INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPINOiNcr, QH6GON. JULY . "' UGHT PA0E9 PACE FOUR I N I) E PKNDKNCK liNTK It V U 1 8 K CHARLES COWARD HICKS red at Independence, Oro., pout office a second clas matter, Subtcrlptlon, $1.50 Par Ytar Th HE'S A RANTER olio ut'wai'aiur In jlticu a semi -populist, afterward Oregon democrat, now a republican agalu and ublch will contribute uio!l largely to i prominent cntnlldie (or congress defeat iht republican nrty In the ba returned from a trip to Iowa with 4-ouilng political contest In Ihla m; I alt Ills versatility U t!.e Capital Journal, edited by Mr. llofer. who U offering tiia namt for nomination for governor lo the inal outetu of the l'riy. Fortunately. there are two redeeming features to (h situation: one being the con tlpated circulation of hla apT ami the otherMhe positive assurance ol the party this fall. Col. llofer to the contrary, not w ithstanding. He I I'olng everything In Ills power to llamas the partyeverything except adding render to hi ppaer. It goes without ftayini; that he la not adding man) reader through the Influenee of his ranting which are becoming almost a nightly nightmare u him. With an -iio.j j. tj putt Jj'n 'jiv; ojns kb .joi i .'ia-oui'M) l 'iniJl as anything. If there Is a yellow streak In a newspaper If bound to show up sooner or later. Till urn lu I'.hCi. More recent cop I of the Enterprise, perhaps, would afford a more extended biography of the colonel' later conquest In poll- lie and purl lea. Post Card Shower. Thursday evening, being the regit- lar meeting of the chapter of the Eastern Star, and also the anniver sary of the birthday of the worthy matron, Mr. I.ulu lllff, the mem her of the order present planned a complete surprise on her. A "Tost Card Shower" was the urprse, !r. DuiiBtnore acting as posai ir ter, Mrs. Illff responded l a few happy ami well chosen remarks About fifty post card were present- Press Opinions of Assembly. The lieu rt t the t;me comes for holding the primary nomination the more the people of tile state ravor V. Huntley. A banquet was spread at the con itusiou of the Joint Installation lu honor of the occasion, thu menu toil Misting of ho cream and take and orange. NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT lit the County Court of the State of Oregon for IVIk County, la the matter of the estate of James T. McClaln, deceased. Notic of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that Mar garet K. McClaln as administratrix of the estate of Jame T. McClaln, de ceased, ha rendered and preaented for settlement, and filed In said Court her final account of her administra tion of said estate; and that Monday, the 1st day of August. 1910, at the hour of 10 a. in. thereof at the Coun ty Court room at the County Court house at Italia. In said County and Slate, lias been duly appointed by said court for the sett lenient of said final account, at w hlch time and place any and all object ion w hich may be made to said final account will be heard by said court. MARGARET K. MeCLAlX, Administratrix of the estate of James T. McClaln, deceased. 4 8 NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS Farm crs and Hop Growers For your insurance why "not patronize Chas. E. Hicks (Mil Line ami Mutual Companies 'providing for a 'Sewer fund' for the payment of the principal and Interest sad bond und the redemption Noihe I here! y given that nt a Attention of property owners w as nuir ,), weenie of die state favor regular meeting or the i n I ouncii or or. recently called to growth of thistles the .dans f ,r an assembly to discus 1 "-' y "f muepenueice, i'oig i oun- tncreor; declaring an immediate etner- aud weeds along the stre.-is whii 1: aud recommend candidate for state!1. Oregon, to be held at the Council gency to exist and excepting this or adjoin their property. Notice was offices. The republican press of the Chaml er of said City on the 2th , dinance from the effect of the refer-. Kiven bv the citv administration ., fl, r ...,it..,t in favoring It. Thev llu' of J"''. ;'". at '"' I'"'"" of 8 eiiduni", passed by the Cily Council .i,.,, r..u-.i. ,.-,.. ir. i... cut inun'.i- . .... ........... . ..-i,.. o'clock l). 111. thereof, the said City of of said Cltv on the L'oth day of June. ; of who ...... "v ...v mis llt-lll MII.-IJ II 111... n-l n iim- - - but no attention was paid to this or-1 clpIt. aml ,tM.ause they think the state! '""epenaence win sen i.s negotiable j a. p. kmu; npproveu i.y tuo .Mayor cler. with few ex:-epi"o:is. This work.js t,st s,.rved ly It Lebanon Crl- 0"ln bonus or said t ity.or the pnn-. ot said City on the Stun nay or .lime, should be atte.ultd to at o:re, ! -rt" ' ,n clpal amount of JIT.noii.oo. In the ag-;A. I). HMO, and ald ordinance took the weed and t'l'st'M ripen and t:ulr. ; gr -gate. as nntliorizeii by ordinance rrect and came Into full force and No. 116, of said City, entitled A Hill , effect from and after It approval by f .r an ordlniince No. 11. An onlln- said Mayor. Said bond are In do- 'a ice authorizing: tho Issuance and' nominations of Ji.M'.OO each, payalde 'sale of bonds of the City of Indepen-j L'o year from the lt day of August, idence, Oregon, for the purpose of . 