PACE KICK" ........ ..,nrBtunurr riRlCON. ItJrJF 17. 1910. EIGHT PACKS INPEPEWPtwve tnunrnmtinmrt..t......-i . . POLK COUNTY DAUGHTER DIES Mrs. C. K. Ferguson o( Seattle, daughter of Mr. "d Mrs. Luther 5rouua of Monmouth. died last Krlduf of tuberculosis Bl Oak (Srov Saultur luiu. aged about tblrty-Rix years. At Mrs. KergtiHon'a bedside when the end came were her father and mother and Mrs. David Koulkes of Portland, a staler. Her other slaters Mr. Thomas K. Zlebcr of Taionm; Mr. J. K. JohiiHoti of Independence, Oregon, and Mr. M. A. Ford of Port land alao had been with the utrUk en woman for several days prior to her death. As Miss Wanche Ground, Mrs. Fer guson was known to a host of friends In Polk county, where she resided pri or to her marriage. She was burled Saturday at River view, following funeral services which were conducted by Dr. Hlnson of the First Baptist church, at Flnley'g chap el, at 10:30 a. m. The bereaved hus band arrived In Portland only on Frl- jday, having been on thu road In east ern Washington at th time or Mrs. Fortsuxon'i death. Oregoulan. Will Bno Retire? PORTI.AN'D That Kiatik W. H-1"-son, Secretary of State and Ae lnn Governor, has decided to retire wholly from politic at the close of hi pre cut term of oitlce ami that h! brother, Judge Henry L. Henxon, will neck the Republican nomination for Governor Is a definite report In circulation here. Oovernor Pennon, now In California seeking; treatment for a physic! af fliction that some tints ago caused him to abandon all Inclination to seek elec tion regularly as Governor of Oregon, duules the report. THE FRANK MILLER AMUSEMENT CO. Big Carnival Attraction June 22 to 23 Inclusive In conjunc tlon with the Independence Driving Club races. . Four Days of Fun and Amusement Four Big Acts FREE Four Shows Balloon ascension and parachute leap at 9:30 a. m. daily. Slide for life. Maximo, the wonderful educated Can ie, dives from a ladder 70 feet high. The Peerless Lashell in an aerial and acrobatic feat in mid-air daily, and a steam merry-go-round, with the latest amusement device, the Lovers' Tubs. Show No. 1 The Watermelon Trust. Ten people. Do not miss this one. Show No. 2 Miller's Elecric Thea tre. Show No. 3 The Mystery of Dam ascus. The most mystifying feats of Black Art and sleight of hand ever gathered together at one time. Show No. 4 Mile. Veno, the ani mal queen. Handles wild animals an reptiles without fear. WIeWTIME of the yfiAfto have your teeth out and piste and bridge work dpne. For-out-of-tpwn patron we 1 bridge work in one & 1 day if neoewary. H Pbioesi Av. AA Molar Crown )3.UU 22k BridgeTth3.50 Gold Fillings 1.00 Enamel Filling 1.00 Silver Filling! .50 Good Rubirtr AA Flitw 5.00 Best I.ubbtr - , Plate 7.51? . M.W.A.WIM, tumm -m. ";U n tim imunini m nmm "7MOD" . Rainier. Kxtraclinn Free whan plate, or bnd wor ordered. t'onanltation Free. Y eannot set better Mfnleaa work aovwhere, no matter how much jon pay. A11 worki uUy cunrauteed tor fifteen yeara. Wise Dental Co. INCOHPOWATBD Painless Dentists falllnf Bulldlnf. Third 1 Whlnfton, PpRTUHO.ORfGOM e'tci Hour.: H.H.UII.M. luwUThlMl A Boost to Good Roada Douglas county la taking active ' steps in securing good roads. A county association has been formed at Koseburg to boost tho movement In that section of the state and Uie result of this action will bo valuable, j The organization was perfected through the efforts of tho state asso ciation and M. O. Eldrldge, the gov ernment road expert. Meetings are now held throughout Oregon in tho Interest of better highways and uitnh progress U being made. Hops Blooming Early. SALCM For the first time in the 1 history of tho hop industry In the j Willamette Valley the male hop vinos nre In b!oom". This is nearly a month earlier than usual. Growers are await ing developments with considerable Interest. Thpre Is speculation as to the probable result of the early bloom ing. It is recalled by some growers that several years ago hops blossomed earlier than usual and that there was a very heavy growth of vines, but very few hop. Many Helps for the Busy Housewife The needs of the busy housewife at house cleaning time are surely met in every way this spring by our hust ling merchant, P. M. Kirkland. His windows have been showing almost undreamed of ways for making the housework easier. This week they suggest a few of many uses In the home for enamels. The display has attracted unusual attention as the sample displayed Is handsomely fin ished and a fine example of what it is possible to do with the goods they offer. Blow Given Prohibition. SALEM H. H. Corey, chief clerk of the Secretary of State's office, says nearly all the petitions for submission to the voters of the State-wide prohi bition question do not comply with the law and