, planed William under nr- roatiiudbiouKM him to llurna. but did not put him 1" in". ,lie farl" '"a; ,u to make It a case of Jiiatllled homicide. menta tendlnn to the annulment of any of these lawa or wnuiuui. provisions." Thoae Plee of Boyhood How di'llfloua were the plea of boy- i i .... ..I... i.. .u. ..v..r iHHtll to KOtid. Whafg changed? Th plea? No. Ha you. Vou'vo lost the atrotm. healthy . i. . .... vidimus ltvtr. the a"t- null, u, . r. ... Iv kldneya, the regular bowele or boyhood. Your dlKeatloa U poor and you blame the food. Whati need ed? A complote toulug up 07 rw ..1.. t.i. ...... ll nruanl of digestion -HlomacM, Liver. KHneya. llowels- Try them. They'll restore your hood appetite and apprmmi..... . f.irir aaturate your body IIHJU - with new health, strength ana 50e at all druggists. n . ... ninnH Remitters. ALUANV. With an Immense black bear running ao close to mm tnm . threw blood all over hlin from a wound he had Inflicted, a young man nameJ Moore, redding near Yamuna. u-- ...ritlnr Miierlence. A pecu liar feature of the Incident la that the I ftflll if It t.adlv woundl, goi owny " 'i from the hunter nnd liu not killed. DRKS UP rfjrtrsi - iSi -sis - ' any objed to you at all. , .... MAN0 REGULAR VALUE, 122.50, NOW REGULAR VALUE, Jw, r.w" REGULAR VALUE, azno, " e e e . e eeee tat .... .... H2 .... H6.95 Railroad Held Untafe. SMl'M " a letter forwarded to At'tornVy -General Crawford, the ntate railroad commUslon l n eatabllahnd a DM.on Oak Polaonlng llullurd'a Hnow Liniment cure It .1 i -riu.iliig Turner. Ore. .... .if., haa discovered tliat ri-i , , ,.,,1, n,,in.nt cures "I'oiaon Oak ....,....! . vi-rv painful trouble , i nri1 a cano of It on riiiu mil . , . ,, h.rH.lf. but on two of her frUnda who were poisoned by thla aame Ivy. ,,.. r.oc and $1.00. Sold by Wllllama Drug Co. ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH EVERY SUIT AT SALE PRICES gala ever offered you In Salem. investigating thla You ahould do Justice to yourself and family by extraordinary offer while It laau. CHARMING MILLINERY effect great aavlnga for you. SEE OUR LINES BEFORE YOU BUY Will Die on Gallowa. KLAMATH FAlXS.-IUe Hurrroll ...... ....... ,...,t to l.n haneod at Salem new and rather startling precedent ny j - tho mlir(ler uf W.. herder In the employ of Walter and Frank Newell, two brothers, who were laklng a bond of sheep to the Lake ... .hn.Hnir nena at I'tush. In an altercation Ilnrroll shot and killed the two brothers. uru'-i mi , .. ... r,.rv,.liu A AUca River Rail road company between Corvallla and Monroe. In ISenton county. That the line la unsafe for use and has entirely Ignored Its duties aa a common car rler are some of the allegations made . . . 1. .. ..nrn.v.iont'ral. In the letter 10 ui " ' " . The action of the commission . result of a complaint filed by A. Wll helm & Sons, of Monroe. Ore., and ces sation of tramc In demanded uni I audi time as the road Is rehabilitated. Bov Kills Farmer. ' ORKCON CITY.-Carrjrlng out his threat made a year or so ngo that he would get him," Curtis Helvey. 20 old, hot and killed George Smith, a farmer, at Cnrus, alx miles east of here. i immoiilntelv went to nis LIBERTY STREET HALLBERG'S .. . .Kir. CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WE 8ALEM, OREGON Exclusive ladies' and ch.ldren'S ready-to-wear goods r.iri l Cremated Alive. tn.'ppvr.R Miss Ktntun Zlncfc a .,1 a iiiriiti'd match and th flames fliilckly spread to her c'othe enveloping her In a sheet 01 n.oi.-. oi, nwiifd screamliiK into the yard. where nil of her clothing burned off her before being extinguished by the neighbors. Miss Zinck died a few hours later. EVERYBODY REGISTER ... hf vnu have to regis home nnd telephoned to his father In (of overy lectlon. You town and told him to tell the sheriff J' ' coming primaries . 1,1m aa hp had V"" . .. mu- loa.lPS to come out ana hitch., ...... -- .w smith. Helvey now cell In the county Jail here. .u. i--at under the direction Al 1110 iuh-.w..-, l0 lttRB a ....v. j, of Coroner Holman, the jury recom- off. reglBtor now. Lay down mended that young Velvey be held for your paper and g0 and do It this min ute. unless you are registered. The issues before the people are of such import .u. v0rv man should register to take a hand In the contests. Don t Monmouth Odd Fellowt Install. the officers of the Odd Fellow Lodge who were In stalled In office at their meeting last Monday night: Ti O., E. Rodgers; V. G.. Pan' Taciieron; recording secretary, Allen Clark; financial secreiary, v,. 1.