1910, (with the' privilege, optional se 'il is siattered over tov.u. After a delay of ten ilys or so In the construction work on (he new En terprise building work was again re sumed Wednesday, under direction of Carpenter Forest Finch. It is ex pected that the Enterprise office will be domiciled In Its new quarters within six weeks. The building prom ises to he one of the most modern publishing houses in the state when finished. Hold Joint Installation The Rebekali and Odd Fellow met In joint Installation In their beautiful lode home lust Thursday night. It had beea whispered that Valley Eodg dependence, Polk County, would display their beautiful robes raising fund for the construction of in ti:im work for i hp nf the system of sewers In said City of In Rebekahs and many were In at tendance out of curiosity. Those Re-J bekahs who were fortunate enough! to be present enjoyed a treat muchj with said City, of paying said bonds or uny thereof at any time after the Oregon,' first day of August, 1!15.) and bear Interest at the into of 6 per cent per annum, pajablo semi -annually from August 1, 11(10, until paid; principal and Interest payable at the First National Hank of Portland. Oregon, In gold coin, without costs, charge or expense to the purchaser or holder said bonds. Said bonds will be Mold to the hkhest bidder or bidder therefor, but will not be sold for less than their face alue. The said City Council reserves tho right to accept bid for any part Jf said Issue of bonds hereby advertised to be sold. If bills for a part only of such bonds bo received, -and also reserve the right to reject any and all bid. Hy order of the City Council. v s. Kt unrc. 4.7 Recorder of said City. beyond their expectations. Fellows cf Independence V. B. Ewing brought to this office this week a head of lettuce grown on his little farm, that measured five feet around. Not alone Is it a curios ity but is a living example of the productivity of the productivness of the soil of this section of Polk Coun ty. Its equal Is not found in the west. MEMBER OF ALL PARTIES An item &t news In a copy of the Independence Enterprise of April 23, 1905, reads as follows: Col. E. Ho-1 fer, editor of the Capital Journal, president of the Willamette Valley Development League, president of the greater Salem Commercial Club, wearer of a gold medal won In the contest for writing the best descrip tive article of Oregon, ex-member of the legislature, formerly a republican, The Odd doubtless have the most gorgeous robes of any , lodge in the state. The following officers were Install ed by the Rebekahs: N. C, Mrs. Ethel Skinner; V. C, Mrs. Nellie Hooper; secretary, Mrs. Ilattie Henk le; treasurer, Catherine Jones; con ductor, Irma Brown; warden, Nellie Graves; chaplain, Mrs. Bertie Rider; I. G., Mrs. Ella Hodge; O. G., Mar- garet Hodge; R. S. N. G., Mrs. Rutn Conkey; L. S. N. G., Mrs. Florence Allin; R. S. V. G., Mrs. Nora Mat tlson; L. S. V. G., Lueila Williams. Officers installed by the Odd Fel lows were: N. G., S. H. McElmurry; V. G., W. E. Craven; secretary, Floyd Williams; treasurer, C. W. Irvine;con ductor, Chas. E. Hicks; warden, J. McLeod; chaplain, Fred Hooper; R. S. S.( W. M. Huff; L. S. S., Wm. Walker; R. S. N. G., Edward Rex; Inner guard, L. Damon; outer guard Do You Wear GLOVES If so we want your Glove business. We have the finest kind of an assort ment of work Gloves a Glove for ev ery kind of work. A good 50c Glove for rough heavy work; a 73c Glove with gauntlet for heavy work; a nice $1.00 Glove will make a dandy for light work; a fine Driving Glove for 1.25 and 1.50; heavy gauntlet, well made, for heavy work, $1.50; an ex tra fine gauntlet for driving, ?1.75; fine auto Gloves, $2.00; also fine dress Gloves; and we have a leather Glove for handling wood, for 23c. We have Gloves for all kinds of work. Let us sell you your next pair of Gloves. YOURS TRULY, S O. A. KRAMER & Grand Closing Out SALE Not for "ten days" nor for "two weeks" but until closed out. Wonderful bargains are to be had at our store as the shoes are of the highest quality and the prices are the lowest. We have a lot of ladies' Ox fords and Pumps that are good goods, good styles, but odd sizes and must go at One-Half Regular Price - - -' - j Our store has been and is yet the center of attrac tion when it comes to bargains and good styles. We are leaders in fine footervw "Great bargains for every one. 5) Look for the Big Red Sign The KNORR SkOE CO. 444 State Street VSX-LEM, OREGON