cannot be filed and the question submitted until the defects shall have been remedied. The lists of names are not sworn to and are not copied on the back of the sheets, as required. Also many have been sent in by mail by unknown persons, and not consecutively numbered, as the law requires. The picnic of Calvary Presbyterian Sundav school which was postponed from last Saturday will be held in the grove across the river tomorrow (Sat urday) . The people are expected to gather between ten and eleven, and go across on the ferry. A cordial in vitation is extended to all friends of Calvary school to attend the festivi ties. "Burns" to Be Reforested. GRESHAM Seven young men left here for a month of seed planting for the Government In the Cascade forest reserve. The tract to be reforested is an old "burn" which forest fires denuded of all live timber many years ago. The seeds to be planted are Douglas fir and the work will con tinue all of the present month. The area to be planted covers about forty square miles. The seeds are planted at irregular intervals, the method be ing to sing a mattock into the ground and drop a seed, which is covered and left to sprout and grow. Railroads Invest $30,000,000 By the cn-d of the present year, it is promised that the most remote districts of Oregon will be served by railroad transportation. Central Or peon will have two main lines, the Oregon Trunk and the Deschutes railroad, and the building of these roads is of course the prime achieve ment of the year in transportation. In additton.the Harriman line to Til lamook will be completed and much progress will have been made by the end of the year on the Natron-Klam-ath road. This year the cost of con tracts for new railway lines and bet- Ball! .1 htgW aiaUrlal t f 1 f kT M llltleiMMHioill IKHIM 1 I a 1 kit if "ltu1 f I I r.irri.l old Uihl.ini t- XLlrf V" t1(atiirMan.ltttit.1 li4p4- 4 11 Vwr I'Mll pgi i l Oufllitv Not SaerLlcea 1 Trnai mat bud of outline qnallty to 1 l ba tnr own nn-dby tint old boua. 1 You can reljr ltailute!.v on aJiy Ailnaiire in 1 plemeut. H la tha pnda ot tha manutacturar 1 wbea It Irarra Ilia !. I.v; It will aiwava b yuur biiqv won yoa m own It, w bleb will be f A m loug time, fta Ail- liATJce ImnleaieuU V mn built to XUa t yr Tol BUdtvEYE I -A-Trt fTTTAlTT7lT7?n DBMS Sold (or 48 yetri In the Pdflc Northwest by on agency .T . naa . . , ..: If. I w 1 H w - . , 7 tfcw,. jj It Standi Hard Rouh Use under Pacific Northwest Condition! SIMPLEST HIGHEST-GEARED LIGHTEST IN DRAFT ch'an where no othcra pxclusive patented ad- vantage poBseased by no other. You cannot afford to buy s mower until you nave investigated the Auriance, s On Exhibit and Sals at over 200 AgencJea In the Pacific Northwest Write for catalog, Illustrating and iplaliilnjj the nnmrrons linporUu dvatitflgna. Yon can hav eomplot eoiifldeno in varytblng tha oatalog aaya. V plmlga our (rood nama behind avary reprmentation. Ilia soou iiuma of R. M. Wad tt Co, mean a good deal to old-tima rtMidauU o? tha Orfgon oountry. ADRIANCE MOWERS RAKES BINDERS REAPERS toMrti'i lieci ar HTI tuatll E3. i.l UADE & 00, Old-KatablUhwl V-ClaU torments in this state will aggregate about $:!0,000.0i. Many other Impor tant new projects will undoubtedly be mapped out and started before 1911. WEAK, WEARY WOMEN Learn the Cau.e of Dally Woee and End Them. When the back aches and throbs. When houst-work is torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary disorders set in Women's lot Is a weary one. There la a way to stniH iiio-j woes. Doan's Kidney Fills cure such Ills. Have cured women here In Inde pendence. This Is one Independence woman testimony. j Kidney I'llls highly." Mrs. A. J. Cooper, Log CiibUt Si., j.'or Hale by all dealer. Prlco o Independence, Ore., says: I used cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., lluffnlo Doan's Kidney I'llls for bin ka he and New York, solo agent, for the I'nltedt other symptoms of kidney trouble and States. I am glad to say that they gave uie Remember the nam. Doan's an great relief. I can recommend Doan's take no other. i COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercialand College Organizations Salem I 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Main Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel Studebaker w agons AND CARRIAGES We have the celebrated line of Studebaker wag ons and carriages again this season. These rigs are especially adapted to the trade of the Pacific coast and give more universal satisfaction than any make of vehicle. They are stronger in every particu lar than any other ordina ry vehicle. It is the peer of all farm wag ons first in the hearts of the farmers. Modest in price, strongly recommended. HAMA BROTHERS HARDWARE DEALERS INDEPENDENCE, OREGON