-- bree: treasurer, J. L. Muruoca, den S U. Gwlnn; conuuciu., v. man; R. S. N. G., P. B. Chase; L S. N G Harrison Brant; R. S. V. u., W R Graham; L. S. V. G.. Allen Johnson; R. S. 8.. Ed Cornelius; L. S R II Lucas; chaplain, H. E. Guthrie; I. G., H. Cartmell; O. C E. R. Ostrom. Upper. Willamette Gets Appropriation Large appropriations for Oregon waterway improvements are available by the passage of the Rivers and Harbors bill by the recent u..s. More than H.ouu.uuu w.u -i-"-ln perfecting the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river and additional funds are provided tor a.u6...6 lower Willamette and Columbia riv- ers The Improvement 01 mo Willamette and Columbia is provided for, as is the Celllo canal, which gets $600,000. The Oregon Fire Relief Association. McMlnnville, Oregon. Chas. Gregory. Agent. Dallas. Oregon. 3U Dr. Duganne. Oentlst. over Inde pendence National Bank. Bell phone 121; Independent. 4410. tf OFFICERS H. HIRSCHBERG, PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER the crime. Gervala Man la Candidate. GERVA13.-W. J. Clarke, of thla place, newspaperman ana po0w..a . nae announced his candidacy for state printer, and will seek the nomination before the state republican assembly. m his announcement he will make the issue In the coming campaign upon a platform advocating a "flat salary for state printer, as was decreed by the voters of the state in 1906 under an initiative petition, by the overwhelm ing vote of 63,479 votes for, and 9571 votes against." Myera In Field. PORTLAND. Jefferson Myers, of Portland, wishes to become governor a -aHn ticket. He has filed on me uui""""" 1 his declaration of intention with the - jnnrln? himself ! Lynchera Plead Guilty. PRAIRIE CITY.-Bert Green and Earl and Emmett Shields, held for the murder by lynching of OUie Snyder. v.... .t.rut nleas or gunvy der in the second degree before Judge Davia. They will receive sentences of life Imprisonment. Union Will Market Apples. TOLEDO. The board of directors t wnin County Fruit Growers U. LUO ' " - at in Toledo and made ar rangements for the handling of the apple crop this rail. THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED 1889. Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS H. HIRSCHBERG, A. NELSON, D. W. SEARS, B. OTIS LI. OU I 1-s.r. F. SMITH AND Gold Find Arouses Town ratarrh In this see- . AA.intrT than all other ais- llOn Ol LUC vwui'-' J " eases put together, and until the last . ..o. wo a minnosed to be Incur- lew - - - . . v-. ...a, itihiiv v ca. a " ame' " JZT a local disease tors pruuuuuou w ' . . . Amailtoa nnd nv and prescrinea .oc constantly tailing lu ,"rQMo treatment, pronouncea 11 .vu.--.-Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional ... .fnst 11101 hT Hall's Catarrh uure. m - - - f f '- " 1 rii-"iii. uiiiu. - F. J. uneney . . the only constitutional cure on the . . t intpmallv In dos- marKet. 11 i es from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It :8cts directly on the blood and mucous . t,c ovstpm. They oner suriaces ui ,t one hundred dollars for any caw , It f.H- to cure. Send for circulars and -fuir fiwewriter 'tumna&ium 'faedtf. allK'sv - Ammunition and fishing tackle. 91 RiiiiA- meucie jigDumnu. Man , r a Wb declaration of Intention with tn . e u 30" mlle9 south secretary of state, declaring - iZXX Point. There is a rus. tmc Address F. J. cneney UUIU r i' tt!BLliii-'iv.u. ., i . 1 .1 rv Wi It 1. reported at Mar.UneU . S UO.. ,., i- til lil'J n hfi In favor of "a system of just taxation, the initiative and referendum,-the direct primary law, state ment No. 1, the recall and corrupt act." He dec'ares further, he will vigorously oppose all move LUtJ mvuL . Pnlnt. There Is a rusn of people from Myrtle Point to the supposed rich district. For many years mining has been carried on in that part of the state, i 11 but never has paid weu igffgfirj$ESTEAD at the Whitehouse Restaurant, 362 State street, Salem, Oregon, is al IZ a meal never to be forgoUen for Its genuine goodness will always eave a most pleasant remembrance Good service, good food and pleasant Groundings do much to make life en joyable, and these we guarantee. WM. MCGILCHRIST A SONS, Prop.. SALEM, OREGON f W COPVRK-.MT. A.P. fX9 j n-9 Tt'n a. weekly pa Do you reu- ,, wli per, adapted especially for the Pac to, Coast farmer. BuDBcnpuuu - a year Wait. You cau " a. 'T. nterorlse for one tne - year. 104 coPles-52 of Padflc H me stead and 52 of inaey-uu - prise ior me . . t. special arrangement we are ah e o offer our readers uns subscriptions -K Jl 50 for both, fay e' 1-b" .,. o,ivrtla.ment to secure mention vu.o . wn naners. This offer is only; to new subscribers of the Enterprise, INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE The Willamette Valley Company Li2ht, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates WATER RATE.(Water by meter applies to reai dSToS? BesideL rate on meter jjjlu- to -tomers only who pay ?2.00 and over at the rate d per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER RATE" Residence, 15 cents per K. W. Lsines.noses,25cenUperdropand5ciUperK. W. Power, rate on applicaon. j rower, raw w 'ir"- j OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41