CJoMT PAGE! INDEPENDENCE ENTEPPRI8E, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, JULY 1S. WO. PACE FIVE 1 2 3 V 3 6 V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INDEPENDENCE NEWS Dr. Allln. Dentist, Cooper Bldg. tf r?S A pair reading glasse II.Oo at Kmmor'i. it H. K. Owen Is home ou a short vis It rim 81. Helens. Charlie Ichman of Suver wa an Independence visitor Thursday. Mm. ('. W. Itutlcr was c-ln-rry fair visitor Inst week. Iluii. C. L. Ilawley of Bethel wb In Independence Saturday. X lr. l.owe, tl optician, "i In Independence. July 2U. Mr. and Mr. P. II. Drcxler attend ed the ( lu rry fair hint wwk. MIhh Anna Addison wn a visitor la Salem (iur iik the cherry fair. MIh Irene William left I"14' w,,( k fur Chicago io visit her slater. Jllkl' Koldeiopp of ImlliiH visited friends In Independence Sunday. Mm. Sarah Allln of "visited her mm. Ur. Aliln, Wednesday. La Wine Ket.hum attended the lu rry fair on.- day lust week. j. s. liolinnnon ami family vUll.-d lti. lu rry fair Saturday evening. C ASTOR I A Tor Isfantt find Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bough! Bears tho S' 1 PERRY BURTON ARANT of the Faculty of PACIFIC CONSERVATORY PIANO INSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Coopi'r building, room 2 ad 3. Offli e hoars, 0 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to ti v. m. Call answered nlgliS ud day. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en suite or slu ' gle. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 24 N. Commercial it, Salam, Or. LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diseases of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 B. F. 8W0PE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all courts of the fitate. Probate matters and collec tions given prompt attention. Office, Cooper Bldg. Independence reSon W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. DENTIST Both phones. Cooper Bldg. Independence, Oregon. DR. D. D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Monmouth, Oregon-Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Hours, 12 m. to 6 p. m. Office opposite Lindsay's Btore. Orchard Spraying EVERYTHING YOU NEED ROCHE HARBOR LIME, JAPANESE GROUND SUL PHUR IN LINEN SACKS, NO LINT. LIME AND SUL PHUR SOLUTION, READY FOR USE, GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH. BLUE STONE, ACID HYDROM ETERS FOR' TESTING SPRAYING SOLUTIONS. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES Williams Drug Company Ml Dor Murdork of Mnumeuth was an liidi-md'iu visitor last Frl Uay. Marlon luiltr and Klwood llartnmn at tended tin cherry f'r lt Satur day. Hubert and F.rvlw Sluiin of Blue Itlver are vl-IUng Dr. Allln In till city. Nevllh. KldrlU-e Iff I Tussday for California on a two weeks' busliien Irlp. MUh Florence (Jilo and Leona Sperling were Si'lein visitors last week, Mr. Hohert MrNlder of Salem I ImUIiik her niece, Mrs. C. W. Hut li r. this week. MU Frances Patterson lias ro luriied to rortland aTier a visit with her grandparent here. Mr. and Mr. Marlie Morwhi are spending a fortnight at Newport. They left Independence Monday. Mr. Kdltli Imvldsoii of Portland I visiting at tho homo of her parents. Mr. and Mm. 8. K. Owen In this city. MiHses Cerllo and Geneva WllcoX and MIhh Mabel I'orierfield attended the rherry fair in Salem one day lawt week. Ariliur P. Allen, a newspaper man of Taconia, Washington, was here this week, the guest of the editor of the Enterprise. For Sale (iood team liarneHS and wngoii, oiio fino brood mare with colt. V. W. Fuwk farm one half mile liortlieat of Crowley. 7-9 Come ou Saturday afternoon and evening to the linraca Thllathou Ire i ream and rake, lemonade and randy at l he Campbell building. Win. M. Kinney, wife and children are be e visiting ut the home of Mr. aid Mrs. IMI. Drexler. They are hero from Nebraska und are relatives of the Dr.-xlers. Mr. and Mm. (1. A. Wilcox returned Tu-s.lay from their vacation spent with relatives and friends In Wash Ington ocunty. They report having hid a delightful time. Lost on the road between Indepen dence and Hueiia Vista, June 27, 1910, one coil of wire rope . containing 1G." feet. Finder will please notify Han na Uros. of Independence or Ceo. Wells at Buena Vista and receive re ward. Miss Luelle Dunn, who has been a guest of the Loremo girls for the last two weeks, attended the cherry fair In Salem last week and will vis It In Albany before returning to her home In Eugene. The O. A. C. catalogues for 1910 1911 are Just received from the press and are now ready for distribution. Hundreds of requests are coming In weekly and the supply will no doubt soon be exhausted. Miss Brittle MeDevitt of San Fran cisco is visiting her sisters.Mrs. Geo. Conkey and the Misses Emroy and Opal MeDevitt in this city. Miss Me Devitt is matron of the German hos pital In San Francisco. Died: In Independence, on July 11, the infant daughter of Mrs. G. S. Buf funi, aged six months. Burial services were held In the Odd Fellows' ceme tery on July 12, Dr. II. Chas. Duns more of Calvary church officiating. Edward Van Meer of Seattle, who has been visiting for several weeks at the home of R. E. Ferguson, left this week on his way to Eastern Ore gon. Mr. Van Meer expects to take up a homestead in Crook county. For sale Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine the kind that never wears out. You can always get extras for a Fairbanks-Morse. This one Is guar anteed and is for sale at the Enter prise office, the same one that has been advertised . Price $75. Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood have sold their home here In Independence to Alfred Jones, who will take posse ssion at once. Mr. and Mrs. Under wood expect to go back East this fall possibly to remain. It is hoped by their friends that they will decide to return here. It. E. Ferguson received a letter from his brother, E'.ias, who recently removed from Independence to Cana da. The letter gives Intelligence of Lloyd Ferguson's close call to death recently when he was thrown from a horse and sustained several severe Injuries about the face. His lower jaw was broken In two or three plac es, but he will soon recover with out any permanent Injuries. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Honn and their daughter, Miss Pearl Honn, of Port erville, California, are guests at the Baldwin home in this city. They are old-time friends of the Baldwins, the families having been acquainted in the east. Mr. and, Mrs. Honn and their daughter are well pleased with pur country and climate, and as they contemplate making a change in lo cation, they may decide to remove here. Mr and Mm. J.W. Dawe. who havt been vUltliiK at thu home of their son Win. !awe, of till ity. departed Monday on their return lo their home at lloxemun, Montana. During their visit of several week liert they hVD made iimiiy friend In Independence who will regret their departure. For Sale On the Wheeler farm. U mile south of Monmouth, Oregon, one pn of black three year-old I'er- i heron geldings, weight about 2C00 pound i, sound and gentle, price $4'0; one four-year-old Helgaln mare, Height ltiuO pound, sound, gentle and all right, prlco :ioo; two fretih inlkh cow. For price tall at tho farm. L. II. Fischer. 6 ' Mis Opal Hall of New York City Is v:!tlng her larent at Monmouth and her sister, Mr. Claude Skinner of Independence. Mis Hall I su perintendent of city drawing teachers of the public schools of New York City whither slui will return to lake up her work asaln this fall. Her many friends in this vicinity are Just ly proud of her suet ess In our great me'ropo'is. F.J. Hartley, a real estate dealer of Los Angeles, wan in Independence Friday and Saturday, visiting at the homo of relative, Mr. and Mrs. John Winters and family who reside near town. Mr. Hartley drove over the val ley about Independence and Monmout mouth Friday and was agreeably sur prised to find such a country as we have. Ho frankly acknowledged that It looks as good to him as any place he has ever visited. The Will amette valley was certainly a revel ation' to him. Mrs. Elizabeth Flshback, who has lived ou Monmouth Heights for the past twenty-five years and whose hus band. John L. Flshback, died last winter, died at her home on the Cth of July. Her death was superinduced by an Injury received In a runaway accident which occurred while she was returning from the pioneer pic nic at Dallas. She had not enjoyed good health for some time previous and the shock proved too much. She was a good Christian woman and will be greatly missed. Spend the Summer at NEWPORT YAOUINA BAY The only beach In the pacific Northwest where the pretty Water Agates, Mos Agates, Moonstones, Canadians, and Hock Oysters can be found. Outdoor Sports, all Kinds Including Hunting. Fishing, digging Rock Oysters. Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Cano ing and Dancing. Pure mountain wa ter and the best of food at low prices. Fresh Crabs. Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables .If all kind daily. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary regulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. Three-day Saturday to Monday rate from S. P. points, Portland to Cottage Grove Inclusive, Including branch lines; also from all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sunday or Monday.' A Sunday Excursion Rate off 1.50 from Albany. Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west. In effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautifully Illustrated booklet, "Outings in Ore gon," or write to Wm. McMurray, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON tf This is the time we all seek the sea beach or mountains. You will add a great deal of pleasure to your outing if you let us fit you out. We are prepared to show you an extensive line in Sum mer lawns, kahki, galatea in solid colors and stripes, linen dusters, outing hats, Nash underskirts, gloves, in fact every thing to make your vacation a pleasure. Men's soft negligee shirts, summer underwear, hats, dusters, tennis shoes, suit cases, traveling bags, all at your dis posal for your trip. Yours for Money Saving !oakey, Walker ikmi INDEPENDENCE, ORE.